Only one radiator fan coming on

misslynn1misslynn1 Member Posts: 1
edited August 2018 in Dodge
Hello. The fan assembly has 2 fans in it, but the one on the driver's side isn't coming on and the van is overheating when not moving. Does it sound like probably the motor in that one fan? If it were the relay, neither fan would get power, right? As far as the temp sensor, is it probable that that is working since one fan is coming on? Does each fan have a separate fuse even though it's one assembly? I'm new at fiy, so any answers are appreciated. Thanks


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,824
    The schematic I pulled up shows that the fans are wired in parallel. That means they share the same fuse, relay and control. So unless there is a wiring issue after the power for the fans splits or a problem with the left fan ground wire, you probably just have a bad fan motor.
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