2007 Highlander Hybrid 12V battery - how to keep it charged when not driving for a while?

Dave PompeaDave Pompea Member Posts: 1
edited August 2018 in Toyota
Other than either pulling the 12V battery cable off or putting on a trickle charger, I need to keep the 12V battery from going flat when I don't drive for 3+ weeks.

How can I force the ICE to actually run and recharge the 12V battery every week or so, parked and not in gear?


  • 0patience0patience Member Posts: 1,712
    Not really anything I would recommend.
    Some of our emergency vehicles have auto starts, so if the battery voltage drops, it starts the vehicle to maintain the battery charge, but the vehicle isn't unattended.

    A trickle charger would need to be one that is a good quality that has an auto on/off feature to prevent cooking the battery.
    The best thing would be to have someone go out and run the vehicle every once in a while.
  • queenvic8940queenvic8940 Member Posts: 1
    I recently had my 12 volt battery die on my RAV 4 hybrid. AAA said they could jump start the battery but not replace it as it needed to be synched to the hybrid system. Is this true? Could a battery be put in and synched later?
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