1996 olds aurora- ttrid to reprogram remote 7 and 8 dataport pins no response

tornadotargetstornadotargets Member Posts: 2
edited September 2018 in Oldsmobile


  • tornadotargetstornadotargets Member Posts: 2
    doors and deck lid wont lock or unlock when 7 and 8 pins are shorted out
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,533
    I think you're shorting the wrong pair of connections with that paper clip which is what I used... I thought this would be the same as on my 98 leSabre. And it is.

    BE SURE YOUR REMOTE IS WORKING. There are some box parts stores that have a small device that senses the radio signal from a remote when held next to it by turning on a small light. They have it on their counter and sell batteries for replacement in the remote.

    BUT The battery holder in the remotes tend to break the solder connection from the circuit board and lose the connection. I had to resolder several of mine with a fine tip cool solder pencil to get the connection again. The 3 connections to the circuit board through the solder joints are taking all the stress of the springiness holding the battery in place.

    Here's one of several links about connecting two specific ALDC pins to put the "computer" into relearn mode to program it to a remote you have.


    MPORTANT: Before entering programming mode, have in possession all of the transmitters you will be using on the vehicle. Once you program the transmitter, all previous codes will be erased from the memory. The other transmitters will not be functional until you program the transmitters again.

    1. Ignition OFF .Locate the Data Line Connector (DLC) Use the figure below as a map for your DLC (they usually aren’t numbered). The view in the picture below is looking straight into the cavities of the DLC. Notice how the DLC is tapered on both ends; we will be working on the wider row of cavities (1 through 8 in the figure below).
    Use a jumper wire
    to connect pins 4 & 8
    2. Make sure there are metal contact pins in terminals 8 and 4 and connect the Data Line Connector (DLC) terminal 8 to terminal 4 with a suitable jumper wire (leave the jumper wire connected throughout the programming procedure). Make sure you know which terminals are 8 and 4.
    3. Switch ignition ON
    Figure a. Data link connector
    4. Press and hold both the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons together on the first transmitter to be programmed. After about 30 seconds, the vehicle will respond by cycling the locks (locking then unlocking doors). Release the buttons on the transmitter.
    4. Within one minute, repeat the previous step on the remaining transmitters to be programmed.
    5. Remove jumper wire applied to the DLC (disconnect terminals 8 and 4).


    Good luck getting it to work. Patience. I believe the doors must be closed.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

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