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Extended Warranty Yes or No??

coontie57coontie57 Member Posts: 128
edited March 2014 in Ford
What is the group's thoughts on extended warranties? On the last 4 vehicles I have purchased I have gotten the extended warranty on 3 of 4. Anything that was needed reparing was always just outside the warranty or not included ... On the last one a 250 Ford HD Diesel I didn't get it and probably wished I had after replacing the transmission for $2850. I am not sure that even that would have been covered since it was at 72K miles and 5.2 years out. That's my experience, what's yours?


  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    You want to look through the active discussions in our Smart Shopper message board that pertain to Warranties - click this link for a list: Smart Shopper Board

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • coontie57coontie57 Member Posts: 128
    That's interesting! Before I posted this discussion I searched on extended warranty (think that was the exact wording) and essentially found only about 2 or 3 mentions of extended warranty and it said it searched through over 3 million posts. I will go look now.
  • timowen1timowen1 Member Posts: 2
    I don't believe in extended warranties. I know that for that rare occasion it pays to have it, but it is still a gamble. Think of what you paid for those warranties 3 0f 4 times. That $2850 tranny repair was probably cheaper in the long run. I am a big believer in oil and transmission fluid changes. Oil change every 3500 miles and trans fluid and filter every 25,000, differential front and rear at 50,000 miles. take your money for extended warranty and bank it.
    Good luck
  • coontie57coontie57 Member Posts: 128
    I had a good long talk with myself and DIDN'T buy it. You are essentially paying $2100 for an additional 25-30000 miles of warranty.. 5 or 6 years and 60000 total..

    If I have problems I will have to buy a Dodge next time.

    Good luck!!

    That Chevy diesel drives real nice.
  • wurbanwurban Member Posts: 1
    I'm planning to purchase a 2006 Toyota Rav4. What if any warranty pkg. do you suggest???? It comes with 3 yrs - 36,000 miles.
  • coontie57coontie57 Member Posts: 128
    Its probably a waste of money in my experience. I bought it for the 3 of 4 new vehicles. I never had a covered loss with the three I had insurance on and on the 4th the major expenses ocurred outside of the warranty... both in time and mileage..

    Put your $$$ in the bank IF you need it otherwise its yours for the next vehicle.

    Them TOY CARS is supposed to be superior ain't they, if so then why do you need it??
  • 937ohio937ohio Member Posts: 1
    I've always assumed Extended Warranties weren't worth the price. But I'm in the process of buying a Toyota Sienna LE and today the dealer offered a Toyota Financial Services Platinum Vehicle Service Agreement for $450 for 6 years/75,000 miles, wth $50/visit deductible. On line at TFS this lists for $1,200. At $1,200 saying no would be very easy. At $450, I'm finding it a much tougher call. My 92 Accord (my current car) had no repairs until year 10. Thoughts or suggestions?
  • coontie57coontie57 Member Posts: 128
    And then of ALL things GM changes the warranty essentially GIVING new buyers what I was going to pay for... I feel cheated!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • aj2aj2 Member Posts: 12
    if you decided to get a warranty, i might also suggest purchasing from Crown Automotive in Kansas-they have the best prices I have found of any dealership so far hands down-and I contacted quite a few for my Toyota corolla-and their quote was far below the competitors.
  • anncochinanncochin Member Posts: 1

    A new comer here from Bellevue, WA. I would like to know if we buy a used car from a dealer we are paying them car price plus sales tax, whereas if we buy it from a private party, how do they quote the price, and what do they do with the sales tax ?

    Also I would like to know if it is better to take an extended warranty and also a gap insurance for a vehicle. Dealer suggested that, taking an extended warranty and gap insurance would be better. We have not made up our mind yet. Just want to learn generally what people prefer when they go for a used car. Your suggestions will help me to decide whether we should go for them or not.

    Thanks in advance

  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    ...in the already existing Extended Warranties discussion in our Smart Shopper message board.

    kcram - Pickups Host
This discussion has been closed.