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New Vibe Owners - Give Us Your Report

PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
edited September 2014 in Pontiac
Are you a new Vibe owner? Here the spot to tell us how much you love your new car!


  • smithassociatesmithassociate Member Posts: 5
    I just purchased a 2005 Pontiac Vibe with 20,830 miles on it. It was a trade-in at a local dealership. Title checked out one owner and I spoke with the previous owner who reported no problems. Car looks and drives great. Automatic, power everything (but I think I would pay more for good old manual windows!) and a Sunroof. I never look at color on used cars, only mechanical condition, but this is the first used car I have purchased that I am really excited about the color. It is metallic, spicy orange. Thanks to an error (they said) on listing the car on the web, price was $12,600 and drive-out I paid after tax / tag was $13,700. They updated the price to $13,995, but honored the lower price to me because I had printed it out a few hours after the car was listed on autotrader. I love the car; it's the newest car I've ever owned. How did I do on the price or was that a most elaborate sales technique? I'm in Georgia.
  • steine13steine13 Member Posts: 2,822
    I just sold my '04 base Vibe, stick, 27k for $11,500. I had exactly ONE buyer, but he (and I) thought that that was a very attractive price.

    By comparison, your car is one year newer, has 6k fewer miles, has a worse color -- from a resale point of view; neutral colors are easier to sell -- a sunroof and an automatic transmission.

    I'd say you did very well indeed and their story is straight. This stuff happens, be glad you found a quality dealership. The price is also not so unbelievably good to make me suspect frame damager or a salvage title or some such. In a normal color, it's about an $11,500-$12k auction car.

    Next time, have the car checked out independently by somebody good -- for mechanicals and frame/body work. I ALWAYS do, ask me why.

  • lrm216lrm216 Member Posts: 1
    Just picked up my new black 2006 Pontiac Vibe and I am loving it. I researched in here and feel I got a pretty fair deal ($15,500). Used to driving stick shift but this one is automatic - have to make sure I don't eject us all right through the front window!
  • pdrakepdrake Member Posts: 10
    I bought a 2006 Vibe GT in February and am VERY happy with it so far ,however, I do notice a problem I have never experienced with another car. When I look into the driver side mirror to check for other cars (even if I bend my head down and look carefully) "SUDDENLY A CAR IS THERE EVEN WHEN I DONT SEE ONE!!! I think perhaps the mirrors are way too small and dont offer enough field of vision. I have almost run into another car perhaps 6 times now unknowingly and I am certain that I have been called every name in the book by now :O).
    Other than that I do notice the problem of the steering wheel being too far away and also I notice the AC is not the coldest (other people have addressed these issues). The GT has no trouble starting anytime. I am very happy with its power/gas milage (27 mpg average). The mirror issue is a safety problem though.....
  • goodvibrationsgoodvibrations Member Posts: 14
    Well I have a 2005 base Vibe auto/power package which I purchased new in August of 2005. It has more then lived up to my expectations. Besides a few paint chips on the hood it has run like a fine oiled machine. Presently it has 16,000km. I had it to the dealer for routine service only. No repairs no adjustments. Averaging 35km highway/ city. Use it like a truck. Sure can carry a lot of stuff. Carry 8 ft plus pieces of 2x4 and you can still close the hatch. Carried a 14ft ladder no problem opened the hatch window and viola, two piece hatch what a great idea. Pretty hard to find a more versatile vehicle. It does everything well and looks good doing it. Would I buy another one? Yes indeed. Only thing I would add would be the sunroof. A steering wheel that really tilts and telescopes would be handy as well.
  • goodvibrationsgoodvibrations Member Posts: 14
    Try adding some little stick on convex mirrors. I did, made a world of difference.
  • skimberlyaskimberlya Member Posts: 1
    I bought a 2006 fully loaded Vibe with a manual transmission, which evidently is unheard of in California. I had to wait 12 weeks for one to be built. I absolutely love it. I bought a new 87 Nova (another GM/Toyota car) 19 years ago and with 230,000 miles it still runs. Hopefully this one will hang on the same. One complaint though, the recirculation button can be turned on easily enough but can only be turned off when the direction of the airflow is set to floor or lap. Is this normal? Shouldn't I be able to control recirculation or not at any time (except when the AC is on)?
  • nhollinsnhollins Member Posts: 4
    I purchased a new 06 in Dec 05.
    It has had an oil & filter change every month ; & a K&N Air Filter at 20,000kms.
    I put Molyslip Anti-Seize compound on the sparkplug threads. Mileage;36,000 kms in 7 months.

    This 1.8l, 16 valve engine is excellent.
    The biggest surprise was the variable timing V-tec. The revs only climb to 3300 to attain 145km/hr. I thought this car would be noisy from high revs on the highway, but its perfectly quiet at 120-130km/hr !


    + body sheetmetal too thin....caves in during waxing.
    + 'A' pillars far too wide, creating severe blindspots during intersection left turns. You have to make sure of crossing pedestrians by moving your head to each side of the left side of the windshield.
    + Noise levels from back cargo area too loud. Bought 2 mats to fix it.
    + Doors & hinges far too light duty.
    + Foam doorseals instead of rubber.
    +Tilt steering doen't tilt: only adjusts heighth.
    + Can't easily replace fog lamps....have top dismantle shields. And the light is only held insecurely in a pressfit notch.
    + The engine doesn't start quickly after the 1st start. Once past warmup, it takes too much cranking.
    + NightVision not available as an option.
    + gaspedal too short.
    + Too much wind noise with rear windows down.
    + Green emerald paint color not available.


    + Good looks !
    + Amber rear safety signal lights!
    + Excellent drivers seat adjustable heighth !
    + Fog Lights !
    + Manual disconnect button for O/D !
    + Excellent transmission !
    + Excellent rear seatingroom !
    + Plug in adapter for household current !

    Looking forward to the next Vibe 08-2010, or as soon as Green paint is available !
  • atlvibeatlvibe Member Posts: 109
    Got 1,600 miles on my '06 vibe and no complaints. It's good on fuel, cold A/C, and never been back to the shop. Parking is a breeze and I can drive it without any effort at highway speeds. My only complaint is my own fault. I bought one with the non color keyed disco cladding on the side. Sometimes, I think it looks dated. other than that... Good..GOOD...GOOD Vibrations. per the Beach boys.
  • pevittspevitts Member Posts: 1
    Looking to buy a GM Pontiac Vibe? DON’T! Go with your gut and buy a Toyota Matrix- same drivetrain and basically the same car but remember why GM cars suck so bad and have such a terrible reputation: reliability and customer service. My wife and I just traded in our 2004 Kia Sorrento for a smaller car with better gas mileage. We looked at Mazda 3 wagon (sporty but too small for two dogs and a child), Toyota Matrix (around same price but no roof rack), and the Vibe. The Vibe seemed like a good deal – support America and all and it does have a Toyota drivetrain so we took a gamble. Well, we owned the car for 10 days, didn’t make a payment yet, and it was in the shop twice for a total of 5 of those first 10 days. The mechanics first accused my wife of driving in third gear while doing 75 on Interstate 95 but then finally found the problem. Now, you would think that GM and the dealership (NU Car in Newark Deleware) would want to do something but so far two sales managers have mysteriously disappeared off the face of the planet or have lost their ability to return or take a phone call AND the service manager couldn’t understand my fear that the life of my braking system was shortened due to the emergency brake being applied sporadically at all speeds causing the wheels and engine to smoke and overheat. My wife had to pull over twice because of the smoke. Common sense tells me that I’m not going to get the full life out of the braking system and that come 36, 001 miles, I’m going to be replacing most of the braking system. Also just as frustrating is to get pushed off by service to the national GM customer service people. I’m not sure what country they’re in but it must be in a country where when you say that you’re going to get back to someone and work to resolve a problem, YOU ACTUALLY DO. Three people so far have not called back and it just keeps getting worse. So, thinking about going with a GM car? Don’t do it- your gut tells you ‘no’ and it’s right. Once you sign on the line they don’t care what happens to you and that’s how they have the reputation that they have.
  • roy15roy15 Member Posts: 16
    I bought my vibe new two and a half years ago: I must agree with pevitts. The dealership has given me an awful time about warantee work; I went against my gut never again. I have had trouble with A/C they replaced the compressor, gas tank fills slowly= they tried a quick fix after telling me I didn't know how to pump gas, it still fills very slowly. The worst is the uneven tire wear. They told me the bushings needed to align the wheels were back ordered nationally. They found the bushings but car is still pulling to the right. I am not surprised GM is failing. RoyNC
  • nanc3nanc3 Member Posts: 8
    I've had mine not quite 4 months and have put 5500 miles on it and it's been almost perfect. The AC is not as cold as I would like on really hot days, but it does cool off the car eventually, and it's fine on not so hot days.

    With any car dealer, your satisfaction with the service department will be proportional to how clearly and calmly you communicate with them.
  • patvizinapatvizina Member Posts: 16
    Does anyone have experience with long road trips with children or adults in the backseat? I am concerned about taking my 3 kids on 2000 miles road trips like we do a couple times a year, on that flat bench seat. I would have a 12 and 9 year old in the back and 16 year old in the front with me. Any feedback?
    thanks, Pat
  • jstant01jstant01 Member Posts: 65

    I would not worry at all. The Vibe has the roomiest and most comfortable back seat of any car I've owned. In fact, I like it so much, that on long trips, I often surrender the driving to someone else in my family and hop in back.

    In terms of kids, I took my 3 nieces and nephews and my mother on a road trip. My oldest niece sat in the front with me, and my mom sat in back with the two others. No problems at all.

    I've taken road trips of more than 200 miles with 3 full-size adults in back and have heard no complaints. The Vibe's back seat is larger and more comfortable than cars twice its size. My dad has a Buick LeSabre. It's back seat is much more cramped.

    Happy motoring!
  • patvizinapatvizina Member Posts: 16
    Thank you so much for writing and the info. I thought the back BENCH seat was so flat and possible uncomfortable as a result....no complaints eh?
    I know the roominess is there for sure. By the way, I am looking to buy a 2006 Vibe with 23000 miles for $16000 plus $1800 for the 5yr/100,000 warranty from the Toyota dealer, whose lot it is sitting on...
  • jstant01jstant01 Member Posts: 65
    You're welcome. Yes, I've had no complaints, although I will admit that we certainly put the skinny adult in the middle...:-)

    $16000 sounds a little steep, even for a 2006, IMHO. Is the car fully loaded? I only paid about that for my brand new 2005, although it is a 5-speed, and doesn't have the Moon/Tunes option or ABS.

    Just a thought. It seems a bit high for a used Vibe. Most of them go for between $12,000 and $14,000 or so. Think twice about your warranty also. I've never bought an extended warranty, and never had reason to use one - even on much less reliable vehicles. The Vibe is rated better than average by Consumer Reports, and its rare to hear of the type of serious repairs most of those extended warranties cover. Just my two cents worth, though - do what makes you happy, and be happy with a great car! ;)
  • lostwrenchlostwrench Member Posts: 288
    The second number in a tire size is the PERCENTAGE of the first number. So, P205/55R16 shows that the sidewall is 55 percent of 205. It does not show the sidewall as being 55 mm.
  • twigatwiga Member Posts: 2
    We special ordered our Vibe new in June 2005. So far we have been pretty happy with it. Comfort and ergonomics of the seats are not the best, but otherwise.. Our Vibe only has 14,000 miles in it and we keep it in good condition. Like others have said, we were dissapointed to find paint chips after only the first week of driving it. Recently, (it is white) around the bottom door panels there are pinpoint orange spots starting to develop that don't wash off. Can it be that it is starting to rust??? Anyone else noticing something similar?
  • viberantviberant Member Posts: 1
    I have 70,000 miles on my 04 awd and have had no problems at all. A coworker who had an 03 sold it with almost 200,000 miles. Any car will last if you keep up with a proper maintenence schedule. I have towed a trailer with mine with 2 motorcycles in it. With the rear seats down, it holds about 9 bales of shavings and at least 2 large bales of hay. I have also taken it down many dirst roads and over small hills with no problems; it actually tracks better than my friend's full size chevy.
    For the people who say "go with your gut and buy a matrix" psssh. They are the exact same car. I presonally think the vibe is styled better. From what I hear the next model vibe (08 I think) is supposed to be really good looking. Not quite as tall and a little wider. If they make it in a awd, it may be time to trade in ol silver. ;)
    The only complaint I ever had with my car is the wimpy tires it comes with, and I took care of that by swapping with a more aggressive tire. I have Fuzion tires on it now. They were noisy during break in period, but hold up in the rain really nicely.
  • petite49petite49 Member Posts: 1
    Right On!

    I agree with you. I test drove the Matrix and found the interior a bit cheap plus the overall dimensions were tiny bit smaller. The Vibe is a bit roomier. I test drove two different Vibes automatic and standard transmission. I prefer the standard. I owned a Ford Ranger before so I did have to get use to sitting lower. The adjustable seat and the tilt steering wheel was a big plus. I am small and my husband is almost 6 feet. The only complaint he has is the pedals are too close, however, that is perfect for me since I am petite. The gas mileage is great 36 – 40 mpg. With any new vehicle, you can run into problems as I did with my Ford Ranger. My 06 Vibe is almost year old with absolutely no problems. On long trips, the ride is very comfortable. This car is so great that four other family members bought one.
  • hmiwbhmiwb Member Posts: 7
    I bought my first Vibe, a new 2004 after my Toyota Corolla (143,000 miles) was destroyed by a rather inconsiderate SUV driver. My Vibe was a base manual trans and I never had it back to the dealer except for one time for paint issues (the bumper started peeling at the car wash). The dealer repainted the bumper promptly for me. I put 65,000 miles on it with absolutely no other problems though I did have to replace the tires on a regular basis. Leg surgery forced me to give up my manual transmission so I traded it in for a new 2006 Mazda5 automatic. At the same time I bought a used 2003 Vibe automatic for my girlfriend. It had 32,000 miles on it and now has 55,000, again with no problems until just recently. The check engine light came on a week ago indicating a catalytic converter inefficiency problem (PO420 I believe). I cleared the computer and will see if anything develops again. The Vibe is a fine little car and for me has been very reliable. Sorry about trading for the Mazda mini mini van, but it is roomier, quieter, and better riding for the same money and so far I have driven it over 25,000 miles with no problems. Still I miss the Vibe's better fuel economy and feel it is a great little car overall.
  • bcmalibu99lsbcmalibu99ls Member Posts: 625
    For the people who say "go with your gut and buy a matrix" psssh. They are the exact same car.

    That's what I know. But the extremely funny thing is that JD Power shows 2006 Matrix reliability at 4.5 stars (out of 5), while 2006 Vibe is listed at 3 stars. Are the Toyota owners thinking of exactly the same car a bit too highly?

    BTW, Stabilitrak is not available on Matrix, is it? And on Matrix you can't get ABS without getting 17 inch wheels too, can you?
  • pdrakepdrake Member Posts: 10
    I have had my Vibe GT for over a year now and am extremely happy with it. I did have an accident with it back in June (my first accident in 22 years). A Subaru Forrester pulled in front of me (illegal lane change)and there was no time to stop. The Vibe didnt hold up as well as the Forrester - thats for sure. There wasnt any damage to the drivetrain however so all is well (new fender, bumper, headlamp). I have the leather interior and it proves easy for me to keep clean so I would recommend that as an option. I really like the motor in the GT and I am surprised it is no longer available. The car can really get out of its own way IF YOU WANT IT TO. Otherwise you can drive it easily (I seldom do) and get pretty good gas milage. I usually drive the car pretty hard and average 25 mpg. I really like this car!!!
  • mikey00mikey00 Member Posts: 462
    They are not the "exact same car" but are basically the same. Some differences are: Matrix has engine imobilizer, Vibe does not, sound systems are different, Matrix has monotone paint standard, Vibe does not, Vibe is manufactured in CA and Matrix in Canada.
    As far as the customer sat goes it is most likely due to the ability of the service dept. Pontiac dealer is not as proficient at servicing a Toyota vehicle as the Toyota dealer is. There are also many paint issues with the Vibe which do not exist with the Matrix most likely due to the different manufacturing locations. I don't think it has anything to do with the Toyota owners thinking too highly of their ride.
    Also Matrix/Vibe twins have Toyota Vehicle Skid Control (VSC) as an option. GM has chosen to drop the Toyota VSC name and use their own StabilTrac name. So in reality, yes you can get a Matrix with StabilTrac. And you can get ABS without 17" wheels on a Matrix.
  • 150mphclub150mphclub Member Posts: 316
    I purchased my 2003 Vibe from a central Illinois dealer the end of March 2003. Dealer was GREAT, and I liked the car a lot. A couple of weeks ago, I traded it for a 2007 Vibe from a central Indiana dealer. Dealer was GREAT, and I love the 2007.
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    A reporter is hoping to talk with current Pontiac owners who are long-time Pontiac enthusiasts. Please reply to ctalati@edmunds.com no later than Thursday, May 10, 2007 with your daytime contact info and a few words about your experience.

    A reporter is hoping to talk with current Pontiac owners who never before owned a Pontiac. Please reply to ctalati@edmunds.com no later than Thursday, May 10, 2007 with your daytime contact info and a few words about your experience.
  • debinncdebinnc Member Posts: 2
    I bought my car about a month ago. I had to buy a brand new one because I wanted OnStar (which is awesome!) and NONE of the Vibes on the lot had it. My main reason for buying a vehicle was to get something for my two Lab-sized dogs to travel with me. This car is fantastic! Lots of pep, comfortable, fun to drive - I love it! I live in the mountains and drive over to TN a lot - it cruises up inclines at 80 with no problem. Gas mileage is GREAT - 26/36 right now. I've heard I'll get better with more miles on the engine. I was considering the Vibe and a Saturn Vue, but I'm sure I made the right decision. I call this my "SUV sports car". I keep the back seats down (which fold flat, unlike the Vue) at all times and the dogs have plenty of head room. The back window that opens is perfect - I can open it with no concern that the dogs will exit the car while putting in groceries, etc. Its so much fun I can't stop driving it! Deb in NC
  • mrchancelymrchancely Member Posts: 1
    Car drives great and was fun on long road trip. BUT...passenger door strip has become unglued twice...and a kid who literally ran into the back of the car (he was running, no other car involved) left a huge dent in the back, under the window and above the bumper. So I have concerns about the construction of the Vibe.
  • lostcause245lostcause245 Member Posts: 21
    Just bought a 2005 base Vibe with 35000 miles and really like it overall. After trading in my 2001 Aztek (with 135000 miles on it), i was really impressed with its handling and its fuel economy, the main reason for getting it. With gas jumping to $3.50 a gallon today i'm expecting to save about $120 a month! I bought it from a local dealer who tried to rip me off by offering it for $20,000. I finally got them down to what I wanted to pay for it, $13,000 (I checked book value and went down from there, and I'm pretty hard headed). There are a few things I would like to change on it, like the backwards window buttons, and an armrest that I can actually lean my arm on while I'm driving. And who ever thought that a plastic cargo floor would be practical? Being a pickup owner for most of my life, the first thing is to pull out that stupid bedliner and put something in that wont let your stuff slide forward when you stop and slide backward when you go. Solved that problem with a carpeted cargo mat. Although I am complaining about the annoyances of it, the fact is that the car is practical, roomy, very sporty to drive (I AM a pickup owner) and am happy to own it. I just hope that I can say that I was happy to own it when I'm ready to sell it. :)
  • widapitwidapit Member Posts: 1
    I test drove a 2006 Vibe today and was thinking of asking the dealer to get another one that I saw on the net from a more distant dealer. How can I negotiate the price from $20k down to $13k - what is the magic hard-headed technique? These are good ol' boys in a small town. They know I'm a recent widow and I don't know if they'll try to take advantage of that or not. For what it's worth, my husband did NOT have life insurance, so I'm not in much of a position to be spending a lot of money. He left me with a beautiful '99 Audi that I don't know if these guys will appreciate as a trade-in. Any advice out there? Thanks
  • suydamsuydam Member Posts: 4,988
    You are looking at a '06, not an '05, first of all. How many miles? I don't think you'll be able to get one for 13k unless it has a ton of miles. Price it at Edmunds used car site and you'll see what is more likely as a price to shoot for. It certainly won't be 20k -- you could get a new one for less than that.
    '24 Kia Sportage PHEV
    '24 Chevy Blazer EV 2LT
  • bzribeebzribee Member Posts: 27
    I've only had my Vibe one week. Positives: fun to drive; 40 mpg on 400 mile trip !!!!; controls are fine; dealership is great and I feel they're willing to take care of all issues; cousin detailed outside and the color has this great, deep glow--head turning--I love it. I feel I got a reasonable price; like the dark interior, love the fold flat seats including the passenger seat. Lots of space. Easy to park. Not as bad visibility as I first thought.

    Negatives: seat uncomfortable in hour 2+ of driving; 2 spots on radio get burning hot after 1 hour of nighttime driving; alignment seems to be really off (pulls to left) (they told me to wait for 1500 miles as "it's set really tight"); basic radio has poor sound quality; hard to use a/c vents (very little variety in driection/flow); hate that I can't get power locks; cargo cover doesn't come and is CHEAP and almost useless; ridiculous roofrack without crossbars. Last two items I am looking for solutions--maybe other drviers will give away their crossbars or cargo cover (comes with Matrix) to use til I come up with something better. Also would like hatch to stay in locked position after opening.
  • joe881joe881 Member Posts: 1
    I purchased a new vibe in 03,it was my first new car. I have had ZERO problems. The best gas mileage I got was 39.6 mpg.
    Color is black with the rear spoiler and ground effects package.
    My advice would be to follow the service recommendations to avoid future problems.
    My car has over 50,000 miles on it now. :D
  • fordtruckloverfordtrucklover Member Posts: 8
    I have owned a 2003 vibe with automatic trans since Dec 2002. We haul a 5 member family around,camping,road trips,shopping,2 carseats plus 3 children worth of jackets and lunches etc. We use this car for everything. Have had very minor problems like door handles breaking off from sitting out in the hot sun. Zero problems with ac or trans like i have read in some of the other articles. There is one thing that people are talking about that i have noticed, and that is, it does take a long time for the ac to cool the car down, but to me this is a minor problem, just change cabin filter regulary. Great car will keep forever.
  • catasailcatasail Member Posts: 5
    Take it in now for alignment. I have a 2005 with 23k. It also had issues with pulling and then the tire noise started. At 5k I rotated thinking that would help, it hurt instead. At 22k you could not hear the radio the tires were so etched. I would say about half worn out. Turns out the rear alignment was off and it was the rear tires wearing. GM will not cover anything now, but if I had insisted at 5k they would have. It will cost over 300 to put shims in the rear to align.
  • dkoopmandkoopman Member Posts: 2
    I purchased a certified used 2006 vibe awd. I love the car as far as features and design. However, I am very concerned about the handling of the awd in patchy ice conditions. The rear end keeps fishtailing as if the car is an and rear wheel drive with slicks on. This is really disconcerting when everyone else is passing with ease while I am white-knuckling it barely doing 45 MPH. My old nissan sentra handled slick roads with ease. Any suggestions out there?

  • suydamsuydam Member Posts: 4,988
    Check the tires on your vehicle. They may be worn or just tires that have lousy traction.
    '24 Kia Sportage PHEV
    '24 Chevy Blazer EV 2LT
  • dkoopmandkoopman Member Posts: 2
    Just had Cooper CS4's installed. Highly rated as a good all-season radial. Handles as poorly as before. It keeps acting as if the rear drive is trying to catch up with the front. It is possible that when the awd engages it is just too aggresive?

    I am concluding a snowy drive across Oregon, Utah and Wyoming...it is puzzling that it handles so lousy with brand new all season radials.
  • platinumvibe08platinumvibe08 Member Posts: 4
    Just bought a brand new '08 Vibe and with 457 miles on the clock it went in to have the A/C compressor replaced since the original unit locked up. :(

    I really like my Vibe and hope this is not a precursor of things to come.
  • plowboy1plowboy1 Member Posts: 3
    I've owned 16 new cars in 20 years so I feel capable of providing a fair view. My Vibe came with the power package (windows, locks, Cruise) lower body color, and a manual tranny.

    The Best: Great engine and mileage .. getting 32.5 typical 70% highway / 30% city.
    Comfortable and nimble to drive. Plenty of space for a smaller car. A great value @ 16,500.00 + tax. 100K warranty is a bonus that instills the concept of quality.

    The Worst: Goodyear Eagle RS A tires are simply and totally uncontrollable on ice. I've had five very close calls and don't appreciate Pontiac trying to save 25.00 while risking my _ _ _ . Do NOT buy this vehicle with these tires. Go to Tire Rack and check their poor performance reviews. These are nearly suicidal tires on ice and snow.

    Had the car to the dealership as when it's 0-10F out the car takes 15-20 minutes to get fully warm. They find nothing wrong. It seems that Pontiac uses a cool 182F thermostat as tolerances are close on this fine engine. This is my assumption at least. I don't know if I would have bought this car (or would again) if I lived in a cold climate. It is certainly warm and capable at 25F+ but it is neither at 0-10F.

    Poor cup and storage use. I am always messing with trying to find something or store something. Needs storage redesign.

    I'm in the paint business and the paint is too thin and too brittle. Have a plethora of stone chips and missing paint on the nose metal after only two months. Further, dry spray on the lower plastic that would be described as severe orange peel. GM wouldn't accept this quality from a supplier (which I am) but has no hesitation to pump out poor quality to their customers.

    Automatic door locks do not activate horn. You must look for a light flash and there is no programming that allows horn to sound. Odd and unnecessary...

    Front plastic wheel wells are NOISY. More sound deadening is clearly needed and another area where GM took shortcuts with this car.

    All in all.... great mileage and value and I am sure, dependable. Do NOT buy this car if you live in a cold climate IMHO. Lack of heating takes away from the other fine attributes and as mentioned, the tires are deadly.
  • 71again71again Member Posts: 1
    Living in Ontario, 15-20 minutes to warm up is normal for any vehicle. I must agree with plowboy1 about the tires, though. They suck. I figured brand new all seasons would get me safely through the first winter with my new Vibe so I didn't budget for a set of winter tires. I soon realized that was a mistake. The worst of the winter is almost over now, so I'm budgeting for a November tire change.
    Picked up my 2008 Stealth Gray vibe last October. Still only has 2000km on it. It's my 21st new vehicle in 52 years. Maybe family life limited my choice of vehicles to practical cars. Now that I can pick what suits me, I think I chose right. Makes me want to drive like a born-again driver. Forget all those pre-conceived ideas about elderly drivers: I'll take on Schumi. (In a Vibe, of course.)
  • renatelrenatel Member Posts: 9
    I just bought a 2008 Vibe on 4/16/08.It has 16" aluminum wheels,auto tranny, and I got it with 23 miles on it.After taxes and my trade-in and rebates it was $8390.

    It is my first new car and I love it! Except for where some one backed into it while it was parked(which will cost me 355 to repair in August).

    I think it will hold up better than the new 2009 model bbecause the 2008 is a proven design as there are no real changes between 2005-2008.I think this car will last a good 200,000 miles for me.I drive very light and it is 1 month old and I have put 650 miles on it.
  • caliberchiccaliberchic Member Posts: 402
    Congrats on the purchase! :)
  • kasjunkasjun Member Posts: 4
    we bought our new vibe in april of 08. so far the two things that are the most disappointing is the mpg and the chrome clad wheels. the wheels were a 650 dollar option and they started to chip and peel almost immediately. i turned in a claim to pontiac at 1500 miles hoping to swap them for some alum. rims or else go back to the standard rims. but pontiac would do nothing and were quite callous with their remarks.
    as far as the mileage goes it isn't far from the window sticker but the salesman seems to think it should get 30 mpg. it might if you could go downhill and with the wind on every trip but the govt. estimate of 20 city and 26 hwy is pretty close.
    as far as other things that pontiac needs to work on. here is my list.
    1. five-speeds auto trans. for awd
    2. better radio packages. not everyone wants to pay 13/mo. for xm.
    3. make that worthless luggage rack an option on awd
    4. have an option for other colors than black for interior.
    5. have the option of some descent leather seats with heaters.
    6. doesn't pontiac know that gps exists. no option for that.
    7. if you want to charge 650 dollars for chrome rims-make sure they are chrome not just plastic wrappings that chip and peel.
    if it sounds like i'm a little disappointed with my vibe-well i guess i am. but if pontiac would have just gone to a little work with my wish list i would be quite happy with the vibe. it has a lot of good features to it too. we had some custom leather seats installed on ours and it really makes it much nicer on the interior. and come next winter i am sure we will enjoy the heated seats. but don't you think the mfg should offer these as options instead of the owner hunting down someone to put them in. isn't that what they are in business for -supplying what the customer wants-not what they will settle for.
  • mark1647mark1647 Member Posts: 1
    I got my 2009 AWD Vibe in May. Love the car but agree with most of your wish list. Where did you get the Leather seats made and if you don't mind, how much did it cost? I didn't go for the tire upgrade because I heard the ride was rougher but the tires are more expensive. I have the upgraded radio and its very nice.
  • kasjunkasjun Member Posts: 4
    i took our vibe to omaha, nebraska to have the seats put in. they are installers for katzkin leather. cost was $1400 for the leather and heated seats. if you live any where near there the place that put them in was "Galvin glass "and they did an excellent job. very professional looking and they even do leather inserts in the door. i was reluctant to spend that much but it really improves the interior. we went with the stone color-which is a medium gray -and it matches real well with the other colors in the vibe. hope this helps. if interested i would google katzkin leathers and find an installer in your area if possible.
  • tstormtstorm Member Posts: 10
    My Vibe was one of the first Vibe's built in 2003. I've got 110,000 miles on it and it runs like the day I bought it. New battery and a couple sets of tires and not even a tune up. The drivers side window did shatter but was replaced free of charge (before the re-call and after warranty expired) Other than the window the only problem I've had is just about every light on the car has burned out... turn signals, head lights, all three brake lights even the dome light. All in all it's the best car I've owned with the fewest problems and the best running engine I've ever had. The heat works great in the winter and the A/C is super cold in the summer. Fold the seats flat and get all kinds of stuff in back or load a family of four and take off for a short trip. I like our Safari for the long hauls though. Oh yeah one problem I forgot the rear wiper motor is frozen and dosen't work, gotta get that taken care of before winter. Still not bad for 6 years and 110,000 miles!
  • macneilmacneil Member Posts: 3
    I have been looking for a new car to replace my 1995 Honda Accord 2.2 LX.
    It has almost 200K on it. New battery 3X. New Struts 180K. New Timing Belt 136K
    New Ignitor (recall) but didn't need it until 140K. I only change the synthetic oil 3 times a year. Airfilter and PVC last year. Never changed any other fluids, though I have to now top up the brake fluid every 2 months. New Plugs and Wires only once.
    She (Shirley) prefers to drive at 140km an hour on the Highway and pass everything in sight, Well when I can. My car goes like stink. It's only 130horse but drives better than the 2008 Mazda 3 sport I tested. Her windows have trouble at -30C
    There is rust on the wheel wells and gas cap area and truck lid. Not much but getting worse. Never tuned up and I drive it like it's a 4x4, country roads, back roads, off roads, she's been there done that. I drive the hell out of her and she looks forward to it. But it's time to buy new and after reading these posts, I'm scared. I would drive Shirley into the deepest jungle and know I'd drive out.
    But with all the talk about lights out, oil leaks, bad tires, etc. I'm scared.
    My engine is high and dry and the lights, all the lights work. I don't know how to change a fuse. The radio is awsome too.
    I like the room in the Vibe but if it cuts out I'll be so mad I'll be scary.
    I liked the 2008 Mazda 3 but you have to hold the gas down and count to 3 to get it into high gear. My Honda just goes when you tell her to and she's 13 years old. Mmm.
    The Vibe felt ify with bad torque steer around corners, and that was FWD I'm ify about the AWD being too irrational and taking me off the road in the winter rather than keeping me on it. The Honda's don't have the cargo room I'm looking for unless it's the Element, yuck.. and suicide doors? mm
    I'm stuck on 3 cars now. Mazda 3sport, Vibe, and the closer to Honda, Subaru Legacy for it's cheap insurance rates and comfort and room.
    I know cars will have trouble, but some of the things I've read about cars only 3 and 4 years old is absolutely apaulling and frightening for new shoppers who like to drive their cars into the ground. To bad Honda didn't make the Vibe and the Honda FIT is OK but no power just reliability. That sucks.
    Confused but still needing a car.
    My favorite drive was the Subaru Imprezza, but can't find a 2008 anywhere. Maybe I'll buy a 2009. A new Accord is too expensive but maybe not in the long run. mmm
    I still want the cargo space. Honda doesn't supply that which is just not fare.
    I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much, maybe I'm too informed, maybe I'm too loyal to Shirley. Maybe I'm just going to take my bike.
  • richardhgreggrichardhgregg Member Posts: 6
    Best of luck in your vehicle search. I would suggest that you visit www.OCCUZONE.com while you are in this search. We have posted fast and straightforward seat comfort reviews for vehicles we have had in our lab.

    We are a group of professional biomechanical engineers with expertise in seat design and analysis. Our reviews correlate very well to small, medium, and large drivers' opinions during real life ride-n-drive studies.

    Basically, you may learn in two minutes what would normally require several visits to dealers. The reviews are FREE while the site is up the next couple of weeks. If you have any feedback I would GREATLY appreciate it.

  • vibeguy37vibeguy37 Member Posts: 1
    I'm really concerned after reading some posts with regards to the 09 Pontaic Vibe AWD. I barely got 240 miles to a tank and was absolutely shocked to see that I'm averaging about the same consumption as my old Chev Equinox. I know I'm still in the break-in period so I'm not sure how much this is going to improve. I'm by far not an aggressive driver. I'm very conscientious about starting slowly from a stand still while waiting at traffic lights. In fact, about half of my drivng was on the highway at about a 56-57 mph average. If this continues, then I will definitely be dumping this little pig in about a year or so. Anybody else experiencing poor mileage with the 09 Pontiac Vibe AWD? By the way, I live in Canada so you really don't have much of a choice but to go with an AWD system if you want to make it through winter in one piece.
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