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at Holman Lincoln Mercury in Maple Shade NJ. He was the only one at the service department who cared enough to look into it. I was so unhappy with the car, and I should have been thrilled. Now I am, although it does not get the milage estimated, not even close. Why do the car companies do that? Why not tell the truth, I probably would have bought it anyway!!
1. Need locking gas cap or locking gas door
2. Rear view kind of hard to see out of, takes some getting used to.
3. No stability control
1. Handling
2. Interior quality
3. Whole car fit/finish/quality feel.
4. Styling - Get many looks and glares.. :-)
This is a drivers car. Feels great. Quiet, no rattles or squeaks. Average MPG is now 27.1.
Grips the road great! Love the Michelins that come stock on it & the Audiophile Audio System.
Remember what probley brought to the Ford Dealer and that is the fact the Fusion is a sharp looking car with good gas milage. Don't give up on it this quick, if you do then you should not buy car that is out for the first year.
You should take your car to the dealer and have them check your gas problem. My wife drives 126 miles aday to work and 110 is hwy driving plus I do mostly town driving in it and we get 28 -31 per mile. PHIL
*Vinyl wrap on the dash is wrinkled, and both the dealer and Ford Customer Relations say they will do NOTHING about it. Not even an "I'm sorry". Nice way to kill any repeat business if you ask me.
*Doors have bumps and streaks in them.
*Interior color match is horrible, and this is a black interior.
*The plastic fog lamp bezels are showing signs of melting after only a few uses.
*You can't see very well out the rear window when backing up.
*Turning radius is not particularly tight.
Other than that, it is fine.
Didn't you test drive this car before you bought it? Didn't you look at the dash? or the doors? :confuse:
As far as the mileage estimation goes, so far all the models I've driven were pretty close, so perhaphs something else is out of whack too. But regardless, the manufacturers and/or dealerships don't come up with the mileage estimations. That's handled by the good ol' folks at the Environmental Protection Agency.
Having had 3 Sables previously, I've seen over the years how Ford is trying to save $$$ by cheapening everything. Now with the Milan they've gone too far.
The paint finish quality look and feel is poor compared to the Sable.
The window glass is definitely thinner than the Sable.
The door sounds like a tin can when opening, you have to slam it to fully shut the door.
It poorly handles NYC potholes, the whole car rattles & shakes.
The extra Audiophile sound system is a lousy substitute for the Mach Audio on the Sable, up the bass high and it sounds like an portable AM radio.
The steering control buttons are poorly designed, the bottom left and right buttons are fan speed and temperature. So, when you drive with your hands naturally resting on the spaces next to these two buttons, you CONSTANTLY change the climate control from Auto to fan speed and CONSTANTLY change the temperature up. And if you have the recirc air button on you have to keep repressing it when you repress Auto button. ANNOYING!
I went with a friend to a Honda dealer. The Accord V6 he bought looks and feels solid with convenience features Ford downsized out years ago, like a glovebox lock and valet key with limited features. And quite a different feel in an upbeat Honda showroom vs. an "old school" Ford/Lincoln/Mercury dealer where the con artist/shyster salesreps have the look of desperation and each negotiation is an ordeal.
Your experience seems to be so much at odds with the experience of the other owners and the mostly very good reviews Fusion/Milan has gotten in the automotive press, you will have to excuse me for being a bit skeptical of your posts.
Good thing you leased it. In three short years you can correct your "error".
I test drove it in the winter, wearing a parka, at night, on highway with heated seats on, (I do LOVE that feature)
I could tolerate some of the initial design flaws if the gas mileage was somewhat better. I can't jury rig the computer, now at 13.9 mpg down from 14.6.
I'm not waiting 3 years, dealers have a Ford authorized trade-in program until 8/19/06 on any car, even ones on lease.
Hopefully I can dump it.
1) Fuel Consumption (I have 1900 miles on the car):
Improving every time I fill her up. Started at about 22.6 mpg and am at 24.7mpg now. (I keep a spreadsheet). This is exactly what the manual says about mproving - I commute about 65 mile return every day.
2) Radio/CD: I have just the base model. It is great for a family car, remembering that I drive the base model, with the base model sound. (better than the so-called premium Monsoon system I had in my 2002 Jetta!). It also sounds better than the one in my wife's 2005 Honda CRV.
3) Looks: - Many people glance at the car. It has a great look - it stands out and has some presence. Yes it is not Lexus or a Cadillac etc.- but if I wanted that and could afford it I would have bought it.
4) Roadnoise: yes I can hear Roadnoise; yes I can hear the 2.4l engine, but no more than my wife's Honda-CRV or my old Jetta. I always remember this is not a Lexus/Mercedes/BMW etc. It is an affordable family car with great trunk space and seats a family of 4 comfortably.
5) Interior: - Seats are comfortable (not fantastic; but not poor); All the buttons are logically placed, although the light switch I find is a bit low. Everything else is functional and I got what I paid for.
6) What would I have liked to change - the feel of the Steering Wheel - I would have loved to have a softer feel (having a leather wrapped wheel would have been nice!) - I find the plastic really hard; but I resolved that with a really nice cover.
So what I suggest is - understand what you are getting. yes I could have purchased and Hyundaior Accord or a Camry etc. with more Bells and Whistles, but if you just do not have that extra $500 or $800 and want a new car there is very little that beats the Fusion in affordability.
Just my thoughts.
We don't consider anything above Yonkers a "city"! Get real!
Throw some STP red in the tank. Like a good enema, it seems to run better and gas mileage is slowly creeping upto 13.8.
The Milan DOES NOT LIKE the a/c running and extended idling. You can watch the fuel gauge move down just like you can watch the clock move to the next minute.
Why don't you trade your Milan in and get it over with ? or take it to the dealer and get it checked out? You can visit any number of Mercury dealers you want. Its under warranty. If one dealer doesn't find a problem, take it to the next dealer..
I Have to admit. I was on vacation last week and did mostly stop/go city driving in my Fusion SEL V6 and my mileage dropped to about 21.2 MPG from 27.4! I commute on freeway and wow! what a difference.. :shades:
also, on the mileage thing, if you start out city driving it will go low and stay there, no matter how many highway miles you go after city, i know, i have a fusion. tell me this, how many miles you get to the tank before you fill up? lol.. now dont go looking to see what the fuel tank size is.. comon post number fast..
easy to get different mileage rating.. reset it on freeway, drive freeway then city and back then you will get your real average, mine at 600 miles is getting 26.1 city and freeway for last 2 weeks... go figure.
The paint glows, the gaps are uniform, IMHO this car has the best interior in its class. Especially with the leather seats. No issues whatsoever as far as fit and finish goes.
The car rides great, everyone that I've had in it has commented on how smooth it is out on the highway. And it's a blast to drive hard out in the twisties.
I was a bit concerned with the mileage I was getting for the first few months. I was averaging low 20s in mostly in town driving. I'm happy to report that I'm now getting somewhere between 24 and 27 in mixed driving. The mileage will start crappy, but improve every tankful as the motor breaks in.
It is my firm belief that anyone stating that they are getting 13MPG is either lying or drives with the brake depressed all of the time. Have you guys that are stating 13MPG ever reset your MPG counter? btw...The first trip of any significance that I took in my Fusion (1000 miles) I averaged 29MPG, just as advertised.
My kid gets only about 18 mpg driving a 1991 Sentra with a 1.6L engine. This car weighs only about 2300 pounds. The low mileage is is because he only goes about 3 miles to school in it.
S and SE with 16 inch wheels should read 34 lbs/sqin. the SEL with 17 inche wheeils should read 33 lbs/sqin,
I get better mileage than that in my Navigator.
There is either something wrong with the car or the way you drive it.
The 3.0 Duratec is a proven engine. The Ford Fusion/Mercury Milan is proving to be quiet a reliable and quality built vehicle. I'm sure there will be problems. However as you scan the internet you will see small stuff not anything majore like engines or transmissions or suspension issues.
~allcars are cool
Have Merlot with Camel interior. Merlot looks very upscale and does a great job of hiding dirt.
Was worried about Camel interior getting dirty as it is a very light color but hasn't been a problem so far.
I don't think any other car out there can touch the Fusion for the price.
Likes are handling, styling and the confident driving experience.
Dislikes are rear view - Ford could help this by moving the third brake light to the trunk. A very easy fix. No stability control. Just to have it would be nice. No MP3 or blue tooth/Nav was available for 06. Offer a 6spd manual. Have 3 engines 2.3, 3.0 and the new 3.5..
You can't have your cake and eat it too... radar would be a handy option but then you start getting into another price range....
I think a rear spoiler on a front wheel drive car is defeating the purpose but when did that ever make any difference???
Overall i think the Milan/Fusion are great cars and are available at substancialy less than the direct competition.
With all the talk of FORD's woes... Chrysler is the one on the sale block with 70% of their sales in the gas guzzler truck segment... THE EDGE/MKX are the right products at the right time...
And here I thought I was the only one who recognized the silliness of this fad
Instead it truely is a wing and creates up-force...lifting the rear and thus shifting more weight to the driving wheels in the front
Luke I am your father.....DXR :shades: