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Honda Civic Hybrid Audio & Entertainment Questions

PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
Discuss your stereo/radio/entertainment issues here.


  • kentmoonkentmoon Member Posts: 44
    My 06 Civic Hybrid radio is XM Ready, and dealer said that I can have an integrated XM radio kit(no additional XM controller) for about $500 installed. However, some of car stereo retailers have very inexpensive XM radio kits (under $100) that are design for XM Ready factory stereo. Does anyone has experience installing one?
  • davem7davem7 Member Posts: 35
    I've owned both a 05 HCH and an 06HCH. On the 05 I purchased a "roadie" satellite radio for less than $100.00 at a Walmart and had it installed at an electronics store for about $150.00. Its performance overall was good but the compact size of the "roadie" required that it be placed on the center console and it was difficult to operate and observe the song identification displays while driving.

    On the 06 I shelled out $700.00 for the factory installed XM radio and it works like a charm. It operates off the main display for the sound system(center of the dash) although the channel selector can't be operated from the steering wheel controls, you have to use the control below the main display.

    My hunch is that if a non Honda dealer is offering satellite radio at the price you quoted it is for the "roadie" type of radio and may not operate off the regular factory installed sound system. I would question him on that point otherwise you'll end up with a radio in which it will be difficult to operate and observe the display while driving.

    Hope this answers your question.
  • kentmoonkentmoon Member Posts: 44
    Thanks for info. I will definately make sure that it is "intergarted" with main display, not as a separate unit. Info that I've found so far seems like intergrated unit. I will keep you updated.
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870
    XM kit for Civic is available for $369.00 on internet from Honda dealer. This is the OEM Honda kit, not aftermarket.
    $700.00 is just greed on the part of the dealer.
  • 2vs2vs Member Posts: 6
    I am expecting delivery on HCH w/nav mid-January. I would like to have the XM radio but I am concerned about two things: Cost to install and any interior dis-assembly required to install. The install instruction you can view on the H and A site includes a removal of the dash assembly and rear seat. Also, do they add a second antenna or replace the one that is already on the HCH? The local dealer hasn't done an XM yet and doesn't know what is involved. For those that have had this installed, do you know what all was involved?
  • rdc34rdc34 Member Posts: 5
    Also am planning to install XM tuner on my ten day old 06 HCH.You will need an additional antenna.Honda parts people quoted $299 Tuner/$46 Attachment parts kit/$99 antenna,plus install costs.After looking at the 16 pages of installation instructions this can be a time consuming job, I estimate 3+ Hours.My issues are 1)Can I use a non Honda less expensive tuner with Honda attachment kit and antenna? 2)Would/could Best Buy or Circuit City,et al, install techs be able to successfully follow the Honda install instr. with out causing any major hearburn.I plan to further explore.BTW the HCH is best car I've purchased,44-46MPG to date.
  • rdc34rdc34 Member Posts: 5
    Also am planning to install XM tuner on my ten day old 06 HCH.You will need an additional antenna.Honda parts people quoted $299 Tuner/$46 Attachment parts kit/$99 antenna,plus install costs.After looking at the 16 pages of installation instructions this can be a time consuming job, I estimate 3+ Hours.My issues are 1)Can I use a non Honda less expensive tuner with Honda attachment kit and antenna? 2)Would/could Best Buy or Circuit City,et al, install techs be able to successfully follow the Honda install instr. with out causing any major hearburn.I plan to further explore.BTW the HCH is best car Ive purchased,44-46MPG to date.
  • gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    Would/could Best Buy or Circuit City

    I think I would bite the bullet and have Honda install the XM tuner. You will avoid any kind of warranty hassles. The aftermarket dealers will cover the XM if it quits. However it works through the existing electronics. With the Honda dealer doing the install they have no one to blame but themselves if it is messed up. Good luck. I love XM Radio that came in my GMC.
  • rdc34rdc34 Member Posts: 5
    Thanx and WILOC(Will comply)
  • blaneblane Member Posts: 2,017
    Shouldn't that be WILCO? I.e. Roger, Wilco and Out.
  • rdc34rdc34 Member Posts: 5
    Roger,Dodger,Wilco over and out, only joshing.You are correct, Roger-Wilco-Out.Thanx.BTW one Honda dealer has quoted $900+for XM radio parts and installation. Will check and see if there is a competitive spirit among northern VA Honda service depts for a lower quote.
  • thathsthaths Member Posts: 1

    I placed my order for a '06 HCH (non-Nav) three weeks ago (Paying MSRP and getting a 1/4% off the bank loan for ordering through my credit union. Also get an additional 1/2% off "green car discont" on the financing).

    I did not place an order for any fancy add-ons. I see from the Honda web site that the '06 HCH is "XM ready". I intend to get XM or Sirius on this car on the grey market and either install it myself or will get the place where I intend to buy the sat radio to install it for me.

    The dealer-installed XM seems to cost a pretty penny (circa $500). I do not want to pay so much when I can buy a XM receiver for around $100.

    1. Some cars seem to come with the XM receiver installed and with 3 free months of subscription. Has a '06 HCH purchaser gotten such a deal? It looks to me like the dealer gets a kickback from XM when they sell the XM service.

    2. Is installing a $100 XM receiver on a XM-ready HCH easy / hard? How unsightly is such a add-on? Ideally, I would like to use the XM controls within the built-in audio system without needing yet another dash-mounted control.

    3. If I am going with the grey market, what XM receiver would fit in most unobtrusively into an XM-ready HCH?

    4. I am decently technical. Has anyone installed their XM radio by hand in a '06 HCH? How easy / hard is it?

  • bronxalbronxal Member Posts: 2
    I just bought a Monster thing at Radio Shack, but here in the New York area, whatever preset you use, the reception is terrible. Is there a better alternative please?
  • hch2004hch2004 Member Posts: 3
    Has anyone used the PC Card behind the Navi screen? THe manual says a compact flash card is best and that mp3 files can be played. Does it basically function like an ipod. plus, don't you need a PC card adapter for the compact flash card too?

    I priced it out--it is way cheaper to buy the card and adapter than an ipod (approx $55 for a 2GB compact flash card plus PC card adapter compared with a 2GB ipod nano for $199) I know the the ipod probably holds more songs (about 500 vs. 360), but it is 1/4 the price.

  • baltobrewerbaltobrewer Member Posts: 10
    Yep. I have a 4GB flash memory card I got off of ebay for $115, and a pcmcia flash adapter that I got for another $7. so for about $125 i have 4 gigs of music space, which for my current playlist is 747 songs. As long as any one folder is 99 songs or less and the total # of songs is 999 or less you'll be fine. I love it. It only plays MP3's so no WMA files or M4A files and such. Great functionality of features. My favorite feature is random folder play feature, which shuffles any particular folder. So I have my U2 folder with every album they've ever made and it shuffles it. Perfect! Great integration, IMO.
  • dantheman4dantheman4 Member Posts: 10
    Baltobrewer, mine plays WMA files I ripped myself just fine. The Navi guide says MP3 and WMA are supported. Maybe you tried a purchased WMA (like from Napster) which would probably be encrypted and would not play. Having a way to play music from flash is a great feature - makes the extra $1500 for Navi even a better deal! It even includes a song search feature to find music by artist, title, etc.
  • kath5kath5 Member Posts: 3
    I just got my honda civic hybrid. Love the car!! Now I would like to program in some music but don't have a clue. What is the difference between a pc card, mp3, and ipod. I did see that you have to pay over $300 for an adapter for the ipod. I need to know what to buy. Help!!!
  • pboydpboyd Member Posts: 1
    I don't understand why you believe that you need a $300 adapter for your ipod. I went to radioshack and bought a cable that plugs into the auxillary port on the dash and into the headphone jack of my ipod for less than $15, and it works great. The only issue may be that you can't contro the ipod through the car radio. BTW my hybrid does not have navigation.
  • kath5kath5 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the info. I got the info about the ipod music link from a Gizmodo Review on YouTube. $323!!!
  • orientexpressorientexpress Member Posts: 8

    I am new to this forum, as my wife has ordered a Civic hybrid for October delivery. The car will have the navigation system, and I was interested in the type of memory card is used on that radio. From reading other posts, I assume that it is Compact Flash memory, but I have not been able to find any posts that describe if it accepts the Type II Compact Flash cards. The Type II cards are the larger capacity cards including the micro HD cards.

    I wonder if any of you veteran owners could look in the instruction manual to let me know what the answer is. I would appreciate it.
  • pmzpmz Member Posts: 26
    I just use the 1GB Lexar CF card (the big one) you can get at the Wal-Mart.
  • humanhybridhumanhybrid Member Posts: 1
    Could you please give me a name of the manufacturer of this cord? Or more importantly, the name of the type of jack? I would be happy to get it but honda and apple are sending me in circles since I guess neither of them makes it. Not very car-oriented or techinically oriented but frustrated and want to get this cord soon!
  • kidimikidimi Member Posts: 7
    I have the '06 Civic Hybrid with NAV and want to use the PC Card feature. Honda recommends Compact Flash or Flash ATA, but my Sony VAIO notebook literature doesn't say it supports that -- just Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO, MultiMedia Card, SD and Smartmedia. Has anybody with BOTH a Honda NAV AND a Sony VAIO used the PC Card feature on the NAV to play MP3 and WMA files? Do I need a multi-format card adapter like the SanDisk 6 in 1, which supports the Memory Stick formats? Would that work in the Honda??? HELP!!!
  • kidimikidimi Member Posts: 7
    Since I posted the above, I've come across some answers. One solution would be to burn to CD all your Itunes (which are encoded M4P files), then re-rip them as MP3 or WMA files. Or, you can purchase a program called "Tunebite," which can do all sorts of file conversions among M4P, MP3, WMA formats and more. This plays back up to four songs at a time on four "virtual soundcards" that enable simultaneous re-recording (onto your hard drive) into the desired format. (Tunebite imports the Itunes song info, so when you drag the Tunebite songs onto your Pc-Card, the track info comes with them.) Using Tunebite avoids burning actual CDs, but the application costs $24.50. Each virtual soundcard plays back in real time for Itunes, but if you're converting WMA files, each virtual soundcard plays back at 4x speed. Oh -- the Compact Flash card inside a PC-Card adapter works fine in both a VAIO and the Honda Civic Hybrid MP3/WMA player. Incidentally, this is ALL LEGAL and in pursuit of having bought the music for PERSONAL USE ONLY and simply being able to play it on the device of choice.
  • 07civicguy07civicguy Member Posts: 6
    Could you please tell me which brand of pcmcia card and model of compact flash you are using ?
  • kidimikidimi Member Posts: 7
    SanDisk SDDR-64-768 Compact Flash to PC Card Adapter



    SanDisk SDCFB-1024-A10 1GB CF Type 1 Card (Retail Package)

  • 07civicguy07civicguy Member Posts: 6
    Thank you so much for the info, "baltobrewer" stated he was able to use a 4 GB card. I tried a combination of http://www.amazon.com/Sandisk-COMPACTFLASH-SDCFB-4096-A10-Retail-Package/dp/B000- 243DOE/sr=1-1/qid=1167482926/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-3209262-4902442?ie=UTF8&s=elect- ronics and http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-SDAD-38-A10-CF-Card-Adapter/dp/B00006B9QD/sr=1-54/- qid=1167483098/ref=sr_1_54/002-3209262-4902442?ie=UTF8&s=electronics . I can't get the card to work right, only way I was able to get music to play was to use a smaller faster SanDisk 1 GB Extreme III card. Sure would love to be able to use a larger card. Does anyone else have any sugestions ? Thanks !!
  • 07civicguy07civicguy Member Posts: 6
    Thank you so much for the info, "baltobrewer" stated he was able to use a 4 GB card. I tried a combination of http://www.amazon.com/Sandisk-COMPACTFLASH-SDCFB-4096-A10-Retail-Package/dp/B000- 243DOE/sr=1-1/qid=1167482926/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-3209262-4902442?ie=UTF8&s=elect- ronics and http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-SDAD-38-A10-CF-Card-Adapter/dp/B00006B9QD/sr=1-54/- qid=1167483098/ref=sr_1_54/002-3209262-4902442?ie=UTF8&s=electronics . I can't get the card to work right, only way I was able to get music to play was to use a smaller faster SanDisk 1 GB Extreme III card. Sure would love to be able to use a larger card. Does anyone else have any sugestions ? Thanks !!
  • kidimikidimi Member Posts: 7
    Could you provide the exact page link or model numbers of the card reader and 4GB CF card you used? Also, the car can play WMA files, as you know, but did you for some reason choose not to put any on the 4GB card?
  • 07civicguy07civicguy Member Posts: 6
    I tried a combination of,

    http://www.amazon.com/Sandisk-COMPACTFLASH-SDCFB-4096-A10-Retail-Package/dp/B000- -243DOE/sr=1-1/qid=1167482926/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-3209262-4902442?ie=UTF8&s=elec- t- ronics and http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-SDAD-38-A10-CF-Card-Adapter/dp/B00006B9QD/sr=1-54/- -qid=1167483098/ref=sr_1_54/002-3209262-4902442?ie=UTF8&s=electronics .

    This combination works on my 2007 civic and only cost me $85.00 My main stumbling block it turns out was that you can have a single file on the whole card it doesn't like and it will either act (freezes up and resets Navigation unit) up or not play at all. I was able to finaly get 844 songs on a 4 GB compactflash card.
  • harleygal41harleygal41 Member Posts: 1

    I just purchased an 07 HCH and noticed in my manual that I can also use a PC card to play music with my navi system.
    I'm clueless as to what type of pc card to get and how in the world do I put the music on to this card.
    I have an Ipod and the musiclink adapter installed is like $215.
    What's the best choice for me.
    Anyone.....please help.

    Thanks a million!!
  • donp83donp83 Member Posts: 2
    How did you determine which file(s) it didn't like? I figured if they played in Winamp or Windows Media Player, they were good files. Thanks for any help!
  • kidimikidimi Member Posts: 7
    Check out messages #19 and 20 from this discussion. You can always contact the respective message-posters with further questions. Also, I'm told that if you use that musiclink adapter, it takes forever to download all the files into the car's system and then functions very slowly compared to the iPod. Sounds like it would be best to plug in to the auxiliary jack, as described in these messages, without the musiclink adapter, so you can retain the speed and functionality of the iPod. Good luck!
  • 07civicguy07civicguy Member Posts: 6
    Look at the speed it's ripped at, It doesn't like anything over 192 and also you need to make sure the mp3 tags for the titles are not too long. Just the artist and song name ....
  • 07civicguy07civicguy Member Posts: 6
    Hi, look at my post on # 31 and try that combination. I was able to get 844 songs onto a 4 GB CompactFlash card for a cost of $85.00. If you have a laptop you can use this combination in the PCMCIA slot on the side and it will show up as another hard drive, then you can copy the songs onto the card. If you don't have a laptop you need a usb card reader that reads the type of flashcard you buy. This will also show up as an additional hard drive, then you can copy the mp3 songs over to the card using it. Let me know if you have any questions ...
  • donp83donp83 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks. Part of the root cause of my problem ended up being different, actually. I was using Winamp to copy the mp3's to the compact flash card. If the source mp3 file had a blank value for the track number in the ID3 tag, winamp would then copy the mp3 over and put in a track number of "-1" on the flash card. It was those "-1" track files that would mess up my playback.
  • rogerb46rogerb46 Member Posts: 9
    I've been looking into HD radio for my 2003 HCH. Crutchfield.com suggested: P.I.E. HON98-AUX
    Auxiliary Interface, to connect a portable music player to the compatible Honda factory receiver. (1998-2005 - there's another one for the 2006).

    From that, I can connect a Directed Car Connect
    Universal Add-On HD Radio Tuner. I'm still not 100% sure where to attach the Interface, the tuner, or the display. Don't want to have to reposition them twenty times. Wish someone could tell me exactly where each would fit the best.
  • civicman2civicman2 Member Posts: 3
    can you please tell me which Pc card adapter did you use? because i've tried three different kinds of adapter but they all won't fit in my civic pc card slot they were all sticking out a little bit which was causing front panel for navigation doesn't close... so please help and let me know which on do i need please tell me exact model number or atleast upc number i would really appricaited... thankx
    my email address is strikerscricketclub@gmail.com
  • civicman2civicman2 Member Posts: 3
    can you please tell me which Pc card adapter did you use? because i've tried three different kinds of adapter but they all won't fit in my civic pc card slot they were all sticking out a little bit which was causing front panel for navigation doesn't close... so please help and let me know which on do i need please tell me exact model number or atleast upc number i would really appricaited... thankx
    my email address is strikerscricketclubgmail.com
  • pruitt1pruitt1 Member Posts: 5
    I was told XM has a real time stock ticker that displays on the bottom of the screen. Does anyone know how to get this?
    Just bought a 2007 civic hybrid with navi. Have 3 free months of XM. So far like it. Just wish it had more presets.
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,171
    You might also check out the XM & Sirius Satellite Radio discussion - it's not vehicle-specific, so you might find more info there.

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  • johnsos2johnsos2 Member Posts: 8
    I just started using my PC Card adapter with a 2 gig CF card and when listening to my MP3's I copied I have a problem once in a while where the music cuts out for a split second (very annoying). The copied MP3 plays fine but when its copied to the CF card the problem happens. Does anyone know a way to fix this problem?
    Thanks much,
  • johnsos2johnsos2 Member Posts: 8
    Correction...I played the MP3 from the CF card on my computer and it seemed to play fine, did not cut-out. Seems that the problem would be with the Hybrid player. Anyone have any ideas?
    Thanks. Scott
  • dundun Member Posts: 1
    As noted in previous messages, the San Disk CF to PC works
    (link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00006B9QM/ref=dp_cp_ob_title_1/103-5015864-697- 2669 )
    But I have a Trans Flash card, so I can't use the CF to PC adapter. I was wondering if the San Disk 6 in 1 Adapter would work (more importantly fit so the Navi can fold to the upright position) http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-Adapter-SDAD-67-A10-Retail-Package/dp/B0002JC2QE/r- ef=pd_sim_e_shvl_title_1/103-5015864-6972669

    Does anyone know the dimensions in which the HCH can accept for a PC card adapter? And can the 6 in 1 work?

    thank you
  • kidimikidimi Member Posts: 7
    I'm pretty sure you would have to buy two adapters. You'd put your TransFlash memory into a Transflash SD adapter, and then insert that into the 6 to 1 PC adapter. There doesn't seem to be a single adapter that goes from TransFlash directly to PC Card size, only to a reader that goes into s USB 2.0 port.
  • ph555ph555 Member Posts: 3
    From what I've read, the best combo are CF and PCMCIA from SanDisk for fastest loading. Specifically, the SanDisk Extreme III 4GB or 8GB (I'm using the 8GB with no problem in my 2008 Civic Hybrid), and their SDDR-64-784 Ultra PC Card adapter/reader. SanDisk has stopped making those readers now, so the PC Card I finally settled on is the PPA 1134
    link title Also available at Fry's for $9.99. It works perfectly. I tried using Delkin's CardBus 32 UDMA 45MBps adapter but the stereo just beeped at me and would not even close the rotating face. I think Honda's PC Card slot can only read 16-bit devices and not 32-bit. The PPA 1134 is 16-bit, but will still work in a 32-bit slot in your laptop, it uses native drivers in WinXP so no drivers are needed. It says it will also work on Vista and Mac OS (important if you don't own a 2nd CF reader that uses USB). link title

    Happy loading!
  • ph555ph555 Member Posts: 3
    I'm playing MP3's just fine in my 2008 civic hybrid from an 8GB SanDisk Extreme III CF card inserted into a PPA 1134 PC Card adapter. Both available at New Egg.com or Fry's. The trick is that you must reformat the card (FAT32) and cannot label it in Windows XP (eg. JBs_8GB or something cute). I'm happy to be using that slot now after having several online orders canceled when trying to buy the highly rated SanDisk SDDR-64-784 because it's no longer being made/sold.
  • ph555ph555 Member Posts: 3
    I'm playing MP3's just fine in my 2008 civic hybrid from an 8GB SanDisk Extreme III CF card inserted into a PPA 1134 PC Card adapter. Both available at New Egg.com or Fry's. The trick is that you must reformat the card (FAT32) and cannot label it in Windows XP (eg. JBs_8GB or something cute). I'm happy to be using that slot now after having several online orders canceled when trying to buy the highly rated SanDisk SDDR-64-784 because it's no longer being made/sold. - also 32bit CardBus adapters will not work. 2009's IMA has a USB port instead :)
  • etpetp Member Posts: 155
    The Transcend 2GB 133X TS2GCF133 works with the SanDisk SDAD-38-A10 PC card adapter bought the adapter on clearance at BB for $7. Will try a 4GB next.
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