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Nissan Customer Service

atomicjhatomicjh Member Posts: 3
My 2006 Maxima has been in the shop for 30 days waiting for a backordered fuel pump. They have no idea when it will arrive. It is being used in manufactured 2007 vehicles and I am not a priotity. I have run out of Insurance rental and Nissan will not pay and were very rude. HAs anyone else had this problem? I contacted the ABC and NBC local news affiliates, the BBB and the Attorney General. This is going to get interesting. I will see you on the news. Nissan provides the worst customer service I have ever seen.


  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Have you been dealing with corporate Nissan? Or the dealer?
  • atomicjhatomicjh Member Posts: 3
    First it was the dealer.They will not help me. But The dealer where my car is only does service on my vehicle. It is not where I purchased it. I just hung up with Consumer Affairs at Corp Nissan and they will not help me either. They have no idea when the part will come in. I was stunned and they did not care that I said I would never buy a Nissan again.
  • brandy06brandy06 Member Posts: 7
    I just got rid of my Altima due to they wanted to replace the motor, due to the recall, which it is not due to piston rings but due to head gasket company that Nissan was going with to safe money manufactured the gaskets, put smaller gasket on car and thought it would not leak. Well anyways, that was infor for those who didn't know. I would like to know was it just your or alot of people?
  • boxtwoboxtwo Member Posts: 3
    I wanted to caution everyone about using Frederick Nissan in Frederick, MD and dealing with Nissan North America (NNA) for warranty repairs.

    My 2002 Maxima was at Frederick Nissan for a transmission slip while under warranty. The service department did not repair the vehicle, but patched it along until it was out of warranty. Tim Hardee, the service manager, refused to assist me in the repair, and he claimed that the vehicle was not "properly maintained."

    When I went to NNA's customer service department and opened a claim, Philip Henry, Jeffrey Booker, and Jonathan Renick all worked on the case with the final result being that it would not be covered due to a lack of maintenance. I also filed a claim with the Better Business Bureau Autoline Program, the Maryland Better Business Bureau, the Fair Trade Commission, and The Maryland Office of the State Attorney General.

    Frederick Nissan and NNA never had any documentation about any prior routine maintenance (oil changes, trans fluid changes, etc.) from two other Nissan dealers and Jiffy Lube. I have all service records that correspond 100% to the requirements stated in the Nissan Warranty. NNA made their decision on incomplete information and they have been totally unwilling to receive my information but based their decision entirely on what Frederick Nissan told them.

    NNA has violated the Magnusson-Moss Warranty Act, a federal act stating that any vehicle issue brought to the attention of the dealer prior to the expiration of the warranty, is covered under that warranty. Again, I have records stating that I complied with the warranty in full, but Frederick Nissan and NNA have never taken that into consideration.

    “No warrantor of a consumer product may condition his written or implied warranty of such product on the consumers using, in connection with such product, any article or service (other than article or service provided without charge under the terms of the warranty) which is identified by brand, trade or corporate name...” (15 U.S.C. 2302(C)).

    My warning is simple, keep records of EVERYTHING! Even then, Nissan will string you along. I have attempted to contact Jeffrey Booker from NNA 27 times without a return phone call. I have attempted to contact Jonathan Renick 7 times via email without a return email. This has been on-going since April 27, 2007.

    I hope nobody else has to go through what I have had to deal with for the past three months and I would certainly be cautious about using Frederick Nissan for any purchases or service since they do not stand behind their customers.

    The final result? I traded the Maxima for a Subaru. Nissan has lost a customer and there is nothing they will ever be able to do to regain my trust/business.

    If anyone wants more information, please feel free to contact me: boxtwo@earthlink.net
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    You might like to visit our new Dealer Ratings & Reviews feature.
  • boxtwoboxtwo Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the tip! I did that first, before I foudn the forum.
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Good! Sorry to hear of your experiences, but thanks for sharing them. Welcome to CarSpace! :)
  • boxtwoboxtwo Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the welcoming! I am a big proponent of sharing experiences in an era with so many choices. I truly hope nobody ever has to go through what I did with Frederick Nissan and NNA.
  • carlosnelsoncarlosnelson Member Posts: 1
    I purchased my Nissan Maxima on 7-9-04 with a 3yr. or 36K warranty. I did not get an extended warranty as I was told by my salesman that if you notice Nissan's run forever. On 7-9-07 my car was out of warranty with only 26,232 on the odometer. On 7-25-07 my Bose stereo mainly cd player started acting crazy. When a cd was placed in the deck it kept saying loading disc for about 10 sec. & then push eject would pop up on the screen. I contacted dealer & they stated car that car was out of warranty & it was nothing they could do for me. I then contacted Nissan Corp. & explained to them what was going on & they stated there was nothing they could for me in so many words. SO I SAY THIS TO ALL EITHER SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY ON THE WARRANTY OR BUY AN INFINITE INSTEAD. :mad:
  • aqeelaqeel Member Posts: 1
    I have 1993 Nissan Sentra XE about 107000 miles and no engine problem, no transmision problems. Recently I am facing problem with seat belt that the light is on in the dash board and a buzzer that alerts you. The sealt belt motor in the left driver side door gives a sounds sometimes even if the engine is shut off. This causes the battery to drain and sepecially at night time the battery is not taking any load and it causes the engine to shut off. I replaced a new 700 AMPH battery about a week ago and still have problems. I have also replaced the alternater about a year ago. Can some body helps me what can be the possible solution to the problem.
  • hijackerhijacker Member Posts: 1
    I bought my 1996 Maxima brand new in October of that year. My previous car, a 1990 Maxima, was totaled and we needed a new car. I was very impressed with the '90 so my wife and I opted to look at the new cars and bought this one. For the next 10 years we were very satisfied with and had no maintenance issues other than oil changes and filter changes as spelled out in the manual. These we performed ourselves. In July 2006 my wife, who is the primary driver, said "it doesn't sound right and making a lot of noises". I looked it over and determined it would be best to have a dealership service center do the work. A total of $3000.00 dollars worth of work was performed in August of that year (there were multiple issues on the car to deal with and I was not capable to do them) and, all in all, we were satisfied with the outcome. Among the parts replaced were the front struts at $185.00 apiece plus alignment and labor costs.

    In December 2007 my wife and my daughter, who also drives the car occasionally, noticed some knocking and clunking in the right front. My son checked it out and said the front passenger side strut was bad and I had to concur with him as I had watched him check it out. The warranty on the struts is 12 months/12,000 miles or whichever occurs first. Being as it had just been over a year since a new strut was installed I figured it had to be a defective part and should be replaced free of charge, especially since it was a Certified Nissan Part. I took it to the service center, explained my concerns and the Service Manager said that he would call the Company and get the go-ahead to replace free of charge after they looked it over and confirmed what I had said. I said thank you and left.

    About 3 hours later I received a call from technician at the Service Center, not the Service Manager, and he validated my claim as to the bad strut, but told me the Company "declined" to do anything at all. I informed the technician that if this was a brand new Nissan Strut it should have lasted longer than 1 year. The originals lasted for almost 10 years and I asked him to explain why "their" new struts should fail in 1 year. I told him: "With my 42 years of automotive mechanical experience, I can tell you without a doubt that this product failed because of a defect in material or workmanship. Do you not feel the same?" He could not answer me. I then told him that I would be in to pick up my car and that I will NEVER purchase a Nissan product again in my lifetime!
  • ownbyownby Member Posts: 1
    well i think it is really odd that alot of people have had problems with nissan customer support! I bought my 2005 sentra may of 08'. I had the warranty transfered to me and i was on my way. And with out fail they fixed my stereo, power windows. and the back trunk. These were all do to the previous owner misstriting the vehicle. But since I was new to the vehicle they gladly fixed mky car free of charge! NISSAN IS VEREY DEPENDABLE. Most people need to read carfully, warrantys are only made to last so long! Ifd its out suck it up and replace it! :shades: :shades:
  • josepi1234josepi1234 Member Posts: 4
    Not surprised, my 2010 Altima with 1200 miles just blew the shortblock because coolant leak into the cylinders. Not happy. Now I have a brand new car with who knows what under the hood. Im sure the engine wont go in like factory and i'll have all sorts of nonsense to deal with until i trade this car in ... for a honda.
  • karenmichikarenmichi Member Posts: 2
    My two week old 2010 Pathfinder got stuck as I was picking up my child from daycare. The shifting mechanism would not move pass Reverse. Here are some of the few things I tried until it finally gave up. It has happen before but not like this. Has anyone experienced this before? The dealership says it is the first time they hear of this happening and perhaps I was too harsh with the shift. I felt somehow offended... This should not be happening at all....this is the car I drive my kids to school in. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

    1. I tried applying the breaks all the way to the end to see if the car would release the shift and would allow for it to move to park.

    2. Tried taking my seatbelt off and putting it back on to see if this would create a reaction.

    3. Tried moving it to park position or seeing if it would move to Neutro or other but it wouldn't...It was stuck in Reverse.

    Please help! I am afraid this will happen....The engine felt funny afterward...just the ease of the car as you are driving...just felt like holding back a little. I am really worry about this as I take my kids to school.

    The guys said that perhaps I had applied to much strength to it...I wish they had been in the car with me to see how it all happened.

    Please help!
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    edited April 2010
    Well, just got off the phone from Nissan Consumer Affairs about my 2010 Max about a continued problem with my front passenger seat shaking/vibrating when no one sits in it while I'm driving. Had a fix done last October but still having problems.

    I can really see why, after speaking to Nissan Consumer Affairs why Nissan/Infiniti is ranked near the bottom of the industry for customer service/satisfaction.

    Basically, I got a whole song and dance from them, oh the dealership says they could not produce any of the problems I complained about, which is a lie I told her since you can visually see the seat shaking, especially on secondary roads and going over bumps, and that the technicians at the dealership lie about not seeing it so that they don't have to deal with the problem. In part of my letter, I suggested to Nissan something they could do to the Maxima to prevent this problem from happening in future models and then she gives me the BS, "Oh, by law we can not accept any customer recommendations for product improvement so I can not pass this on to the appropriate department." She even wouldn't admit the fact, and my Nissan dealership showed me, that there is a TSB on the front driver and passenger seats due to the very same problems I'm having, thats from the dealership mind you, not me. How very small of Nissan. God help anybody who has a serious problem with their Nissan or Infiniti products and getting help from Nissan HQs!

    I went almost livid on her butt! I told her that was such a bunch of bs because I've submitted product improvements to Acura, MB, Lexus, Honda, etc over the years, all who welcomed my input and told me they would pass it along to their design departments. It really shows you how poor Nissan customer service is when they won't accept customer recommendations/improvement suggestions (remember they are only suggestions, I'm not telling them they HAVE to do anything) while their competitors do! Nissan will always be in fifth or sixth place in this country if their dealerships and corporate level have this kind of crappy customer service attitude.

    She told me to take my vehicle to another Nissan dealership if I'm not getting results at my local one so I might just have to do that.

    Oh, I did quote to her the JD Power article stating the survey results for 2010 customer service showing that Nissan/Infiniti was near the bottom of the industry and she didn't know what to say. She just kept stuttering and stuttering after quoting that site and article to her. I recommend to anyone else on here who isn't satisfied or being treated poorly by Nissan dealerships or corporate HQs to quote that JD Power article to them. Here is the link for anyone who hasn't seen it.



    I feel bad, because despite these minor problems with my Maxima, I really love the car overall but I don't know if I would get another Nissan or Infiniti after the really lousy customer service they have given me at the dealership and corporate level. I mean, for a 38k dollar vehicle, I should be getting better service then this. For less money on my Acura, I get treated better by them then I ever had by Infiniti or Nissan!

    What a Shame! :cry:
  • mclark668mclark668 Member Posts: 1
    I purchased a 2010 Maxima from Kline Nissan in St. Paul MN on 12/30/09 to take advantage of the sales tax deduction. I immediately began having problems with the climate controlled seat. It is now 4/15 and my car has undergone 5-6 repairs and the interior is completely disassembled sitting all over the floor at Kline.
    They finally flew in a factory representative who is supposed to fix it. He has had it for four days and wants to keep it into next week. Nissan has been slow to respond and the dealership has provided only marginal assistance. I've had to open a case with the BBB to even get their attention. In addition, my sound system is not working properly. This is very disappointing for $35k+. No one has offered me so much as an apology.
  • geemailgeemail Member Posts: 1
    My passenger seat shakes too. I guess I didn't think of taking it in for this issue. I have another problem. My service engine light keeps coming on. They tell me it's a "pressure leak" as if I didn't get the gas cap tight. But it keeps happening. This is the 4th time now. They replaced the cap last time. I'm to the point of demanding a different car. I will give them one more chance to fix it. They have been good though, curteous, understanding and accomodating. But I am worried about being in my lease for another 3 yrs! It's only 2600 miles now. :lemon: ?
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    If you have a 2009, then the service engine soon light is a common problem on that model year. I know a couple of guys on Maxima.com who went through hell trying to fix it. Some had it related to the gas cap and needed to replace that 3 times before the light stopped coming on! Go figure :confuse:
  • sofedupsofedup Member Posts: 2
    I totally agree with why they are at the bottom. I too loved my car but I never thought I would have had 6 months of problems w/my 2009 Nissan Maxima that is not a year old yet. I have had issues with the air since the beginning, then the heat in the winter, now back to summer and has been in repair since April 2, 2010, because they claim its normal for air to get warmer to "cool" off the cabin. I am not accepting that crap you have made a lemon and won't replace it. Consumer Affairs has been sending a tech since May 20, he finally came last week but the service manager wouldnt call me to tell he was here "WHY"??? I am now dealing with level above the affairs in the Manufacturers office. This is my 3rd Nissan, probably my last just for the fact that loyalty means nothing for the treatment I have received for the past 4 1/2 months!!!
  • jamison222jamison222 Member Posts: 2
    Well, I purchased a brand new 2010 Maxima Sport 3.5SV, black on black. Sharp looking car but looks have been deceiving! I bought the car from the dealer first week in May 2010. Since then... I have sent the car to the dealer about 5 times...

    -the rotors have been replaced twice
    -the wheels re-balanced twice
    -erratic and irregular idling issue (apparently new dealer software disk came last week for update)
    -wheel alignment
    -rear passenger window (streak/scratch from within door)
    -rust inside tailpipes (now removed)

    Still the car looks good... but drives strangely rough. Lots of vibration, or pulsing in the gas peddle and steering wheel has episodes of grinding or vibration... all tied to putting foot on the gas in shifting gear. CVT seems a bit sluggish at times.... not much more to say.

    The dealer has been terrific in dealing with the issues... but now my car has 5000kms on it... still have the steering wheel and peddle issue. What to do?
    I bought the Nissan extended 160,000/6 year warranty for piece of mind... but the way the car drives now... not sure. Disappointed really. Totally. :(
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    having the same issues with the vibrations! Finally found out, it all has to do with the OEM Goodyear RS-A tires! They are known for inherent vibration issues and Nissan knows this but b/c the Max is a 4 door sports sedan, they felt that rough sensations, vibrations, etc are normal for a car like this!

    If money is not object, slap some Michelin Primacy MXV4s on and about 90% of your vibration, road noise, ride quality, feeling the road imperfections will be gone!

    The other stuff, I don't know what to tell you.
  • curveygirlcurveygirl Member Posts: 1
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