'01 Pathfinder - weird whistling engine sound

rafayrafay Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Nissan
I own a '01 Pathfinder which I bought used around 2 years ago. So far I am very happy with it except that while I am driving it any where between 40mph to 50mph, I hear weired hollow whistling sound. This happens only when I have applied pressure on the gas paddle. This sound remains there till the truck is accelerated to 50mph...After that, the same thing happens again from 70mph to 80mph.

Has anyone experienced such a thing before? Any suggestions as what should I be looking for in order to troubleshoot this thing.

Btw, it is an LE 4x4 version of '01 pathfinder.


  • pathstar1pathstar1 Member Posts: 1,015
    If you have an antenna with a coil on it that can whistle (mine does).

    Otherwise, it sounds like the intake. Check the air filter (sealing ok). The intake hoses will whistle if the clamps aren't tight. Also the PCV valve, though they usually rattle.

    Note that right after you shut it off, the carbon canister vent will moan or whistle, until the system has vented.
  • rafayrafay Member Posts: 4
    i'll take a look at the suggested parts, however my first reaction going through the list is if there is some problem with any of the suggested parts of engine, then why would it sound differently at a particular acceleration band (i.e. 40mph - 50mph and 70mph - 80mph)?

    Just to elaborate more on the issue, this weired sound is only there if i have applied some constant or increasing pressure on gas paddle while the suv is moving anywhere from 40-50mph or 70-80mph. There is no sound if i let go the gas paddle at these speeds.
  • 03blackpath03blackpath Member Posts: 2
    I have an 03 Pathfinder and have that same whistling sound. Do you have the automatic climate control? If I turn mine off, the noise goes away. It also only occurs when the heat is on not the A/C. Wondering if it might be the water pump, sound gets louder the higher the RPM's. Just had the belts changed at 53k. Got rid of the belt noise but not the whistling. Let me know what you guys think.
  • joehanson1984joehanson1984 Member Posts: 1
    Im having the same problem with my 00' Pathfinder LE 4x4 except Im getting the noise from about 45-65 and from 75-90.....
  • khurramkhurram Member Posts: 15
    I am having similar problems. Anyone found any solution yet. Waiting for warranty to transfer so I can take the car to the dealer.

    I just bought a used pathfinder 20001 se, with 60k miles on it. Nearly Everything works fine, as it is still under extended warranty.

    There is one thing which is driving me crazy. If I am driving at low speed at 40 mph and let go of accelerator, then if I slightly tap the accelerator instead of pressing it down hard as I just want to increase the speed slightly, it makes at lound whirring noise at 1500 rpm and 45-50 mph. If I keep the accelerator pressed hard, then it does not happen as it shifts from 2-3-4.
    When it is whirring, I think the response goes down also.
    I am thinking it is a timing belt or transmission issue.
    Before I got the car, the dealer had installed a new transfer case, harness wiring.
    Any help on this would be appreciated as do not trust the dealer to much to really take an effort to replicate the problem in the workshop.
  • pmatteaupmatteau Member Posts: 1
    Has anyone gotten an answer for this yet?? I have the same exact problem. It isn't coming from the antenna or the AC or the water pump... It is coming from the drive train (transfer case, transmission, drive shaft).
    Any help! It's deafening at 45 mph!
  • nandianandia Member Posts: 1
    I also had this hissing sound on my Pathfinder for quite sometime. I took it to the dealer and he sprayed some water on the 2 belts in the front that run around the engine. When sprayed with water the hissing sound was practically eliminated. The belts needed lubrication, so in order to fix I had to get the 2 belts replaced. Doesn't cost much but now I no longer have the sounds when driving. And yes, the sound became higher pitched when accelerated. Try to locate the belts towards the front of the engine and just spray directly on the belts while running and see if the noise is eliminated, this might save you some money before any other suggested repairs to the sound.
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