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Pontiac Vibe: Audio & Entertainment Questions

PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
From ipods and MP3s right down to plain old AM/FM, this is the place to discuss audio and entertainment questions for the Vibe.


  • CapeCodCapeCod Member Posts: 117
    Is it just mine or is there a huge volume difference when you switch between the CD player and the FM radio ! Radio is way louder at same setting ??? Also, does anyone else think the antenna is a bit weak ??? I seem to lose signal sooner than with past vehicles. Signal seems to fluctuate more ????
    Does anyone have a trick for adding some light to the wiper, and cruise control sticks ? The shape of the dash really blocks the light at night !
    Has anyone had experience with the Vibe in the snow ???? Good ? Bad ??? Horrible ????
  • mchalemchale Member Posts: 2
    We had our Vibe for 2 weeks now & just drove from LA to Santa Barbara Ca & enjoyed its pep & high way handling we have the automatic with the 130Hp
    we wanted the bigger eng. but no auto with the GT

    I have ipod & a portable cassette player & would like to plug in to the Aux. jack (if there is one) on the radio it says CD-Aux do you think their may be RCA
    jacks in the back of the radio

    That would be cool to plug my stuff in

  • mchalemchale Member Posts: 2
    Looks like I answered my own question
    I got brave & took off the beauty ring & removed the stereo & no Aux. jack in the rear of the the unit.The factory left no add on option

    I tried using FM broadcasting wireless system
    setting fm channel to 88.7 ect and the quality is
    marginal and the signal from the unit varies
    in & out

    Any Ideas ??
  • lesterblesterb Member Posts: 13
    Yes, mchale I have discovered the same problem. Someone at the genvibe forum suggested that the input is somewhere in the wiring harness of the stereo. I haven't substantiated this but it could make sense. I'm disappointed that the Aux input was labelled put the input never physically executed at the factory. There must be some sort of explanation. If I find out more, I will be more than happy to share the information.
  • cfilkinscfilkins Member Posts: 39
    Has anyone looked into getting an aftermarket stereo installed in their Vibe? I've got the Moons & Tunes package, but I'd like to get something that can read MP3 files...plus the factory head gets REALLY hot, even at low volumes (surface temp of 130+ degrees by volume knob).

    I stopped into my local Circuit City and was told they'd install it for free, but it would take nearly $100 in accessories to even be able to install it, between the mounting kit, the antenna adapter, and the wiring harness. Is this total crap?

  • spydermunspydermun Member Posts: 2
    I'm a proud new owner of a shadow gt. Pretty spunky car, lots of complements. I wrecked my spyder gst, so I thought I would join you guys here. Need some advice, I have the moons and tunes package. The single CD player is pretty particular, aka it skips more than it should. I know some of my CD's are worn, but not that badly. Anyone else have problems with the CD player?
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    problems with the CD players in some of these cars, at least early on. I know I read some posts about that, and some people had their stereos replaced for free, over in the Toyota forum. Not sure if Pontiac would do this, but try searching for CD problems back a ways in both threads. It is not an unheard-of problem.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • 56795679 Member Posts: 88
    I had my cd player replaced at the end of February-no charge-because of skipping problems.
  • scottdudescottdude Member Posts: 177
    Thanks for the feedback folks. One more question that I was unable to find an answer to on the Vibe web site: does the stereo in the Moon and Tunes package include a CD player?
  • r2d5r2d5 Member Posts: 1
    For inquiring minds....

    If you want to leverage your AUX input on your
    Pontiac Vibe Radio in dash
    buy the GM9-AUX converter. It connects to where
    your CD player normally connects to the 6-Disk changer and outputs a standard RCA jack. So after connecting, you can plug an MP3 player, IPOD, Laptop, DVD player, etc. into the RCA output from the radio.
    A company named PIE (www.pie.net) makes them.
    You can buy it online from 49-69 bucks:

    IF you have heart..do it yourself. Or otherwise get a professional to do it!
  • stillageekstillageek Member Posts: 114
    Anyone know where I could get the CD Changer cable that connects from the Factory stereo (Factory Nav system) to the CD changer? I bought the unit on ebay but did not get the cable. The Factory nav works great, but have been unable to find the cable. I have tried local Pontiac and Toyota dealers with no luck.
  • mipowellmipowell Member Posts: 1
    i am thinking about purchasing a 2004 pontiac vibe for my son. the sound system sounds kind of weak.


    what is the best system to get as an option? do any of the 2004's have an integrated subwoofer like the 2005 models? if they do, which sound system options include the subwoofer?
  • vonnyvoncevonnyvonce Member Posts: 129
    Have a 2003 Vibe bought June 2002. Just had my second radio/CD player die. I did not know these radios were "disposable". I'm seeing if Pontiac will cover any/all. They want $330 for a replacement.

    In the meantime has anyone done aftermarket and how is the fit? Any ideas?
  • airheadairhead Member Posts: 3
    I've been quoted $580 for a new dealer installed radio for my 2003 Vibe---the radio works fine but the display light burned out. Did you have any luck finding aftermarket? Did you get any assistance from Pontiac? Bogus isn't the word I would choose for this situation. If Pontiac doesn't help me out with this I will NEVER set foot in a GM dealership again.
  • vonnyvoncevonnyvonce Member Posts: 129
    My quote was $338 just for the radio. Installation is easy, truly about a 5 minute job.

    Yes the radio is a real junk, plays ok but display problems for me twice. Never thoroughly shopped replacement yet but doubt you'll find anything that fits like factory.

    As for Pontiac customer service. I cannot express my disappointment. I was at the dealer 6/15 and 6/15 emailed my customer service guy with the details. I e-mail them every week and all I get is that my mail will be forwared to my guy. No wonder GM is going down the tubes.
  • herbrherbr Member Posts: 1
    Logon on to Ebay do a search for Pontiac Vibe. There are 4 or 5 radios for sale
  • captain_ericcaptain_eric Member Posts: 1
    I just bought a used Vibe from Enterprise Used Cars sales. I'm very happy with it, but I can't insert a CD into my single-disc player. I used an older CD as a test to try to get it in, once it wouldn't take a new one of mine. It scratches the CD and I have to force it in, and it only goes in half-way.
  • vonnyvoncevonnyvonce Member Posts: 129
    Vibe radios/CD are junk. Had 2 die in 3 years. GM junk.

    Unrelated question. A/C seems a little weak, I remember a thread about the warm air door not completely sealing thus warming the A/C. What was the fix and how to go about it.
  • maxx4memaxx4me Member Posts: 1,340
    another common problem with the Vibe is that the temperature dial underneath the dash can actually travel a bit more to the cold side than is allowed by the dashboard dial. The problem: the cable underneath the dash needs to be adjusted. I did it myself. It is viewable from the passenger side. Simply get down low and look for the moving wheel and cable as you turn the temperature dial on the dash. If you see that there is a small amount of space that the wheel can travel despite the dash dial turned all the way to cold, simply remove the cable, turn the dial under the dash to the end point, and reinsert the cable. It worked on my car.
  • vonnyvoncevonnyvonce Member Posts: 129
    1. As recommended I managed easily to fix the A/C, very cold now. Thank you

    2.Finally offically heard from Pontiac about the junk radios. Apparently GM does not think 3 radios in 3 years is excessive and as such will not replace the junk electronics, note that is about the only part of the car that is GM. Love the Vibe, 90000 miles and only brakes very recently and tires but like I told the Pontiac woman, this will be my last GM car. They will not stand behind their junk.
  • jasonvibejasonvibe Member Posts: 9
    Vonnyvonce...90k on it. So have you had the hot/warm restart issues??
  • vonnyvoncevonnyvonce Member Posts: 129
    Jasonvibe, Not sure what you're asking. The replacement radio/CD for the first defective one rubbed the CD when braking. After a bit the display started to go out. Right now about 1/2 is lit. The GM radios are junk.

    If you're asking about hot/warm, restarting as for as the engine goes, no I've had no trouble with anything like that at all.
  • jstant01jstant01 Member Posts: 65
    jasonvibe...Just for the record, my Vibe doesn't really have a hot/warm restart issue, but it does start much differently than when cold. When the engine is cold, you crank, and it fires right up. When it is "warm" (i.e. having just been turned off, or having set for less than half an hour), it take a much longer crank, but it has always started. See my post in the Repair/Maintenance section about the weird sound it makes on warm restarts. Someone else way back in like 2003 mentioned the same thing.
  • markwizmarkwiz Member Posts: 4
    My radio in my 2004 Vibe is going down the tubes. The PLL is going bad and it keeps loosing the stations. This car has the Moon/tunes package. How is the radio hooked up? Does it have a separate 200W amp or is it all in the one unit?
    I want to replace the unit with something else than the original
    radio. If the 200W amp is separate, I would like to hook a new radio to it. Thanks.
  • ronald711ronald711 Member Posts: 44
    I understand that the passenger seat can be laid flat and pushed up to glove box to give a work surface next to the driver to put a laptop or whatever, what is the size of this surface, I want to see if my laptop could sit in it nicely. is it square or is rectangular and what size is it from left to right from the rivers position( engine to trunk) and then the minension from left door to right door.
  • ronald711ronald711 Member Posts: 44
    I got the surface measurement 12x13 thanks, it fits my laptop facing to the bank, which is fine.
  • smithassociatesmithassociate Member Posts: 5
    Anyone know if the factory stereo in an 05 Vibe (moon and tunes package) has any RCA jacks or connectors in the BACK (I know there are no connectors on the front). I would like to attach an MP3 player, preferably without an FM transmitter.
  • ziggy54449ziggy54449 Member Posts: 2
    I recently came home with an '06 vibe. When I test drove the car, I thought it had 2 12 volt plug-ins, one in the dash, and one in the center console storage box. To my surprise when I went to plug-in to the console storage box, it was only a rubber plug, with no outlet. I can stick my finger in and feel only the hole.
    Does everyone else have one? Did the factory just forget to put the outlet in? Is it an option?
    Any feedback to this forum or my email is appreciated.
  • ziggy54449ziggy54449 Member Posts: 2
    I noticed that the spedometer is always reading 5 MPH faster than I am driving. I noticed that after everyone began to pass me, then drove past a speed display, and noiced it is off. Is there an adjustment that can be made?
  • jstant01jstant01 Member Posts: 65
    No plug after 2004. The 2003 and 2004 Vibe had it, but they dropped the center console plug for the 2005 model year. This is yet another fine example of "GM" cost-cutting. It's ridiculous to put the plug cover and everything else in there except for the plug, but that's what they did!

    I don't know about "after-market" wiring one in. I suppose it could probably be done, but would probably take quite a bit of work.
  • pmckaypmckay Member Posts: 6
    Wondering about 07 Vibe w/ 6 disk.
    Does it read MP3 disks? (I think yes..)
    Is there an aux input jack for MP3 or I-Pod?
    If not - Has anyone got experience with hard wire adaptors for inputs?
  • roland_tagoeroland_tagoe Member Posts: 1
    A friend has the sam problem, does anyone know how to get a plug in for ipods and mp3 players?

  • caliberchiccaliberchic Member Posts: 402
    Search for I Pod intergration kits, there is a wiring harness and such to hard wire. It's apx $200-$300 I believe.

    You can use a wireless Fm Modulator with an I Pod, it's called I trip but it's subject to clarity issues since it runs through the radio.
  • macvibemacvibe Member Posts: 1
    The Summer 2007 issue of MacLife (Hardware Handbook) has an article showing how to install an iPod interface in a car. The only problem is the car radio needs to have RCA auxiliary inputs in the back. Does a 2003 Vibe have those?
  • badby866badby866 Member Posts: 1
    So i went out to pep-boys and got some "ok" underglows for my 2005 vibe and began to think about hardwiring them to the fuse box in one of the spare spaces. Which plugging it into a spare fuse area shouldn't be too difficult of a problem but my main concern is try to go the wire from the inside of the car to under the hood to the fuse box. anybody have any ideas?
  • koz39koz39 Member Posts: 2
    :sick: the cd player stopped working in my 04 vibe. It won't eject or load. Is this a typical problem with the vibe's radio? An easy fix? Any advice would be helpful. :confuse:
  • bcc2bcc2 Member Posts: 1
    :sick: Hey - same exact problem with my cd player, but my vibe is an 05. Won't eject or load. Looking for advice... :confuse:
  • xspagxxspagx Member Posts: 1
    if cds are stuck in your stereo or it won't load or eject either let the battery die or disconnect it... same thing happened to mine, a week later the battery died and when I put a new one in, the cd player worked....
  • mjb56mjb56 Member Posts: 170
    We've had the same problems with our 05. I'm wondering if there's any aftermarket option that has bluetooth and MP3 capabilities. I've seen some interesting ones at Best Buy but they don't have the full size option and I think some adapter kit would look awful. Any one have any experience with a decent replacement?
  • adhreginaadhregina Member Posts: 2
    2004 Vibe deck led lights not working. Daughter uses the car & plugs in laptop, ipod & cell charger. Now bass is not working. Fuses seem okay. Amp under seat maybe the culprit. Anyone else had same problem?

    Would an after market amp be best? Or do I need a whole new system?
  • digitalvortexdigitalvortex Member Posts: 1
    Same problem here on a 2003 Vibe with 6 disk changer. Several weeks ago the radio was fine, BUT CDs would not eject. When wife had it in for other service, mentioned to the dealer about the CDs not ejecting. When she got the car back they told her the pulled the fuse and reseated it. At that point the CD eject was working....albeit sluggishly. A new problem then occurred with no bass response.

    I have since replaced the battery. It did need a new one and was hoping it would cure the lack of bass issue because I recall a Grand Am we owned that would experience radio flakiness when the battery was in need of replacement. No such luck. So I'd like a solution as much as you would.
  • jennyjayjennyjay Member Posts: 2
    Just wondering if anyone has this problem. The CD player works, but the radio stopped completely. I am guessing I have to replace the whole thing. Unless it's some easy thing that can be fixed.
  • tkelltkell Member Posts: 3
    The sound from my 2003 Pontiac Vibe stereo has really deteriorated. Very little bass response and not much volume. I have replaced the amp under the seat and the stereo with used units. Installed a secondary ground wire to the stereo, tried different speakers but they don’t sound any better. Cleaned every plug connector I can find. Anyone have other ideas?
  • lanceplancep Member Posts: 3
    Last night the Bass just went out on my Vibe.
    I thought I may have blown a speaker. I replaced the speaker, but did not fix the problem. Any suggestions?
  • tkelltkell Member Posts: 3
    Did you ever get your stereo to work again? I have the same problem with no bass and almost no volume on the back speakers and I have tried changing out the head unit, amp and speakers and it still does not work.
  • lanceplancep Member Posts: 3
    I took out the amp, chnged the speakers, replaced the fuse. I was going to change out the amp today, but after reading your post, I think I'll save the money. I have no clue what to do next, other than tear out the whole system and have someone put another one in for me. I'm definately not smart enough to mess with it, or have the time. Unfortunately, with Christmas, dont have the funds right now either. Gonna be a TREBLE couple of weeks.
    Please let me know if you find a solution. Its frustrating the hell out of me zzzz91@ymail.com
  • johnmannjohnmann Member Posts: 1
    Is there a way to add AUX input
    I.E. for MP3 player/smartphone and/or XM Radio
    this will really be handy when we go down to Mazatlan
  • sci_guysci_guy Member Posts: 1
    I am also experiencing problems with my radio. In the mornings, the CD and radio do not work - the cut in and out until the engine has warmed up. The radio works well later in the day when I go home. Is this a potential battery issue, or is it a problem with the actual radio? (I have a 6 CD changer).
  • lanceplancep Member Posts: 3
    I replaced the HU and the front speakers. works fine now. I was told on here, that it was either the Amp, or the HU. So I took the cheapest route first, hoping it was the HU. Thank goodness it was. And since I'm not mechanically inclined AT ALL, I paid Best Buy to install.
  • jennyjayjennyjay Member Posts: 2
    My problem was resolved about 2 hours later and has not happened again since. I think it's something electronic or the battery and not he actual radio, but I am not sure.

    My parents always told me to turn off EVERYthing when I turn off the car, or else when I start up again the next day, (supposedly) the battery will be strained. I am not sure if this is true, but it so happened that the day the radio went out, I had everything turn on when I started up - radio, a/c, fan, etc.

    Now I make sure to turn everything off.
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