Lexus GS AWD - Tires & Wheels
I have '06 GS300 AWD w/the 18"wheels & run-flat tires from the GS430 since Feb. with 5500 miles. After about 2-3 weeks of purchase, I noticed the car seems to drift & require a lot of steering wheel correction to prevent the car from drifting out of my lane. Lexus corrected a slight steering wheel mis-alignment during the 5K maintenance & I had an alignment performed also, which seems to improve the tracking, but more times than not, the steering wheel & tracking of the car feels disconnected. The Lexus suspension drove the car & suggested the light feel of the steering wheel is normal & that the run-flat performance all-season tires that came with the 18" wheels may be contributing to the erratic tracking, because the rubber on the corners of the tires are harder than regular tire. He said, it takes time for the rubber to heat up, soften up, thus a smoother ride the longer you drive at a continuous pace vs stop & go traffic. Anyone else having this problem?
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Thanks for the feedback. I test drove the BMW 530, GS300, & M35xi as part of the 3 cars I considered, the Infiniti handled the closest to the BMW, but none of the GS300 AWD I test drove had the 18" wheels with run flat tires from the GS430. The alignment done last month helped, but it definitely "drifts" on certain "worn" road surfaces. Lexus steering wheels never had the tighter/heavier feel to it like a BMW, thus the reason the Infiniti & Lexus competitors are trying to match (to a degree) the characterics of the 530i. I too, will continue to nag Lexus on this issue until I am satisfied. Hopefully it is just a matter of changing tires & not something inherent in the suspension, which means Lexus will get it right in subsequent GS model releases. Keep me up to date on your attempt to get it corrected & I will do the same.
The Lexus dealer swears that it's only the bumpy roads where we live, but you are constantly fighting this car on every inch of the road. My family refuses to drive it anymore!
I can't believe that Lexus would turn out a product like this. My other Lexus was absolutely the best car I have ever owned, but this one is a complete pain - a complete disappointment. I also use 4 winter snowtires each winter and this makes the problem less troubling but its still an issue.
My question is, " Is this just a tire issue or is it a problem Lexus didn't catch?" If it's tires, does anyone have a solution to what would work?
It has been about 3 months since I had the alignment done on my car & to date, the car continues to track & handle well, with the exception of one road a have to travel daily which has deep groves/ruts in the asphalt due to heavy use of the road by by dump trucks, cement mixers, & light industrial type trucks. So I believe the combination of the 4-wheel alignment & having the steering wheel aligned has addressed the tracking/drifting problem I experienced during the first 5 months of ownership. I still have the high performance all season run flat tires that came with the 18" wheels from the GS430 model. It should be interesting to see how they handle during the winter months in the Northern Virginia suburb of Washington,D.C. area.
Is this something the Lexus dealership can & will adjust at no charge during the warranty period?
Thanks, Evel
So your dealer cannot legally adjust the headlamps' beam height beyond the factory specification.
Thank you for the info & explanation for why the headlamps are angled so low out in front of the car.
I also complained about the car tending to veer left or right in quick jerks while I am trying to keep the car going straight. I also noticed that the road (minor bumps) can cause the steering wheel to move. It takes too much effort to simply have a relaxing drive -- I have to work too hard keeping the car from going into other lanes.
My car also has a problem with a jerky acceleration (below 20 mph) which I was told (a couple of times by JM Lexus technicians) is normal for Lexus. ...since my family (including me) has had many GM cars/trucks, I recognize this feel as a slipping transmission (like when there is low fluid).
Now for my Lexus ??!! I am getting more frustrated. :mad:
I've had my GS300 AWD w/18" wheels & low profile low-flat tires pulled from the GS430 since Feb. '07. I now have a little over 7,300 miles. I assume you have the standard 17" wheels & all season tires that come on the GS300 line. If so, I am surprised you are experiencing the same "tracking" issues I experienced the first 6 months of ownership. I say this because, I assumed my issue was primarily caused by the low profile all season performance tires (hard rubber) which run somewhat rough until the tires heat up & the rubber softens. Within the first two weeks of ownership, it pulled to the right, while braking & it was corrected by Lexus per a TSB for this problem. I assume it was a camber adjustment on the right front brake. The drifting/tracking issue continued & I returned it to Lexus a few weeks later, & their suspension/alignment tech drove it with me riding along, on several roads (crowned, flat, rough, smooth) & he noticed the slight drift, but told me it is tracking properly & said this is how independent suspension cars handle vs. the double wishbone suspension my previous car had (Acura CL). At the free six month svc (August), Lexus corrected the mis-aligned steering wheel & told me the tire alignment was off. I took it to a nearby Goodyear for alignment ($90-lifetime) vs. $160 quoted by the Lexus dealer; and it has been tracking fine since the alignment. This past weekend, I got it out on the interstate for a short drive (under 100 miles)& the suspension & handling felt great. Once the tires heated up, the was very smooth & what is expected from a Lexus. Also, the tire noise is not bad with the tires I have & I've shut the radio off & listen on various road (ashphalt & concrete)surfaces, but then again, my previous car was a '98 Acura CL I had for 8 yrs, so a new Ford F-150 would probably sound quieter than an 8 yr old car. ( :
As for the jerky acceleration below 20 mph, I noticed it too, while driving in heavy morning rush hour traffic. I nearly rear ended a few people early on during the period of ownership, I guess I have gotten accustomed to it now. I tend to have a heavy accelerator foot (speed demon (: ), so I've learned to tap on the accelerator & coast more vs. trying to apply a light - constant accelerator pedal in slow rush hour traffic. If you get Lexus to address this problem, please let me know what they identified the problem to be & how the fixed it so I can do the same.
When I purchased the car, a sales rep, who was not assisting me advised me to check the alignment frequently. I can't recall if he said 4WD vehicles get out of alignment more frequently than FWD or RWD cars; or if it was to extend the life of the performance run-flat tires w/the 18" wheels pulled from the GS430 & installed on my car. I would press Lexus for a new set of tires. I don't which wheel & tire set you have, but the run-flat tires w/the 18" wheels priced out at $299/each online from The Tire Rack, who are usually cheaper than the brick & mortar tire shops. When the time comes for new tires, I will probably switch to another type of all season performance tires with a longer tread life & higher profile to reduce the amount of fender gap (raised look) that the low profile tires created on my car. If you have the standard 17" wheels/tires that come with the GS300, what was the advertised tread life for them? It should be more than 10K miles.
Now, if only Eibach or some other suspension manufacturer would design lowering springs for the AWD version to lower height to eliminate some of the wheel well gap that take away from the sporty design of the AWD vs RWD. I heard of a company (racing products) located in or near Baltimore, but has been unable to find them.
I need to replace the tires. I want to replace run flats with regular tires.
Other than not having spare tire has anyone experienced any downsides or negatives of doing this.
I'm looking for a better ride and spending 50% less $.