Chevy Tracker Starting and Stalling Problems

in Chevrolet
I was wondering if you guys know what would be the reason why my chevy tracker 1999 turns off everytime I put the AC on? Thanks
While I'm at it...any ideas on how to turn off the DRL's so I won't melt the headlamps again?
Okay, I'll tell. I strapped the kayaks on the roof down from the bow over the headlamps to the front tow hook. The foam I was using to "protect" the headlamps from the straps melted into the lamps and left a gaping hole on each one.
Twice now in 2 years the engine has totally died. All other electrics were OK ( lights starter etc.) No "check engine" light. Starter would crank normally, but no start.
Since the car has a vibration at freeway speeds I checked those relays that I could find ( not quite sure why so many relays when a switch would do). No go. Tried again, started right up and ran the 1000 miles to home.
Now a year later same problem. Did the relay game again. No go. Since I was only a mile from home I had AAA tow it.
With manual in hand I located another flock of relays cleverly located high up on the left kick panel above the cabin fuse panel (there's more fuses in the engine compartment). Shook, removed/replaced ALL. No go. Jumpered the fuel pump relay (sub'd a wire for the make/break contacts). No go. Cussed. A lot.
Two months later I was listening to the radio in the car ( I have comments on removable stereo faces too !) and just by chance cranked the engine. Fired right up !
One of my manuals ( I have Haynes & the 2 volume factory book ) mentioned, ever so casually, "intermittent fuel pump, likely a poor ground".
Before I drop the tank and preemptively replace the fuel pump, as well the too small wire (read, minimum needed !), has anyone met and cured this problem ?
Since my Cherokee blew a head gasket I need the Tracker !
Thanks, Tom
PS; Just went for the smog test. Test codes erased due to battery disconnect (that 2 months must be it !). Was told to do “at least 100 miles” on the freeway to reset the computer. That in a car I’m afraid to drive at all ! I have visions of an 18 wheeler bearing down on me when the engine conks out !
I want to invest a few bucks in it this year so any ideas of what I need to prioritize I would love to know.
This is my last car purchase and I want to keep it in immaculate condition. I am 57 and have so many other things I need to do with my money than buy a new car...TRAVELLLL!!!
I am retired so the luxury cars have come and gone. Decided to make a practical purchase in '99 that would be inexpensive to maintain.
So any thoughts please please let me know.......
The prior owner of my Tracker had the heater core replaced 3 years ago - and it just started leaking again. Her cost was $800 - that's $300 core (outrageous !) PLUS $500 labor. I'm doing it myself, so believe me, I understand the labor cost. NOTHING is built for maintenance since the designers think mechanics are, at best, monkeys.
I replaced 3 very minor emissions parts on my wife's Corolla. $372 for parts that were so minor in size & complexity that $100 SHOULD have been high.
By the way I'm 70 and still working on this stuff !
Good luck,
Hope this helps. I did NOT go through a dealership, as my Tracker is a 2000 and has 150,000 miles on it. Since yours is a 2003, you may want to take it to a dealership.
It only does it sporadically, though. I've also left it idling in park and it's died a few times and then it does the 'spit and sputter' ordeal again trying to get it started.
When it first happened, I thought the timing belt had slipped or broken. But, after about 10 minutes, it started right up and worked fine the rest of the evening. A couple of days later, in the heat of the afternoon, it started the 'spit and sputter' deal again. This time, I thought maybe it was some bad gas or water in the tank. Put some gas treatment in and it worked -- again -- for a couple of days with no problem.
I scheduled a visit to the shop for it last Friday to be dropped off over night on Monday. BUT, it went all the way from last Thursday through the weekend and most of Monday with no further problem. So, I cancelled the trip to the shop. Would you know it!? Monday night it started acting up again.
Now, I read this thread and I'm pretty well convinced it must be this CAM Position Sensor that's been mentioned. I'm in and out of the car a lot and decided to try raising the hood of the car between trips. So far, [knock on wood] that seems to have prevented any further episode throughout this past evening.
BTW, it's been HOT-HOT here in Metro Atlanta, GA -- 100+ F day after day.
So, just how sure should I be that the CAM Pos Sensor is the culprit? Advanced Auto has one onhand for $164 +/- plus tax. I know I can change it out myself, but would hate to spend this much money and it not be the fix I need.
Cheers for any reply and further suggestions.
I have a problem that just started yesterday where the car just would not start -- the starter motor would not engage -- although the idiot lights all work, along with headlights, etc. In desperation I disconnected the battery, let it sit for about 10 minutes, and re-connected it. The starter motor and engine did crank but it seemed to do so very slowly, kind of like what you would expect when the battery was about to shoot craps. I was able to drive the vehicle home and it started a second time, but on the third attempt it once again would not crank over. I took the battery to an auto parts store and it checked out fine. Does anyone have any idea what to try next?
Thanks, GF.
My past massages dealt with me breaking the timing chain and trashing my engine in my 2001 Tracker. I have since replaced the engine with a low mileage, wrecking yard engine. The engine has run good and has performed well, up until now...
It began one day recently, when it was rather hot.
I had stopped for gas and when I got in an re-started it, it acted like it was out-of-timing and trying to kick backwards. Finally after letting it set 10 minutes or so, it started and ran smoothly???
Well, it has gotten progressively worse.
Last week, it was a hot day, I got stuck in stop & go traffic and it sputtered and coughed and stopped. After letting it set for 5/10 minutes, it started, ran smoothly and I was able to get out of the stop & go mess.
It happened again this last Saturday, after driving about 50/60 miles, it coughed and stopped running. Again, Let it set 5/10 minutes, it started right up and I continued my trip without a problem.
It appears to me that it is the Cam Sensor problem you folks have been mentioning.
MY QUESTION IS: Is the Cam Sensor just a bolt-on replacement, or does the timing have to be set by it? (Like a old Distributor required?)
Also, the AutoZone inexpensive replacement, is it a quality-built replacement part, or junk?
By the way, my 2001 Tracker has 230,000+ miles on it and is still tracking on! (except for this minor glitch!)
I notice you that you said your wife had a 2003 tracker, When did she start having problems with it? I am curious as well because my 2003 Tracker started spurtering & and basically dies, takes about 20 minutes before it can start again. Its been in and out of shops and supposely driven by other people .... I am to the point I feel like i am losing my mind. I been dealing with this slight problem for a year!!!! Its scary when it happens in a intersection turning area.
Here is my message:
It began one day recently, when it was rather hot.
I had stopped for gas and when I got in an re-started it, it acted like it was out-of-timing and trying to kick backwards. Finally after letting it set 10 minutes or so, it started and ran smoothly???
Well, it has gotten progressively worse.
Last week, it was a hot day, I got stuck in stop & go traffic and it sputtered and coughed and stopped. After letting it set for 5/10 minutes, it started, ran smoothly and I was able to get out of the stop & go mess.
It happened again this last Saturday, after driving about 50/60 miles, it coughed and stopped running. Again, Let it set 5/10 minutes, it started right up and I continued my trip without a problem.
It appears to me that it is the Cam Sensor problem you folks have been mentioning.
MY QUESTION IS: Is the Cam Sensor just a bolt-on replacement, or does the timing have to be set by it? (Like a old Distributor required?)
Also, the AutoZone inexpensive replacement, is it a quality-built replacement part, or junk?
By the way, my 2001 Tracker has 230,000+ miles on it and is still tracking on! (except for this minor glitch!)
As a follow-up, I took the advise from a previous post...
when I stop after driving for awhile, I have to open the hood and pour water over the Cam Sensor to cool it off. I get back in and it cranks right up like nothings wrong.
I know it is the problem, but I need to know if it just a bolt-on replacement, or do you have to set the timing with it?
(In other words, can I do it myself, or does it require a mechanic with timing equipment?)
Hope this helps you figure out your problem.
I still need an answer???
I guess you didn't see my message where I ask some questions about replacing the Cam Sensor?
What I need to know:
1. Is the sensor just a bolt-on replacement, or does it require setting the timing again? Any special tools?
2. Not being familiar with the Cam Sensor, is it the bolt-on part, just behind the valve cover, on top, rear of engine, or is it just one of the plug-in leads hooked to that part?
3. Is the AutoZone Replacement good quality, or just junk?
4. if junk, where is the least expensive source to find it?
I would appreciate some brief instructions on the replacement of the Cam Sensor, thus saving me the Mechanic's outrageous costs.
If you can provide an answer, this is something I need to fix right away, as the hot weather is hitting now. (Tired of having to pour water on sensor to cool it down, after stopping in stop 'n' go traffic!)
If you want email me at and I can locate my sheet that the dealership did on my car and give you more information.
Anyway, still having the problem with the cam sensor...
On real hot days, like now, it quits on me. I pour water over the cam sensor and cool it down, then it starts right up and I continue my trip.
I really need to get answers to my questions in my previous post. I have to fix it myself, or find a inexpensive mechanic to do it. ( a Joke :>) )
Any help and info will be appreciated.
Sam Nicholson
(The least expensive of two evils!!!)
Also, have the spark plug coils checked out, I had them mess up on mine.
I'm not sure that is what they are called, but they are located above each spark plug and supply the spark to the plugs. (one for each plug.)
Pulling the engine/trans apart would be a last resort.
This is my first post. I have a 1998 chevrolet tracker that has 127,890 miles, 16 valve,1.6 liter engine. ran good until one day my daughter drove it to the minute mart, she got back in to start it, would not start.
I went and got the car and brought it to the house. I checked the fuel line including the fuel filter....all OK. I checked the timing and replaced the timing belt(wore out). checked the spark on spark plugs...yellow spark, it tries to start when I try and hold the peddle half way, pushing the peddle to the floor floods it. I also checked vacu hoses and nothing seems out of place. Thank you in advance.
I did a compression check on the no.1 cyl and the no. 4 cyl. no.1 had 105 and no.4 had 97, do not have an idea what these cyl are on compression.readings.
The fuel pump's ok and getting fuel to the carb. took the plug wires off(1 and 2), and cranked the engine, than took two of the spark plugs out(1 and 2), no gas or gas smell but had oil on the no.1 plug, and on the no.2 plug I had a faint smell of gas and oil covered plug.
I am suspecting bad or clogged fuel injectors. your thoughts please. thank you.
Anybody got any ideas!
The sensor on my 2003 Tracker is at the firewall, top of the valve cover. It's about 3 inches in diameter. I had my mechanic buy it and put it in, as it has to be adjusted correctly when installed. He is expensive, I know, and charged me 450 bucks, but that is because of where we are in the middle of nowhere. I had read of the same thing costing about 250. It works fine, no more stalling.
I replaced my cam sensor about 3 monrths ago...
... cost me $98.00 at AutoZone. It does need to be adjusted, but may reduce the cost if you install yourself and have the Mech. adjust it.
(You might want to do it with the Mech. close by, as it may not run properly if it isn't installed close to the same setting as the old one.)
There are a bunch of messages concerning this problem, if you do a search in any category with Trackers in it and use my name, snichol, you will see a history about it.
Hope it helps.
The car has not given me a single problem until last week. I parked the car in the garage and went on vacation. Car was parked for about 4 days and a friend started the car up and it ran fine, but she didn't drive it. I returned from vacation 3 days later and the car won't start. It has full power and tries to turn over but sort of "coughs" (for a lack of a better word) and won't start. I checked the fluids and the antifreeze and radiator appear full and normal. Oil was low so I added a quart. It was suggested I add the gas additive "heat" to the fuel so I did, in an attempt to void any moisture in the gas tank. Upon opening the fuel cap, there was a lot of pressure released. Battery water level is normal and power appears to be full when I turn the key to the "on" position.
I wasn't sure if perhaps the weather temperature had anything to do with this problem. Temperature dropped to around 30 degrees, but the car was garaged the entire time. Anyone have any other ideas as to what might cause the car to not turn over?
Thanks so much for your help.
Randi in Seattle, WA
I'm having the same problem. Can you let me know if you got your problem solved and how?