dodgeram7dodgeram7 Member Posts: 55
edited March 2014 in Dodge
Dodge has the best drivetrain on the market right
now to bad they are about to stop producation of
the 318-360. These are the last of the late sixties
small block designs.


  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    being obsolete. That's probably why you don't see the 426 hemi in production drivetrain...compared to Hugo maybe...

    You should really wait for the next generation of Dodge trucks. They maybe worth posting about...
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    Dodge and Rule just don't go together...

    Kinda like Jumbo Shrimp...or Tundra Full size...just ain't the facts..

    It seems the other big bad truck maker (Dodge)...of a whopping 6 years...has gone to another head..

    What about the weak trannys and bad brakes?...and the fact that the Dodge 5.9 can't even out do a Chevy 5.3?

    Dodge has one thing...and they don't even make it..the Cummins...

    I think the Tundra fans have rubbed off on you man?

    - Tim
  • rrichfrrichf Member Posts: 211
    Be nice to your service advisor.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Insert coin
    Turn handle
    Lay on ground
    Light fuse
    Get away
  • lariat1lariat1 Member Posts: 461
    Has helped the truck industry an unmeasurable amount. Who had the first crew cabs, the first 4-wheel drive, the first REAL diesel(whether they make it or not), I think they may even have made the first extended cab.
    How long did it take Chevy to make an extended cab? If you check they didnt make one until 1988??? WOW they are cutting edge. Dodge started making them back in the early seventies I think. Can anyone think of a truck that stirred up the industry like the "NEW RAM". I agree Dodge did not sell many trucks before 1994 and their trucks between 1972 and 1993 were terds in a metal cladding but the old dodges from the sixties were built tough as hell. What kind of horsepower was available in the Ford or Chevy trucks before dodge came out with the magnum engines? How about a 220 hp 454? or a 180Hp 351? Dodge Got everyone attention when they had a whole lineup of engines that made over 200 hp.
    Dodge may have started selling lots of trucks 6 years ago but they have been a truck maker for over 40 years, they may be the youngest truck maker and they may not be the best but they do get everyones attention.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    I mentioned the Diesel...and gave credit

    How many ex. cabs you see before the mid nineties?...once in a few years i see an older one..kinda like a pre 94 Dodge...once in a few years i see one..

    Where is all this awesome engine technology now?...seems they never went anywhere FROM the 60's?...Their engines and in fact entire drivetrains are a joke. The only thing that makes them the new Body..which is why 6 years is all they have sold for.
    I realize looks are a big factor...but it kills me all these people who never owned a truck a post 94 Ram and say it's KING!...give me a break..

    Dodge had the Hemi and the Wedge too...too bad all their "great" ideas never went anywhere..or did not see any big numbers....(kinda like now for Dodge Trucks)

    I give Dodge styling credit..(although I don't like the Ram that's better than the pre 94 brick wall)...but their drivetrain is lame. They also are good to get things out quick...I give them that.

    Chevy VS Ford has been...and will be for a long time the topic of discussion.

    - Tim
  • rrichfrrichf Member Posts: 211
    Didn't international Harvester (Now Navistar) offer a diesel in their (Now defunct) pichups back in the '50s?
  • lariat1lariat1 Member Posts: 461
    had a diesel but I think it fell into the catagory of the old diesels that did nothing but stink,make noise and fail to develop power. I can remember the old diesels they sucked at best they fail in comparison to the newer Cummins B series, the Power stroke and the new Duramax.

    Tim, as far as extended cab pickups go I have owned them since I started driving my first truck was a 1983 Ford ex-cab I wil never own a reg-cab. Pretty soon though I think the ex-cab market will slow way down and give way to the crew cab market, I know my next truck will be a Super Duty crew cab short bed. I do agree with you that Ford and GM will always be the talk but Dodge will be there to push them and make them create better products, personally I am a Ford man but I own a dodge because I could get a better deal on a Cummins than I could on a Power stroke.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    will be the thing now...with the super short boxes...but I will stick to SB combo....a 5 foot bed is too short...and a crew cab 6.5 box is too long...(I can drive it...just don't want to).

    If I want full size back seats..I'll get a Burb...course then I have no bed!....if the Avalanche wasn't so damn may solve that problem with the ability to enclose 8 feet of indoor storage...

    we will see

    For now next truck is a 2002 HD Silverado SB 6.0 LT.

    - Tim
  • rassom1rassom1 Member Posts: 35
    The magnum engines were first out in the 1992 model years. That includes the ram and Dakota.
    Before that including all of the 1980's all the engines produced in all the Fords, Chevy's and Dodges were detuned masses of no horsepower engines. It took Dodge to wake up both Ford and Chevy to start increasing the horsepower in their engines again also. Dont understand the thinking of Ford and Chevy owners. There engines were all detuned like the rest of them.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    a Magnum 5.9 can't make more power than a detuned Chevy 5.3.

    - Tim
  • rassom1rassom1 Member Posts: 35
    What is a detuned Chevy 5.3? I thought it was a brand new engine.
  • lariat1lariat1 Member Posts: 461
    Dodge is probably the one manufacture that keeps pushing the envelope, this benifits all the consumers whether they buy a ford dodge or chevy. If all there was for competition was a bunch of 200HP v-8's in trucks do you think there even would be a NEW 5.3l chevy engine when the old 5.7 was powerful enough to beat the others?
    Dodge has a bad habit of coming up with great ideas and never following up on them, I like dodge trucks but they are slow to upgrade the only thg is when they do upgrade it effects the industry a lot.
  • lariat1lariat1 Member Posts: 461
    up here in alaska over at the ford dealer all you can find is Super crews and crew cabs with a few ex-cabs all you see running around is crew cabs also.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    I never did follow trends...I'll drive what I want until I don't wanna drive it no more...

    Dodge does have good ideas for looks.....and gets them out very fast...but Mechanical they stink..

    GM is slow to get things out...but is almost always better than Dodge.

    - Tim
  • lariat1lariat1 Member Posts: 461
    with my dodge so far it is a 98 with the 24v Cummins and an automatic. the closest thing to a problem was my tach died one day took it in to the dealer and they replaced the crankshaft sensor and I had the truck back before lunch.
    I owned a Chevy once and I fixed it more than I drove it but it was an old beater. I almost bought a new Sierra but it only had 3 doors and I could not get a diesel so that ruled out GM when I bought the dodge, Ford wouldnt deal so I ruled them out.
    I like the GM istrumentation all their gages have numbers and there is a transmission temp gage but the styling to me is a little bland.
    I am interested to see what the new dodge ram will look like and have for advancements, I know it will have 4 wheel disc brakes ( bout time) and the Cummins is gone in favor of a MB engine (big mistake in my opinion).
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    That's why you avoid being trendy by getting a regular cab truck...a real truck, with a long bed.

    They are never out of style because they were never "in" style.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    I agree to skip trends and get what you want...but I had short beds before they were the norm..matter of fact..never had a long bed...too much like gramps for me..

    (Sorry Quad)....truck is nice...but we all have opinions...

    Kinda like Blue should have pewter flares..not Black...(sorry babs)

    - Tim
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    How can you do that to me. haha Its ok no biggie we have our own tastes i think the blue/petwer looks nice but i didnt want 2 tone. Good thing too that scratch would have been a mess to fix with 2 tone truck.

  • RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982
    Ford was first with the extended cabs. Dodge pushes the envelope because it has to. Being far behind the big 2 allows them to go for broke on certain ideas. Some work...some don't.
  • rrichfrrichf Member Posts: 211
    Wasn't the 'Datsun King Cab' the first truck with an extended cab?

  • RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982
    Actually....No. I remember Dodge and Ford ext.cabs before Nissan(datsun) was even heard of. The king cab came out in the 70's, a good 15 years after Ford/Dodge.
  • f150rulesf150rules Member Posts: 195
    Are you sure that Ford and Dodge had an extended cab truck in 1955?????
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    and Dodge..."Club cabs"..or whatever they called them back then....but like once every 3 years or so I see one..

    They look like maybe 60's to early 70's?...

    dunno.......don't care either


    - Tim
  • RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982
    The 64 Ford had a club cab. I said the 70's--not 1970.
  • f150rulesf150rules Member Posts: 195
    Wow, I guess I am a real youngin. I don't remember any extra cab Fords till late seventies. They had a extended cab in 64?
  • RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982
    Well, that's what the dealership in Asheville had in their front window when I was in high school. The model was discontinued after a few years then they brought it back. I don't know when exactly. Go to a fan site for Ford trucks. I'm sure they could tell you more specifics. I'm only working on memory.
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    That's not much to work on!


    - Tim
  • RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982
    LOL! Got me there Tim!
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