Honda CR-V rev limiter problems

mimic808mimic808 Member Posts: 2
edited December 2013 in Honda
my wife was taking the kids to school this morning and on the way there the car (2002 honda crv 64,000miles) just bogged out on here, so i met her on the road and i took it for a ride ,i started off by just reving it in park,right when the rpm's reached 3000 it would rev limit.. so i put it in drive and slowly drove off , everything is fine till i reach 3000rpm's then the darn thing would limit again. i can put the peddle to the metal but it would stay only at 3000 rpm's "can any one out there help me" ALOHA!


  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    Check the oil level. If the oil level is OK, then VTEC solenoid is dead. Improper oil weight or infrequent oil change can do that. Or it just died on its own.

    Low oil sends the engine into the "limp mode" no VTEC actuation at all. Your check engine light should have come on as well as the low oil light.

    Infrequent oil changes, improper oil weight, or improper filter will affect the VTEC solenoid operation as well. VTEC is actuated by oil, if the viscosity is not right, it will not live long.

    Good luck.
  • mimic808mimic808 Member Posts: 2
    you know, i had a feeling it was in that area... i change my oil every 3000 miles, and about 50 miles before the engine(you were right about the engine light) light went on and the rev limit happened i chenged my oil..(but there was no oil light). so im wondering if it could be the weight, or the filter they put in(speedy lube).im pretty sure they use fram filters.
    you know what else is pretty wierd is that the 3000 rev limit is gone and know theres a 5000 rev limit...this happened this morning. so when i got home from work i disconnected the battery (thinking that all it needed was to reset its self) the engine light came off, but the 5000 rev limit is still the way , thanks for the imput!!!!!!!!!so do you think i still need to change the vtech solenoid?
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    you know, i had a feeling it was in that area... i change my oil every 3000 miles, and about 50 miles before the engine(you were right about the engine light) light went on and the rev limit happened i chenged my oil..(but there was no oil light). so im wondering if it could be the weight, or the filter they put in(speedy lube).im pretty sure they use fram filters.
    you know what else is pretty wierd is that the 3000 rev limit is gone and know theres a 5000 rev limit...this happened this morning. so when i got home from work i disconnected the battery (thinking that all it needed was to reset its self) the engine light came off, but the 5000 rev limit is still the way , thanks for the imput!!!!!!!!!so do you think i still need to change the vtech solenoid?

    Go to Auto Zone and read the code. It may say that it is the VTEC solenoid. If you are unsure what weight of oil speedy lube put it, change it your self with 5W-20 and see if the 5000 RPM limit goes away.

    By the way, are you checking the 5000 RPM rev limit in Neutral? There is program in the computer not to let the engine rev past 5000 RPM when in neutral or at stand still. This is done to prevent the pistons from going faster than the speed of sound and damaging the connecting rods.Or a more trivial application is to prevent people from dropping the clutch at redline. You have to check it in gear while in motion.
  • extech2extech2 Member Posts: 120
    I doubt that the VTEC solenoid failure wouldn't allow the engine rev past 3,000 RPM. It might cause a loss of power but the engine still should go to redline like a non-VTEC motor. The most common cause of that, and I'm only guessing here, would be a timing belt which is too loose and slipped one tooth, or a restricted exhaust system. Also a weak or restricted fuel delivery might cause it, like the fuel filter pickup inside the tank became clogged, or the fuel pump is not putting out the maximum pressure required. Let us know if you found the problem.
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    I doubt that the VTEC solenoid failure wouldn't allow the engine rev past 3,000 RPM. It might cause a loss of power but the engine still should go to redline like a non-VTEC motor. The most common cause of that, and I'm only guessing here, would be a timing belt which is too loose and slipped one tooth, or a restricted exhaust system. Also a weak or restricted fuel delivery might cause it, like the fuel filter pickup inside the tank became clogged, or the fuel pump is not putting out the maximum pressure required. Let us know if you found the problem.

    Without the functioning VTEC, the engine won't be able to switch from 12 valve to 16 valve operation. The pre-set switchover point is 2200 RPM, which would seem like 3000 RPM on an uncalibrated tachometer. Without VTEC working, the engine goes into the "fail safe" mode, AKA limp mode where it is stuck in 12 valve operation.

    This is not your B-series VTEC, this is the K-series iVTEC, which is very different from the original VTEC that activated at 5000 RPM.
  • crv77386crv77386 Member Posts: 1
    Have a 2003 CRV w/ 103K miles. Have done recommended maintenance(s).

    Recently had service. (spark plugs, gasket, power steering fluid change) Now notice knocking sound when in drive, but brakes applied. I.e. hear noise at stop signs, red lights. Seems to also occur when steering wheel is hard over. Can feel the vibration on the power steering pump housing.

    Mechanic suggested tensioner. Anyone have any other suggestions? Was working fine before service.

    Also notice gas smell when the vent fan is on - also didn't have before service....coincidence?
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