Oil light on screen on an Audi Q5 2010. Not fixable!
I bought an Audi Q5 2010 last year. Everything went fine for the first year. It's been two months at the Audi car service, I live in Guatemala, and they don't seem to find the problem why the oil warning light on the screen comes up, making the sound, when they have done almost everything to fix whatever they thing it needs to have it fixed.. They have opened the engine twice and everytime they think they have found the problem the put the engine back together and when they try it, the problem persists. The light comes back on.... Two months and the answer is always the same. The light comes back on. They say that they have checked and changed everything they think the problem might be and nothing. I don't know what else to do. I can't even sell it like that, with the light coming on every time the speed is reduced!
Anyone with this problem???? Was it fixable??? I can't go on like this anymore... And on top of that i will have to pay $$$$$ for nothing???? I don't know what to do!!!! One thing I know is that an Audi NO MORE!
Anyone with this problem???? Was it fixable??? I can't go on like this anymore... And on top of that i will have to pay $$$$$ for nothing???? I don't know what to do!!!! One thing I know is that an Audi NO MORE!
Your light is VERY unfixabale and can not be fixed even by PROS