Nissan Armada Radio Stereo Satellite iPod Questions
Has anyone had problems with a static and ticking noise as you turn up the volume on your Armada radio control when the AUX input is selected? I took it to the dealer, they replaced the radio and the same thing is happening. We checked other Armadas in the lot and they also made the same noise.
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which could be a "static". I bought my LE 4x4
I would not touch my audio system just for this problem.
Another note for the HOST-Steve.(BTW, How is your Quest:) )
I guess having a general discussion was much better way instead of specific discussions. Sometimes you want to just click a link and read all instead of per topic. And other times if you want to discuss something, you may not exactly know which group it should belong to. Creating way too many groups also is not good idea. Hence I think it was good to have one "general" group per car. As I am noticing also, many of discussions are fading down due to this restriction.
If you hurry, you get to be first!
tidester, host
Play with the Tracking feature; it'll let you keep up with Armada posts and discussions that interest you pretty painlessly.
I heard some static today while my Radar Dedector caught
a "laser alert" and I was playing MP3 CD in dash, not AUX.
In any case, if you select the AUX with no signal going as input, then I think having some static is OK, I mean if you don't have static problem when you have real AUX signal input, then it is better not to mess with your system. Just be happy and enjoy your Bose 10 speakers with Sub.
I hope that would become a "general" place to discuss Armada and in that case there no difference between the one which is now "read only". It is my impression that creating specific groups for every specific item is not usefull. Usually when I need something specific then I do "search", otherwise I just enjoy reading them all. Anyway, I may be wrong, but this is my own impression after using this great forums for almost 10 years I guess
I thought I will continue on this topic by moving to Quest/Viliger group, but alas it is now "read only". I have a 97 Quest (and I think you had one before the last) with 100+K on the clock and runs like a dream. I have done regular engine/transmission services and I always used mobile-1 for both. Now since it is approaching 105K, I need to think about timing belt service, hence my question: did you do your timing belt before hitting 113K? I have been told it may run much longer if not pushed hard, i.e. towing, to much load, or even very hard acceleration. What do you think?
Guess it boils down to whether you mind being stranded somewhere if the belt breaks or something else goes flooey. I figure a nice Armada owner will come along and give me a push to the shoulder when I do break down. :shades:
So yesterday I took out the CD changer, pulled three pennies out of it, and put it back in. When I connected the power, the changer made some healthy mechanical sounds, and I thought it wsa fixed.
Trouble is, the CD functions are still "locked out". I assume this is a software thing meant to keep fools like me from continuing to tinker with a broken changer. Anyone know how I might re-enable the CD changer now that I think I've fixed it?
Took it to the dealer and had it replaced (still under warranty)