Nissan Frontier Crew Cab vs Ford Explorer Sport Trac - III

meredithmeredith Member Posts: 575
edited March 2014 in Nissan
This topic is a continuation of Topic 2026....

Nissan Frontier Crew Cab vs Ford Explorer Sport
Trac - II
. Please continue these discussions here.

Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host


  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    Eveytime we get to the first page of edmunds. WAM last page again!
  • mahimahimahimahi Member Posts: 497
    That's funny I was thinking the same thing!!!!!
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    Shush be veeewy quiet, I'm hunting CC's.

    Boy did this list get quiet after the move.
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    Consumer reports ripped the Frontier to pieces in the last issue. They gave it poor marks for almost everything. Anyone else see the report?
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    comic section next to car and driver....
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    Got Frontier on the mind! I ment Xterra!!! Consumer reports ripped the Xterra to pieces!
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    Yea I'm sure thats where counsumers would be found unless they said the Nissan is a great vehicle then you would say they were the end all of knowledge.

    So what publication do you feel is good?
  • scape2scape2 Member Posts: 4,123
    Once again ANOTHER article ripping Nissan, but as usual its no good to the Nissan bunch..
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Nissan truck nine years ago as I have a '91 hardbody. As far as vehicles are concerned some common sense and a grain of salt should be used on all of these "magazine evaluations" are concerned. I never did like the type of evaluations that CR did whether it was computers or trucks. Left a lot of information out and was too opinionated...something like vince8...LOL. Therefore, there is no one mag that I would trust in making a decision. Rather I would come to a place like Edmunds and see what real life owners have to say. That's people who use the truck day in and day out logging thousand upon thousands of miles. Makes more sense, don't you think? I mean even vince8 has an opinion...even though no one listens to him anymore...right vince?

  • mahimahimahimahi Member Posts: 497
    Amen..obyone. Vince doesn't make any damn sense. He says the customers RULE. Well as consumers of Nissans and Toyotas we all tell him that the Mags are wrong in some respects to their(non-owner) opinions then he discounts it. This shows his PURE stupidity. Make up your mind dummy, does the consumer rule or the magazines?
    You die hard American truck buyers should be praising Nissan and Toyota. You wouldn't even have a compact pick up if it wasn't for them. You certainly wouldn't have the Sport Trac. Only because of the competetion did Ford even take the risk!
  • goobagooba Member Posts: 391
    I find it ironic that the Big 3 are constantly moving plants and jobs out of the US while Nissan and Toyota etc are the ones that are investing in this country by building plants and providing jobs.
  • cncmancncman Member Posts: 487
    CR is also the magazine that complained about the last generation 300ZX twin turbo because it got poor fuel economy and had a bouncy ride!!!!

    VInce said, "Once again ANOTHER article ripping Nissan, but as usual its no good to the Nissan bunch.."

    Is that kinda like that article you have been ignoring for the last 6 months from open road that picked the frontier as a better offroader with better on road manners and complained about the 100ft extra it took the ranger to stop??????
    Kinda like that? Is that what you mean?
  • steve234steve234 Member Posts: 460
    Since I have never had much respect for CR, I would not put much in their opinions. Every magazine hires reviewers with the mindset that they want. I have always found CR reviewers to worship Joan Claybrook and Ralph Nader. You know ole Joan....when she worked as head of that little gov't agency, she pushed for the killer air bags and seatbelts on motorcycles.

    Most of the other magazines are similar in their focus. They are either sports car orientated or off-road minded. There is still some good information to be had and everyone enjoys a good review of their vehicle of choice.

    Mahi: It goes both ways. Anyone who is so diehard that they cannot admit good features on other makes, is anal. The best manufacurers take apart the competition and find ways to make a better product. Sometimes they hit a home run, sometime a double and sometimes a pop fly out.
  • mahimahimahimahi Member Posts: 497
    I agree with you You guys know I'll be the first to point out any flaws about my truck or any truck for that matter. There is no perfect truck there can't be there has to be sacrifices some where.
  • scape2scape2 Member Posts: 4,123
    Once again, Bad Vince, for being happy with your Ranger...
    Good gooba, cncman, mahi, for liking your Nissan. Same old story, never ends, Ford bad, Nissan good.
    I just pissed you guys off showing you why the Ranger is NUMERO UNO, number one for those of you who don't speak two languages..
    Live with your choice and don't challange any 4.0 5spd Rangers with those weak 3.3's. And another word of advise, Really, don't challange any new SOHC 4.0 Rangers... LOL@!!
  • goobagooba Member Posts: 391
    vince said over all the boards:

    Gooba, you are so lame! I really must have pissed
    you off when I showed you just how weak, cheap and
    where the Frontier stood in the compact truck food
    chain, at the bottom! LOL... Also, a solid diff
    better, ask any offroad shop. Just goes to prove
    once again, you don't offroad. When the Ranger
    switched in 97 there was quite a controversy.
    And why don't you tell everyone here what the 0=60
    times are for your 3.3 Supercharged bandaid? How
    about 9.5-9.9!! LOL... Why can't Nissan make a
    naturally aspirated engine to compete with
    Ford/GM/Toyota? Can you imagine a Supercharged
    4.0 in a RAnger?? it would absolutely trounce
    your weak 3.3 Supercharged! LOL....

    Once again, Bad Vince, for being happy with your
    Good gooba, cncman, mahi, for liking your Nissan.
    Same old story, never ends, Ford bad, Nissan good.
    I just pissed you guys off showing you why the
    Ranger is NUMERO UNO, number one for those of you
    who don't speak two languages..
    Live with your choice and don't challange any 4.0
    5spd Rangers with those weak 3.3's. And another
    word of advise, Really, don't challange any new
    SOHC 4.0 Rangers... LOL@!!

    Mahi, your kidding yourself along with anyone who
    knows about towing. A 4,000 lb boat with a truck
    that has 170HP and 200ft/lbs of torque! LOL! Nice
    story. Anyone can do the math, the two don't add
    up. Add your truck weight, people weight, gear
    weight...Yes, it may be able to barely pull it,
    not as you wish or dream......
    "laughing" how about grunting.... LOL!!!!

    Ok, you Nissan whiners, just face it you bought
    the compact truck lowest on the food chain!! LOL!
    Enjoy your weak 3.3 and 2.4's. Ford has 3
    engines, but I guess you don't want to mention
    huh? Nor do you want to mention a 3.0 is only
    about 300 dollars more than a 2.5, Nor will you
    then mention a 3.0 has 150HP and 192f/lbs of
    torque, is available in ANY Ford RAnger, Along
    its 4.0 is Available in ANY Ford RAnger..
    Rangers rule! The Frontier doesn't even make the
    top 30!! LOL as far as sales numbers.. Nor has
    Nissan truck even broke the top 25 mark in sales,
    Why Cncman? If the Nissan is so superior why
    over 15 years hasn't Nissan taken the number one
    spot in sales? Sales do matter as much as all of
    you want to try to say they don't. Sales make
    money! Something Nissan hasn't done for years!
    Yes, I smoked one of your precious 4 door high
    tech 3.3 Frontiers with my older pushrod 4.0!
    See you in the Cascades
    Oh, I don't see Frontiers up there, they can't
    make it!! LOL....

    Anybody see a pattern?
  • ingallsingalls Member Posts: 12
    I don't think the supercharged engine is going to be much of an improvement for the CC. It still baffles me as to why they didn't just put the 240hp Pathfinder engine in the 2001 model. When you start supercharging things your looking at different problems to arise especially in the engine compartment. If they continue to use the 463 rear end, your never going to get out of the engine what is possible, it will never be able to reach it's full potential. As far as the Fords go, the Ranger isn't even in this category, they don't make a 4 door yet. I thought we were comparing the Sport Trac to the CC??...Ford is struggling, now with the Firestone recall they have really been placed under a microscope. In reading up on their new 5 speed manual, well it doesn't look like that is going to happen due to manufacturing problems, yet they are still going to charge an additional $1,000+ for a transmission that was standard when they first went into production. Their 5 speed automatics have had numerous problems to include constant downshifting and upshifting between 4th and overdrive for no known reasons. All these vehicles are a matter of what suites ones needs. I don't recall these trucks being designed for racing, but since your able to win with your older Ford Ranger....more power to ya and I hope you enjoy the "reckless driving" tickets that go along with them!!..I've owned numerous Fords and every one of them had at least 2 Nissan hasn't had one so that can mean two's a better built truck, or the problems aren't being reported.....since they are fairly new only time will tell for the recalls...I did drive a Sport Trac for the first time the other night and I found my CC smoother, easier to handle, and just a much better ride. The Sport Trac was roomier both in the front and the back but was aprox $2,000 more. The positive thing was with the 3.73 limited slip rear axle, the engine was tached at around 2500 at 65mph, my CC is at 3000 which is very hard on the engine!! Both have good and bad points but I really want to test drive the new CC with the supercharger. The problem is that when I went to the dealership they said that all that they have coming in are already promised to customers....they stated that people are coming in almost daily and ordering these new "hot looking trucks" and they aren't able to order any for the showroom floor!!
  • cncmancncman Member Posts: 487
    I am experienceing the same thing, I probably won't have an SC to demo for very long before the customer that ordered it comes to pick it up! Nissan does a whole lot of testing on a vehicle before they put it on the market, I am sure the SC will be very reliable, anyway Nissan guarantees it for 5yrs/60,000 miles! That's longer than any ford engine. Again three reasons why the 3.5l is not in the frontier, 1. Cost prohibitive, 2. Won't fit without modifying the platform to be wider, 3. The VQ is the upscale version and used to seperate the up-scale nissans from the rest like the PF and the Xterra, it'll be nice though when Nissan gets the Infiniti V8 for the fullsize truck. I would not be surprised to see in the next 2 years the 3.3l beefed up to around 3.5-4.0l, it is a great proven workhorse of an engine, and there is no need to scrap it.
  • mahimahimahimahi Member Posts: 497
    My CC is running 80mph @ 3000 rpms. It's a 4x4 auto.
  • ingallsingalls Member Posts: 12
    What rear end do you have in yours??...I think you have the 4.38, mine is a 4X4 manual with a 4.63 and the engine gets so noisy at 65mph I have to turn the stereo up!! I put larger tires on it and the tach went down to about 2800-2900 at 65mph..I'm taking it into the dealership this week to see if there is anything that they can do, but I just think it's the way it's designed.....not good!! cmcman: I'm really debating to order the new one....I thought the 2000's were great but lone and behold....they made them better...I don't want to loose $$ but I would like more power and the gas mileage is a differencial of about 1mpg...I really want to drive one to see it they are worth the extra $$!!
  • mahimahimahimahi Member Posts: 497
    I'm not sure what rear end I have but I am very pleased with it's performance. It has been to Miami from Tampa twice and was more comfortable the my '95 Legend(my legs didn't fall asleep). This truck also is geared perfectly for all around use like around town and towing my 4k lb demo. What size of tires did you upgrade? Do you have the 15'(XE) or the 16"(SE) rims?

    Just a note I bought the November issue of Truckin'. It's cool they have a Factory Shootout and they compare the Nissan Frontier Desert Runner SC. This is the second article that praised the truck, the first article I read over the weekend in the new Truck Trend magazine. This is what the Truckin' article said in the last paragraph "Not only did the Frontier prove itself to be a contender in the arena of muscle trucks, it also proved that it has the best overall package of any midsize pickup. Besides, it was the one truck that everyone wanted to drive home."
    This article compared: '99 Ford Lightning, Chevrolet Xtreme, Kenne Bell Dodge Quad Cab, 2001 Frontier, Kenne Bell Navigator and the Mercedes ML55. I'm not one to use magazine articles as a reference for my purchasing but found how the guys at this magazine who know trucks were impressed with the new frontier, considering the beat the Xtreme in 0-60 times. Good article for entertainment. Plus this article coupled with the Truck trend article proves that the media seems impressed with the new truck. There is also a 3 page article on just the Frontier. "It is quite obvious that Nissan is serious about it's trucks when it comes to horsepower and building a solid vehicle that will last long and compete with domestics trucks."

    Here's more: "On Crew Cab models, the rear seats are also available in leather and can be foldedd up to accommodate additional cargo space."

    Looks like they answered the problem I complained about. If you guys want I can post the article on the frontracspace site. Just let me know.
  • goobagooba Member Posts: 391
    I would like to see that article.I wonder if the rear seat can be retro fitted to the 2000.
  • cygnusx1cygnusx1 Member Posts: 290 review of 2000 Ford Ranger-
    "Satisfaction: Remains high in spite of owners' complaints about reliability problems." review of 2000 Frontier -
    "Satisfaction: Its rating remains high because the vehicle is reliable and the warranty is one of the best on the market."

    p.s. did I ever tell you my 98 Ranger was so bad that Ford Motor Company was forced to buy it back from me? Not fix it, not cover it under a free extended warrant, but BUY IT BACK.

    I did?


  • croy2croy2 Member Posts: 45
    After driving a Ranger (company vehicle) for over two years, I can see why Ford had to buy it back!! But, according to Vince, it has more torque so it must be better. Never mind the superior braking, handling, build quality, interior noise levels, warranty etc... on the Frontier. I have over 12000 miles on my 2000 Frontier crewcab, and it so light years ahead of the 1998 Ranger that I was previously forced to operate. O.K. Vince, now you can once again mention the weak 3.3l in my Frontier (while avoiding all other issues!) LOL Meow.
  • mbatchelormbatchelor Member Posts: 27
    Last weekend I was out in West Texas on a bird
    hunt and I notice quite a few Nissan CC running
    around out there. This a big farming and ranching
    area. I did not see one Ford Sport Trac out there!
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    Must be a regional thing cuz I was gonna say the opposite. I'm seeing ST's in my neighborhood. I've spotted 3 at homes within 15 blocks of my house but I've only seen 1 CC in the last 5 months and that was in a parking lot of a shopping mall.

    Plus you said it.... its a Farming and Ranching area. The ST marketing is SUV territory not towin the tractor.
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    Gee the list is very quiet. Am I the only one left? And does that mean I win?!?!
  • goobagooba Member Posts: 391
    You are right it is quiet.Has your ST lived up to what you expected? I guess I mean turned out to be the best vehicle for your use?
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    Just got the hard cover so I guess I just got my trunk back so to speak. Things are great so far. Tires haven't blown out yet. :-) It needs a bath cuz my wife was driving it while I was away and I usually get it back dirty with no gas. :-( I'm still waiting for my new gas door to come in but thats about it.

    I'm seeing advertisments for the new nissan engine on TV but they never show a CC.
  • goobagooba Member Posts: 391
    Personally,I think thet can keep the new style.Granted,there are some interior items that I would like on mine,but I can live without them.The front end on the 01 is what really turns me off.
  • keaneckeanec Member Posts: 349
    I agree with you 100%. You never know though, it could possibly grow on us. I actually am getting use to the look of the ST.
  • steve234steve234 Member Posts: 460
    When the Taurus was first introduced, my wife hated the style. Now that everyone has copied the look, it is hard for her to get excited about it.
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    Been reading some reviews of the New CC. It has been getting bad marks. One review blasted Nissan for all the plastic parts and one blasted the new base price. Its now just as expensive as an ST.
  • lawkatlawkat Member Posts: 4
    Hi all! I'm seriously thinking of getting rid of my 97 Maxima GLE (with all the creature comforts) for a 01 Frontier SC CC 4x4 with all the creature comforts. I like the comfort and ride of the Maxima, but also like having the flexibility of a truck bed. So, my question is - will I be sacrificing comfort and a smooth, quiet and luxurious ride for a bumpy pick up truck? Or does the new Frontier handle and ride as good as it looks?
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300

    Any 4WD vehicle is gonna be allot firmer than your Maxima. Its just the nature of the beast. The question you need to answer is, "Is the vehicle of your choice too bumpy"?

    I suggest an extended test ride of at least 20 minutes on various roads. Make sure you drive for at least 20 minutes! Don't cut yourself short! You don't need to go off roading but I do suggest normal highway speeds, passing acceleration tests, stop and go traffic tests and various road conditions both good and bad. Pay particular attention to the feel and noise levels during each phase.

    Remember its a truck and will NEVER be as smooth as your Maxima. I also suggest you test other vehicles of the same type. Test drive the following,

    Ford Explorer Sport Trac
    Dodge Dakota Quad Cab
    Toyota Tacoma Double Cab (Just Out)

    Chevrolet is supposed to come out with a version in 2001.

    The biggest complaint of the CC has been power. It gets poor marks in power but relatively good marks in the rest. Nissan just came out with a Supercharger option but no one here has test driven it yet.
  • lawkatlawkat Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for the info. I've had real good luck with two prior Nissan autos adn just love the look of the '01 CC SC. I'm spoiled with the Maxima and want the 210 hp truck. It's off to the auto show this weekend to ceck out what's out there. Any regrets on having an open bed vs. a trunk? Or does the expanded crew cab fit all the security needs?
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300

    I do not own a CC, I own a Ford Explorer Sport Trac. (ST for short) Since this topic is CC vs ST I'm here talking about the ST. You should know if you couldn't tell from his response cncman is a Nissan sales person :-) To answer your question about the open bed, I have the Locking Tonneau cover option on my ST. It gives me twice the locking storage of a normal auto trunk. If you buy a CC I would look at the locking Tonneau's available. My cover was on back order for 3 months from my dealer and during that time I had many storage issues. A locking cover is a MUST on these types of vehicles. Don't leave home with out one!!!


    I have no idea where you are getting your questions from. What is the reference to blasted about? The reviews about the CC's lack of power are widely known and we discussed them in detail many times previously. Where are you getting all these pricing comments from. Did you read a post in another topic and cross post it here? My post to lawkat never mentioned prices. But as we all discussed before there is no way to compare the 2 vehicles apples to apples cuz if you take comparably equipped ST's & CC's the ST will have more features. For example both have sunroofs but the CC's is Manual and the ST's is electric. Both have rear windows but the CC's is manual and the ST's is electric. The ST's Leather package includes 6 Way Power drivers seat, Rear Climate control and rear seat radio controls. The ST's power package includes a door entry keypad. The ST comes standard with 60/40 folding rear seats and a 4.0 V6. The Supercharger is optional on the CC's 3.3 V6. I can go on but I think you get the point. If not, what I'm trying to say is although the ST is more $ you get more features.

    BTW, in your price comparison you compared the price of the 4x2 CC against the price of a 4x4 ST. According to Edmunds a "FULLY" loaded (every Option) 4x2 ST's MSRP is $26,065 or about $865 more than the CC you quoted.
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300

    Since you do not remember the reviews that were posted previously here are some I quickly found. These comments are about the NON-Supercharged engine.

    The engine is anonymous. Full of sound and fury as you stomp on the pedal it signifies little power, like when it comes time to enter a freeway onramp. It gets a little harder to accelerate at speeds above 70mph.

    Nissan, a company often associated with speedy products, has given the Frontier an engine with the most horsepower in its class. Coupled with the five-speed-manual transmission, the engine provides decent, but not spectacular, acceleration. And, while the Frontier is quiet at cruising speed, its engine howls under hard acceleration.

    It still is not up to the level of compact trucks offered by General Motors, Ford or Dodge, but the 170-horsepower engine moves the Frontier closer.

    Acceleration from our 2WD, our speed automatic equipped tester wasn't exactly neck-snapping: 0-60
    mph in 9.6 seconds

    The 170 horsepower 3.3 litre V6 engine is a bit more of an animal in the King Cab, providing for takeoffs with gusto. The extra weight and size of
    the Crew Cab seems to have slowed the truck down a tad.

    The Frontier's 11.4-second clocking from zero to 60 mph is fully 3.5 seconds behind the Toyota. Even accounting for the automatic transmission, this is a significant performance deficit.

    However the Supercharged model got these comments.

    The extra 40 horsepower and 45 foot pounds of Torque power provided by the supercharger over the
    non-supercharged engine is immediately apparent. Just stepping on the gas you feel lots more power than the standard V6 and mashing the accelerator brings satisfaction to the enthusiast's soul.
  • cncmancncman Member Posts: 487
    FST; I don't know, maybe there was someone else using your ID for post#36?

    "Been reading some reviews of the New CC. It has been getting bad marks. One review blasted Nissan for all the plastic parts and one blasted the new base price. Its now just as expensive as an ST."

    And I apologize, when you said "New CC" I figured you were talking about the new SC model which as you showed is getting good reviews, I do know there have been complaints about power on the normally aspirated 3.3l.

    Actually, the rear climate controls and audio controls as per Edmunds are not part of the leather comfort group, but the regular 60a comfort group and I did not include it in my pricing. Sure the ST has more stuff, but to talk about power rear window and such like there is a huge difference between the two is not accurate, what about the extra 2year/24,000 mile powertrain warranty you would have to buy for the ST, or the real roof rack you get on the CC instead of the station wagon rack on the ST, what about the locking tailgate? so I think these all wash out in the end and it is comparable. Here's the figures I came up with to most closely compare a loaded 4x2 CC SC to a 4x2 ST, these are per Edmunds, maybe I am reading something wrong, but it seems pretty simple to me.

    Base MSRP = $21,665
    Destination = $600
    Sunroof = $800
    5spd auto = $1,095
    Prem. Spt grp. =$700
    Conv. group = $750
    Leather grp =$1,495
    Cargo cage = $195
    AM/FM 6disc = $510
    LSD = $355

    This comes out to the $28,165 where the CC with the SC loaded out 4x2 is $25,200. I was offering this as an illustration to discuss your claim that it is just as expensive as an ST, form post #36,
    Again if this was not you, I apologize. So as you see I was not comparing a 4x2 with a 4x4, and actually I did not even include every option on the ST, which you say you did and came out with a lower price even adding more equipment? I am getting confused here.
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    The post you are referring to is from 2 weeks ago and I did not recall it. Yes I made that post.

    Just to clear things up the rear climate and rear audio comes with the "high series floor console" Which would be the Comfort or Leather group.

    The warranty you speak of is 5 Yrs on the drive train. The rest of the CC is the same as the ST 3/36. But yes the CC does have a better drive train warranty. Again this makes it difficult to compare apple to apples.

    As far as the roof racks, the CC's is rated at 25 lbs more than the ST. Personally I like the rack but dislike the looks of the Air Dam plus it blocks the sun roof a bit.

    As to the locking tailgate, I'm not sure what point your trying to make since Ford had a locking tailgate before Nissan.

    There is a new WEB site that both Ford and Nissan are using that lets you compare any 2 vehicles. Here is some of the output from Nissan and Fords perspectives.

    Here is what Nissan says is the advantages, This is the CC advantages when both vehicles have NO options.

    * Msrp $216 less
    * 24 months longer powertrain warranty
    * 6 more torque (ft lb)
    * 1 in larger diameter wheels
    * 10 mm wider tires
    * 15% lower profile tires
    * Front fog lights
    * Remote power locks
    * Driver vanity mirror
    * Cruise control
    * Tilting adjustment steering wheel
    * 2 more speakers
    * Leather covered steering wheel
    * Body color door mirrors

    Ford lists the following points in their comparison. Fords WEB site did not filter the output so I picked them off the page myself.

    ST CC
    Fuel Economy City (mpg) 17 15
    Fuel Economy Highway (mpg) 21 18
    Combined Fuel Economy (mpg) 19 16

    * Battery Saver/Run Down Protection
    * Child Safety Door Locks
    * Cargo Area Power Outlet
    * Delayed Power Retention System
    * Driver Multi-Adjustable Power Seat

    In my original Price comparison I did not know you included the Destination charges and I did not include the TCover because I did not know Nissan has a factory cover now. So I re-computed my prices of ALL options and this is the numbers I came up with. I did NOT include the $329 factory hitch on the Nissan cuz Ford does not have a factory hitch. (Although they do include the wire harness.)

    My Comparison of Fully Loaded vehicles,

    Nissan CC SC Supercharged $26,333
    Ford ST $28,755

    Difference $ 2,422 More for ST.

    CC has a 24 Month longer Drive Train Warrantee.
    CC has 25 lbs more capacity in the roof rack.
    CC has radio controls on Steering wheel.
    CC has a bigger cargo bed.
    CC has 6 lbs more torque.
    CC has 1" bigger wheels.
    CC has a drivers vanity mirror.

    ST has electric Sun Roof/Electric rear window.
    ST has a bigger battery and alternator.
    ST has 60/40 folding rear seat
    ST has 7.1" more rear legroom.
    ST has rear audio and climate controls.
    ST has a power drivers seat.
    ST has 340 lbs more payload.
    ST has a Engine Block Heater (Cold Climates)
    ST has a power steering cooler.
    ST has a better Sound System.
    ST has front tow rated hooks.
    ST has rear reading lights.

    Everything else looks equivalent or close to it.

    So how would you put prices on this stuff. How much is an electric sun roof vs. a manual sun roof. Is the stuff on the ST worth $2,422 more? I wouldn't know how to value the differences.

    So my original point was, "The New CC SC Supercharged Model costs about the same as a ST". Everyone will have to decide for themselves if its worth $2,422 more.

    Looks like the supercharger is not helping gas mileage any. According to various sites it dropped significantly.

    There's not much information on the new Nissan TCover but since its a one piece cover I assume you must remove the TCover to use the Bed extender. I also Assume the cover isn't a quick release and removable by one person like the ST's. Does anyone know if I'm correct?

    While researching stuff on Edmunds I found that Nissan is still using the old high power airbags in the CC. Is that a misprint? Is Nissan still installing the old style airbags?

    The Comparison data says the CC Child safety door locks are "Not Available" Is that a misprint? I thought all new vehicles had to have child safety door locks.

    The other curious thing I can't find any mention of is tow hooks on the CC. But I guess since Nissan's never get stuck why bother. Is it true no Tow rated hooks?

    I assume the Sun Roof is removable but what where do you put it? My old Toyota MR2 had a storage clip in the trunk. Is there a holder for the roof when its removed in the CC? Where do you put it?

    I'm curious can someone explain?
    I'm not sure I understand the tire thing, How is a tire 1" bigger, 10mm wider, have a 15% lower profile. What's a lower profile?
  • cncmancncman Member Posts: 487
    I know it can get confusing if you aren't actually sitting there looking at the vehicle, I did not know the ford had the locking tailgate, (one where you use a key right?) The CC does have tow hooks, well, not actually hooks, but a metal plate welded to the frame in the front that has a hole in it, does the same thing. I assume child safety locks means the switch on the side of the door that makes it to where you can only open it from the outside, if so the CC has that too. All Nissans have the Second generation airbags that have been detuned, even the 2000 CC had those. You would put the roof/cover behind the rear seat, it folds down and there is a little bit of space there where your tools are. The wheels information is talking about how There are 16" alloys on the SE CC, this would make a lower profile tire, basically you would measure from the top of the tire tread to where it meets the outer edge of the wheel, that is the profile, the larger the diameter of the wheel, the lower the profile. Lower prifile tires help with handling. Nissan does have the optional hard cover, but I have not seen one yet, I did not include that in my pricing and I have no idea how that would work with the extender unless it was the type that lifted up in the back. I think this is a good lesson that while the internet is a good source for generating general information, until you actually see the vehicles in person, take the info with a grain of salt.
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    >(one where you use a key right?)

    Yep the ST's TCover is keyed to the ignition key.

    >a metal plate welded to the frame in the front
    >that has a hole in it, does the same thing.

    Is it rated as a tow hook ie to pull the CC out of mud or sand or just to tow/secure on the street.

    >All Nissans have the Second generation airbags
    >that have been detuned, even the 2000 CC had

    Neither Nissan or Edmunds WEB sites list GenII airbags. Nissan looses a browny point for having the wrong info on their own web site. But I'm sure we could find a few on ford's too. :-(

    >The wheels information is talking about how
    >there are 16" alloys on the SE CC

    Arrg, Nissan's web site says 17" wheels. If they are 16" then they are the same as the ST.

    Oh well time to go home.
  • mahimahimahimahi Member Posts: 497
    cnc's right, I have genII bags, tow hooks(plates)that are designed for pulling and child safety locks on my 2000. Don't forget the Nissan has more ground clearance(4x4)...for whatever it's worth. My sunroof goes behind the seat with no problem at all. I think you guys are miscued on the locking tailgate...Ford has it on their F-Series(since the '97 model, I believe)but I haven't seen one on a Sport-Trac yet. Fordsporttrac, does the website(Nissan)actually say the Frontier isn't equiped with these items or are they just not listed. One thing I've noticed with American auto companies, this goes for all of them(Chrysler being the worst, they have the tendency list things that are "understood". I remember a few years ago my father was looking get a Cherokee and in the brochure it listed as std. equip. a Steering wheel, seat belts, lifting was unbelievable. But when I was shopping for a new truck I saw chevy(s-10)came std. with a spare tire..WOW! My Nissan brochure doesn't say that I get a spare but, I have one. Hey, speaking of spare tires, I have the same expensive aluminum rim covereed by my spare tire as I have on the other four tires, how many other truck companies give you that? Not chevy, I had some cheap nasty steel rim!
  • cncmancncman Member Posts: 487
    I don't mean a lock for a tonneau cover. I mean actually in the tailgate itslef there is a key lock, when locked you cannot lower the tailgate.
    The SC has 17" wheels, SE 16", XE 15".
  • keaneckeanec Member Posts: 349
    IMHO - it would probably be wise to look at a full cab-high cap for any CC you purchase. They provide you with all the advantages of the tonneau plus: Much more storage; better looks; and it makes power back windows useless!. They are easy to take off in about 3-5 minutes. (although it takes two people - my wife and I take it off)

    I still haven't seen a ST with one so I don't know how they would look with a cap but you can look at mahimahi's website to see a couple of CCs w/caps that look great!
  • ziggy18ziggy18 Member Posts: 20
    Perhaps it's time you & Mahimahi take your advice & actually look at the other vehicle so that your information is accurate. The ST has & has always had a locking tailgate (yes, one that uses the ignition key). The ST's tailgate IS an F-150 flareside unit with ST trim.

    I've had my ST for 2 months & am very pleased with it. The power rear window is a feature that I wouldn't have guessed that I'd enjoy as much as I do. It vents fresh air quieter & less obtrusive than side windows or the sunroof.

    Did you experience the value of a power rear window before determining that obscuring one with a cap is a better option? I understand your point that a cap is more important to you & it's a non-issue to you. However, the ST's window is such a welcome feature that I'd never give it up, even for an attractive cap like your CC has.
  • fordsporttracfordsporttrac Member Posts: 300
    >Fordsporttrac, does the website(Nissan)actually
    >say the Frontier isn't equiped with these items
    >or are they just not listed.

    The air bags are listed but Ford says de-powered or GenII air bags, Nissan simply says air bag. I guess its just bad information in the new comparison tool that both Ford and Nissan are using. Some of the other options say not available and some say optional. You should look at the new tool that Ford and Nissan is using. They both use data from the same company but of course they format it so it looks best for each.

    Opps cncman it looks like I missed a problem with my base pricing. Nissan has removed the following from the standard equipment and made it part of the "Super Charger Value Package".

    Steering-Wheel-Mounted Audio Controls
    Premium AM/FM/CD (6-Disc) Audio System
    You get a Cassette as Standard Equipment.
    Vehicle Security System
    Tilt Steering Column
    Cruise Control
    Leather Seating Surfaces
    Flip-Up Glass Sunroof

    The base MSRP price of the CC SC is 21,449 but if you want any of the above add $1,549 MSRP. So in my base comparison in post #44 which came from Nissans WEB site you have to delete any of the above that I listed. See what I mean about how hard it is to compare apples to apples.
  • keaneckeanec Member Posts: 349
    FordST - your right; I did forget about that link you gave. IMO I think that cap defaces the look of the ST and is plain ugly - probably because it is not cab high and it ruins the ST's lines. On the other hand the last link does real justice to the ST!! I think it makes the ST look much better than without it! It really changes the way I look at the ST - I personally wouldn't buy the ST without it - no offense to those with a tonneau.

    I would love for my cap to tie into my electric locks!! That would be bonus!! Oh-well; I should have searched farther when I was in the market. :-(

    Ziggyman - I guess I have to ask why it is such as value? Do you use it for any particular reason or just because it is there? My rear windows only get used because my kids play with them. In the summer I use air Cond., in winter I use heat. In between I use the sunroof. On the highway it is to noisy to keep windows open.. in the city, it is too the country it is too dusty for anything but the sunroof. So no, I can't see why I would use it more than once a year. That is not to say you or somebody else wouldn't have very valid reasons.

    As to why I made the comment in the first place? Some of you ST'ers have made it a point say the CC doesn't have one - that is all.

    I can give you many many reasons why I would much rather have a cap than a power(vs manual) rear window. The biggest one - and only one I will give - is storage. I bought a four door truck because I wanted a truck and I needed the four doors because of the kids; or I couldn't have bought the truck as an only vehicle. With the two kids using the rear seats I need lots of dry storage to store all the things you bring with you when you have kids and travel. The cap gives me this - the "power" window does not. Fordst in the past has given some pretty could points on the hard cover, but the storage issue size ruled for me. When things are higher than the box side, or you have lots of "dry" cargo - a hard cover doesn't cut it; therefore a "power" window is useless to me and others in the same situation.
  • cncmancncman Member Posts: 487
    I don't follow your logic that simply because I don't remember a locking tailgate I haven't looked at the vehicle, I can't speak for Mahi, but I seem to remember him saying he looked at it too.

    Yea, you could go on and on finding stuff and still end up more confused!
  • steve234steve234 Member Posts: 460
    As someone who cannot function without a cap on my pickup, I can see one advantage to the sliding rear window in the ST. Leave the front window out of the cap and install a seal between the cab and cap to get access to gear in the bed. For a lot of people, this is a real need.
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