Chevy Impala 2010 Power Steering Leak

Bought it for $1.3K, and noticed the leak after. A few months later, I am getting loud screeching sounds every time I turn the wheel. Took it in and shop claims it's leaking in 2 spots, and the pump has been overworking to keep up so noise means its on its last leg. Got a $2K quote to replace pump $500 and rack and pinion for $1500.
Would adding Stop Leak help a bit for now?
I see 2 types of "Stop Leak" products ...
(1) Prestone/Lucas/STP Stop Leak
(2) Power Steering Fluid with Stop Leak.
Would adding Stop Leak help a bit for now?
I see 2 types of "Stop Leak" products ...
(1) Prestone/Lucas/STP Stop Leak
(2) Power Steering Fluid with Stop Leak.
So I think you're saying that the Stop Leak may not work with other components seamlessly. I don't have Stop Leak only, I still had the regular Fluid in the tank, so I was only able to add 2 oz if that. What I will do if it gets low is add fluid and not the Stop Leak.