Blazer 4wd problem
I have a 2000 Chevy Blazer with around 150,000 miles.......4 button 4wd .....all buttons work when sitting still and can hear everthing working as it should. Goes into Auto 4hi 4lo..and shifts back out while sitting still. Can engage Auto and 4hi while moving and all is fine, then about 100 yds down the road the service 4wd light comes on!! Then I can't shift it out of any function unless I stop and put car in neutral, shut engine off and then restart and push 2wd and it goes back in to 2wd. I have replaced dash switch, encoder motor, and cleaned ECCM connections. Actuator appears to be working as it should. I have unhooked the battery and went thru all of the Helpful troubleshooting forums and havent been able to find a solution,
Best Answer
thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,815
It doesn't take a dealer to have the right tools to help diagnose this. Lot's of independent shops can handle this.madman said:guess it sounds like I should to to the dealer......Been there once and seems like they werent interested in helping me.