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Driver's door won't unlock using switch on 2004 Honda CRV

RabelrazRabelraz Member Posts: 1
edited August 2021 in Honda
The lock/unlock switch (35380-S5A-A11ZA) for the driver's door will lock all doors but not unlock any.
The key fob DOES lock/unlock all doors including the driver's door.
The passenger side lock/unlock switch DOES unlock the Driver's side door.

This tells me the command to unlock makes it to the driver side from both routes above and assumed it was the switch itself and bought a new switch but the new switch has the same issue, it will NOT unlock the driver door.

Anyone know how to resolve this issue or can educate me on why the passenger switch and key fob work but the driver switch doesn't because of a different electrical path that it is taking?  I have not removed the driver door panel to inspect or connected a multimeter to the driver switch.

Thanks for your time.

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