Mercedes-Benz C240 4matic

I am looking at purchasing a 2003 C240 4 matic and I was wondering what people who have one thing of it and if they have had an problems with it since owning it, thanks Zach


  • mdunfordmdunford Member Posts: 4
    I've had one since September. I bought it with 26,000 miles. Car has run really well. We had an issue with the memory on the sunroof not allowing it to close properly. Phil Smart took care of the issue with an update to the car's computer. Other than that, the car has been great. btw...go with at least a C240, as the 6 cylinders are what you really want.

    The car gets consistently 22.4 mpg comblined between highway and city.
  • zhartley17zhartley17 Member Posts: 3
    cool..thanks for the advice..I actually picked it up yesterday. I ended up upgrading to the E320. Both are GREAT cars...
  • mdunfordmdunford Member Posts: 4
    Yeah. If I didn't have to parallel park downtown, I think I'd have gone E-Class too. Congrats on the new car.
  • zhartley17zhartley17 Member Posts: 3
    thanks.... i can totally understand that... I try to avoid parking like that at all costs
  • confuseconfuse Member Posts: 1
    how do you change the rear brakes on 2003 c240?
  • bigdog11bigdog11 Member Posts: 2
    Just had lots of maintenance done to my 2001 C-240. Has only 76,000 miles:

    1. replaced front/rear engine mounts
    2. replaced engine belt
    3. power steering flush
    4. brake fluid flush
    5. coolant flush
    6. replaced side seals
    7. replaced air mass censor

    Does this seem excessive? Because it cost a fortune & I'm wondering if I should consider getting rid of it.

    I'd appreciate thoughts on this...........thx.
  • mdunfordmdunford Member Posts: 4
    replacing the mass air flow sensor (MAF) is bull. That should be cleaned every 10k for a couple of bucks. Its two screws to get to it, and you spray it down with a $10 cleaner. There is no way that should have been replaced under normal conditions.

    Everything else is typical car maintenece from what I can tell. The engine belt? Are we talking timing belt (in which case, 76k is early) or an accesory belt, like for your A/C?
  • bigdog11bigdog11 Member Posts: 2
    Thx for your input. It was the engine belt due to cracking.

    This if my 1st Benz. Prior to this car, I had a Ford & never had to do any of this stuff however, I sold it @ 7 yrs. I was planning to keep this car for 100,000 or plus miles.

    Just seemed like a lot of items needed attention all at once.
  • uteoatuteoat Member Posts: 2
    I'm in the middle of rebuilding a mercedes 123 diesel. There are no oil jets in this one as described in the book. Looking further I have found no oil passage in the conrods. The engine was recently rebuilt and the conrod numbers don't match up with the corresponding cylinders, so they might have been replaced.
    My question is how does the oil cooled piston get the lubrication it needs if there is no way for the oil to get to it?
    I,ve posted in other forums to try to get this question answered and am hoping there is some mechanical genius out there that can help me out with this one.

    Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
    uteoat :sick:
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Hi - welcome to CarSpace!

    Let me recommend that you also post in our Technical Questions discussion. You might be more likely to find that mechanical genius :) there, but we'll see if one shows up here as well.

    Good luck - hope we can help!
  • woodworkertoowoodworkertoo Member Posts: 1
    I just bought a motor home and want to tow my 2002 C-240 behind it. Does anyone know if you can do this without causing any damage to the transmission/drive train?
  • nikc240nikc240 Member Posts: 1
    I recently had the C240 at the mechanic to replace rims and align the car and he said the spark plugs need replaced. the engine runs very choppy at idle and also making a whining noise when i start it up in the morning, until the engine gets warm. how hard is it to change the spark plugs and where would i find out how to do it myself? secondly, does anyone know what the whining noise is? It never happens unless it is cold outside. thanks for the help.
  • muffman58muffman58 Member Posts: 1
    I belive the noise you hear is the electric air pump for emmissions. It will run for 5 minutes or so and then shut off. The spark plugs are pretty easy to service. Simply remove the air tube across the top of the engine, remove the top cover that sets ontop of the valve cover, by taking loose the 8 allen head bolts that go through the cover then you`ll see the coil packs. they can be removed by taking loose the 10 mm bolts and setting aside to uncover the spark plugs that are down in the head tubes.
  • franknfrankn Member Posts: 2
    I don't know about 2003 model, but I guess things don't change much, especially for Mercedez. I have a C 240 2001 model and feel so regret. I drove BMW and wanted to try out Mercedez. This was a big mistake. This car has so many problems, ranging from small electrical light sockets to big items like transmission oil crack, accelerator sensors, etc. I've been spending in average about $1000 to $2000 every 2 months or so to keep the car running even though we always have regular services with Mercedez Benz. Every time we bring the car in and out, it's always > $1000 service. We're always in the upset mood w/ this car because things are broken every 2-3 weeks or so. Think twice before buying any Mercedez Benz, just 2 cents.
  • franknfrankn Member Posts: 2
    I have the same car C240 MB, 2001. It's a piece of junk. I've had so many problems with this car that I want to get rid of it today. We've been spending $1000 to $2000 every 2 or 3 months to keep this car running even though we have regular services w/ MB dealer. Electrical things including expensive sensors are failing everywhere, transmission oil cracks, engines die at middle of intersections, etc. Every time I bring the car to the service, it costs $1000 to $2000 easily. Big mistake. Never MB again...
  • hamilton65hamilton65 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2003 C240 Wagon 4Matic with 59k miles and no major problems. The door actuator went out on the drivers door and one of the tail lights burned out....thats it. I have read that they ironed out a lot of the problems during the first two years of production....or at least I hope they did. The car drives very nice and almost feels like our 1995 E320 Wagon. A little more power would be nice but it is just a wagon.
  • egambegamb Member Posts: 1
    Can someone provide comments and experience on my recent situation with my C240 4-Matic Mercedes Benz (2005 year).

    When car is cold (I live in the Northeast), there is loud brake scrunching noise when I step on the brake.

    Also, is it normal for the sterring wheel to be tight at slow speeds? It requires "extra effort" to turn. I also have a Toyota and steering wheel is never that tight as my Benz.

    Thx in advance. Ed
  • 604doc604doc Member Posts: 182
    While not 'Benz' specific, the crunching noise, if it goes away after one or two brake applications, could be just a small bit of rust that formed on the brake disc. My Jeep will do that, especially if I park it after driving in the rain, and not drive it again for a couple days.
    As far as the steering goes, it would make sense that if the fluid is really cold, it may take a little extra steering effort until the fluid warms up. I would think it would have to be real cold though. Here in seattle, it doesn't get that cold, so I haven't really experienced the problem you have. Hope this helps a little. I'm sure some other MB folks will chime in.
  • ruckenrucken Member Posts: 2
    Hi Frankn

    I have a 2001 c240 with the same problems the car has 130000 km and so far spend over $ 5500 and not finish yet i have to change the steering rack which cost another $ 2383 two outer tie rod ends and so on, I agree with you on the BIG MISTAKE part, NEVER MB AGAIN FOR ALL THE PEOPLE TO KNOW
  • jennsaysjennsays Member Posts: 1
    I obviously have a leak somewhere because I keep vacuuming out the area behind my passenger seat. We're due for a lot of rain, so if someone has a suggestions on how/where to check and see if I have a clog or leak, that would be great!
    2002 Mercedes C240
  • eddeforteddefort Member Posts: 1
    I am considering buying a 2004 MB C240 4Matic with 43,000 miles on it.

    What, if any, negative experiences have people had with this model?

    What is the most frequent repair issue that has come up with this car?

    All responses appreciated!

  • tony103tony103 Member Posts: 4
    dear friend buy a bmw there much stronger and could be beat to hell and still purrrrr
  • speddy1speddy1 Member Posts: 5
    I own a 2004 C240 4matic . When i hit panic on my key the lights blink on and off but no alarm.I was told by a friend the siren may be bad.Hes not sure.Any ideas?
  • tony103tony103 Member Posts: 4
    maintenance and appearance contact me ...
  • tony103tony103 Member Posts: 4
    speedy it may be your key itself try using your spare remote if not try new batteries
  • tony103tony103 Member Posts: 4
    if that does not work let me know
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Hi there.

    Why don't we just talk here on the boards? :)
  • speddy1speddy1 Member Posts: 5
    I just joined the board yesterday.I dont really care to chat on this board.I'd like someone to answere my question though.Doesnt seem like too many people have been on lately.
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Hi speddy, I was actually addressing my post to tony103. And he did post a thought for you, did you see this post? tony103, "Mercedes-Benz C240 4matic" #26, 3 Mar 2009 11:03 pm
  • speddy1speddy1 Member Posts: 5
    Hey thanks for the reply tony.Sorry for not getting back sooner. Its not the key or batteries.Still wondering what it may be. Also is there a way to adust the sensors for the lights?The lights dont automatically go on like they used to when it gets a little dark or cloudy.
  • kathygioiakathygioia Member Posts: 1
    Hi, just wodering if you ever found out what was wrong with the car. I just recently purchased a 2005 c240 from a relative, in what I thought was in like new condition (with only 14,500 miles). All was fine for about a month and then a fter about a week and a half of constant rain ithe back seat, driver's side is soaking wet. Not only the bottom part of theseat but all the way up the back and into the ceiling header. Mercedes Benz has had the car for 5 days and can't figure out what is going on! Help!! :mad:
  • speddy1speddy1 Member Posts: 5
    I have 53,000 miles on my c240.No i havnt figured out whats wrong with it yet.Its like pulling teeth trying to get an answere here,lol.My car doesnt have any serious problems other than the panic alarm.It sounds like your rear winshield or the driver rear window arent sealed properly.Let me know if they ever figure out what it is.
  • penguinheadpenguinhead Member Posts: 7
    Hello all !
    New here...figured it would be an intelligent place...
    Wife looking to buy a used (2004) AWD Sedan. Each has about 68,000 miles on it.
    Prices are apparent differences, will deal with that later.

    Looking at:

    Mercedes c-240
    AUDI A4 1.8 Quattro
    Infinity G35x
    BMW 325xi

    Not looking for a 'race car'. Standard wife car; comfortable; good in snow. She likes these styles, so the Subarus are not a consideration.

    Looking for opinions on each.
    Maybe a quick summary that you may have on each.
    Seeing that it is an Mercedes forum - please feel free to let me know why I should get her the Mercedes rather than the others.

    I look forward to all your help.
    Please be as lively and opinionated as you'd like to be !

    Thank you !!!


    (Will post in the other forums also)
  • kelfkelf Member Posts: 83
    How much does it cost usually where you service your C240 car for B service?
  • penguinheadpenguinhead Member Posts: 7
    Eventually bought a 2006 AUDI A4 Quattro.
    Very happy with it !
    Sorry I wasn't much help to you...
    .....but continue to have a great weekend !!!
  • mike531mike531 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2002 CL. I bought it used with 17,000 miles. It currently has 54,000 miles.

    The transmission fluid is cooled by the radiator. This past Monday (10/18/10) the transmission burnt out. The Mecedez dealer stated I need a new radiator, transmission and gear box, ($7,100.00). I'm looking to see if there has been any class action lawsuits filed for this design error.

    I've been on line and have discovered the standard radiator "Valeo" will break down and allow glycol to mix with the transmission fluid.

    I believe Mercedez should be liable for the correct repair for this car.

  • ajnalightajnalight Member Posts: 1
    I have read numerous accounts concerning the faulty Valeo radiator that seeps an insidious contaminant, glycol, into the transmission of the 2002-2003 built C class. My 2003 C240 has had numerous problems with this. At 44,000 miles MB put in a new transmission but did not replace the radiator!! Fortunately it was under the extended warranty at the time.
    Now 30,000 miles later at 78,000 miles I had a glycol test performed and I had "LOTS" of glycol in my transmission. Unfortunately now my car is out of warranty!!
    MB dealership finally changed the radiator, torque converter and flushed the system..and the service advisor said "I would fix it and sell it"!!
    I was hoping to drive this car for another 10 is in excellent shape!! However there is no guarantee that other parts of my tranny will give out!
    I've seen many posts concerning this issue and to my knowledge no class action suit has been pursued! If anyone has any information to the contrary, please let me know. I feel a class action suit should be filed because us consumers are getting a very raw deal!!
  • tommy_youngtommy_young Member Posts: 1
    Hi all,

    How can you know the used cars have been reduced odometer? :confuse:
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    I think you're more likely to get a response in our Odometer rolled back discussion. Just click on my link to post your question there.

    Find me at - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
    Review your vehicle

  • 04benzc24004benzc240 Member Posts: 1
    Hey everyone I just purchased a 2004 C240 4matic with 101,000 miles on it and it drives great but im already having some issues with it..... I keep getting 3 malfunctions lights on the dash saying that the rear right taillight is on and the right side reverse light is on and the last one is to check the right side brake light now i checked all the bulbs and one was blown out but after replacing it it still doesnt go on so im thinking maybe a short and all the other bulbs work great but i still have the warnings can anyone give me some advice on what it could be
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