can't identify light blinking in dash

ticomiqueticomique Member Posts: 3
edited November 2021 in Chevrolet
Hi. 2008 Aveo. Changed timing belt, cam sensor. Went well. Have service manual, but it doesn't identify a red light blinking in the dash between the seat belt warning and air bag warning. page 3-43. Car has no spark & no gas flow, but fuel pump 50 lbs. Might this be an anti-theft thing like on Chrysler-made cars ? Can it be reset ? Thanks for your time. Greetings from Northeastern Québec.


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,833
    First step right now is to forget what you have done and start testing for the no-start like you have never seen the car before. Having checked and found no-spark, my first question (just to be sure) is how exactly did you do that? (be specific)

    The next question is, have you attached a scan tool and tried to pull codes from every module on the car?
    Once that is done post every code and which module the code was set in.
  • ticomiqueticomique Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2021
    Hi. Thank you for your time. My name is Gary. I am acting as a translator for a retired Chrysler mechanic who is trying to help a friend. We are 1 hr N-E of Québec City, and 1 hr away from a GM dealer. Manual I found is not the real GM book. Only shows how to replace components. Only code obtained with non-dealer code tester was cam sensor. Was replaced. Coil too. Checked if dud key for doors only.No. Replaced melted resistor under battery support. Not even dealer can tell us what that flashing red light is between seat belt and airbag warnings on small dash. All fuses good in panels. Once in a blue moon, while starting, will fire for split second and die, but not every time. Not a backfire. Normal sound but very very short. Looks like trip to dealer is on the horizon, as he can't pull every code in different modules with poor man's tester. Thanks again ! Gary Callaghan, Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec, Charlevoix County, Canada.
  • ticomiqueticomique Member Posts: 3
    UPDATE FOR UNIDENTIFIES BLINKING LIGHT : my friend reached an old retired GM friend. Only dealer can reset this one. If I knew how to close post' I would. Thanks again !
  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,833
    While it's likely that it could be the security lamp, flashing would be normal operation as in it's not a concern. If it was on steady that would be a security system fault.

    Can you tell me the exact code number? (PXXXX) Codes don't tell you what part is bad, they tell you what test failed. Which means just because the words "Camshaft Sensor" are in the description that doesn't automatically mean that it is bad.

    If the security system was causing a problem you would need access to other modules on the car both for pulling codes as well as more advanced procedures.
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