Nissan Frontier Problems

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Pocahontas, Host
Frontier problems. Below is a a direct link to a
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Frozen Pickups Topic 2001 Nissan Frontier
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Pocahontas, Host
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On the other hand, it could just be the crown of the road making you think it's pulling.
The high performance tires on my car would pull all over the place when braking on rough surfaces.
IHN Leroy
tdhe dealer said it was normal. ????????Help.
Pocahontas, Host
IHN leroyt
I have a CC SE 4x4, no problems at all. I have put 21,250 miles since I bought it new in March 2000. I have been on long trips from Tampa, FL to Miami, FL several times. I get about 17.5 to 18.5 mpg. It doesn't matter if I have the A/C on or not. It drops to about 10.5 to 12.5 while towing my 4000lb boat. Not bad with the Auto tranny. Your problems with your truck probablly lies within the dealer. If I were you I would try to take it to another dealer if you can.
#0 of 1: Nissan Frontier OD Problem (pvy) Thu 14
Dec '00 (03:37 PM)
I have a 2000 Frontier XE King Cab 2wd 4Cyl.
Sometimes when I flip off the OD button at the
head of the shift column nothing happens. What
should happen is a dash light goes on saying "OD
off" and, of course, the tranny should downshift.
Well, sometimes it does, sometimes not, and
sometimes it downshifts half an hour later,
startling the hell out of the driver. This happens
at both low and high rpm, low and high temp,
seemingly at random. Anybody have any thoughts or
similar experiences? Much appreciated.
#10 of 13: pocahontas (keanec) Fri 15 Dec '00 (05:15 AM)
I have a 4wd 4x4 2000 CC and I use the OD button
all the time and I don't ever experience the
problem you mentioned.
#11 of 13: Better have the dealer check out the (obyone) Fri 15 Dec '00 (06:00 AM)
switch. When the OD does kick off, does the OD off
light come on?
#12 of 13: Hi keanec- To clarify. (pocahontas) Fri 15 Dec '00 (08:12 AM)
I was copy/pasting a message for another Town Hall
participant: pvc.
I don't own frontier. However, thanks for your
feed back. I'm sure pvc will appreciate it. ;-)
#13 of 13: Re Post #9: Thanks (pvy) Fri 15 Dec '00 (10:02 AM)
It's going in to the dealer today. Will have them
check the od switch. Thx to all who responded!
The second is gas mileage. I'm at about 20 MPG. Will this go up? I just turned 1500 miles. I think I broke it in pretty well.
I have a 2000 Crew Cab SE 4x4 auto, with the stock tires and rims and about 30k miles. I average about 17mpg here in "flat" FL with the a/c on all the time. It doen't matter whether I have the tailgate down(in fact I actually get worse mpg w/it down)or not. On long trips I get about 18mpg. I installed the K&N filter when I had about 10k miles on it and have seen or felt no difference in power or fuel economy (I just think it's a better filter than a paper one), now just because I don't feel a head-snapping power difference that doesn't mean there isn't any...just that I don't "feel" it.
So I don't know if I've helped you or not but these have been my experiences.
I test drove a frontier 4X4 this weekend. The salesman did not go with. I went to an icy parking lot and used the 4x4 HI with no problem. While trying to use 4x4 LOW, I had the problems you described. I am and was not familiar with the process for shifting in and out of 4x4 on this unit. I will still buy a frontier despite this- I will rarely use 4X4 low now on my explorer. I figure this is one reason the tacoma costs more- its as easy as pushing a switch on the shifter. I would not be concerned about this.
You should not have to turn the vehicle off to put it in 4 low. I just pulled a plow out of a snowbank last night and I used 4 low....Simply put the gear shift into neutral..then put the 4x4 shifter down into 4 high. Puase, and then push the lever down into 4 low. This should work on any auto. You might have to push down on the 4x4 lever when moving from neurtral to 4 low.
I am not sure about a standard 4x4; but this is the procedure my 2000 4x4 cc and older pathfinder is also in the owners manual. Try it and let me know if it works.
I heard this once on my frontier too, I took it to my service advisor, he said it was probably a bad idler pulley, he said there have been some problems with the bearing, nothing too serious, but get ti taken care of before the warranty expires, but mine only did it once, and I have to wait until it does it more for them to be sure that is what it is, but I already made a note of it in my file so if it hapens out of warranty I will still be OK,
Bring it to the dealer, they should be aware of the problem, it is one of two things most likely, either a bad sending unit or more likely, there have been some problems with a restriction in the hose that does not allow the float to go all the way up, either way it does not take long to fix.
Check with your local aftermarket shops, they should be able to help.
In Car and Driver's recent long term test of a Frontier Crew Cab there was a picture of the left rear door area of the body (at least that's what I recall) that showed some rust under a painted weld seam of the cab. They surmised it was due to cab and/or frame flex.
I've seen a similar problem on the old full size Ford Bronco's with the fiberglass back half (think OJ Simpson vehicle). They would all rust at the roof seam right behind the doors.
Have any of you Frontier owners noted similar rust or any other signs of lack of rigidity in the frame/body assembly?
If problems CONTINUE popping up, then you have a problem...
No problems since then and my mileage so far has been better than expected. I recorded 20.8 MPG on a recent road trip. Have a good day....
never again.
disgusted tech
which is when I realized something else must be wrong.
by the way nissan says there is no problem but the brake shop says there is. who do you believe?
By the way....there is a "Tacoma problems" thread, with actually more documented problems then the Frontier, but I think both of these trucks are high quality pickups....there is always going to be some problems with either.
Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this? How can I check to know if this is normal?
I am taking the truck to the dealer on Wednesday for oil change and tire rotation and will ask abuout this then but I would like to go there with as much information as possible. Could it be a bad wheel bearing? Any help is appreciated. Truck only has 25K miles.
I sold the Frontier and bought a Blazer. I had more problems with the Blazer but GM fixed them with NO hassle and even rented me cars. I even had 2 problems with 42,000 miles (out of warranty) and GM fix them under something they called a good faith repair. It worked because I bought a new Silverado last year (still have the Blazer too). I would much rather deal with a company that stands behind their products.