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1989 Trooper II how to bleed hydraulic clutch system?
Member Posts: 2
I have 1989 Trooper II.
I replaced clutch master cylinder kit and clutch slave cylinder kit.
Now the system is so full of air I am not sure what to do.
I tried brake like bleeding it won't work at all.
I heard about bench bleeding but I am not sure how to proceed.
I would like to hear a step by step already proven to work on this car method.
Also I got this power bleeder you can find advertised on the net
but it didn't work as advertized.
I suspect I can utilize it in bench bleeding so I would like to hear
from someone who already experienced all this.
Thank you.
I have 1989 Trooper II.
I replaced clutch master cylinder kit and clutch slave cylinder kit.
Now the system is so full of air I am not sure what to do.
I tried brake like bleeding it won't work at all.
I heard about bench bleeding but I am not sure how to proceed.
I would like to hear a step by step already proven to work on this car method.
Also I got this power bleeder you can find advertised on the net
but it didn't work as advertized.
I suspect I can utilize it in bench bleeding so I would like to hear
from someone who already experienced all this.
Thank you.
This discussion has been closed.
1989 Isuzu Truck Trooper II V6-2827cc 2.8L
Vehicle Level Transmission and Drivetrain Clutch Clutch Master Cylinder Service and Repair Clutch Bleed
Clutch Bleed
NOTE: If air enters the hydraulic clutch system, it will cause clutch dragging. This procedure must be performed when reservoir has been emptied, or if system has been disassembled.
Set parking brake.
Check level of clutch fluid in reservoir and replenish as necessary.
Remove the rubber cap from the bleeder screw and wipe clean the bleeder screw. Connect a vinyl tube to bleeder screw and insert opposite end into a transparent container.
Pump clutch the clutch pedal several times, then hold pedal depressed.
Loosen the bleeder to release clutch fluid with air bubbles into the container, then tighten bleeder screw. Do not release clutch pedal until bleeder screw has been tightened.
Release the clutch pedal carefully. Repeat the above operation until air bubbles are no longer seen coming out of vinyl tube. During bleeding operation, ensure reservoir is kept full at all times. Reinstall rubber cap onto bleeder screw.
If the reservoir cap diaphragm is stretched, re-shape it into its retracted position, then install cap on reservoir.
1989 Isuzu Truck Trooper II V6-2827cc 2.8L
Vehicle Level Transmission and Drivetrain Clutch Clutch Master Cylinder Testing and Inspection
Testing and Inspection
Make necessary correction or parts replacement if wear, damage or any other abnormal conditions are found through inspection.
Before inspection, wash clean all disassembled parts in brake fluid and dry with pressurized air.
Check the following parts, and replace with new ones as necessary.
Cylinder bore and piston for wear and rust formation.
Spring for weakening.
Piston cups for wear and deterioration.
NOTE: The entire piston assembly must be replaced if any of the piston parts are found to be objectionable.
Clearance between master cylinder wall and piston
Standard: 0.07 mm (0.0028 in.)
Limit: 0.15 mm (0.0059 in.)
Here is how I solved my clutch bleeding problem.
Since the clutch reservoir and bleeder on slave cylinder are
not the highest points in this clutch system I decided to
virtually raise/extend them with clear tube. Bleeding then was quite trivial and easy.
I had a reservoir cap with a tube in it so I just attached
it and held the tube up in the air. I got more clear tube at fish
tank section dept store so I hooked it up to the bleeder on slave
and held it up in the air next to the other tube
so they both became the highest point in this system.
Opened the bleeder on slave and filled the tubes with fluid until
there was enough fluid so the fluid level was again above
any other piece of this system and the same in both tubes.
Basically you just make
sure the system is full. Now you still have a little
problem there is air in master cylinder so you pump it
couple of times and there is still more air. Tapping on
clutch pedal about half inch in and out will "bench bleed"
the master cylinder without removing off the car. You will
notice fluid jumps in that tube followed by bubbles till
there are gone.
That didn't solve my car problem. At least I know for sure
I have no bleeding problem. I still have a very hard to shift clutch now. So I will probably take the car to a shop
for transmission removal. I can't handle it myself.
The hydraulic system pushes the lever about 3/4 inch by eye.
So what can be bad inside. Bent fingers, bad bearing?
So the system on my 91 trooper got run out of fluid so Ive been trying to bleed it. I put on a new slave and I havent tried the methoedes stated obove but my question is when the system has air in it should the clutch pedel still spring back? if I put it all the way down to the floor it stays but if I go like half way it will spring back is that normal? I dont know what it is like when its all normal becuase the car was given to me becuase of this clutch problem.
I don't believe that the engine seriously overheated during the initial coolant incident - the temp fluctuation I noticed was only a small, slow movement to just above and just below the center of the scale. I noticed it only because it was uncharacteristic - the needle formerly always was rock steady just below mid-scale.
The fact that fluid appeared in a cylinder and that the breach was from exhaust to coolant suggests that the breach is very close to or at the exhaust valve for that cylinder. I would be willing to bet that the fluid cylinder is the one which originally had the low compression. My suspicion has been that perhaps a bolt holding the valve cover to the head was initially stuck, requiring some drastic measures for removal, or ditto for some bolt or nut which had to be loosened in order to adjust the valve clearance. In a sense the issue is academic at this point, but it is a factor in deciding whether or not I will continue to use this particular mechanic.
Thanks again.
Good luck.
Some break and others last forever.
Bleeder valves and compression fittings are available at most auto parts stores.