Anyone know about "assigned VIN" in CA?
My '69 Lincoln has the VIN plate on the passenger side of the dash and it is throwing DMV for a loop. They want me to go to CHP and get an "assigned VIN" issued. Anyone ever go through this? Do they actually attach a new plate to the car? And what does that status do the the vehicle's value?
San Francisco
San Francisco
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As a collectors car, it is a severe detriment.
Your car will have no collector value ever again.
Are there holes where rivets used to be?
If the dash, the door and the current title all match, it shouldn't be an issue.
You should just take all of your paperwork, and the car, to another DMV office, don't mention any previous attempts, and the "issue" will likely go away. Especially if you go to a smaller town where they're more used to older cars.
I'd avoid having this done if you can. I can't see any reason why CHP can't just "clear" the car from any suspicion.
If they force you to do this for some reason I don't know about, as long as you have all the right tags and Marti report, I doubt your car's value will will also have this black mark that you will constantly have to explain away.
The car's value is all about the documentation. VIN tags can be faked and changed and documents are a far better assurance to a buyer. Of course, having the car "factory stock" is best, but it's not the end of the world.
Very WEIRD however, that DMV is insisting on this.
Just stand tall and insist on an appeal, or as someone else said, try another DMV office. Sounds like someone drunk with their little scrap of power.
It can knock the value of your car in half or more.
Take your car and papers and drive to another MVD office.
As long as the original VIN tag stays on, I don't see any reason to devalue the vehicle. Maybe a previous owner moved it. That's what it sounds like.
You can also post your VIN in local club forums but don't post it in non-registered forums that you know nothing about.
the only way DMV has any control over what you do is if you don't register a car you DO own, and then years later, try to register it. Then they hit you for back reg.
Whenever you sell or junk a car, you are supposed to fill out a form notifying DMV who the new owner is. Obviously you either failed to do this, or you did and DMV lost it (happens, believe me).