Nissan Pathfinder Seat Problems

jim141jim141 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Nissan
Does the wire which is connected to the clamps on each side of the front bucket seat, which is activated by a handle, stretch so that the seat clamps won't disengange and the seat can't move forward or backward? There don't appear to be anything stopping the movement.


  • gbloodworthgbloodworth Member Posts: 4
    I'm having the same probelm Jim - did you resolve this issue?
  • jim141jim141 Member Posts: 2
    Not yet. I've tried using a rope to pull the lever I've inspected the under carrige, limited visability, with a flashlight and I can't find anything bent or missing. It appears that I may have to remove the seat.
  • edrnedrn Member Posts: 17
    I have a 2002 Pathfinder whereas the drivers seat also will not go forward/backward. It will however adjudt its height. Do you think this is a fuse issue. Will I have to take it to a dealer and if so, how much do you think they'll rip me off for?
  • gbloodworthgbloodworth Member Posts: 4
    My issue was resolved - I found a penny lodged in the track rails.
    Needed an awl tool and flashlight to rectify.
  • kiwi12kiwi12 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2007 Pathfinder with a drivers seat problem. Often when the vehicle has been turned off the drivers electric seat automatically reclines either forward or back to the fully reclined position. This can cause considerable pain to the children in the rear seat. After it has reached it's point of fully reclined it takes some minutes before you can manually return it to where it should be. It's not the switchs being knocked while exiting the vehicle as it has happened while I'm still sitting in the drivers seat with the vehicle switched off.

    My local Nissan dealer has looked at it several times but unable to make any difference. Has anyone experienced this problem?
  • emirharfoucheemirharfouche Member Posts: 1
    Advised to gently hit the small electrical motor under the seat because it had happened to me and solved this way
  • shavenuwshavenuw Member Posts: 1
    I have exactly the same problem on my 2009 UK Nissan Pathfinder 0 the electric driver's seat has a mind of its own. Did you manage to fix yours? Mine has been back to Nissan 4 times and they can't find anything wrong.
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