Pathfinder Power Steering Problems

go0001go0001 Member Posts: 2
edited May 2014 in Nissan
Long story short. 2001 pathfinder SE
I got stuck in the mud and tried really hard to drive out. After getting out, the power steering seemed gone. I drove another 5 minutes, checked power steering fluid level and it was low. Checked by a mechanic, he didn't find any leaking but some "metal fragaments". He reflushed the fluid. It feels normal while driving, but still really stiff at 0-5 mph. Put tranismission at neutral, acclerating (increasing rpm) seems help.

Was this due to "damaged power steering pump", or "bent tie rod or ball joint", or "loose belts". Doe anyone have a clue?

Help really appreciated. You can leave a message here or email Thanks again.


  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    Most likely a loose belt, but could also be the pump itself.

  • go0001go0001 Member Posts: 2
    Thank you, Mike. I will try get belt changed first. See how it goes.
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    It may only need to get tightened with the weather changes the rubber expands/contracts.

  • taiwosmithtaiwosmith Member Posts: 1
    am driving a nissan pathfinder 1996 model, i discovered that my gear does not pick in time and av top the transmission with oil but the problem persist
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