Inverted rear tires/riding like a tank

SportbroncoSportbronco Member Posts: 1
edited December 2023 in Cadillac
Put new shocks on the rear in Feb of 2023, as the originals froze, my certified Cady Mechanic commented that when replacing the shocks to replace the springs, he had a hard time dropping the right rear lower control arm to release the spring so I suggested that the springs looked good to which he concured, so he put the lower control arm back in place, it's now riding like a tank in the rear on uneven concrete roads and ruts etc.. getting progrssively worse...I noticed that the rear tires are inverted at the front of the tires NOT the tops...been told the Toes needs adjusting....some say perhaps it's the control arms & lateral links, some also suggest it needs an alignment...this is frustrating as this car is always garage kept, maintained with 97K....any suggestions from those in the know here?...HELP!! Much thanks. Again this is about a 2002 Cadillac Eldorado ETC.


  • capriracercapriracer Member Posts: 907
    I think the fact that your mechanic had trouble dropping the RR LCA was a clue - the problem is there! I suspect bushings.

    But don't tell the mechanic what to do. Tell him the car is riding like a tank, you've got a tire wear problem, and you've had a previous problem on the RR that was ignored. Let them diagnose it.
  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,828
    What exactly does having trouble dropping the control arm mean? Were the bolts for the control arms seized in the bushings and couldn't be removed? Once loosened (if they came loose at all) were they raised to a norm ride height position to be re-tightened?

    What kind of shocks were installed? Did they match the O.E. design such as level ride or active suspension system? Is the handling problem more noticeable towards one corner of the car versus the other? If so which one?

    I'm not following you on what you mean by "inverted" especially when you mention alignment and "toe". The rear toe spec is 0 +/- .2 degrees. The camber is 0 +/- .5 degrees. Since the specs are 0 degrees there should be no visible leaning inward or outward (by eye) and no visible angle that makes either wheel appear to be steering the vehicle. Can you take this to a shop and have the alignment checked and share the measurements?
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