ABS/Traction/Brake Lights on But No DTC's

AlpineSeekerAlpineSeeker Member Posts: 1
edited April 2024 in Nissan
Hello all,
Recently while driving my wife's 2013 Nissan Sentra the traction control light came on followed by what felt like the transmission starting off in second gear. Then the ABS light came
on and I returned home. I hooked up my Thinktool Pro and scanned for codes and found a usual MAF Code (P0101) and a new code C1130-00 Engine Signal code. Thinking of a bad wheel speed sensor I graphed all four and drove the car and saw no difference in any of the sensors. I cleared the codes and rechecked and everything was normal so I drove over to get the oil changed and while waiting in line the ABS, Traction, and Brake light came on again together this time. I again scanned for codes but found no codes in the car at all I was hoping that someone could let me know how a car can have several lights on and yet not set any DTC's? I thought about communication issues but if a module wasn't communicating with the ECM shouldn't there be a code? Also if there was a power/ground issue in a module would that generate a DTC? Two days before I had the car into the Nissan dealer for a security issue recall involving a ECM reprogram and asked them to check on the recurring MAF DTC that I found a tech service bulletin on (another ECM reprogram) but instead they did a $225 diag and came up with $900 in suggested repairs on other things but did nothing with the MAF. Since they checked the brakes I was thinking that they may have damaged the wheel speed sensors causing my issue but the signals from the sensors look stable and consistent with each other. I am at a loss on this and before I start unplugging modules I wanted to ask the forum for advice on this. Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from anyone soon.
Best regards, Ross


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,828
    There are four ways that warning lamps come on in the instrument cluster.
    1. The lamp is commanded on by the associated module due to a fault being detected by that module.
    2. The Instrument cluster has lost communication with the module. The Instrument cluster should also be setting an appropriate communication code against that module.
    3. The instrument cluster has an internal problem and is losing control of the lamps. Usually there will not be any accompanying codes in the instrument cluster nor the indicated module.
    4. Normal Key On bulb check.

    The C1130-00 "Engine Signal Code" will take a little more research. The information communicated could be data such as engine speed, and/or traction/stability control request permissions. It also could just be that the engine control module has encountered a concern where engine output power could be in question and it's simply telling the ABS to not send any traction control or stability control system commands to the ECM. The P0101 would be enough of a problem on some cars to result in the traction control and stability control systems to be deactivated.
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