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Fuel tank

recruiterrecruiter Member Posts: 3
edited February 24 in Oldsmobile
I have been having problems with my current fuel tank. Turns out, the seals at the fuel pump are shot and the tabs for the clamp are rusted. Can't clear the Check Engine light. Time for a new fuel tank. I tried to get a new one from Dorman, but they don't make them anymore. We checked the local yards around us, and they are all the same way, rusted out at the ring due to all the salt.
I then tried Ebay. Found 2 descent tanks. The first one was the direct replacement part #25744826 stamped into the tank. When I went to purchase it, I was literally minutes late.
The 2nd one was also a very clean tank. What made me pause was the part came from a Cadillac Seville and the tank is stamped # 25712455.
Based on the dealers cross-reference, which was the only thing I could go by, this part is supposed to fit on my car. Now that I paid for the tank and shipping, I am starting to wonder if I made a mistake.
Can anyone verify if I made the right choice?


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,833
    The stamping number isn't crossing. GM does show the first number as fitting multiple vehicles.

    Scroll down this page for fitment information. https://www.gmpartsgiant.com/parts/gm-tank-asm-25744826.html
  • recruiterrecruiter Member Posts: 3
    According to the dealer, the tank comes off a 2003 Cadillac Seville.
    When I look up the fuel tank on a 2003 Seville, it shows my number, not 25712455.
    So, what car does this tank fit on? Was I sold the wrong tank?
  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,833
    Did you look at the link I shared? Attached is a screenshot from that link. According to GM Parts Giant it would seem to be correct fitment. The stamping number just might not cross. In fact, that second number didn't match as a valid part.

  • recruiterrecruiter Member Posts: 3
    Yes, I did check the cross references. Based on what I see, it appears GM used the same 18.5 gal tank from 1998 to 2005 on just about all their full size vehicles. The SKU for all of them is the same 25744826. Even though there are multiple replacement numbers, which were superseded.
    The fuel tank I received from the dealer looks like my tank. According to the tag, identifying the vehicle it was from, is a 2001 (Sorry I got the year wrong, but it's supposed to be the same tank) Cadillac Seville SLS.
    The number on my tank doesn't show as the correct number or a replaced number. So my big question remains - what car did it come out of.
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