Honda Civic GX Fuel Mileage
Hi I was wondering if anyone else is getting way below the 230 or so miles per tank fill. I drive under normal conditions and at 3600psi tank fill I only get 285 miles tops.At 3000psi im only getting about 165 miles..My car has only 2000 miles on it so its still brand new..Can anyone shed a lilttle light on why im getting about 50 miles less than I should ?? Thanks for any help
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CNG fill depends on a lot of things . A lot of stations do not have enough pressure to fill your tank completely. Most of the newer stations do not have a pressure gauge, instead they have a digital readout to hide the fact that the pressure is low. 100% means it has done all it can do at the time, but may be far lower than normal. We are not being cheated on quantity of fuel dispensed, but we all are being cheated when paying a high price for fuel, and not getting full compression service.
How much did the additional tank cost?
Where is it installed?
Did you alter the original tank?
How many gge are you now able to fill?
Thanks for your reply.
I dont think so, maybe 5-10% better mileage.
For 5-10 mpg, everyone would be using those tires!
Their definition of unsafe probably varies from mine, but I certainly believe there would be a tradeoff since rolling resistance basically IS traction.
As with everything (pun alert)... your mileage may vary!
definately my most nerve racking morning commute yet!
ps. my wife is taking me out to dinner tonight to reconcile for my near heart attack!
I have noticed with the heat that I dont get as good of a fill, and actually had the light come on a couple of times right before I fill at around 150 miles. The pressure left in the tank is about 1,000 psi vs usually about 1,200.
I am still getting about 35 mpg driving 75-80 mph on about 85% of my drive.
I fill once a week in Diamond Bar for my overnight stay in OC, today I got about 4250 psi.
If you add the 2nd tank to the trunk, does it take up all of the remaining space? If so, I guess I'll need to remove the spare from the trunk.
Maybe add it after you hit the 3yr/36K miles...?
Let us know what you find out - I hope to order an '08 GX when they come out and may want to think about adding a tank also. (That's after I put in 2 rear speakers!)
i consistently get over 250 on a tank in SF bay area driving ... with several in the 265 mi range. i currently average 40 mpg consistently, and usually squeeze in 6.0 - 6.5 GGE when i fill at 3600.