Jeep Wrangler Safety

willymack76willymack76 Member Posts: 8
edited April 2014 in Jeep
Has anyone been in a serious accident while driving a jeep? How vulnerable are you to serious injury? I'm considering purchasing a wrangler.


  • mac24mac24 Member Posts: 3,910
    How vulnerable are you to serious injury?

    I think that rather depends on the specific accident you have in mind. Princess Diana was killed in single vehicle accident in one of the safest cars in the world.

    All TJs perform well in safety tests and the latest models have the most safety features. However, a short wheelbase on some models and a high center of gravity mean that you can't corner like a sports car.

    Here's a LINK to Wrangler crash tests from 1994-2006.
  • willymack76willymack76 Member Posts: 8
    I'm not worried about flipping over or losing control. I'm concerned about impact hits from other vehicles. Yesterday I got hit from behind in my Tahoe from a guy doing 50mph in his SUV. His truck took the worst of it. It made me think that if I was in a wrangler I'd be dead or seriously injured. I'll check out the crash test info. Thanks.
  • erickplerickpl Member Posts: 2,735
    Wranglers are more stout than people give them credit for. Their biggest vulnerability, IMO is the side impact and the flimsy doors they use. I've seen several TJ's impacted from behind or front and the frame holds up well enough to protect the passengers. After having scrounged through several junk yards looking for Jeep parts, most impacts seem to be frontal or from behind (esp frontal). I've only seen 1 YJ with a side impact and the frame itself was still intact, but it apparantly rolled at some point, based on the damage (or hit another vehicle).

    I've seen upgraded offroad bumpers on many Jeeps eat the front bumper/grill/hood of cars that followed em too closely and only sustain a scratch in the powdercoating.

    I've layed mine on its side while offroading. I had to replace the windshield frame and straighten (somewhat) the passenger fender, but my son and I were well protected.

    ANY vehicle is going to have pros/cons.

    My daughter was in a supposedly safe Honda Civic and got t-boned at 55 mph (on the passenger side).


    The door latch failed and the door intrued up to the center console, causing her to gash her head. She isn't in a Honda now. She survived, but I didn't feel the car held up like it should have in the situation. She's in a 2007 VW Jetta now.

    A LOT will depend on the circumstances of the accident (speed, trajectory, angle of impact, location of impact, what is being hit, what is doing the hitting, etc).

    All that said, Wranglers are actually pretty darn stout vehicles. The one thing that Wranglers could use, especially if you go with larger tires, is a better braking system. There is a VERY good product out there that I hope to put on mine soon to address the added weight of my offroad stuff and the bigger 33" tires.

  • mac24mac24 Member Posts: 3,910
    There is a VERY good product out there that I hope to put on mine soon to address the added weight of my offroad stuff and the bigger 33" tires.

    So what are you planning on......hydroboost?
  • erickplerickpl Member Posts: 2,735
    Not the hydroboost but the Vanco big brake kit. :)

  • pjeep1pjeep1 Member Posts: 5
    with my Wrangler I can start my engine change from Park to R (automatique) without press my break pédal

    Its Normal ????
  • mac24mac24 Member Posts: 3,910
    Definitely non! :)

    The good news is that there's a cable that just needs adjustment.
  • pjeep1pjeep1 Member Posts: 5
    Tanks mac24
    To late the jeep is...........................scrap<img src=" :sick:
  • mac24mac24 Member Posts: 3,910
    So, is this a new Jeep with exactly the same problem as your last one? :surprise:
    Just take it back to the dealer to have it fixed under warranty.
  • jabonejabone Member Posts: 15
    I can tell you this, a few weeks back I was sitting at an intersection when the light turned green. As we went through we heard a loud noise and my Jeep jumped to one side. I turned to look as I saw the bottom of a Camry go past my passenger window. The Camry went on to flip through the intersection as I came to a stop.

    I got out half mad, half concerned for the kid in the now destroyed Camry I turned around expect the side of my Jeep to be missing. As it turns out he fell asleep at the wheel and plowed into the side of my Jeep.

    Seriously, there was hardly any damage to it. One wheel was nicked, one fender flare needed replacing and some sheet work on the passenger door. When I spoke to the EMT crew they said Wranglers are some of the toughest they see..
  • pjeep1pjeep1 Member Posts: 5
    Hi Jabone

    thanks a lot for your E-Mail He will help me.
    Can you send me your Jeep Vin number My was 1 J 4 F A 2 4 1 3 7 L 1 5 8 9 7 2

    I transfer your E-Mail to ¨transport Canada¨they make some inspection the accident that Ihad
    All information that got I will send it to you

    corazon and Pier
  • jeepaddictedjeepaddicted Member Posts: 3
    okay, So i am looking to buy a 2007 Jeep Wrangler (2-dr) 4wd X model for my son. We already own 3 jeeps ('05 Liberty Limited, '05 Grand Cherokee, and an 07 Commander Limited).

    In my years as a Jeep owner, I have never had the specific wanting, if you will, of a Wrangler. Although my son, since he was able to talk, has wanted one. I am not sure if it would be completely safe for him, even though he has been taught to drive with larger SUVs than itself. My son turns 16 in September, and I have just a small time frame to decide if I am going to purchase the vehicle or not.

    This is what he told me that he wanted:

    (No, we do not spoil him! Haha).

    1: 4WD (2-dr) X Model.
    2: Black body
    3: Tan enterior
    4: Cloth Sunrider top
    5: the upgraded stereo.
    6: and a 6-speed manual transmission.

    I am not sure about any of this. He is the first kid that I am purchasing a car for, and I need advice. Anything is helpful. (ex. "The 6-speed......." OR, "Maybe the radio.....").

  • erickplerickpl Member Posts: 2,735
    There's a thread on here somewhere asking the same question about a Jeep for a daughter. Check that thread as I think it pertains here as well. I don't think a Wrangler makes a particularly wise first car for a 16 year old. Yes, they are fun, but they do require more diligence than even a larger SUV (read center of gravity and the shorter wheel base). But that is just my opinion.

    My son is starting to drive, and I won't let him drive my Wrangler. It IS lifted, with offroad suspension, armor, winch, etc and the CoG is a bit higher than stock. He can drive it offroad, but onroad, nope.

    If you DO decide to get it, have it inspected carefully for offroad use. It does take a beating. I'd advise against the X. The rear axle is the Dana 35, and not as strong as what you can find in a Sport, Sahara, or Rubicon. The Dana 44 would work well if you/he chose to modify the rig later with bigger tires for offroad use.

    I wouldn't worry about the stereo. Jeeps are EASY to upgrade sound-wise.

  • jeepaddictedjeepaddicted Member Posts: 3
    Thank you!


    Also, would you happen to know anything about the gears? On our Liberty we have the upgraded gears, but if I do get him the Wrangler, should I go ahead and get the 4.10?
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    I moved the other teen Wrangler thread over to the buying used discussion since it seemed more about buying a used Wrangler instead of just the safety aspects:

    flyrod, "Buying a Used CJ or Wrangler" #27, 20 May 2008 1:12 pm

    I thought about moving this thread there as well, but didn't know if the '07's were really used yet. :shades:
  • erickplerickpl Member Posts: 2,735
    The 4.10's were only available on 2 models of TJ standard: The SE (4 cyl) and the Rubicon.

    If you plan to go to 32's, I'd say yes, you'd want to regear to 4.10 to keep the performance where it is now.

    33's would want to regear to 4.56.
    35's would want to regear to 4.88.

    Those values assume the 6cyl engine.

    4.10 and stock tires would give you REALLY high RPM's - higher than you'd want for that size tire.

  • jeepaddictedjeepaddicted Member Posts: 3
    Well, Yesterday (after having him test drive the Wrangler), he decided that it is not what he wanted, and that he was going to go for something smaller, but still a jeep. I let him choose, and he went for the Patriot. These are really nice SUVs. Thank you all for your help!
  • texasgurljenntexasgurljenn Member Posts: 2
    I am actually a teen that owns a 07' jeep wrangler. My parents had a hard time giving me the wrangler when I was 17 so instead they bought me the liberty so I could prove myself. :) I was a good girl and didn't go all crazy so for a graduation gift I finally got my wrangler. I guess it all depends on how your son drives. I actually am a slower driver now that I drive a soft top because I don't want to flip over. :)
    Best of wishes!
  • zoecozoeco Member Posts: 18
    Hey texasgurljenn, I am not a teen, but I am considering trading my 03 liberty for an 07 or 08 wrangler. I guess I am asking for any information you can provided as far as real world driving. I am not an offroader, but I was raised in a family of jeep owners and I have always wanted to own a wrangler. I got married, thought I was going to have kids, bought a liberty, didn't have kids, and got divorced, so I am definitely considering doing my own thing. How is the Wrangler in the city and country? Gas mileage? Do you own a 2 dr or 4 dr? As a single female, I am attracted to the longer wheelbase and 4 doors, but the 2 dr has really been on my mind since I don't haul much around town, but occasionally hit the road for longer trips. What would you suggest? Your help is appreciated.

    Curious in Vegas.
  • saharajeepersaharajeeper Member Posts: 2
    I have owned 3 wranglers 2 grand cherokees and a cherokee limited. I am currently driving a 2000 jeep wrangler with a 6" lift and 35's. I use my wrangler as a weekend car and off-road toy. As far as giving your teen a wrangler, I had a Mustang GT for my first car and after seeing red and blue lights behind me every couple months I decided to go for a slower less attention getting Wrangler. I loved it! You just have to learn that it's not a racecar. My second Wrangler was lifted with no gears so it wouldn't go over 65mph down a hill with the wind behind you. I would always recommend starting your teen with a used wrangler. It will be cheaper if they hit something and INSURANCE will be cheaper on an older wrangler for a teen. If your teen doesn't destroy the old one in a few years then I would step them up to a new one around graduation time. By that time your teen my be so in love with their old wrangler they may not want a new one.
  • dragon5126dragon5126 Member Posts: 15
    As a parent of a 17 yr old I offer this advice:
    Don't do it... Get a reliable CHEAP used car for your son. Then help him get a job.
    An Automobile has lost it's most important valueto today's youth... as a teaching tool. We Americans take our cars for granted but forget the financial aspect they represent. The purchase of an auto is the first major step in a young adults life. And while it's a good idea for mom and dad to help in this endeavor, it should be the learning experience that it can be, from coming up with the down payment to signing the loan papers. REMEMBER, this is the first step to building a good credit rating that will allow him to own his own home when the time comes. Buying him a newer Jeep may be a good gift, but it denys him the chance to learn how to pay his own bills, budget his own finances and build a credit history in a timely manner. He is sixteen now, in two years he will be able to buy and register a car in his own name, it also gives him the time to save the money for one. This is the greatest gift you can give him. And remember, if you give him exactly what he wants, you will remove his desire to WORK for something better.

    This also will give him a chance to work on an older vehicle, thus learning mechanical skills that he will carry through life, as well as developing appreciation for the required maintenance cars require.

    As you can see, there really is more involved in the "first car" than most people realize. Do him and yourself a big favor, make it the tool of learning major life skills it can be while he is still young.

    This was my fathers philosophy, and I thank him daily, I am now retired, but I retired as a Mechanical and Electronics Engineer, thanks to the skills I learned on old cars, not to mention the financal savvy needed to survive in this day and age
  • rick331rick331 Member Posts: 4
    Very well said......and well recv'd. Thank you for reinforcing my belief's and the lessons I am trying to impart onto my two teenage daughters.

    We live in an area where almost every 17 year old has a car (usually brand new) waiting for them in the driveway on their 17th birthday before they even pass their driving test. I can't believe what I'm seeing....but, it bothers me more to see my
    daughters feeling deprived that they don't have their own cars to drive to high school. It's a different world........quite a bit disheartening to see parents taking
    the easy way out whether they can afford it or not. And these kids feeling like
    they are on top of the world without even a thought of earning it ?

    In anycase, I appeciated and enjoyed seeing your post ! Thanks.
  • roadburnerroadburner Member Posts: 17,960
    I'd strongly suggest sending your daughters to Street Survival.

    Mine: 1995 318ti Club Sport-2020 C43-2021 Sahara 4xe-1996 Speed Triple Challenge Cup Replica
    Wife's: 2015 X1 xDrive28i
    Son's: 2018 330i xDrive

  • myxjsmyxjs Member Posts: 3
    im a teen, and own a wrangler, i love it, but having switched from an audi a6, it feels like theres something missing, i would let your kid read my post, it is UNCOMFORTABLE and DIFFICULT to travel at highway speeds, also, at first when i got my jeep, i was content, i lost the luxury and comfort i had in the audi, as well as the speed, but i was happy with it still, soon after getting it, however, i wanted a lift and 35s, the whole deal, and im quickly realizing its alot more expensive than i had thought, so if your pockets are deep enough go for it, but just make sure you know what youre getting in to
  • erickplerickpl Member Posts: 2,735
    Please take note of what he said above.

    It is not fast and it is not the best handling. As a Jeep owner who initially bought one for his daughter, I'm glad she nearly rolled it. It, IMO is NOT a great first vehicle. I love mine, but new drivers have enough to worry about just figuring things out. With a Wrangler, especially a lifted one, you have a higher COG to worry about. You have to worry about them not being able to accelerate adequately if needed.

    If a parent still wants a Wrangler for their teen driver, please keep it stock for a while until the driver has it figured out and knows it isn't an Audi A6.

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