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2007 Toyota Tundra Engines

rshollandrsholland Member Posts: 19,788
edited March 2014 in Toyota
A very small percentage (.0006%) of the new 5.7L engines have experienced camshaft failures according to Automotive News.




  • rshollandrsholland Member Posts: 19,788
    .067%. Even so, still a pretty tiny number.

  • anythngbutgmanythngbutgm Member Posts: 4,277
    New engine. Sounds like a supplier issue more than a Toyota issue.

    I doubt it'll blow up into some huge catastrophe like the GM piston-slappers or the self-ejecting sparkplug Triton motors but Toyota really needs to reel this one in.

    20 reported failures is peanuts, 20 thousand is a nightmare.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    what the final numbers are.
  • bakemonobakemono Member Posts: 3
    Give Toyota credit for fixing the issue before it grows into a mass recall.
    I can think of some other automakers who would have ignore this issue untill it affected a large number of engines. Kudos to Toyota for taking care of their customers.
  • trucktrickstrucktricks Member Posts: 45
    I wonder if it will be more or less of a catastrophe than the Toyota sludge fiasco.
  • bakemonobakemono Member Posts: 3
    I would say less, much less. 20 failures out of 30,000 engines is a very slight issue.
  • trucktrickstrucktricks Member Posts: 45
    Yeah, but.....

    The fact that Toyota is considering a recall suggests that they think the problem might not be so small. Could the 20 failures be the tip of an iceberg? What will happen when more of the 30,000 get additional miles on them?

    Only time will tell.
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    I agree. Considering the market (the last real American stronghold) and the fact that this is a launch vehicle instead of just a new engine, Toyota can't afford to fall on their face less than 6 months out of the chute. Fast action on all potential engines is the only way to avoid a PR nightmare.

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • bakemonobakemono Member Posts: 3
    Toyota has said that the problem camshafts were a result of a bad batch on early engines.
    Just because they issue a recall, that doesnt mean that every '07 Tundra will be included. It could be a very small number of engines, maybe 1,000 or less.
    I say again, kudos to Toyota for seeing what is right now a small issue and addressing it before it becomes a major recall.
    Unlike some other automakers who like to sweep minor problems like this under the rug, Toyota is standing by their customers and making it right.
  • rshollandrsholland Member Posts: 19,788
    No recall has been issued yet.

  • anythngbutgmanythngbutgm Member Posts: 4,277
    Well that didn't have anything to do with Toyota trucks but whatever...

    And as far as that being "A fiasco" lol, if you change your oil at the recommended interval, then you shouldn't have an issue... Heck, any car is susceptible to oil gelling if you don't change it on a routine basis.

    Not so convenient a solution for the the GM or the Ford trucks... ;)
  • poncho167poncho167 Member Posts: 1,178
    Yes, it is a very small percentage so far but it will likely get bigger. Toyota learned its lesson in trying to hide the fact that they have engine issues (sludge problems), and now quickly put the blame on others. The majority of auto manufactures buy their parts from different suppliers including engine parts, rear ends, axles, seats, tires, brakes, ignition, etc. So by coming out and saying that it was a contractors fault does little because ultimately Toyota is at fault just like if an Eaton rear end on a GMC Sierra went bad it would be considered a GM problem not an Eaton problem.

    With the sales struggle of the new Tundra this could only make it worse.
  • anythngbutgmanythngbutgm Member Posts: 4,277

    With the sales struggle of the new Tundra this could only make it worse

    That's a false statement. Dream on.
  • poncho167poncho167 Member Posts: 1,178
    The truth hurts doesn't it.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    to buy a Tundra with perhaps a faulty cam....would you?
  • andy82471andy82471 Member Posts: 120
    If you guys check the May sales figure you will see that Tundra sales have nearly doubled. If you call that struggling I am sure Toyota doesn't mind to struggle. Right now Toyota is on top of the world and the Tundra incident is just a minor hiccup.
  • 12ozcurls12ozcurls Member Posts: 65
    hahaha...yeah toyota is doing rather well this month, but all the truck manufactures are up this month, except for Ford which can afford to sell a few less trucks. And well I do agree that this is a minor hiccup, based on the last tundra, this will not be the last. The last Tundra was complete garbage. I dont know why everyone thinks Toyota is such a superior brand. They have their problems just like any other auto maker does. Not only are they leading in car sales but they are also fast approaching leading in the number of recalls their vehicles are having, not just here but also in Japan. So before you tattoo a Toyota T on your chests, you might want to check out some facts.
  • poncho167poncho167 Member Posts: 1,178
    "Right now Toyota is on top of the world and the Tundra incident is just a minor hiccup."

    I agree they have peaked as an automaker, but they have been slip sliding away in the last 2-3 years with reliability/product issues. The thing thats exciting about the truck is that its new with a new engine. The engine was said to be descent but only time will tell if it will hold up long term. Other than the trucks styling being a big eye sore, in reality it comes up short compared to the domestic offerings in almost every catagory. Take away the mediocre engine and you have an ugly truck with a weak frame, average ride, poor handling, questionable rear-end traction, below average interior, to name a few.
  • exploder750exploder750 Member Posts: 159
    "The majority of auto manufactures buy their parts from different suppliers including engine parts,"

    Many of Toyota's suppliers are wholly owned by Toyota, so it would be interesting to see just who this camshaft "supplier" REALLY is. ;)
  • vortecmaxvortecmax Member Posts: 5
    Take away the mediocre engine and you have an ugly truck with a weak frame, average ride, poor handling, questionable rear-end traction, below average interior, to name a few.

    I agree, they are butt-ugly, but fortunately I never see them on the road. I think I have seen one, maybe 2. If they were as prominent as the F150 or the GM twins, I would gouge my eyeballs out. :shades:
  • motownusamotownusa Member Posts: 836
    Thank you for your insightful post. I am sure mighty GM and even mighter Ford and Chrysler has nothing to fear from Toyota. ;) :P
  • vortecmaxvortecmax Member Posts: 5
    Not in the truck segment they don't. Toyota has been trying to enter this segment for years now and have not succeeded with much market share yet. I don't see that changing anytine soon. And when Ford releases the new 2009 F150, their sales will skyrocket once again and it'll be a 2-horse race between them and the GMT900's. The Tundra will be laps behind, as usual.
  • sdiegosdiego Member Posts: 19
    Good news or bad news, this truck is hot on the market, otherwise... no one would bother talking about it. This should help continue increase the sales.
  • anythngbutgmanythngbutgm Member Posts: 4,277
    Lot's of "Hopefulls" around here. Toyo must be laughing their collective arses off at the reactions of those tried-and-true domestic buyers. Now that the Tundra has made significant inroads (On target to sell the projected 200k earlier than expected) compared to the outgoing one has really brought out the insecuruties of the owners. This much backhanded, armchair criticism is a compliment if anything, cause it shows that the Tundra is "serious comptition" and those other guys have taken notice. It is, of course the last stronghold the domestic manufacturers have to defend in the market.

    Think of it this way, if the Tundra really was a "Flop" as some of the 14yo's on this forum claim it to be, why waste the time littering the Tundra forums with trash talking and needless anti-Toyota babbling? Why not let the market speak the truth. Sure, in this case the market IS showing favorable results towards the Tundra, but does anybody REALLY believe that a few negative posts on an internet forum will change things? lol.

    Hey, my buddy is a service manager for a GM dealer in NH. Got stuck with not 1, but 2 GMC Sierra's that turned out to be trash. Problems got so bad that he strayed to the "Dark side" and bought a Tundra. Really, if your own employees don't stand by your product (GM) then what does that say?

    Like it or not, the Tundra is a success. No amount of internet bullying is going to change that.
  • anythngbutgmanythngbutgm Member Posts: 4,277
    Why does it hurt there in lala-land?

    link title

    link title

    The all-new Tundra
    full-size pickup reported all-time best-ever sales of 17,727, an increase
    of 113.8 percent over the year-ago month.

    Again, dream on.
  • rshollandrsholland Member Posts: 19,788
    According to this link, Tundra sales up 122%, May 2007 vs. May 2006. Regardless, big increases however you measure it.

    "Tundra sales were 17,727, up 122 percent."


  • trucktrickstrucktricks Member Posts: 45
    Here's the deal. Toyota has been quite vocal about selling 200k units this MY. They will in fact do that, maybe even plus a few for bragging rights, by putting as much cash on the hood as it takes. They are already doing it.

    I pity the poor early buyers that are finding out that they paid too much for their beloved Toyota. Not a good way to treat your customers.
  • anythngbutgmanythngbutgm Member Posts: 4,277
    Peoople aren't paying THAT much different now than when the truck appeared. Plus, dealers are always grasping for those extra $$$'s when a new product comes out, whether it be a Tundra or a Camry. If buyers are willing to pay for it because they want to be the first on the block to have one, then they will.

    Try shopping for a Z06, dealers are gouging as much as 10 grand more on those. Yet, there are not similar criticisms.

    They'll get that back when they go to trade it.
  • wolfkillrwolfkillr Member Posts: 8
    I'll bet that the people that have got nothing else to do than bash Tundras, probably never drove the 07.I drove all of the major brands, and Tundra was my pick. I narrowed it down to the G.M.C 6-ltr SLT and Tundra limited d.c. and the Toyota won.i'm as an "AMEICAN" as anybody, an probably more than most, but but if i'm going to spend my money, i'll buy what i want.You know if there really is a cam problem, it may not be a bad deal for Tundra owners. Just think i might get a new motor at 59,999 miles. I trade after 4-5 years anyway. Just something to think about!!
  • kdhspyderkdhspyder Member Posts: 7,160
    It is always the vehicle maker's fault in the public view. Behind the scenes it's always the supplier's fault. Always.

    Until additional information is known ( Yes, it is a very small percentage so far but it will likely get bigger. ) neither you nor anyone else knows what the extent of the problem is. I know that you'd hope it's in all 30,000 engines and since hope springs eternal just keep the faith. Your fondest wishes might come true. :)
  • hotel1hotel1 Member Posts: 50
    Hmmmm...............With a paultry 64k or so sold so far and the end of the 07 model year 3 months away they will be lucky to break last years 125k 06s sold let alone dream of reaching the 200k mark they hoped for..........
  • kdhspyderkdhspyder Member Posts: 7,160
    Well this is a '10-month' year. January was the wind-down for the '06 and Feb was the ramp-up month as vehicles began to arrive. Then gas went to $3/Gal...and Texas is just starting its second shift this month.

    It will be whatever it is. As long as monthly volumes stay in the 15-20K range then this meets their expectation.
    March. 13,200
    April... 14,200
    May.... 17,700
  • bugchuckerbugchucker Member Posts: 118
    .03% now. Chances of being struck by lightning are greater.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    I'm assuming you're part of that .03%? I know I wouldn't want to be.....
  • tjjeeptjjeep Member Posts: 1
    I was a Toyota tech for 10 years or so and I hate to say it but ever since toyota started producing cars in the US. Which was around 1995 they have had problems. The use of delco parts and other various brands on the US production cars and trucks was and still is a major problem.
  • beliasbelias Member Posts: 316
    No question that Toyota has its share of growing pains, but that is exactly what they are. It is rapidly expanding to meet the demand for their vehicles so it is a given that there will be issues along the way. The Detroit3 have had their plants for decades and have done anything but expand over the last 10 years as they shudder plants, employees, benefits and wages in order to compete. So despite having all of these things in place, they still have difficulties with their products on a larger scale than Toyota. Not that Toyota is infallible or that the Detroit3 are terrible (they're much better than many of their European rivals), but if you've ever seen the manufacturing plants and the environment and attitude differences between Toyota and the Detroit3, it would become very clear to you why Toyota's quality, in general, is considered by the industry to be the standard (I personally think Honda is better than Toyota). Once expansion at Toyota settles down a bit, quality will again improve. Still even with all of these problems, Toyota still tops most, if not all manufacturers in this regard.
  • grapepickergrapepicker Member Posts: 7
    When i joined this website, i thought i would get some useful information about my new tundra truck. How wrong i am. It seems like a bunch of kids fighting over who has the best truck, who's # 1, and every other thing that kids fight about. Anyway,I've read enough and i'll be moving on to HOPEFULLY another non-bickering site that i can get some information about my new tundra.
  • kentacokentaco Member Posts: 5
    Hey grapepicker, you may have already joined up but Tundrasolutions is a good site. Occasional Trolls, but overall very imformative. Definitely not a hate forum. :)
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