Chevy S10 - GMC S15 and Sonoma Lighting Issues
I have an all original 91 with only 45,000 miles on it. Now when I turn on the head lights the lights come on but the instrument panel lights go out and the interior dome light comes one. I replaced both the head light switch and the panel dimmer switch but no luck. I took the dash out hoping there was something wrong with the printed circuit on the back but could not find anything wrong. Fuses all seem ok and I could see no visable damage to any of the wiring. Any ideas ? I'd hate to have to trace all the wiring.
To make a long story short, her friend replaced one of the tail lights with a wrong bulb. This set up a short in the system, which caused a feedback. After an hour of trouble shooting along with a new fuse and the correct bulb, it was back to normal.
Maybe something like that has taken place on your S-10. Before you do anything radical check the bulbs and sockets to see if one of them is shorted out. Good luck.
Ground will seek out anything to make a circuit, as in making false lights light up, dimming of others and so forth.
Check ground connection at radiator core support from battery terminal.
Also add a ground from battery to other body panels, fender, back to the engine anywhere. Use #10 gauge wire.
Replace poor looking battery cables.
Sand clean the body ground connection and use a good grease before mounting it.
Good Luck
I noticed that I'll hear a series of clicks from the relays in the glove compartment and the lights will dim and flicker. However, sometimes there will be a single click from the relay and my headlights will go out entirely. Is this a relay problem, a fuse issue, a wiring issue? I'd love any advice I can get as I'm in paramedic school and putting in 90 hour weeks. This severely limits my ability to see a mechanic as I usually work from before they're open to after they're closed. Thanks for any advice.
I am, however, grateful for your suggestion. I am fishing for answers on this one before I have to take it to the shop and have them inspect what I should have inspected beforehand.