Jimmy air blend motor?

i have a 99 gmc jimmy slt 4x4 4dr with computer climate control. it has a tendency to switch back and forth between hot and cold air, like most of these trucks apparently do. i have read about the air blend motor swithing back and forth, and yes i have the tell tale clicking noise from behind the glovebox. the problem i am having is that the only door i have found behind my glove box seems to work fine, along with the buttons that switch it between outside and cabin air beneath the fan setting on the dash. so where is this little evil blend motor? the other vacuum line behind the box? wouldn't flushing the heater core be a waste of time because i have that crap in my radiator as well? oh and who was the genius that decided were to put the switch for the seat heater in this thing?
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I flush the heater core by getting 3' lengths of 5/8 and 3/4 heater hose and simply remove the heater lines at the firewall (elevate the ones you pull off so Dex doesn't drain out and cover the dist cap so it stays dry) and then use a garden hose and flush booth ways till clear and free flowing - I only push the garden hose to the end of the heater hose so I don't blow the core. If the core is really clogged its junk and have to pull the dash to get into the box and about 1 $500-600 job all day. Had two 98s done and my 99 - 01 holding in there.
As for the seat, another quality engineering job by GM - but come on it lasted 5-6 years (ha, ha). Lots of issues on these vehicles.
on the heater core flush i think you missed my point though. what good is flushing the core going to to do? as soon as i flush the core won't it just build right back up since that sandy sludge is all through the radiator as well?
as for the seat, i was complaining about its location because a couple times i have gotten into the truck, and apparently my foot hits the switch on the way in and about 5 minutes into a trip the seat gets extremely hot. the first time it happened i was in a drive thru line, and didn't know where the switch was.
Mine blew cold and lukewarm.
When I set the blower speed and temp, it blew 100 degrees.
For some reason when I put it on auto and recirculate, it blew hotter.118* degrees.
Get a cheap temp. gauge fro the auto parts store, looks like a meat thermametor
There is s temp sensor deep in the middle vent, blow compress air in the vent, not too much pressure. Blow off dirt dust off the sensor.
I replaced the thermostat and get engine temps of about 190 degrees F. I replaced the radiator last year. What do I need to do to get hot air out of my vents? It started by giving me about 100 degrees F when set at the warmest temp setting. Now I get about 50 degrees F. This is when it is 35 outside. I used to get the clicking behind the glove box. I haven't heard it for a while. Where is the vacuum line I need to check? How do I get to the air blend motor?
Where should I start addressing the problem.
Freezing my behind in Michigan. Actually, the heated seat is all I have to keep me from freezing.
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_would_your_98_GMC_Jimmy_blow_hot_air_even_when_the- - _temperature_gauge_is_set_to_cold
Hope this helps. Have not checked my Jimmy yet but I have the same problem. Will check it out tomorrow but this sounds like the real fix.