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Honda Fit Brake Questions
I have been thrilled with my Honda Fit, however as soon as I got it i noticed a grinding sensation when braking. After the 3rd time at a dealership between my 2 states, a correct diagnosis was made and a new part was rush ordered. The anti-lock brakes were activating when they shouldnt due to a computer part.
My problem has been that it has been nearly 2 weeks in the shop with still no part. I waited to travel to see my new grandbaby and missed the delivery. Stopped waiting and drove the rental. The dealership paid for a rental but the only car available is a gas guzzling Nissan Tundra v8 that gets about 15mpg.
It seems that Honda cant spare the parts to repair the ones that are already sold because of demand to produce new cars. I am really bummed as I wait and wait. I don't know what options I have since this dealership is doing all they can. Any Ideas?
My problem has been that it has been nearly 2 weeks in the shop with still no part. I waited to travel to see my new grandbaby and missed the delivery. Stopped waiting and drove the rental. The dealership paid for a rental but the only car available is a gas guzzling Nissan Tundra v8 that gets about 15mpg.
It seems that Honda cant spare the parts to repair the ones that are already sold because of demand to produce new cars. I am really bummed as I wait and wait. I don't know what options I have since this dealership is doing all they can. Any Ideas?
Never thought about THAT when I bought it. Keeping my fingers crossed, now!
I was wondering if you could elaborate on what you mean by the the brakes "grinding." I just purchased a new 2008 Fit Sport, and I'm noticing that the brakes seem a little spongy, like the ABS is perhaps a little too aggressive when breaking. Is that similar to your problem?
You might think it feels spongy but it was like something else was in control of my brake peddle...pretty obvious. After doing searches and reading about ABS brakes, I understood what was going on that caused that peddle to feel so strange.
I would get them checked on,though.
And remember that your brakes feeling tights is probably due to you getting used to the new vehicle, but in damp situation brakes can get "grabby".
Hope you're enjoying your new ride!
Now you know why many of us in Snow country dislike ABS brakes! The noise you are hearing is your ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) working. Plan on it taking longer to stop in snow unless you drive slower. ABS works great in the dry but I'd like to be able to shut it off in the winter. Sadly you can't turn it off.
I just bought my car 3 weeks ago. Today was snow in my city about 2" - 3". I drove my honda fit (not sport) from work and only ran 10 - 20 mph. At one intersection the car ran faster because it was down the hill, not really steep, and I tried to stop. I stomped my brake and it made noise "grek grek grek" at the brake. Does anybody know it is normal or not ? I hope somebody can tell me. If I go to the dealer, they'll tell me it's fine, nothing wrong with my car.
I don't care about the noise anymore since Honda ABS works very well and isn't too noisy compared to others.
I'd still like to be able to shut it off when there is snow tho.
I do want to identify that ABS has been one of the most important safety devices added to our vehicles. Any car expert will tell you that the overall braking distance is significantly reduced with ABS and I would never want to disconnect it.
If you’re driving in poor road conditions and need to brake, allow the ABS to do its job by pulsating on and off. What it's doing is releasing the brake pressure and then reapplying it. Sounds weird to release brake pressure but this pulsing provides maximum stopping force against that slick road your on.
Grinding is not normal!
Can they be tightened?
I have an '08 Fit which is my first ABS car. ABS seems normal in that it prevents wheel lockup. Unless I'm braking beyond tire grip for existing road condition, the ABS is invisible.
Something wrong with your Fit's ABS, I agree. Losing braking is terrifying. Beat on your dealer!
I'd try the dealer again, pointing out that you have documented the accident and that should you have another accident, it won't be easy for Honda to evade responsibility for all consequences.
Good luck!
We are going to take it into the dealer Tuesday and demand that something be done, either with idle or brakes or both. We are bringing printouts of these discussions and peoples' suggestions. So far they will not even look me in the eye when they are talking to me, and don't return my phone calls. I would like to talk to the Honda district manager but they refuse to give me the phone # because they say it is all fine and that I am a bad driver. I am writing a letter to Honda of America but that will take a while, and their phone representative said flatly that there was no way the car could move like anyone on this topic described, so that is probably not going to get any results. Thanks for all of your suggestions!
2nd-Is the car equipped with cruise control?
The car has cruise control but that was not involved in any of these jumping forward incidents as they all happened when the car was stopped with the brake pedal on or moving at very low speed. We've only used the cruise control once or twice, as we have not driven the car long distances, and it worked fine.
I take it this is an automatic transmission? Is it the Fit Sport?
Is it factory cruise control & listed on the factory window sticker?
The thing about stepping on the wrong pedal happens more than you would think--this is why they are harping on that point of veiw.
I will be taking it to my Honda dealer next week, but since it's not something that happens every time, I expect that it will not occur during the test drive. I hope Honda America will take this seriously and correct the problem before someone gets hurt, as could very easily happen if it occurs when there's a pedestrian or bicyclist near the front of the car.
So [violins playing] I am a handicapped senior citizen who will have to pay $18K for a car that won't stop, so it can't be driven. I live in a rural area and am trapped without a car. This is the 4th Honda I have owned and I will probably never have another one. I only bought it because I thought it would be a good idea to have a car with automatic instead of my 5-speed CRV.
Good luck and let me know what happens when you go to Honda. You're right, it won't happen again on a short test drive or even if they keep it and drive it slowly around a parking lot. Whatever it is leaves no traces on the computer record.
So unless we can find something other than a Honda to trade it in for, I will have to sell it myself.
I intend to write a blistering letter to Honda America, to the dealer who sold me the car [who never replied to any of my phone calls] and to my state attorney general about this, and I can't ever see buying another Honda. Prominently displayed on the agent's desk was a survey citing Honda as the No. 8 most trusted company in the US.
She cautiously moved out of the way and stopped the car.... after some 10 minutes she restarted the car and the brakes were back on. I went there, tried the car and it didn't have any issues. Car is at the dealership today to have it tested.
Only a few months ago she rear ended another car because she said the car didn't stop correctly so we don't know if maybe this is a common problem with Honda Fits.
She has the EX version with CVT transmission, car is imported from Brazil and driven in Mexico.
Could anyone help with this matter? Has Honda accepted or helped anyone here with the problem?
No need to turn this into a personal confrontation.
With all the headlines about sticking gas pedals, should I be specially concerned?
Time flies and I was able to get my problem resolved after several trips to dealer. I had planned to have my car returned until they finally resolved it by replacing a part in one of the wheels. I think it was some kind of computerized part. I wish now I could remember and probably should go back and research it again in case others are also having this mystery ailment.
The mechanic would ride with me...no problem. Then the pulsating vibrating in peddle would start up again. I called dealer and they paid to have it towed in for more research.
I am happy to say that once this was fixed, it has never recurred and I have never had a brake problem of any sort. Honda corporation kept up with my case, as well.
This has proved to be a great car and I was so afraid I had a lemon. Mine is a manual shift in the color I wanted so I didnt want to turn it in and replace with a less desirable car. It had been a love at first sight thing weighed with my practicle nature.
If you are having problems with the ABS brakes coming on suddenly it may be wheel sensor. I checked back with my original post which was over 2yrs. ago to see what had been the outcome.It had caused lots of grief then but is barely memorable now. Just in case you have not been able to get a diagnosis in your car's "mystery ailment". Don't know if this has been a major recall issue or not but someone out there may need to know!
I should stress that our problem was not of the brakes hitting the floor with no response, or of noisy brakes. Road condition or weather has not been an issue. We have been in a number of situations where we had to slam on the brakes hard and fast--we live in deer country--and it always stops then. It always happens at low speed, as if the car wants to go faster than you do, or doesn't want to stop right here, but surges 5 feet further on. If there is another car or a wall there, then you have the body damage.
Getting Honda to admit that this is a fault in the computer program is going to be hard, as that will not be an easy fix. It seems to be intrinsic to the fuel saving programming of the car, keeping it running at the lowest possible fuel expenditure without stalling or racing forward. It seems to miscalculate and race forward. I can't keep my check book balanced so apparently my car has the same kind of problem with its calculations.
I took the car into the dealer and the mechanic said I had 9/32 on the rear tires and 7/32 on the front so he suggested that he rotate tires, which I agreed too. I'm planning on getting (4) snow tires in February '10. - probably Blizzak WS60's.
I love the Honda Fit, - just trying to get safely where I need to go. My daughter drove from Philadelphia to Virginia - took about 2.5 hours in Jan '10 and loved it - she didn't have a problem passing large trucks, when needed....and she lived in California for about 8 years. We both love the 2009 Honda Fit Sport with/ navi.
Still concerned though- I think I will have her write a letter about her experience and send it to Honda American just to have it documented. STILL CONCERNED - RIGHTLY SO!
We have not had any problems DRIVING the Fit--it is very peppy and does well on the interstate. We have not even had problems getting it to stop suddenly, when someone pulls in front of you and you have to stop now. It's just the gradual slow down when you are pulling up at a stop light or into/out of a parking space. I would be frightened to drive it in the stop-and-go rush hour traffic but fortunately we rarely get that out here in the country.
It also does better with a somewhat forceful and aggressive driver with strong legs. The angle of the seat and the pedals is not suited at all to a short person, which is odd for a Japanese car, and a car which is small and does not fit a tall person very well.
My concern came when I read the forums re brake problems. The Honda site doesn't have recalls for the 2009 Honda Fit as yet. Perhaps they will...I'll keep watching.
When I brought it into the dealer they just rotated the tires putting the 9/32 from the rear to the front. I then read the manual which said to drive in M2 (I have an automatic with paddle shifters) which I did driving about 4 blocks until I got to the main roads that had been cleanly plowed and I didn't have a problem again. I'll get 4 snow tires on next winter and put some weight in the rear (cat litter). I wouldn't drive in heavy snow or when conditions are so bad we are asked to stay off the road anyway. I only want to get my car off the 4 blocks I need to go to get to clean plowed roads. I'll keep reading others statements on brakes for my year car and say many a prayers to keep my daughter and I safe.
Thanks for responding! A friend offered to help me drive with the paddle shifters...I don't have a problem knowing when to shift up...it's shifting down I seem to have a problem with..I have never driven a regular shift car before. Even though this is minus the clutch...I just have to feel brave enough to attempt it. I do have very good eye hand control. I'll take my friend up on his offer.