Hyundai Veracruz Oil Filter Design

carbuyer11carbuyer11 Member Posts: 114
edited August 2014 in Hyundai
I've changed my oil for years. However, I have read that the Veracruz has a different type filter than what I'm used to. I checked Fram's website- it looks like the filter comes without the metal casing. Is this system owner-accessible or am I going to need to use a dealer for simple oil changes? This is my first Hyundai. Is this typical for the brand? Any guidance would be appreciated.


  • craigmricraigmri Member Posts: 243
    Assuming the Veracruz 3.8L has the same oil filter setup that the 3.3L Santa fe has, it is a relatively easy filter change. Its a cartridge type filter. basically you have a housing you unscrew under the plastic engine cover. The new filter cartridge comes with a couple of O-rings that get replaced with the cartridge. Certainly a do-it-yourself project still. Personally however, I still prefer the conventional screw-on filter type.

    '07 Santa Fe(about to be replaced by Hyundai for a Non-Lemon law Arbitration ruling)
  • jimmyz4jimmyz4 Member Posts: 25
    Gents, and ladies - why risk voiding your great long, warranty, getting oil on your driveway [guaranteed to happen], screwing the filter on wrong and having the oil light come on, the car falling on you, your neighbor seeing you under your new car?? to save a few bucks.

    Let the dealer do it and worry about oil filter and the design. It also documents your oil changes when you sell it.

    In my opinion, changing ones oil is false, risky economy.
  • alternatoralternator Member Posts: 629
    With the Fram oil drain adapter (less than $10) you can drain oil directly into a container without spilling a drop. Using plastic drive-on ramps it is no problem reaching most oil filters for changing. Saving about $15 or $20 per oil+filter change has always been worth it to me.
  • perdido2keyperdido2key Member Posts: 28
    The manual states do not use a floor jack, but its OK to use wheel ramps.
    Autozone has the element style filter for about $8 bucks.
    STP S9999.
  • becykbecyk Member Posts: 28
    saving $15 on an oil change? I won't get my hands dirty for $15!!!

    My 2¢
  • perdido2keyperdido2key Member Posts: 28
    After I remove the rubber gloves I revel in the fact that the filter was installed correctly, the sump has the correct amout and type of oil. I did not need to drive 115 miles round trip to the dealer. No local quick change oil place that I trust.

    My $16.42 worth ! @ $3.00 per gallon!
  • rshookrshook Member Posts: 17
    Agreed! I just did our 3rd (I let the dealer do the first one free) change w/ Mobil 1 and a Fram filter for less than $30, it was done correctly, everything properly torqued and cleaned up, new filter gaskets used for sure and I take a few dig. photos each time to document the process. Piece of cake. ('07 3.3l Santa Fe)
  • jdelpretejdelprete Member Posts: 9
    RSHOOK - I just bought a Veracruz yesterday and like you I do all of my oil changes myself. Being that this is my first Hyundai and that you noted digital photos can you send me a few of them please?

    Also, where did you get your filters? Do they have them say at Autozone or do you have to get the filters and crush rings from the dealer?

    Thanks in advance.

  • rshookrshook Member Posts: 17
    Hi Jim: I don't think my photos would help you at all. Their intent is to show the odometer, oil (new/old), filter (new/old), wrenches, drain pan, etc. with the date visible in case of any warranty claim.

    I get the Fram filters from Walmart, the crush washer from the dealer in quantity).

    I'm not sure if your filter design is the same as on mine - 3.3L v6 but if so, it takes a little getting used to it. The filter 'cage' just snaps out by pulling - this isn't obvious at first and then the new one just snaps back in place.

    Best luck... Roger.
  • jdelpretejdelprete Member Posts: 9
    Roger thanks. Yes I think it is like yours a 3.3L V6. So the cover of the filter snaps out not unscrews? The crush washers I assume are for the drain plug? When you buy the fram filters from Walmart do they come with both O-rings and do you have the fram number handy by chance? otherwise I assume it is listed in the filter book they usually have by the shelf at Walmart.

    Thanks for your time.

  • rshookrshook Member Posts: 17
    The filter is under the large, top engine cover. Remove the cover via six bolts I believe. The filter housing then unscrews. The point I made about snapping the filter out referred to getting it off of the mechanism that holds it in the housing.

    I think the filter is a Fram PH9999 and it comes with both o-rings. The crush ring is for the drain pan bolt - I'm still using my original one actually with no leaks/issues.
  • jdelpretejdelprete Member Posts: 9
    Roger great info thank you. Thats all I needed to give me that warm and fuzzy feeling.....sounds simple.

  • carbuyer11carbuyer11 Member Posts: 114
    Thanks for the information. I was the original poster of this thread when I learned that our new Veracruz didn't have the normal screw on metal oil filter found at the bottom of most engines. I'm getting ready to do my first oil change. I ordered original replacement filters from a Hyundai on-line source. One question- what did you use to unscrew the housing from the engine. It appears to be shaped like a normal oil filter. Will a oil filter wrench work?
  • jdelpretejdelprete Member Posts: 9
    where online did you get the filters and crush rings?
  • carbuyer11carbuyer11 Member Posts: 114

    I ordered a cargo tray, touch up paint and 3 filters from them. They shipped very quickly and offered discount pricing for first time customers.
  • jdelpretejdelprete Member Posts: 9
    Thats great thank you. It even looks like on the filters that they come with the crush rings too....and the paint touchup, I was looking for that as well so this couldnt be better...
  • carbuyer11carbuyer11 Member Posts: 114
    Glad to help. Enjoy your VC.
  • rshookrshook Member Posts: 17
    Carbuyer11: yes a normal filter wrench will twist the filter cover off w/ no problem. I use an adjustable, 90degree rubber strap type. If you only need oil filters, Walmart, Advance Auto etc. have the Frams. PH9999.
  • carbuyer11carbuyer11 Member Posts: 114
    Although not mechanically inclined, I have always performed my own oil changes. I just completed my first oil change on my wife's Veracruz AWD Limited. Based on feedback posted here, I was aware of the location of the oil filter (at the top of the engine under the plastic engine cover). I used Mobil 1 synthetic and a Hyundai filter. Absolutely no issues at all. After years of dealing with oil filters mounted on the bottom of the engine, this was a pleasant departure from what I was used to. Quick, easy and relatively unmessy.
  • jdelpretejdelprete Member Posts: 9
    nice to hear about being easy. That was my first thought to when I was reading the manual, no more oil running down the filter, all over your hands and the chassis....
  • chippschottchippschott Member Posts: 2
    Last night I went to do the first oil change on my wifes new Veracruz. Is the oil filter under the engine cover, to the right, on top with a black cover, that kind of looks like a future version of a distributor w/o spark plug wires? Man, I looked all over that car, and could not find the filter.
  • btx_btxbtx_btx Member Posts: 1
    I hear you on that one! I was looking all under the car for it for 10-15mins before I realized it was underneath that plastic cover under the hood. Anyone know what filter wrench size to use on the filter housing - if not using one of those strap or band ones? I hate those things. That, and I have a tendency to overtighten using those - wanted to torque it to spec.

    I tried a 93mm last night - but didn't fit correctly - seemed close, but it wasn't anywhere near deep enough to fit over the cap.

  • chippschottchippschott Member Posts: 2
    If I had been sure that was the filter, I would have used a 18" monkey wrench. Luckily I was not sure. I did find a quarter on the shop floor while I was under the car looking for the filter though.
  • carbuyer11carbuyer11 Member Posts: 114
    You've found it! The engine cover is snap to remove and replace. After removing the cover, I was able to remove the filter casing without a wrench. It took some effort but I wanted to see if it could be removed without the wrench since I didn't want to nick the finish of the cover. The rest of the change was simple. Plenty of clearance underneath to access the drain plug, too (no need for ramps, etc.). Now that I've done one change, I welcome the unique position of the filter. Sure beats the bottom mount filters.
  • perdido2keyperdido2key Member Posts: 28
    The VC manual states "API grade SJ or above". This makes one wonder what grades are "above".
    Per the attached link above includes grades SL and SM with SM being the newest.
  • perdido2keyperdido2key Member Posts: 28
    Post number 12 on this thread is incorrect; The Fram filter is a CH 9999 not a "PH".
    Wal-Mart here in Alabama has them for $6.00 that includes the two separate "O" rings.All o-rings go in the filter assembly, not the drain plug.
    The Fram filter is made in Korea and looks identical to the OEM one including the green built in "O" ring.
    Refill capacity with a filter is 6.76 US quarts.
    Filter cap tightening torque is 18 ft/lbs.
    Oil drain plug tightening torque is 32.5 ft/lbs.
    Not sure of the oil filter cap "wrench" size but the special service tool from Hyundai to fit the cap is part number is SST092633C100.
    If anyone locates an after market "wrench" please advise.
  • broochbrooch Member Posts: 18
    Just did my first oil change and found it fairly easy. To help u guys out u will need a 10mm socket for the 6 engine cover bolts and a 17mm socket for the drain plug
    (torque at 32.5 ft.lbs.).
    The oil filter housing was easy to remove by just using my hands, no filter wrench needed. I used Mobil 1 5W30 (6.4litres). Love the oil filtration design, it makes less of a mess. very similar to my bimmer.

    Keep on Veracruzin'
  • perdido2keyperdido2key Member Posts: 28
    I have changed the oil twice now and seem to have a problem with over filling the sump.Filter was changed both times.
    The manual states 6.76 US qts with filter change. 5 1/4qts will score the dipstick spot on after running the engine following the oil change to refill the filter housing.
    The dealer changed the oil one time and overfilled it buy 3/4 of a quart.
    Oil checking ALWAYS done on level ground with cold ( overnight) engine.
    Anyone else had this problem?
    Do dealers overfill on a regular basis?
  • mike1834mike1834 Member Posts: 1
    Assenmacher makes an oil filter wrench. Model # HY8815. I use it on my 07 Santa Fe w/3.3 liter V6.
  • perdido2keyperdido2key Member Posts: 28
    Thanks Mike
    Here is their web site.
    They are located in Boulder Co
  • oscar_gataoscar_gata Member Posts: 96
    Your problem might be due to the sequence of the oil change. If you remove the drain plug, drain the oil, replace the plug, change the oil filter and refill, you can only get in 5 1/2 quarts of new oil. The filter creates a vacuum which does not allow all of the old oil to drain out. :(
    If you remove the plug, then the filter, drain the oil, replace the plug, replace the filter and refill the oil, you will need 6+ quarts of oil.
    Some technicians do it the first way, others the right way. ;)
    Also, if the engine is cold, it is unlikely all the oil will drain before the plug is replaced.
  • tarty1tarty1 Member Posts: 3
    I'm a licensed mechanic and want to do my own changes cause I want to check everything myself. I have access to a friends shop so it's no problem with ramps or oil on the driveway,,I detest the filter system as with a hoist it's easier to simply discard a spin on rather than the top mount,, perhaps it is more "green" just to use the refill,, but I would rather have a new spin on.. Dealer oil changes like lube shops don't spend the time to look everything over like the owner does so more than the price it's the quality of the work by doing it yourself!
  • posystmposystm Member Posts: 34
    I cant find anywhere stating 6.76 US Qts of oil.

    According to Hyundais service site:

    When replacing a short engine or a block assembly :
    When replacing an oil pan only :
    Drain and refill : 5.2L(5.49U.S.qts,4.58lmp.qts)

    Their drain and refill says 5.49 qts, which is what I put in when I just did an oil change, but was barely registering on the dipstick, so I recalled this site and saw 6.76 Qts, so I poured in the rest of the 6th qt, now I am about a 1/4" above full.
    I pulled the drain plug, changed the filter, then reinstalled the drain plug with a warm engine.

    As far as the filter goes, this design seems sloppier than a spin on only due to the fact you have to replace the o-rings, plus the additional time to remove/replace the engine cover.

    Just my .02
  • bbmax_00bbmax_00 Member Posts: 4
    I purchased my Veracruz last May and had the first oil change done by the dealer. A couple months ago I looked up the FRAM oil filter at Walmart and the only one listed for the 08 Veracruz was the CH9999. Yesterday found that filter is wrong for my V6. I have the top end model, the Limited with all options. I found that the filter in the car was about 4" long, or a couple inches shorter than the Fram CH9999. The Fram O-rings were also the wrong size. I went to the local Advance Auto and they confirmed that the CH9999 is the filter called for...and the only filter listed for the 08 Veracruz

    Has anyone else run into this and more important have the correct Fram filter #?
  • perdido2keyperdido2key Member Posts: 28
    Trust me the CH9999 Is the correct filter. I have the 08 Limited and have change my oil 4 times to date.
    I believe the problem is your dealers "oil change" back in May. Does your dealer sell brands other than Hyundai ? If so the 19 year old pimple faced oil change dude probably screwed up.
    If so no big deal you just went several thousand miles with no filteration.
    Just one more reason to change your own oil.....
  • bbmax_00bbmax_00 Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for taking the time to reply perdido2key but there are two different filters...I called Fram technical support and was told Hyundai changed the filter design on 3.8 engines after 10/07 and the new Fram part # was CH10515 but it was not available yet. Well...I hoofed it right down to my Hyundai dealer and was basically told the same thing. The Fram CH9999 filter is good for the 07 and early model 08 Veracruze. The Hyundai part # for the new smaller filter is 26320-3C250. My dealer wanted over $14 for this filter and I bought the car from them! After some whinning from me...they did give me 10% off that....Big deal. I found a good source for the correct Hyundai They will sell you all you want for about $6.80 each + shipping.
  • rick2456rick2456 Member Posts: 320
    I tend to agree. I grew up changing my own oil and worked my way thru college at a service station, thus I have done DIY oil changes hundreds of times. I prefer this as I just don't trust anyone else to do it correctly.... unless I am sitting there watching them.
  • ccornellccornell Member Posts: 8
    08 veracruz first oil change synthethic or conventional 5w 30 - mobil 1 or castrol synthethic
  • jmaulsbyjmaulsby Member Posts: 54
    The research documents I studied on the Internet indicated that synthetic oil might improve gas mileage slightly (< 2 MPG), but you have to decide whether it is worth the significant extra cost. I have been using conventional oil in my 2007 (33,000 miles) and my vehicle is averaging 20.5 MPG.
  • ccornellccornell Member Posts: 8
    conventional oils 3,000 per change is what my Hyundai dealer recomends
    synthethic oils 5,000 plus per change
    the cost difference is balanced with changing my own oil. I purchase oil from advance when it is on sale I purchase 5 quarts and they give me a filter yes I will have to purchase the extra quart.
    Which oil do you use my dealer uses Pensoil? Whay oil does Hyundai recomend?
  • ccornellccornell Member Posts: 8
    My oil cap or as some people say 710 cap says 5w-20 I live on Georgia all directions in previous post were correct even torque. Yes it needs 6.50 to 6.75 qts. of oil.
    First oil change synthethic castrol and used CH9999 filter found at auto zone. Yes I replaced with 5w-20 synthethic oil
    total oil and filter $36.48
    labor priceless.
    ASE certified Technicial and High School Automotive Instructor
  • bi11bi11 Member Posts: 3
    Just purchased 2009 Veracruz gls & intend to do my own oil changes. First experience with a top mount filter location but I'm getting frustrated in trying to find the correct filter #.
    Understand Mid-08 veracruz changed oil filter design/size but i'm finding different info. that suggest either the filter being suggested is of the old type or just no record of a new filter & corresponding number.
    National auto store suggested Purolator L-35610 but Purolator itse;f suggests L-25848.

    Has anyone changed oil on a 2009 Veracruz and what filter (please describe numbers) did you use?
  • ccornellccornell Member Posts: 8
    scroll down in the topics there are several excellent gearheads that thave already answered your question. I used there advise and remember torque spec>
  • bi11bi11 Member Posts: 3
    Charlie, the post you suggest don't get to the change in filter numbers which occured mid-late last year. Thanks for the reply but i'm still looking for a sure reference to an 09 VC oil filter.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Maybe if we tweak the title it'll grab the attention of some other owners.

    And maybe you should email Hyundai? Or try the Hyundai web tech page?
  • porgerporger Member Posts: 2
    NAPA carries the CORRECT replacement for the 26320 3C250 filter. It is the NAPA 7250 filter; I just found it today and installed it and it is an exact match and comes with a new plug washer and 2 gaskets, just like the Hyundai model.'s only $6 and some change!!
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