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Jeep Commander Windshield Whistling

75coug75coug Member Posts: 10
Does anyone else suffer from whistling at the windshield while traveling at highway speeds? For us, it depends on the wind speed and direction, but it happens often enough and is loud enough that it is extremely frustrating.

Is there a fix for this kind of problem?


  • rbyersrbyers Member Posts: 4
    My 2006 Jeep Commander started to make a ear piercing whistling noise. I notice that the noise was worse if the Jeep had been sitting out in the sun light/heat. The dealer replace the molding/trim around the windshield. This seems to have resolved the problem for now.
  • djohnsoadjohnsoa Member Posts: 1
    I have an 06 Commander Limited and have put up with the windshield whistle for over a year. I have had the car back to the dealer numerous time and just picked it up after one week in the shop where they supposedly fixed it. I have not experienced the whistle since picking up the car however I now seem to have some kind wind noise. The seal they put on the windshield looks horrible. I also had a leak around the handle near the drivers door and this appears to be fixed. The sunroof has now developed a minor leak and I am trying to get the dealer to fix that.

    I have really enjoyed the car as it is very comfortable and drives well however I am almost ready to trade due to the issues above that the dealer cannot seem to fix. I have the integrated phone and you simply cannot use it due to the whistle.
  • 75coug75coug Member Posts: 10
    djohnsoa, can you post or e-mail a photo of the seal that they put on your windshield? I am interested to see how bad it looks.
  • texaswillietexaswillie Member Posts: 1
    I get a high pitch whistle from the right front of the vehicle. The dealer says he can find nothing, howver I don't realaly belive he ever took it out on the highway. I don't get this whistle all the time. Tempature and speed seem to be involved.
  • 75coug75coug Member Posts: 10
    We took our Commander to the dealer and complained about the whistling. He said that there was some kind of bulletin on it, and they fixed it on the first try. I was quite pleased.
  • jeepkjjeepkj Member Posts: 8
    What did they do? I've had mine in several times & no matter what they try, they can't fix it! They are now blowing me off!
  • 75coug75coug Member Posts: 10
    My invoice from the dealer reads "23502593 Seal windshield header molding." I hope this helps.
  • jeepkjjeepkj Member Posts: 8
    Thanks, Now maybe the morons will be able to figure it out! I love my Jeep, this one has just had many problems!
  • cdawg2cdawg2 Member Posts: 3
    Hey there, finally someone who got something fixed. Where is your dealer, My dealer is on try #3. They tell me the
    wind noise on the right side is from my AC. UMMMM, can that be possible when the AC is not ON!!!!! what is the bulletin and how did they fix it. I would like your people to talk to my people. HELPPPP. I only had it for 4 hours when we found the noise , now 2 weeks later it is still there.
    Thanks again
    Cindy :cry: :confuse:
  • jeepkjjeepkj Member Posts: 8
    Hi Cindy, It's not your AC-I'm going to try the "23502593 Seal windshield header molding" fix in a couple of weeks. I got tired of argueing with service about the noise. It is the windsheild! The seals & molding do not properly fit & the way they are made & shape of the windsheild causes it. My guys kept telling me they couldn't hear it. I think they couldn't figure it out! Give them the numbers at the top that 75coug gave me. His is fixed! Good Luck-Kathy
  • jeepkjjeepkj Member Posts: 8
    Hi All-Well, I just gave my service guy the info from 75coup & he says it's been done on mine! Guess you were lucky-75coup! They are going to be on the lookout for a new fix when it goes in on 10/9 for 15k mile service. The Hummers are doing the same thing & fear that the new Liberty will end up with a winsheild whistle is also out there! Good Luck! I'll keep after them! KJ
  • rbyersrbyers Member Posts: 4
    It is the windshield seal. Tell the service people to let your jeep sit in the direct sun for a couple of hours, let the windshield heat up then take the jeep for a drive. They should be able to heat the noise then.
    Here is the dealership that fixed mine.
    Stokes, Alabama
  • jeepkjjeepkj Member Posts: 8
    Hi-Just wanted to ask all of you fellow whistlers if you all have sunroofs? My salesguy has an 06 Cammander too, but he has no sunroof & does not suffer from whistling! He wanted me to ask everyone. My service guy has filled in the gap between the seal & the windshield at the top. This may help. I will find out today when I pick it up. He says it doesn't look bad, but I will be the judge of that! Keep pushing your service people to make it stop! Don't let it go! It is annoying & Chrystler should do something! I have been very pushy & my service guys are good & tired of Chrystler also. Good Luck! KJ
  • 75coug75coug Member Posts: 10
    Yes, I have a sunroof. However, the whistling fix addressed only the trim about the windshield, and nothing was done to the sunroof.

    Good luck.
  • mycommandmycommand Member Posts: 5
    I have an 06 commander with a whistling windshield. I have taken it to the dealer 5 times. They resealed my windshield and made the sound worse. The whistling used to start around 50 after the windshield seal was redone it starts at 25 and is lounder now. I took it back it has been in the shop now since 10/11/07 each time I talk to service they have said they are doing all the bulletins none have worked. They are now on the last option and are waiting for the part to arrive. I hope this works because I want my car back but I concerned about what condition it will be in considering they have taken the entire dash out multiple times.
  • suitntiesuitntie Member Posts: 1
    I have an 08 that HAD the deadly whistle. With NO help from the dealer I was able to resolve it. The roof racks were installed backwards. On top of the rails, they are labled forward/front facing and rear/front facing with arrows directing you towards the front. Mine were facing the rear. I never thought it would matter but boy was I wrong. Flipped them and presto....NO NOISE. Hope this helps.
  • mycommandmycommand Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the suggestion but I don't have the roof racks. The dealer finally got the part Tuesday and began to work on it again. My husband called today(Thursday) and they said it would take another couple of hours of work to put it back together and we still don't know if it will work. I feel just sick about it.
  • cdawg2cdawg2 Member Posts: 3
    Hey Guys,

    Does Chrysler have any CLUE as to what is goin on with the the Commander. For the price we paid for these vehicles it seems that something would GET DONE! Wow powertrain lifetime warranty what about everything else! My last attempt at the noise solved 1/2 the problem sometimes.
    We only seem to hear it when the AC in on reserculate, (the one for the inside air) and only at 65 to 70. So if I am going on the interstate, I just put it on outside air unless there are air problems then I suck it up and listen to the whistle for a while. I have another dealer that will to my service work. So next trip might be to the other guy. I love my jeep but am disappointed in JEEP ,
    my first jeep was a Liberty(drove it out and it only went back for oil changes and regular service) I would still have it if my husband had not got a wild hair to get something bigger. :mad: :cry:
  • jeepkjjeepkj Member Posts: 8
    Chrysler DOES know what is up with the whistling! I have a claim number! BUT, they have been blowing me off for months! Mine has been into service at least 6 times-I have threatened a law suit-No good! Chrysler does not care! They brought a tech in right from Chrysler & he couldn't figure out the whistle either! I too had a Liberty, jacked it up, put on bigger tires, & drove the hell out of it off road at many Jeep Jamborees, but I did the stupid I need a bigger Jeep too! With 2 small kids, there was no room in that Liberty! I love the Commander, but not the problems! Guess I have to get on Chrystler again. I suggest all of you do as well. Maybe then, they will fix these lousy seals!
    My whistle got better, but now I have another weird wind noise at high speeds. It still has the normal whistle at 40mph. I agree that for the price paid, the vehicle should not make any noises at all!
  • mycommandmycommand Member Posts: 5
    I got my jeep back Friday for the weekend while they ordered more parts to replace all of the a/c duct work. The problem was still not fixed of course and now I have stains on the passenger seat and on the ceiling, they nicked up the plastic area near the ignition, cracked my windshield, and didn't put the dash and console back in correctly. I am completely fed up with the incompetence of the service department. I can't even change dealers because now they have done all this damage to my car that no other dealer will fix because they did not do it. I love my commander, I just want it fixed and in the condition I brought it to them in. I do not have much faith in this now.
  • kalishakalisha Member Posts: 1
    Hey guys, im so glad to hear about this. I recently bought a commander, on the way home from the dealer, I heard a high pitch noise! I couldn't believe it! My dad was so irritated that I hadn't noticed it during the test drive. I was on line shopping for accessories when I cam across this! Thanks, now i know exactly what to tell the service peeps next time i roll in. I havent heard it in a while but according to others on here it may come back. Oh & yes I do have a sunroof too. Thanks

    No longer clueless
  • jeepkjjeepkj Member Posts: 8
    Hey mycommand-I'd really be pissed if I were you! Call Chrysler 1-800-992-1997 Mon to Fri 8a-5p EST & file a complaint! In fact, all whistlers call & file. Maybe, they will redesign the molding like they are supposed to do. I have been very busy, but they will get a letter from me soon! I can't believe your service guys took the dash apart & did all that damage! Do not stand for it! I paid 32K for mine & I know they are that & above! That is such BS!! Don't take it-complain! I know they won't give you a new one, but you can get it back to new condition! My service guys still have not fixed mine, but never did damage like that! By the way, check out state Lemon Law. Here in NY it's 18k miles or less than 1 year owned. My lawyer took too long & now I'm stuck, but it may be an option. Once I started throwing out the Lemon Law thing, Chrysler started blowing me off. My case is still open as far as I'm concerned! Everyone call & gripe! What can it hurt. They aren't going to make anymore anyway from what I heard!
  • mycommandmycommand Member Posts: 5
    The dealer ship was finally able to fix the whistling sound it was in the vents to the A/C they replaced all of that and it fixed the sound. But in the process I they broke my windshield and then they put in a new windshield and did not seal it properly causing water to leak into the car when it rained my car flooded. I took it back again and they are promising my car to be done by Friday. I have only had my car for 5 days in the last 2 months. But at least the whistling sound is fixed
  • katmandu2katmandu2 Member Posts: 13

    The dealers have NO excuse NOT to know about ANY and ALL TSBs !!!

    When you take your vehicle in for service, INSIST that all TSBs be accounted for for your vehicle!
  • ajax4ajax4 Member Posts: 2
    I had the same issue and they replaced and resealed my windshield 3 times.
    which never fixed the problem.
    it has to do with either the ac vents or a hole on the firewall.
    There is a fix for it, and they should be able to look it up.
  • wicommanderwicommander Member Posts: 1
    THANK YOU for your post!! My new Commander whistled too. It seemed to be coming from the rear passenger door. I read your post about the roof racks being installed wrong... I thought what are the chances. Sure enough! The one over the passenger doors was reversed with arrows pointing rearward. I flipped it around... took it for a spin at 65 mph and... problem solved!!! Thanks again for the helpful information. We love the Commander, but I was starting to wonder if I had made the right decision. Think of the grief Jeep could get rid of if they would only get it right at the factory. The engineer's did their part... why can't manufacturing?
  • jeepkjjeepkj Member Posts: 8
    Hello All, I hope your whistling has ended. I fixed mine by purchasing a chrome bug shield. It not only looked nice, but I had no more whistling. Unfortunatly, I now do not have to worry anymore, as I traded it for an 07 Rubicon JK. I pick it up this evening. I loved my Commander, but not the headaches I had over it! Besides, I missed going in the mud! Take Care & try the bugshield. My issue was never the AC or dash, but the seals. Re-calking made it better, but looked terrible & on a $35K plus vehicle everything should be nice! Kathy
  • majajhmajajh Member Posts: 4
    My 2006 whistled on the test drive. They replaced the windshield seal.
  • wsbevierwsbevier Member Posts: 1
    I have brought my vehicle in at least a dozen tmes for wind noise and numerous other issues. The dealer in Panama City, Florida claim it is caused by the mirrors. This time, I was advised the service adviser drove it and it was normal. The miles on my vehicle were less than 1 mile total. How could anyone have possibly test drove the vehicle.

    I also drove through 8 inches of standing water after street flooded this past spring. The vehicle sucked up water and ended up needed a new motor, $6000.00. This is a SUV and a Jeep right? My neighbor in their small Toyota went through the same water, and drove in and out no problem.

    My sun roof leaks, my transmission "clunks" at 35-40 mph when you remove your foot from the gas. Numerous sensors have been replaced. I have always been pro American cars...now I see why Japan is taking over. My dealer could care less, then they send me an email asking how my service experience was? I cannot trade it in, the trade in value is 14,000 and resell is 19,000 who would want it after they run the car fax?

    Jeep is losing customers, what are they doing? I agree call and email Jeep- class action anyone?
  • tomtom Member Posts: 8
    yes there is a way to fix it. my dealership put sealer on the trim on top of the windshield. there is a black strip that is not sealed right. It work for me until i had my windshield replace. So now i will have to go buy the sealer myself and do the samething. I took my jeep somewhere else to put the windshield in they told me the dealer should not have done that but i see it this way it stop the whistling and the loud music i have to turn up so i cant hear it anymore.
  • iris0iris0 Member Posts: 1
    i was wondering if any one had a problem with the driver side door opening toooo much. as in if any door was easily forced open to cause the door to come apart from the frame of the jeep. Could there be a recall on the doors? I purchased it like it is and didnt realize it until a few weeks later. i thought the whistling sound came from a seal but it wasnt, its coming from the gap in the door. the history came up clean no accidents/ damages so someone had to cover it up. i bought it used its an 08 commander. it appears the door was pushed so far opened the mirror hit the side of the jeep, the dents match. any one have any suggestions?
  • taken4aridetaken4aride Member Posts: 10
    I had the same problem. The wonderful whistling windshield. The windshield whistling disappeared only after a rock hit my windshield and I had the windshield replaced.
  • mandaamandaa Member Posts: 1
    I just bought an 06 commander a few months ago, after reading these posts i finally found out why my car likes to whistle. its really really annoying. But where or how did you get these seals or trims or what ever you wanna call them? do you get them at the dealer and have them put it on or what? or is it done by getting your windshield replaced?
  • 73brewtsersd73brewtsersd Member Posts: 1
    My 2006 Jeep Commander was also whistling on the highway. What I did was adjust the roof rack. I spaced the front and rear bars further away from eachother, my car hasn't whistled since. It's been 2 years. Thank you Greg
  • itabotitabot Member Posts: 105
    i know you posted this quite a while ago but because i also had windshield replaced which has since resulted in intermittent water leaks into the front passenger side i'm wondering what you did to finally stop that leaking.

    last year leaking stopped (after ruining a $1500 bag) after i had the sunroof drains cleaned out. now i have the leak and cleaning out the sunroof drains has not helped.

    I have the technical service bulletions jeep published on this and those TSBs blame the door seals; repairs will total anywhere from $700-1,200. tomorrow it goes to a windshield repair shop to see if it is indeed a windshield seal issue or the door seals as the technical service bulletion states.

    so, if you have had good results stopping the leak simply by repairing the windshield seals, please let me know.

    thank you.
  • itabotitabot Member Posts: 105
    yes, my drivers door swings open too much. and given the commanders other problems i am afraid that it too will fall off. please let me know if you were able to find a safety recall, TSB or just a solution to this problem.
  • itabotitabot Member Posts: 105
    thank you for posting this TSB #. 4+years I'm making use of the information. thank you.
  • cdawg2cdawg2 Member Posts: 3
    Well, they Never could fix it. I just had the whistle, never the leak( that would have meant , good bye long before now) I did ,traded for 2011 Grand Cherokee, LOVE IT, LOVE IT ,LOVE IT, rides 100% better than the commander. Do miss some of the extra back space but the GOOD outweighs the BAD by ten fold. Good Luck.
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