Honda CR-V Security System Alarm

nikki10nikki10 Member Posts: 1
edited December 2013 in Honda
I just purchased a 2007 CRV EX L. I added two options (remote keyless startup and an alarm). The EX L already comes with an alarm. However, my salesperson insists that it's a basic system. basic. In fact, it only works if someone tries to enter through the doors. The alarm they are adding for an additional $500 will go off if someone breaks the windows or attempts to tow the car.

Is it worth it for me to pay the additonal $500 when my car already comes with a basic alarm?


  • lzclzc Member Posts: 483
    Not for me, but then my car is parked in a garage at night in a low crime area. With different circumstances I might consider more protection.

    But I believe (more knowledgeable people may correct me) that newer cars are becoming more difficult to steal. That difficulty now deters at least the casual car thief of old. Nothing will deter a professional.
  • dtstofdtstof Member Posts: 61
    They already installed the alarm system and I told them I'd stick to the basic system on my EX-L. I had a feature on my 91 Explorer that was some kind of device that cut off the fuel pump ic case of a roll over accident. I intercepted the wires and put a toggle switch under the seat. I wonder if that device is on my Honda?
  • stevecarstevecar Member Posts: 148
    I also have the EX-L. Have also had honda and acura alarms for many years. In my opinion, the factory alarms are enough. If someone wants to steal the car, nothing short of chaining it down will help.
  • stevedebistevedebi Member Posts: 4,098
    "I had a feature on my 91 Explorer that was some kind of device that cut off the fuel pump ic case of a roll over accident. I intercepted the wires and put a toggle switch under the seat. I wonder if that device is on my Honda?"

    The CR-V has had the accident shut off since (at least) Gen 2.
  • kenneth813kenneth813 Member Posts: 38
    I know each new CRV come with the security system, but I am not sure if it siren when someone broke the window. I know there is one call "Viper", but I think it is a little bit expensive. Please share the information of what car alarm that everyone installed on your CRV and how much it is for fully installed. Thanks.
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    I know each new CRV come with the security system

    Are you sure about that? Maybe it is dealer installed system?

    AFAIK, CR-Vs come with keyless entry, but not Security system in the US.
  • kenneth813kenneth813 Member Posts: 38
    According to Honda web site and 07 CRV brochure, the security system is standard for EX & EX-L. I believe it is immobilizer only.
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    According to Honda web site and 07 CRV brochure, the security system is standard for EX & EX-L. I believe it is immobilizer only.

    You are right, that is probably what they mean by the security system. It is not an alarm for sure... Thank god. Can't imagine all of CR-Vs have the alarm and all of them going off each time a diesel truck passes by.
  • hariskharisk Member Posts: 1
    I am negotiating new CRV LX 2010 which does not have security system and I want to add one. They are asking for $600 to put one in (integrated with keyless entry, uses horn, and disables the engine). When I ask why is it so expensive they are telling me because 2010 model is different and does not use 'clasic' wired alarm. Is this true or they are just BS-ing me?
    Also, I could not find information about what exactly 'security system' in EX model provides and what is different compared to LX.

    I just registered and I apologize if this question appears twice
  • georgieboy1georgieboy1 Member Posts: 1
    Just brought a 2010 CR-V. Stupid me, I put the old CR-V Key into the ignition 3 times and trigger the security system. Now the vehicle won't start at all. What should I do? Do I need to have it towed to the dealership? Please help.
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    I am negotiating new CRV LX 2010 which does not have security system and I want to add one. They are asking for $600 to put one in (integrated with keyless entry, uses horn, and disables the engine). When I ask why is it so expensive they are telling me because 2010 model is different and does not use 'clasic' wired alarm. Is this true or they are just BS-ing me?
    Also, I could not find information about what exactly 'security system' in EX model provides and what is different compared to LX.

    The CR-V already comes with immobilizer (disables the engine) from the factory. There is no need to add alarm to get this function.

    In the past, OEM alarm added the horn activation when it was triggered. It takes about 30 minutes to install, as it is a complete "plug and play." It may take novice an hour max to install following Honda instructions.
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    Just brought a 2010 CR-V. Stupid me, I put the old CR-V Key into the ignition 3 times and trigger the security system. Now the vehicle won't start at all. What should I do? Do I need to have it towed to the dealership? Please help.

    Are the keys on the same keyring?

    If so, Read The Fine Manual. The answer is there.

    Good luck.
  • twomotortwomotor Member Posts: 17
    Just bought a used 2006 CR-V, when I returned to the dealer after test drive, I opened the door with the window down and the key in the ignition - horn started blowing - sales person came out and stopped it pushing a button on the fob. Little box on the bottom left of the dash with a blue light that flashs for the alarm. Is this a factory - dealer installed system? Nothing in the owners manual - sales person hasn't been able to tell me much of anything about it. Wife returned from shopping and opened the door much like the test drive and horn went off, pushed the button on the fob and it stopped - a little while later when going to run another arrend key wouldn't turn, little blue light kept flashing like it didn't reset. Pushed buttons, rolled windows up and down, nothing. Finally jerked the steering wheel back and forth - light went out and the key worked again. Don't mind the system if I could find out more about it plus tell the wife what to do when or if she has problems 50 miles from home. Might not be the steering wheel next time. Thanks for your help.
  • happydolphin9happydolphin9 Member Posts: 1
    Could I please have some help? I spent hours trying to figure this out, but couldn't, and with my car not starting, I have no way of getting to school.

    My previous issue that I spent days figuring out, was that I forgot to turn off the headlights on my car, and when the battery ran out, we COULDN'T RECHARGE the car because the ALARM SYSTEM WOULD SOUND, and the car was unchargeable. Eventually I had to REMOVE THE HORN FUSE, and FINALLY PUT IT BACK in the fuse box in the hood of the car. And press a button on the inside of the car by the driver's side to get the alarm system to stop sounding.
    I have since resolved that problem.

    My current problem that is driving me crazy :(:(:( is that I pulled my car into my driveway one day and all of a sudden the CRAZY ROCKLEDGE ALARM SYSTEM WONT STOP GOING OFF AS SOON AS I TURN OFF THE ENGINE. THE ONLY THING THAT FINALLY STOPPED THE NOISE WAS GOING INTO THE FUSE BOX IN THE HOOD OF THE CAR AND REMOVING THE HORN FUSE.
    HERE'S THE PROBLEM THOUGH -- W/OUT the HORN FUSE, there is no noise and the alarm doesn't go off. HOWEVER, W/OUT THE HORN FUSE, the car WON"T START. Then WHEN I TRIED PUTTING the HORN FUSE BACK into the MAIN FUSE BOX so the car will work, the CRAZY ALARM GOES OFF AGAIN.
    My Car currently is W/OUT THE FUSE so the crazy alarm doesn't sound. But the Car won't start w/out the fuse either. Can't drive it. School starts Tuesday. I worked on it for days today.
    Thank you!
  • lenqkenqlenqkenq Member Posts: 1
    Hello every body I am lenqkenq would like to join the discussion. I've been having problems with the security system CR-V (but sorry it is 2009). I think this car immobilizer and security system related to misoperation is quite reliable. Unfortunately the security system at the door (driver's door) is still weak and easily be broken by anyone, for example using the “tee” key, without any reaction from security alarm at all.

    Since the factory does not recommend any additional security system, so now I make door lock cylinder “blinded” with a thin sheet of stainless steel. Simply I do not want anyone to get into my car. Remember, once they interrupt the ignition, the car will be immobilized, and left a much bigger problem. Hope this post is useful for this discussion..
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