Chrysler Engines in a Sonata?

Read in today's Business section that Chrysler was having a discussion with Hyundai about Chrysler/Hyundai swapping engines.
Hyundai engines in China made Chryslers and they want Hyundai to let them put Chrysler made engines in American Hyundais.
What's wrong with this picture?
Hyundai engines in China made Chryslers and they want Hyundai to let them put Chrysler made engines in American Hyundais.
What's wrong with this picture?
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Hyundai/Kia/Mitsubishi/Chrysler already share the same 2.4 I4. Car reviewers have reported that it smoother in operation with the Sonata/Optima than the Sebring/Avenger.
“Hyundai engines in China made Chryslers and they want Hyundai to let them put Chrysler made engines in American Hyundais.”
Then Chinese Chrysler buyers are getting a car with at least one major component that probably won’t break down. I am not currently in the market for a new car, and if I ever am will not purchase ANY Hyundai vehicle with a Chrysler-made engine. In my opinion, Chrysler should have died a ‘natural death’ in the 1980s without a public bailout. The recent purchase of the company is the second time it has been on the ropes.
“What's wrong with this picture?”
I suppose I am getting off the topic, but here goes: I have lived through the ‘dot-bubble’, the now-crashing ‘housing bubble’ and I observe yet another ‘bubble’: The U.S. is currently borrowing one billion dollars a day just to stay in business and run That Stupid War. I heard on an NPR business show that we are now one trillion dollars in debt to the Chinese. Somehow, they have been allowed to ship tainted products into the U.S. so that shareholders can make even more money. I can’t help but find all this disturbing.
Now a Hyundai with a HEMI sounds pretty nice
Let's see where and if this alliance takes in shape...IMO Chrysler needs it more than Hyundai does.
This is not accurate, although a common misconception. There are some common design elements between the 2.4L engine manufactured by Chrysler and the one manufactured by Hyundai (and also Mitsubishi's), due to the alliance between Hyundai, Chrysler, and Mitsubishi, but they are different engines produced at different factories. That accounts for why, for example, the Chrysler and Hyundai engines have different output, different NVH etc.
and a longer life span.....Hyundai of course. :shades:
Lifetime = as long as the original owner or leasee owns the car.
Thanks Backy for the info. Kinda makes you want to buy a Chrysler product. :lemon: NOT. :surprise: Unless you live in China and get one with a Hyundai built engine.
To qualify for the warranty coverage, car buyers must have a powertrain inspection every five years, which will be performed at no charge by an authorized Chrysler, Dodge or Jeep dealer.
Q4: Are there specific provisions to the new warranty?
A4. In order to maintain the Chrysler Lifetime Powertrain Warranty, you must have a powertrain inspection performed by an authorized Chrysler, Jeep or Dodge dealer once every 5 years. This inspection, performed at no charge, must be made within 60 days of each 5-year anniversary of the warranty start date of the vehicle. It is your responsibility to perform preventative maintenance on your vehicle. You’re strongly encouraged to follow the instructions contained in the Scheduled Maintenance Service guidelines in your Owner’s Manual.
An inspection by Chrysler every five years to keep the warranty in effect can generate sales for the service dept. A scenario Well, Mr. Backy during your inspection we found you have a blinker fluid leak and the air in your tires is stale. ChaChing $575.84 later your warranty is still valid. Whooopeee, thanks Mr. Chrysler, I feel a lot better know.
Or it could go as follows if you don't have ALL your service and INSPECTIONS done at a Chrysler dealer. Well, sorry Mr. Backy your car has some faults/defects we could have found HAD we done your work.....your warranty is VOID. Please go purchase a _________.
I see others matching this in the near future. Just like GM did with the 100K warranty. Well maybe just those who need to increase sales. Time will tell.
Since most owners will need to have their cars serviced around five years of ownership (e.g. 60k service), I don't see the requirement to have a free (that's as in, FREE) inspection every five years to be a big money-maker for Chrysler. Keep in mind most people get rid of their cars before vive years anyway--so none of those cars will need an inspection, since they won't be covered by the "lifetime" warranty anymore.
Anyway, here are the details, for anyone interested.
cust. came in asking if can find out which side of this *2.5v6* [side-way] engine is #1 BANK *his words"
butch :confuse: