Chevy Metro/Geo Metro Accessories & Modifications

mpls612mpls612 Member Posts: 1
edited February 2017 in Chevrolet
Has any one ever heard of putting a turbo into a 98 chevy metro, if that's possible, or if someone makes a turno that would work for a 3cyl engine? Thanx


  • zaken1zaken1 Member Posts: 556
    The predecessor to the Chevy/Geo Metro was a car called the Chevy Sprint. Like the Metro, it was made by Suzuki, had a 3 cylinder engine, and was sold through Chevrolet dealers. Some of the 1987-89 Chevy Sprints were built with turbos, and had special paint and graphics. There were far fewer Sprint turbo models than non-turbos, but there are still some out there. They are usually considered to be special interest cars, or collectors items, and are very hard to find. But if you could find one, it would be a great starting point for getting the parts and plumbing to adapt a turbo to your Metro. However, the actual turbo units are very delicate mechanisms, and it would be unlikely to find one that old which was still in good condition. Turbos of a similar size and capacity were also used on some Kawasaki and Honda motorcycle models, which would be even rarer to locate. But they could probably be bought new from dealers which sold those brands, or from race specialty suppliers.
    This type of conversion would involve many engineering challenges and potential problems. One of the most difficult would be modifying the engine's electronic fuel and ignition control systems to work with the turbo. And then there would be the issue of the illegality of tampering with an emission controlled engine. I would not recommend taking such a project on, unless you are either a skilled mechanic, or have lots and lots of money to pay a specialist to do it right. The conversion would probably cost you several times as much as you paid for the entire car.
  • redsonja1redsonja1 Member Posts: 3
    I need an answer ASAP... Can I pull a motorcycle (rail) trailer with a 550 lb motorcycle. It will be 400 miles mostly highway. From 85 miles East of Pittsburgh to Fort Wayne, IN.

  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    A little digging at ebay and I found a Metro trailer hitch unit for models fro 1989-94 that's rated for 1000# gross trailer weight and 100# tongue weight.

    I'm not having any luck finding a towing capacity for the Metro just yet. Hard to know if it's wise to tow or not. :sick:
  • redsonja1redsonja1 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for your effort Bob. I checked with UHaul and they have a small trailer and will install a frame hitch. That combo w/ the Ducati MultiStrada 1000DS (about 550 lbs) is well within the rated tongue weight and the max cargo weight (950lb).

    I'm going to chance it. But will search for a much lighter one or three RAIL motorcycle trailer locally. Probably unlikely as I have to have it before 7pm EDT.

    Red Sonja
  • redsonja1redsonja1 Member Posts: 3
    My Geo is a 1994 (170K) w/ manual transmission, 1.0 L engine, hatchback. I have had NO problems with the engine nor clutch and transmission. I take good care of it. Last I checked (recently) compression, it was exactly 140 across all three cylinders!! I know this is low but that was warmed up but without oil added. The engine still seems strong, and gets great gas mileage (close to 50mpg).

    U-Haul just put a frame hitch on, but their "motorcycle" trailer is WAY to heavy. It was designed to hold a motorcycle w/ the "D" rings for tie down but is also a full HD trailer. I really need to find a 3 or 1 rail (MUCH lighter), specific motorcycle trailer to borrow or rent privately.

    Red Sonja
  • sitronsitron Member Posts: 4
    I have a 1999 Geo Metro that has an automatic transmission and I want to put a manual 5 spd trany in it. Will it swap out?
  • chigatchigat Member Posts: 1
    I have 94 Metro I did the swap from the auto to the 5 spd. You have to change the engine flywheel. Also the tranny mount to the frame is different. I had to weld this in after removing the tranny mount for the automatic. Install the shifter mechanism after cutting away part a a auto tranny mount in the under body transmission hump in front of the shifter. The length of the cv axles are different too from auto to manual.

    I know the car was redesigned in 96, but I think they are still very similar.

    The car is ten times better with the 5 spd.

    you can write me at if you have any questions.
  • bigsmellymanbigsmellyman Member Posts: 2
    I used to pull a trailer with an 89 suzuki swift. In a strong headwind it didn't have enough power to get into 5th gear. Also be very carefull when stopping quickly. I fried my front rotors having to make a quick stop from highway speed.
  • chevymetrofanchevymetrofan Member Posts: 1
    I just bought a 2000 LSI Chevy Metro. Anybody out there knows where can I find replacement interior parts? Some parts as trims and air vents and radio bezel are broken and I'd like to replace them. Any help will be super cool. Thanks. :sick:
  • dave1318dave1318 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 94 metro and I'm interested in putting sway bars on it as it never had any to improve the handling some. I've located a 96 and it appears the sway bars on it will work if I can either swap over the mounts off the 96 or build a bracket of my own for the rear bar on the body. (The place where the bar attaches to is already there on the swing arms) My question is, is the suspension the same on both cars as it appears to be or are they different in some way that won't allow me to do the swap?
  • sledge42hammersledge42hammer Member Posts: 3
    other than a turbo, what kind of performance upgrades are there for a geo. I know about intake and exhaust, but any thing special?
  • sledge42hammersledge42hammer Member Posts: 3
    hello? I know I am not the only one on here... can someone help me with my question^^^?
  • treesrgrntreesrgrn Member Posts: 2
    I'm in the process of switching a 94 geo motor with a 5 speed tranny, into a 94 geo with an automatic tranny.(motor was bad in the auto) Since it's the whole motor and tranny do you foresee any wiring harness problems? I have already seen the problem with the tranny mount under the battery box. I haven't gotten into the shift linkage or anything yet, I actually just have both motors out and thought I'd see if anyone has done this successfully, and see if anyone has done the motor change also. I have both cars sitting side by side in my shop, so it's pretty easy to see some of the differences.
    Thanks for any help you may have!
  • aheatseekeraheatseeker Member Posts: 5
    hey red,
    i wouldnt chance it. i had a 1995 3 cyl stick metro before and you only have about 70 hp and is not that powerful. i felt it slower with just one passenger besides me. you want to take care of your car and not chance it since your getting about 50 mpg. at 50-55mph. once the engine fries, will cost about 2500-3000 to take out and rebuild it unless you do it yourself. i lost mine to a backyard mechanic who never worked on a geo before and he messed up 1st cylinder while fixing the water pump. ive been in morning ever since. i drive a 1998 chevy metro now, 4cyl and auto, not as great gas mileage but better than most other cars.
  • treesrgrntreesrgrn Member Posts: 2
    Well after many days of fooling around with the engine and tranny swap, I can finally say that it's done and works great! I did have to switch the wiring harness also because of the auto tranny.(a couple plugs were diffrent) The tranny mounts are diffrent also but it wasn't a big deal dealing with that. The biggest thing was to switch wireing harness's the dash has to be removed and that is kind of a project.
    Would I do it again? probably not, but thats because I'm not going to be driving it, a friend of my son wanted it, but he really wanted a 5 speed.
    It can be done and it's really not that Hard, just time consuming.
  • breezy2breezy2 Member Posts: 2
    I have a 93 Geo Metro convertable that I absolutely love especially with the high cost of gas. It needs a new convertable top. I am not too mechanically inclined but am willing to try. What I would like to know would it be possible for 2 novices to install a new convertible top on my Metro?
  • breezy2breezy2 Member Posts: 2
    Does anyone have any advice regarding where to purchase a convertible top or what kind to buy?
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    Try googling "Geo Metro convertible top" and you'll at least get a list of places to start looking. You might even want to ask a local body shop for some leads.
  • kaylorkaylor Member Posts: 1
    j.c. whitney has convert tops for the metro
  • kattkissonkattkisson Member Posts: 1
    What is involved with buying 13" wheels for my 94 metro? I understand that I may have to drive the hubs for larger wheel studs but does anything else change?
  • zendenzenden Member Posts: 62
    I put 13's om mine and didn't change anything I check the lugs every 1,500 miles they are not coming loose; I wouldn't worry about changing anything! Just tighten them up after putting them on and don't worry about it, its just a gokart!
  • zaken1zaken1 Member Posts: 556
    I realize this question was asked six months ago; but if anyone comes along who is interested in this relatively common issue, I'd like to add that after putting 13" wheels on my '90 Metro, I was warned by a tire shop that the taper on my lug nuts was just barely large enough to keep the wheel from falling off. Not long afterward, I read a post by a Canadian member; in which he mentioned that Gorilla makes an oversized lug nut specifically for this conversion, which threads onto the stock wheel studs; and that Summit Racing carries them. So I ordered a set, and promptly found that my front end felt a lot more stable. Apparently, the wheels were actually flexing with the stock nuts' smaller taper. So I heartily recommend those Gorilla lug nuts.
  • nugget2nugget2 Member Posts: 3
    I want to tow my '99 Geo Metro stick shift behind my motor home. Any problems doing this?
  • zaken1zaken1 Member Posts: 556
    I believe this can be done with no problem. However, if your Metro has power steering; it would be best to double check with a Chevy dealer.

    But if you instead towed the motor home with the Metro; wouldn't you save a whole lot of fuel? However, most motor homes have automatic transmissions; which would mean they can't be flat towed.
  • nugget2nugget2 Member Posts: 3
    zacken - thanks for the info. Guess I'll just have to get a tow dolly for my RV.
  • siovhansiovhan Member Posts: 1
    i got stuff today from hensley auto @ 8002860094. if they dont have it go to and submit your request, they send it to multiple salvage yards
  • adixonadixon Member Posts: 2
    I am want to convert my 2000 chevy metro from automatic to manual. I am expecting to have to change the computer, wiring harness ,mounting brackets, flywheel, axles. Can any body offer any advise?
  • geoman88geoman88 Member Posts: 2
    Whats the difference between a geometro transmission with turbo and a geometro transmission without turbo? Can anybody answer this one?
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