Chevy Metro/Geo Metro Accessories & Modifications
Has any one ever heard of putting a turbo into a 98 chevy metro, if that's possible, or if someone makes a turno that would work for a 3cyl engine? Thanx
This type of conversion would involve many engineering challenges and potential problems. One of the most difficult would be modifying the engine's electronic fuel and ignition control systems to work with the turbo. And then there would be the issue of the illegality of tampering with an emission controlled engine. I would not recommend taking such a project on, unless you are either a skilled mechanic, or have lots and lots of money to pay a specialist to do it right. The conversion would probably cost you several times as much as you paid for the entire car.
I'm not having any luck finding a towing capacity for the Metro just yet. Hard to know if it's wise to tow or not. :sick:
I'm going to chance it. But will search for a much lighter one or three RAIL motorcycle trailer locally. Probably unlikely as I have to have it before 7pm EDT.
Red Sonja
U-Haul just put a frame hitch on, but their "motorcycle" trailer is WAY to heavy. It was designed to hold a motorcycle w/ the "D" rings for tie down but is also a full HD trailer. I really need to find a 3 or 1 rail (MUCH lighter), specific motorcycle trailer to borrow or rent privately.
Red Sonja
I know the car was redesigned in 96, but I think they are still very similar.
The car is ten times better with the 5 spd.
you can write me at if you have any questions.
I'm in the process of switching a 94 geo motor with a 5 speed tranny, into a 94 geo with an automatic tranny.(motor was bad in the auto) Since it's the whole motor and tranny do you foresee any wiring harness problems? I have already seen the problem with the tranny mount under the battery box. I haven't gotten into the shift linkage or anything yet, I actually just have both motors out and thought I'd see if anyone has done this successfully, and see if anyone has done the motor change also. I have both cars sitting side by side in my shop, so it's pretty easy to see some of the differences.
Thanks for any help you may have!
i wouldnt chance it. i had a 1995 3 cyl stick metro before and you only have about 70 hp and is not that powerful. i felt it slower with just one passenger besides me. you want to take care of your car and not chance it since your getting about 50 mpg. at 50-55mph. once the engine fries, will cost about 2500-3000 to take out and rebuild it unless you do it yourself. i lost mine to a backyard mechanic who never worked on a geo before and he messed up 1st cylinder while fixing the water pump. ive been in morning ever since. i drive a 1998 chevy metro now, 4cyl and auto, not as great gas mileage but better than most other cars.
Would I do it again? probably not, but thats because I'm not going to be driving it, a friend of my son wanted it, but he really wanted a 5 speed.
It can be done and it's really not that Hard, just time consuming.
But if you instead towed the motor home with the Metro; wouldn't you save a whole lot of fuel? However, most motor homes have automatic transmissions; which would mean they can't be flat towed.