Honda CR-V Transmission Questions

band_photogband_photog Member Posts: 4
My wife claims that our new '07 CR-V is making a noise that I just can't hear. She says it sounds similar to brake wear sensors, although it never "happens" when I touch the brakes. It seems to "happen" during shifting cycles, or just before a shift, when climbing a hill. I honestly can't hear it, but others that have ridden in the car claim they can hear it. We have not been able to reliably reproduce the noise. My wife compains of it after I've accelerated up a hill, after forcing a downshift, then slightly let off the gas to allow the transmission to shift back up. Does any of this sound familiar? I'm going nuts not being able to hear the noise, and the dealer looks at me funny, too. I need validation!!! Thanks.


  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Maybe it is the brake wear sensor. Engine noise may be drowning out the sound during normal driving but subsides momentarily while shifting gears or relaxing throttle. You didn't mention how many miles you have on your CR-V though brakes can wear more or less rapidly.

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • band_photogband_photog Member Posts: 4
    Mileage is < 6K. Brakes have been checked by the dealer and are fine.
  • ejs4ejs4 Member Posts: 2
    Is this a high pitched whistle-like noise? That's what I have during shift cycles or just before a shift on a new 07 CRV 4WD. Unfortunately, it's intermittant, and the dealer hasn't got a clue.
  • cuwongcuwong Member Posts: 2
    I noticed the high pitched whistle-like noise as well. The car (4WD model) has about 650 miles now (bought it 3 wks ago) and I noticed the noise about a week ago (at ~500 miles). It usually happens during uphill climb with acceleration. I notice the noise comes when the RPM is above 3200 but it does not always happen.
  • ejs4ejs4 Member Posts: 2
    That's the one. I haven't figured out the cause or fix, but have determined that it only occurs when the A/C is on. If you get it fixed, please post the fix.
  • pheonix1pheonix1 Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2000 Honda CR-V with 110,000 miles on it. I have had for quite some time now, a whirring sound (similar to the sound the tranny makes when you drive in reverse at a moderate speed) that doesn't seem to be getting worse, but certainly, not getting better either. I asked a mechanic friend of mine what he thought it was and he offered that it may be a "slip gear" (?) in the transmission. Has anyone had a similar problem? Is there a service bulletin for this?? At 110k, I'm certainly not going to invest $5000 in a new tranny for this thing, even though it is a great runner. Any thoughts??
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    I have a 2000 Honda CR-V with 110,000 miles on it. I have had for quite some time now, a whirring sound (similar to the sound the tranny makes when you drive in reverse at a moderate speed) that doesn't seem to be getting worse, but certainly, not getting better either. I asked a mechanic friend of mine what he thought it was and he offered that it may be a "slip gear" (?) in the transmission. Has anyone had a similar problem? Is there a service bulletin for this?? At 110k, I'm certainly not going to invest $5000 in a new tranny for this thing, even though it is a great runner. Any thoughts??

    Try changing the fluid 3 times.

    Use Honda ATF ZF-1 ONLY! There is no substitute.
  • pheonix1pheonix1 Member Posts: 2
    I sure hope it's that simple! :-) To be honest, I'm still running on the original tranny fluid I'm embarrassed to say...should have changed it 30k ago. Blueiedgod, it sounds like you may have seen this before??
  • raleighmattraleighmatt Member Posts: 6
    I hear it in my 2007 CR-V too and my friend that has an '07 CR-V also hears it in his car. Whatever it is, it is common and I don't know about it being related to the transmission. I think it could be as simple as air through the vents or air "wheezing" through some part of the car. I only hear it around 75-80 mph with lots of weight in the car.

    If anyone has figured out what the noise is, please post. I don't think it's a serious problem though.
  • cuwongcuwong Member Posts: 2
    I don't think it is related to transmission at all. In my case, I only notice it if my A/C or front windshield defroster is turned on. Otherwise, I don't hear any of those whistle high-pitch noise.
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    I sure hope it's that simple! To be honest, I'm still running on the original tranny fluid I'm embarrassed to say...should have changed it 30k ago. Blueiedgod, it sounds like you may have seen this before??

    I don't drive auto, MT only, but I have heard of fluid replacement being helpful to Honda automatics.

    At 110,000 miles you hsould have had 3 fluid replacements by now.

    It would not hurt to do 3 consequtive replacements with 10 mile drives in between. And if it doesn't, then you know why. The fluid should have been replaced at 30,000 mile intervals.
  • tonngo0tonngo0 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2001 Honda CRV, I tried to shift down from D to 2 or 1 but it stuck like D is the last thing. What's wrong with it ??
  • caesard3caesard3 Member Posts: 3
    My mechanic replaced my right front axle. About a week later my transmission went out. After a $2400 repair the transmission people told me this was caused by the axle. Apparently the clip had come off causing the axle to move in and out. I did not notice any problem till basically the transmsission failed, started slipping. Of course my mechanic said this would not have caused it. I need to know if the axle could cause this before I take recourse against my mechanic.
  • mholmes3mholmes3 Member Posts: 2
    08 CR-V 2WD Auto with aprox 10,000 miles. Yesterday when shifting into reverse in my driveway I heard an irregular (as in it doesn't go away but it isn't consistent) clicking/rattle noise. While sitting in the driveway I shifted into the remaining gears multiple times and the noise happens in all gears except "Park."

    I thought it might just be the brakes making noise when shifting into a gear but the noise continues. I could hear it the most right when shifting into gear and then it tapers off but you can still hear it.

    Anyone else hear this. I don't know exactly when it started because it is the wifes car.
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    My mechanic replaced my right front axle. About a week later my transmission went out. After a $2400 repair the transmission people told me this was caused by the axle. Apparently the clip had come off causing the axle to move in and out. I did not notice any problem till basically the transmsission failed, started slipping. Of course my mechanic said this would not have caused it. I need to know if the axle could cause this before I take recourse against my mechanic.

    Everything is possible, lose axle could have worn out the splines and necessitated replacement of the mating part in the transmission (Final drive?).

    Of course it is all moot point unless the transmission shop is willing to put the cause of failure in writing, so that you can take the axle guy to small claims court.
  • caesard3caesard3 Member Posts: 3
  • garoberts45garoberts45 Member Posts: 2
    Our CRV starts to slip from a start/stop position after it warms up and is driven for awhile. Do not notice it as much during cooler weather. How serious? could it be a solenoid? I took it to the local dealer and it did not slip, took it to a transmission shop, same thing did not slip. Both times it was not warm or hot outside. The transmission guy said to bring it back when it was hotter and that it might be a solenoid. Any help out there?
  • garoberts45garoberts45 Member Posts: 2
    The above 3 times changing out the fluid according to the procedure solved our slippage problem. If you want better information about your CRV I highly recommend that you go to the Honda CRV owners forum to find out more about this flush procedure.
  • glivingstonglivingston Member Posts: 1
    I bought a 1991 CRV for my grandson about 4 months ago. It has just under 60,000 miles. It was a Canadian's car who left it stored in Florida most of the time and only drove it when he came to Florida for the winter. It's In perfect condition except the transmission has started to slip or hesitate after setting at a stop light / sign for more than a minute or so. It doesn't slip / hesitate when you make a short stop then start out again nor does it slip / hestitate when it shifts up after a short stop or when just driving around. I took it to Honda dealer who said it's something internal to transmission. I don't think my grandson has been hot-rodding it but I suppose he could have. Any ideas? Thanks.
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    I bought a 1991 CRV for my grandson about 4 months ago. It has just under 60,000 miles. It was a Canadian's car who left it stored in Florida most of the time and only drove it when he came to Florida for the winter. It's In perfect condition except the transmission has started to slip or hesitate after setting at a stop light / sign for more than a minute or so. It doesn't slip / hesitate when you make a short stop then start out again nor does it slip / hestitate when it shifts up after a short stop or when just driving around. I took it to Honda dealer who said it's something internal to transmission. I don't think my grandson has been hot-rodding it but I suppose he could have. Any ideas? Thanks.

    Replace the transmission fluid with Honda ATF Z-1, drive 10 miles, replace, drive, replace, drive, replace.

    If this does not fix the problem, then you have a real problem. Most of the times, the issue is with people taking their Honda to non-Honda shops that put generic or "compatible" fluids in it.
  • beetarootbeetaroot Member Posts: 1
    My Honda is flashing its green light on the d shift lever occasionally. I pull over and stop the motor and restart and it goes away, for a while, then comes back later on. Has anyone had this experience with their car, or know what the problem is or the remedy is. I would greatly appreciate some help here, thanks
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    Read The Fine Manual = RTFM. Flashing "D" light indicates something that is mentioned in the Owners Manual.

    Owner's Manuals are usually the best starting place when looking for information.

    P.S. You will need code scanner to determine what the actual problem is.
  • papiriospapirios Member Posts: 1
    At least once a day, the lever sticks in Park. Only after jiggelyng a few times it disengages. Foot always on brake pedal, tried turning ignition off and restart w/o success. Any ideas before I take it to dealer? Thank you
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Are you parking on any hills?

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • bigdadi118bigdadi118 Member Posts: 1,207
    Did you try to pull the lever toward you before shift down from D to 2?
    Below is the cut/paste of 2001 CRV manual ...
  • guyr2guyr2 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1997 Honda crv I can drive with it for about 1 hour in town then when when it change gears it Hesitate eventually it it seems slips out of gear no drive no reverse no 1 2 3 4 gears I have to stop put it natural wait 1 minute then I can go again if I put it in park I can wait all day it wont go I have to restart it natural j change the oil made a little better
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    Replace the fuid using Honda ATF fluid only. Drive a little bit, replace again. Drive a little bit, and replace again.

    When you replace fluid once it only replaces about 30% of the total fluid in the transmission.
  • webrlamywebrlamy Member Posts: 1
    My 98 crv needed a transmission repair. The car drove great but the 2nd gear was slipping. After the rebuilt transmission (a Precision product, I believe when I was verbally promised Honda parts), the car shifts late with an increase in engine rpm. It is not much but very noticable and makes the job unacceptable. My mechanic, who said everything was good before the work was done including the engine, tried to tell me that the engine had an issue now and that ALL Hondas shift late. How can we resolve this in the best interest of all parties concerned? Please help me fix this.
  • normaljoe1normaljoe1 Member Posts: 3
    I just got the same problem with my 2003 CR-V yesterday. The dealer wants me to bring in the car to fix the Transmission Solenoid with an estimated cost of around $450.00 + tax. Where can I go to get code scanner to determine what the actual problem is without walk blindly into the dealer shop?
  • bigdadi118bigdadi118 Member Posts: 1,207
    Autozone provide free scan / code read.
  • phisherphisher Member Posts: 175
    If you don't have auto zone around you, Pep boys, O'reiley ect will all have one that you can use for free.
  • normaljoe1normaljoe1 Member Posts: 3
    I live in Ontario, Canada and there are no Autozone around here.....So does anyone know where can I go to get code scanner in Ontario?
  • bdymentbdyment Member Posts: 573
    Try PartSource or Canadian Tire.
  • normaljoe1normaljoe1 Member Posts: 3
  • martalauramartalaura Member Posts: 1
    2000 CR-v Initially it started intermittently. I would put in my car keys and realize that there was no electricity running through my car. The electric locks would not work, either with the key control or door switch, the ignition switch would not turn on, no lights, nothing. Then within minutes I would try again and everything was back on working perfectly. However, this last time it hasn't turned back on. I had taken it to the dealer and they could not figure out what the problem was. :cry:
  • wilddog1wilddog1 Member Posts: 5
    I have a 97 CRV with 130K miles.I have owned it for near a year.It has a shake when starting from a stop-more noticeable when you hard accelerate.Also noticeable when you accelerate making a right turn from a stop.Not on a left turn.Shake shows up past the first gear.I have replaced or added new tires,front wheel bearings,two CV axles(new NAPA),4 motor mounts,front differential has been rebuilt,changed rear diff. fluid once.Had alot of mecanics look at this including Honda.Can you help me please??
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    I have a 97 CRV with 130K miles.I have owned it for near a year.It has a shake when starting from a stop-more noticeable when you hard accelerate.Also noticeable when you accelerate making a right turn from a stop.Not on a left turn.Shake shows up past the first gear.I have replaced or added new tires,front wheel bearings,two CV axles(new NAPA),4 motor mounts,front differential has been rebuilt,changed rear diff. fluid once.Had alot of mecanics look at this including Honda.Can you help me please??

    Try draining the rear differential fluid and replacing it 3 times with driving in tight circles for 5 minutes to work the fluid in.

    Make sure you use Honda DPF or DPFII only!!!!!
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    2000 CR-v Initially it started intermittently. I would put in my car keys and realize that there was no electricity running through my car. The electric locks would not work, either with the key control or door switch, the ignition switch would not turn on, no lights, nothing. Then within minutes I would try again and everything was back on working perfectly. However, this last time it hasn't turned back on. I had taken it to the dealer and they could not figure out what the problem was.

    Wasn't there an ignition switch recall? Check if it was preformed, by registering with Honda Owner's link foud on You will need to have you VIN handy.
  • lynn97lynn97 Member Posts: 2
    The transmission in my 99 CRV with 140K+ seems to be in need of a rebuild. We can drive it by starting off from stop on 1st gear, then manually shift to 2nd or drive at that point, but it will not down shift . Also does slip out of gear completely if you leave in 1st gear too long. Fluid has been replaced and has signs of transmission damage (metal flakes and gunk). Someone told us that rebuilds are not a good idea on the CRVs and we would need a manufacturer's rebuild. Has anyone done a rebuild on theirs ?
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    Are you talking auto or manual?

    You can't downshift into 1st when the vehicle is moving. The 1st gear in the manual CR-V is very low. You can only shift into 1st when standing still.

    What kind of fluid did you use to replace with?
  • rajshekharrajshekhar Member Posts: 1
    I have bought a second hand 2001 Honda CR-V EX with 100800 miles recently. On driving from stop position, there is a little squeak noise as if the transmission is slipping. I am not sure if the transmission fluid has been changed or not. Please suggest. Also should I take it for a major servicing. As such what all should I be worried about in an old car like this. i don't have the service records of this car, so don't know if the timing belt/water pump has been changed or not. Is there any way of knowing it. Can I get the service records of this car somehow? Please suggest
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    If it were serviced at a Honda Dealer, they may be able to look up the records in the datbase. Otherwise, assume that nothing has been done and people are selling because they don't want to deal with repairs.

    Tranny fluid has to be Honda ATF Z-1 only.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Why only ATF Z-1? Someone in Edmunds Answers wants to know. (Is there anything special about Honda brand transmission fluid?).
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    It a proprietary formulation made by Showa. It has been shown that use of other "compatible" fluids results in slippage and failure.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Thanks. Since you didn't head over there and post, I'm going to quote you. :)

    And the break-in oil? Is that special too, or does Honda just want you to leave the initial oil in during their recommended break-in period?
  • ofionnachtaofionnachta Member Posts: 36
    This discussion started with a ques from a guy who couldn't hear a noise his wife claimed she could. My husb also c annot hear car noises that our daughter & I can--he also spent too many years at rock concerts and loud basement frat parties, and now has serious loss of higher ranges in his hearing--he is nearly at the point where he buys hearing aids.

    So, no offense intended to anyone, but if your family is hearing noises that you can't, if you are hitting middle age and heard too much noise in earlier years, they might be right!
  • blueiedgodblueiedgod Member Posts: 2,798
    Thanks. Since you didn't head over there and post, I'm going to quote you.

    And the break-in oil? Is that special too, or does Honda just want you to leave the initial oil in during their recommended break-in period?

    Sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to post there. But, feel free to copy and paste.

    the break-in oil has been shown to have high Moly content, similar to High Mileage oils. It could be molybdenium from the assembly grease, or high moly content oil by formulation. That is unclear.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
  • motoguy128motoguy128 Member Posts: 146
    More than likely, high moly content is from the assembly lube. Quite a bit goes in there.
  • texan007texan007 Member Posts: 2
    I own a '99 CRV (original owner) with 76,000 miles. I am going to have the automatic transmission serviced. The local Honda dealer offers drain and fill, or flush and fill which is $100 higher than drain and fill. The service writer said the first option replaces only about 33% of the old fluid while the flush option will replace almost 100%. Is this worth the extra $100?
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