Honda CR-V Transmission Questions

in Honda
My wife claims that our new '07 CR-V is making a noise that I just can't hear. She says it sounds similar to brake wear sensors, although it never "happens" when I touch the brakes. It seems to "happen" during shifting cycles, or just before a shift, when climbing a hill. I honestly can't hear it, but others that have ridden in the car claim they can hear it. We have not been able to reliably reproduce the noise. My wife compains of it after I've accelerated up a hill, after forcing a downshift, then slightly let off the gas to allow the transmission to shift back up. Does any of this sound familiar? I'm going nuts not being able to hear the noise, and the dealer looks at me funny, too. I need validation!!! Thanks.
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
Try changing the fluid 3 times.
Use Honda ATF ZF-1 ONLY! There is no substitute.
If anyone has figured out what the noise is, please post. I don't think it's a serious problem though.
I don't drive auto, MT only, but I have heard of fluid replacement being helpful to Honda automatics.
At 110,000 miles you hsould have had 3 fluid replacements by now.
It would not hurt to do 3 consequtive replacements with 10 mile drives in between. And if it doesn't, then you know why. The fluid should have been replaced at 30,000 mile intervals.
I thought it might just be the brakes making noise when shifting into a gear but the noise continues. I could hear it the most right when shifting into gear and then it tapers off but you can still hear it.
Anyone else hear this. I don't know exactly when it started because it is the wifes car.
Everything is possible, lose axle could have worn out the splines and necessitated replacement of the mating part in the transmission (Final drive?).
Of course it is all moot point unless the transmission shop is willing to put the cause of failure in writing, so that you can take the axle guy to small claims court.
Replace the transmission fluid with Honda ATF Z-1, drive 10 miles, replace, drive, replace, drive, replace.
If this does not fix the problem, then you have a real problem. Most of the times, the issue is with people taking their Honda to non-Honda shops that put generic or "compatible" fluids in it.
Owner's Manuals are usually the best starting place when looking for information.
P.S. You will need code scanner to determine what the actual problem is.
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
Did you try to pull the lever toward you before shift down from D to 2?
Below is the cut/paste of 2001 CRV manual ...
When you replace fluid once it only replaces about 30% of the total fluid in the transmission.
Try draining the rear differential fluid and replacing it 3 times with driving in tight circles for 5 minutes to work the fluid in.
Make sure you use Honda DPF or DPFII only!!!!!
Wasn't there an ignition switch recall? Check if it was preformed, by registering with Honda Owner's link foud on You will need to have you VIN handy.
You can't downshift into 1st when the vehicle is moving. The 1st gear in the manual CR-V is very low. You can only shift into 1st when standing still.
What kind of fluid did you use to replace with?
Tranny fluid has to be Honda ATF Z-1 only.
And the break-in oil? Is that special too, or does Honda just want you to leave the initial oil in during their recommended break-in period?
So, no offense intended to anyone, but if your family is hearing noises that you can't, if you are hitting middle age and heard too much noise in earlier years, they might be right!
And the break-in oil? Is that special too, or does Honda just want you to leave the initial oil in during their recommended break-in period?
Sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to post there. But, feel free to copy and paste.
the break-in oil has been shown to have high Moly content, similar to High Mileage oils. It could be molybdenium from the assembly grease, or high moly content oil by formulation. That is unclear.