Mitsubishi Outlander Steering Stability and Suspension

shooplashoopla Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Mitsubishi
About 3 days ago, I noticed that when I turn the wheel about a 1/4 turn, I can feel and hear a "thump" coming from the steering wheel. It definitely feels like something in the steering column, and seems to do it at consistent intervals within the steering range. Almost like a cable getting caught on something for a split second, and then releasing. Doesn't hamper the steering, just rather annoying now that I know it's there. Wanted to know if anyone else has this issue.


  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    Okay, so we don't mixed things up in the other threads, I created this thread solely for the purpose of doing a "count" of all 07 Outlander owners having the front-end "knock" issue. If you have it in your Outlander, just leave a short message here in this thread.

    Let me be the first to say that I have it in my 07 Outlander. I'm still "observing" it if it's something that gets worn down as I put more miles into it.
  • evolanderevolander Member Posts: 7
    We have it too. I can tell you now this will be a common issue because it was on the front drive model we tested. We noticed it right away. Our AWD exhibits this as a daily occurance but we drive it alot. Id say it might happen once or twice daily. Quite audible,but it's going to be hard to duplicate for the tech at Mitsu because I cant force it to happen. Im going to try alot of manuevers to see if I can get it to repeat,so I can show the tech. Im also a mechanic so if there's anything I find out I will relay it here. From what Ive seen it's possibly strut-related. Ive seen it a bunch on alot of different strut-suspended cars. The coil binds and pops,or re-centers itself. If that's the case with these cars dont worry it's absolutely safe. It's impossible for it to do anything but annoy you. We had the same problem with a 2001 Civic and Ive seen it on the last-gen Civic Si hatchbacks. It's certainly something shifting and it takes the correct combination of forces to bring it about.

    For what it's worth we have that "rattle" near the driver's door. Im 90 percent sure that it's not a rattle at all,because it occurs on smooth asphalt also. Im thinking it's wind buffeting around the mirror. Ive seen this before,on our Subaru Impreza.

    Having said all that-this is a fantastic car and I would still buy it. These are small issues compared to what could be. Look at the paragon of reliability-the Toyota Camry,there are some folks who've had their cars in the shop 4 times in a month for trans issues. Im glad that with all the gadgets on these Outlanders everything works with only a knock and a small wind noise. I was concerned because Mercedes and BMW have horrible reliability issues with all their tech offerings.

    I'll post again when I can.
  • blackb13blackb13 Member Posts: 35
    Ours has it also. I've only heard it twice in the 1k miles we've put on it. Fortunately, we've heard no noise in the a-pillar or door area (knocks on wood).

    4WD XLS
  • pippin518pippin518 Member Posts: 12
    I think I may have spoke too soon on mine not having it. I'm at about 1500 miles now. It's a distince 'clunk' once, maybe twice after it's been sitting parked and you crank the wheel to one side or the this what everyone else is having? Got the car with 300 mi on it already and have put 1k on it in the last 2 weeks (yikes). Started to notice it this week after my long drive for the holiday.
  • evolanderevolander Member Posts: 7
    I saw on another forum that Mitsubishi representatives are very concerned about this issue and inspected a vechicle with this specific complaint.

    This mechanic that posted said that a bearing to knuckle tolerance was off,and that a replacement of both or either one fixed it. Mitsubishi is currently reviewing the best method to fix this issue. So it's great to hear that they are all over this with the vehicle being out for such a brief period. Like I mentioned before we have to have a hitch fitted at the dealer. At that time I will speak to either a tech or the service manager about the issue and see if Mitsu has figured out the best solution.

    It doesnt seem to affect drivability or reliability,we have a huge thunderstorm going on right now in N. Texas and my wife says she loves the stability of it. Said she felt confident and enjoyed the lightning show on the way home instead of being nervous.

    I'll post again when I hear more.
  • spaceman210spaceman210 Member Posts: 50
    Hopefully there will be a TSB soon!
  • lukidolukido Member Posts: 16
    Had it. Fixed it.

    I have yet to see anyone else with a fix.

    Willing to take questions.

  • mucoolmucool Member Posts: 24
    I have a 2WD XLS, with 1750 miles on it now. I still have the front-end knock issue, as described by everyone else here. I have been able to demo it to the mechs at my dealer, and first time they just said it is probably nothing surprising, gave me some mumbo jumbo that the clunk sound is due to engine being put from idle to drive. Next time I took Lukido's response/with the fix mentioned, and I was told that they have not heard anything officially from Mitsubishi itself, so will have to wait for any official response/solution, if indeed this is a problem. Hopefully the awareness in this forum by all owners will help drive the word up to the right folks sooner.
  • spaceman210spaceman210 Member Posts: 50
    Getting mine soon. Perhaps lukido could post the specific bearing housing name and part number that was found to be causing the problem.
  • metuchenscalemetuchenscale Member Posts: 11
    My front end knocks on hard turns. Dealer heard it, and said they would get back to me after talking to factory. I have 1,000 miles and 1 flat tire on the car. Spare position under floor will cause problems after time. Thread on exposed blot will rust and lock-up. I know this after 100,000 + miles on a Santa Fe.
  • pauld37pauld37 Member Posts: 14
    I have an XLS, 2wd, the knock was there for the first 3 weeks. I have not heard it in the last 2 weeks. As I parallel park everyday, it was easy to reproduce. Auto has 2000 miles on it. Curious if the clunck worked itself out or what other issues it generated while breaking in?

    Hate going to the dealer. I will mention it when I get in the mood to deal with them.
  • skinnypeteskinnypete Member Posts: 8
    Just checking in officially, although I have posted in other forums, that I also have the knocking problem on my LS. From reading other posts, mine appears to be a little worse than those reported. It started (from day one while driving off the lot) with the typical knock on hard turns as people have been describing. It now has turned from an annoying knock to a painful bang when turning only slightly in either direction and when I hit bumps. Dealership is waiting on parts to repair. It has been over 2 weeks since they ordered these parts. I'm growing impatient.
  • madisonminimadisonmini Member Posts: 11
    @skinnypete: Does the dealer know what parts to order? Has this issue been discussed among the dealers? I'm just asking because I know I'll get a blank stare from my dealer later this month when I go pick up my XLS if I mention front end knock.
  • rjxgrjxg Member Posts: 5
    My local dealer just fixed my front end problem by replacing the bearings. The noise was occurring less and less frequently as time went by, but I definatley wanted it fixed to avoid any future issues. They were great about it an even gave me a loaner car for the day.
  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    I wrote a letter (snail mail) to MMNA regarding the issues I have with my Outlander (e.g. front-end knock, and front door noise). They were very prompt in their reply. They even contacted the service department of the dealership where I bought the vehicle from. I was given a case number too.

    Service log is full for today and I might take my car in either Monday or Tuesday next week.

    I am of the impression the Mitsubishi is very serious in taking complaints about their products. I am happy with how they handle my case and hopefully everything will turn out to be a pleasant experience.

    I suggest to all owners with these issues to do the same, so these problems get documented and fixed, and eventually get recognized and fixed in future products from the factory.

    For those interested, Mitsu's address is:
    Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc.
    PO Box 6014
    Cypress, CA 90630-0014

    Please don't forget to include important details to make your complaint legitimate. Include your e-mail, phone#, VIN, dealership where you bought your vehicle.

    I'll keep you guys posted of the progress of this complaint.
  • suv4betsysuv4betsy Member Posts: 38
    For what it's worth, Toyota has had front wheel bearing problems too.. My '04 Tacoma was part of a factory recall to replace scratched bearings.
  • skinnypeteskinnypete Member Posts: 8
    //Does the dealer know what parts to order?

    I brought it in already and they looked at it. They already had another LS with the same problem and had spoken with Mitsubishi. Mitsubishi told the dealership that they were aware of the problem and yes apparently have the correct parts on order, and after 3 weeks, they are in today. I just brought it in to have it repaired and install my navi system. I should have it back today. I have complained by phone to my dealership and was disappointed by how they handled the situation. I have not spoken directly to Mitsubishi, but I am composing a letter to both the owner of the dealership and to the Mitsubishi address provided above. I think this would have been a minor issue in my mind had the dealership handled it better.
  • spyderonespyderone Member Posts: 54
    I think that if you contacted MMNA your outcome would probably have been better. I think dealerships for the most part are worthless. The majority of the sales people don't know their product and will tell you anything to make a sale regardless if it is ethical or not. (including management). I worked in the car busisness for about 6 months and you wouldn't beleive the things our Gen Mgr would tell us to do to the clients. The guy was scum. The service departments are just as bad.
  • madisonminimadisonmini Member Posts: 11
    @spyderone: I completely agree. All it takes is for the consumer to read a a few reviews of the car that they like. They then already know more than the salesman trying to sell them that car. I found this with my Mini Cooper and now with the Mitsubishi salesman. The internet makes the buyer much more informed than in the past. The salesman is completely useless in my opinion. Who has learned something from their salesman that they didn't know before going into the dealership?
  • skinnypeteskinnypete Member Posts: 8
    I picked up my LS yesterday from the dealership and as I was backing out of the spot they parked it in, I turned hard right and it knocked just as loud as when I first bought it. So, I put it back in the spot and walked back in. If this helps anyone, they told me they replaced the bearings and knuckles on an LS with the same problem last week. When they called Mitsubishi to order my parts, Mitsubishi told them they were out of knuckles but the bearing should fix the problem. My service station now seems to think both need to be replace to fix the problem since they have not heard back from the owner of the vehicle that got both bearings and knuckles. I'm glad I waited until now to write my letter as I have more things to complain about. They said I'll have to wait 2 weeks, and then I need to bring it in for a 3rd time (2nd actual repair) for them to look at this thing.
  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    thanks for the info pete. Just came from the dealer. We took a test drive and I couldn't reproduce the noise. I told him it happens usually when I have parked the car overnight, but once it's running, it'll be gone and no longer reproducible. Somehow the mileage I put into it must have worn it down a bit. Nevertheless, they've checked it and said they will order the parts and they'll give me a call once they get it. I had the left door noise fixed too in this visit, so I'm happy. I hope the new parts are the solution to the clunking problems, and that they have all that's needed to fix this issue for good.
  • pippin518pippin518 Member Posts: 12
    so i'm finally getting around to checking on my front end knock. getting close to 2k and it's been getting worse i think and i'm even starting to notice it sometimes if i do a tight corner at a fast speed. i called the customer service line and they are no help...just don't waste your time with that. i told him i wanted to see about having some factory backing before i went into a dealer to have it checked (especially because i would be going to a dealer that i didn't purchase from). he was completely unhelpful and said 'it doesn't work that way' and i'd have to take it to the dealer. 'thanks for calling mitsubishi'

    not a very good way to handle the first call i made to them since i owned the car. maybe i should have stuck with honda. i guess i'll go see if i get a blank stare from the dealer.
  • madisonminimadisonmini Member Posts: 11
    My XLS is scheduled to arrive on Jan 25th. Should I refuse delivery if my car is making the front end knock? Should I wait until Mitsu has an "official" fix for this problem?
  • pippin518pippin518 Member Posts: 12
    i don't know that i would refuse delivery. it's more of an annoyance than anything. i'm sure that they'll have a fix...i just wish the factory would put out a notice or recall or something so i don't have to deal w/ the service dept. not knowing what to do.
  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    i called the customer service line and they are no help...just don't waste your time with that. i told him i wanted to see about having some factory backing before i went into a dealer to have it checked (especially because i would be going to a dealer that i didn't purchase from). he was completely unhelpful and said 'it doesn't work that way' and i'd have to take it to the dealer. 'thanks for calling mitsubishi'

    not a very good way to handle the first call i made to them since i owned the car. maybe i should have stuck with honda. i guess i'll go see if i get a blank stare from the dealer.

    I was treated totally different. Maybe because my approach was different. I did a formal complaint letter, and I did get a very professional response. A lady from Mitsu HQ called me, then the service manager from the dealership asked me to bring the car in for a check. Then the lady even went further to verify that the service dept called me for an appointment. Now I am looking at Monday to be the day the front end knock gets serviced after parts are in. I know those helpline guys are no good so I skipped that and did the snail mail. Worked for me. Why not try my earlier suggestion of writing to them in a Professional manner. Just make clear what your problems are, no unnecessary comments, just do it professionally, and I believe you'll get a professional response too just like I did.
  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    pippin is right, it's more of an annoyance actually. And I believe Mitsu is now aware of this. I'm pretty sure there are Mitsu guys in this forum but just wouldn't identify themselves. The dealer told me he has ordered parts to fix the problem so I think they got it figured out. And maybe you won't get it with your vehicle, it can be they've put in the newer parts for your car. Just give it a test before driving it home. We have described the problem and how to reproduce it, and I hope that will help you identify the issue if it exist in the vehicle you ordered.
  • madisonminimadisonmini Member Posts: 11
    Thank you for the advice! I will call my dealer in a few days to give them a heads up to see if they're heard of this problem.
  • solowalkersolowalker Member Posts: 118
    I have 800 miles on it so far...It sounds like it is in the steering linkage....It happens when I back out of my slot while cutting the wheel to the left...I notice it at other times also when cutting the steering wheel sharply...

    I trust the workmanship of the factory in Japan...I don't want anybody here at a dealership dismantling my front end until there is an official bulletin with a fix...

    I have been driving all kinds of vehicles for almost 50 years and I don't think this clunking sound is a serious issue..However, I will talk to the Serv. Mgr. about it when I go over to get my licence plates though.
    As of now, it is a minor annoyance and I have no other annoying issues with this vehicle for the moment...

    I did have to drop the tire pressure on the Goodyear LS's down to 34 from the 48 that the factory put in....

    I will give a full report in New Owners forum in a few weeks.
  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    My dealership's service and parts dept's got all needed parts today so I sent the vehicle in for the fix. Talked to the service manager and he said they're not quite sure how long the service would take since this is their first 07 Outlander job, the vehicle being new to the market. Got in at around 12:30pm, I asked the mechanic what's his best estimate and he gave me a 4hour timeline. So I asked for a courtesy vehicle and they provided me an 05 Lancer, which actually handles well and enjoyed driving the car for my errands the whole afternoon. Called them at around 7:30pm and they said they're giving the vehicle a shower and I could come in and pick it up. Drove it home tonight and I did not hear anything from the steering. I did a test at a vacant parking lot and I couldn't reproduce the noise. Tomorrow morning will be the test, when I back out from parking, because this is the time I would usually hear the knock, so more updates tomorrow if the fix indeed works.

    The dealer told me they put in new bearings, which are new design, and not just a replacement of the same design. If I'm this was the newly designed bearing lukido talked about. Hopefully this fix works a promised. Updates to be posted soon.
  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    I did have to drop the tire pressure on the Goodyear LS's down to 34 from the 48 that the factory put in....

    The sticker in my XLS says it's 32 PSI front and back, so I took the opportunity to have the tire pressures checked while I was at service.
  • solowalkersolowalker Member Posts: 118
    >>>>The dealer told me they put in new bearings, which are new design<<<<<

    Are they "wheel" bearings....?

    Did the serv. Mgr. say anything about a "recall"or any Service bulletins?

    Can you tell me where the Dealership is located for reference..?

    To me, it sounds more like a steering linkage or strut issue...maybe even ball joints...

  • solowalkersolowalker Member Posts: 118
    I just came back from the Dealership.

    I talked to the Serv.Mgr. about the front end knock and He was aware of the problem..You are right, it is the wheel bearings and possibly the knuckles...'

    He said Mitsu is currently formulating a repair procedure for general distribution..

    He said there will be no recall because only a small percentage of the vehicles have this problem..

    He also said it is not a safety issue but if the knock becomes annoying to me to bring it in and they will put on the newly designed bearings.

    I am going to wait to see if the noise gets worse and if so I will have the repair performed.

    I also want them to have made a number of bearing repairs {for practice} before I get mine done... Like a Doctor with Operations..

    Other than this little annoyance, the vehicle is quite impressive. :)
  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    I am very happy to report all front end knock was gone. Looks like the newly designed wheel bearings and knuckles are the solution to this annoyance. Mitsu fixed it for good.

    If you have this issue too, get to your nearest dealer, or write mitsu about it. I did and I got it fixed. :D
  • mucoolmucool Member Posts: 24
    rcpax , would you mind telling me the name of the dealership that fixed your Outlander? I think someone asked this earlier too. I think you are in Houston, and if so its probably best for me to go to the same dealer, now that they have fixed the issue on your ride. Help appreciated.
  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    I am located in Northwest Indiana area. I bought my Outlander from South Holland Mitsubishi. If you want, you can have your dealer call my dealer's service department regarding the fix. I doubt there are other Outlander that have been fixed other than mine, so they know my case very well.
  • mucoolmucool Member Posts: 24
    Thanks, this should be helpful. I have already typed my letter for Mitsubishi as you recommended, which I will post tomorrow. Hoping that my experience , in getting the issues resolved go as smooth as yours!
  • pippin518pippin518 Member Posts: 12
    I called my local dealer at the end of last week and my parts will be in this week to do the repairs to stop the knock. He said that Mitsu has issued a service bulletin to the dealers now and are going around and speaking w/ the service depts on the issue. So it is acknowledged by Mitsu now. Just FYI
  • goindimongoindimon Member Posts: 9
    Same issue here, had the car diagnosed yesterday and part will be in on Friday for repair. They said that they will be changing the hub bearing to fix the problem. They also mentioned to me that Mitsu is aware of these issues.
  • evolanderevolander Member Posts: 7
    OK guys I meant to reply a few days ago when we got around to dropping off our Outlander. We made an appointment last week,dropped off the car,was given a complimentary rental for the day. I asked for someone to ride with me to see the complaint because the car doesn't always make the noise and I didnt want to find out that they "could not duplicate problem" which is a run-around Im fed up with (see below)regarding some dealerships. Anyhow they were kind enough to send the shop foreman along with me. I was able to show him the front end knock.

    It appears these are actually quite reliable. They've been selling the 07 Outlanders for 3 months now,outselling 3 to 1 vs the old model,and everyone in the service departmen said ours was the first one in the shop for any problem.

    So they contacted me within 5 hours,said they contacted Mitsubishi about the issue,ordered the parts and said they'd be in within a week. Got the trailer hitch installed at the same time,was pleased to find it came with the hitch,ball,protective covering as to not scratch the interior,and a nice pin with clip. All painted gloss black with a step built-in with grip tape to get to the roof and a plug.

    I had the wind noise on the mirror,but they said they tried tucking the harness inside and ordered a new mirror just to be safe.

    All in all I was happy with this experience. The last new vehicle we had that needed service was an 01 Civic and we must have brought that car in 10 times in the first year for a bunch of problems: leaking shocks,wandering ride,front suspension clunk very similar to the Outlander,just not as loud,hunting transmission that would refuse to shift,then suddenly upshift after you've already let off the gas,and a noisy power steering pump...oh yeah-the best one.. a seat that would suddenly slide on the tracks fully back and forth. I want to make a point right now that Honda never fixed a single issue. Well they sort of fixed the seat by simply bending the latches on it,it never worked right. They pretended they ordered parts but I found that they simply re-bent everything back. On top of that the jack failed and dropped the car onto it's brake rotor and crushed the subframe right behind that wheelwell. Honda customer service sent out an unbiased 3rd party investigator driving an S2000 (that he admittedly got an inside deal on (cue rolleyes) and was told without proof the jack was faulty we had nothing). :mad: Good job Honda,just lost a loyal customer (Bought 3 Hondas in a row)and all the recommendations I'd give them as a mechanic. A simple we're sorry and here's a free oil change would've sufficed-matter of principle.

    Didnt want to turn this into an anti-Honda rant but I had to point out why Im so happy that this is the extent of the problem with our brand new high tech "has everything" Outlander. ;)
  • kellenbencekellenbence Member Posts: 11
    Well I just picked my car up on Saturday. Yes I heard that clunk also. one time slowing down from a faster speed. 2 more times pulling into my driveway....YUK....
  • mucoolmucool Member Posts: 24
    I wrote a letter to MMNA , as recommended by rcpax, and as rcpax indicated , I too got a follow up call within 4 days of my posting that letter. Have been assigned a case number, they have also talked to my dealership. So there is progress!! and Mitsubishi is sincerely paying attention and addressing the issues :) promptly, a pat on their back for that . It is a slightly different story with my dealership, who still are giving me a lukewarm response (or maybe I am reading in too much into it) but I have been asked to check back next week once they have the complete fix solution available from Mitsubishi. But I can live with that :shades: ! Looking forward to get the issues resolved. Will keep ya'll posted!
  • goindimongoindimon Member Posts: 9
    Had the hub bearing replaced and the knuckle assembly, still get the knocking. Called the dealer and they said that they have parts on order and will be shipped in 2 weeks. If anyone has this issue, convince them to change both bearings/knuckles and not just one side. If there any consilation, they are going to detail, fill the tank and detail my other car for my troubles.
  • mucoolmucool Member Posts: 24
    I went to my dealership today. Had a good overall experience, was treated very nicely, the dealership had already ordered the parts. However , seems like the "clunking" noise that I thought was the front-end-knock issue , is "normal" ABS self check. I only have the issue when i start/restart the engine and back out making left/right turns (not on normal driving/turns etc).

    The service manager gave me a printed Tech Talk monthly issued by Mitsubishi
    It had the following description for my clunking sound
    GROUP 35 Service Brakes : ABS Pump Noise (Update): 2006-07 Eclipse, 2007 Eclipse Spyder and Outlander : ABS System Conducts a self-check to ensure it is functioning properly the first time the vehicle reaches approx 2.5 mph. During the self check, a "clunking" noise will be heard from the right front of the engine compartment. The noise only occurs the first time the vehicle is driven after the engine is started. It will not reoccur until the engine is restarted. This noise is a normal operation of the ABS System. Do not attempt to repair this condition.

    However, my dealership still replaced the bearings etc as they had already ordered the parts. The replacement did not make any difference in the clunk sound though.

    So that is the update from my side. Am happy with the way Mitsu customer care followed up with me couple of times over phone, and the quick resolution from my dealership (with a complimentary car wash and 27 point inspection).
  • rcpaxrcpax Member Posts: 580
    I thought of that too before. But the way the manual described it, it's supposed to be a "whining" sound, and not "clunking", as what I've experienced in my Outlander.

    For the ABS self check, see 07 Outlander manual p.3-104.

    I was happy they replaced the bearings, because after that, I don't hear the clunking sound anymore when I turn. I guess the fact that the dealer said these are newly designed bearings they've installed, this alone would indicate the the steering clunk is a different issue.

    But it was nice you've pointed this one out since new owners who don't have the true "clunk" issue might confuse it with the ABS self-check, especially now that we have several posts about this problem.
  • pauld37pauld37 Member Posts: 14
    They are actually 2 front end noise issues. At a recent visit to the dealer, I was told the bearings are a known issue and that parts were ordered to repair. This noise occurs when you are turning the wheel sharply like when you parallel park.

    When I asked about the second noise, they indicated that this was normal. This noise occurs after I put the car in gear and begin to drive.
  • growwisegrowwise Member Posts: 296
    Will be picking up mine on monday. Keeping fingers crossed that I wont have this issue. I never had to take a new vehicle to a dealer for anything except for an oil change. Hope this wont be the first.
  • metuchenscalemetuchenscale Member Posts: 11
    My dealer fixed bearing 'knocking on hard turns' issue, plus first oil/filter change/check-up at N/C. No more knocking on turns. Car has 3,000 miles on it.
  • jaclynnjaclynn Member Posts: 6
    Bought the 07 Outlander yesterday, XLS, loaded. Clunk was not present on test drive (same vehicle).

    Let me say first: I LOVE this vehicle and its amenities. Like others' experiences, the clunk sound is present when turning into, or backing out of, a parking spot, whether it is at the beginning or end of a ride (which debunks the 2mph ABS self test?). Will be calling the dealer tomorrow when they open and will report back.

    Thanks to whoever started this forum. It's been most helpful!
  • goindimongoindimon Member Posts: 9
    Picked up mu car last nite after having the second hub bearing/knuckles replaced. All is well, I am a happy camper. If any of you get this issue, tell them to replace both so as not to wait for so long for the delivery of the parts.
  • jsanzajsanza Member Posts: 3
    I just bought my Outlander on Saturday. I heard the noise the same day but I thought it was a fluke considering the car only had 11 miles on it. I am having it looked at tomorrow. I am going to the dealership armed and dangerous with all of the conversations and fixes that everone had....Thank you so much......

    Please keep me posted with any new findings!
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