Infiniti G35 Power Windows

mrkeltonmrkelton Member Posts: 8
edited July 2014 in INFINITI
I recently replaced both window lift motors in my 2003 G35 Coupe. I just had my windshield replaced and the tech said I needed to have my windows adjusted. One was coming up too high and the other not high enough. Anyone know how to do this?


  • henry07henry07 Member Posts: 1
    My daughter parked her g35 on the side street near her law school, windows up. When she returned 5 hrs. later, windows down,2 inches of rain in her car after a storm dumped 8 inches of rain. She later found out from a school email that the street flash flooded. She was told by one ins. guy that newer cars had a safety feature, that when the computer thought the car was being submerged in water the windows automatically went down, and the rushing water under car must have triggered sensor. Other ins guy told her she left windows down. She did say that about 1/2 block away she dropped key remote in a puddle. The car is her baby- windows werent left down A)lives in New Orleans and it had been raining recenty,B)she had to stand on side of car a minute or 2 before crossing street and would have seen windows down. Has anyone ever heard of windows rolling down as a safety feature, Progressive Ins. is giving us a hard time about fixing car as it was before. thanks
  • scottm123scottm123 Member Posts: 1,501
    I have not heard one word about a safety feature rolling the windows down.
    In fact, I would think that would be something mentioned in the documentation if it was.

    The fact that her remote got wet may be the key factor here.
    You can roll the windows down by the remote by holding the unlock button for several seconds.
    If there was some sort of malfunction in the fob, it may have sent a signal to the car to roll the windows down.

    Was it one window or all?
    The fob rolls down all four windows.
  • victoriabc1victoriabc1 Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2010
    I often find that all 4 side windows partially open in the morning. I am concerned enough that I don't leave anything of value in the car. Has any one else had this problem. The dealership says they have never heard of this problem. Has anyone found a solution?
  • victoriabc1victoriabc1 Member Posts: 4
    My blue tooth has stopped hooking up to phone calls from my Blackberry. The antenna icon shows several bars. The car rings with incoming calls but will not pick up the call. As well, I can dial out, it rings and then drops the call. Any suggestions?
  • victoriabc1victoriabc1 Member Posts: 4
    My 2007 G35 blue tooth has stopped hooking up to phone calls from my Blackberry storm. The antenna icon shows several bars. The car rings with incoming calls but will not pick up the call. As well, I can dial out, it rings and then drops the call. Any suggestions?
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