Ford Windstar Starting/Stalling Problems
I have a 2000 Ford Windstar SE. I recently moved to an Island off the coast of Washington and noted that when I leave the Windstar in the driveway at night the engine starts then stops (several times). I can keep the engine going for a while by adding gas pedal, but don't want to put it in gear when I am running it at the higher RPM. In the recent past this problem seemed to go away after I drive it a short distance, but this weekend the car engine would even quit after I drove it a short time. Of course when the engine quits the power brakes and power steering also quits.
After driving the car a longer distance of 7 miles to the nearest town the problem went away. The car started fine the next several times that I started it.
It also seems that when I put the car in the garage at night I don't seem to have a problem the next day.
I am concerned with the safety of my Windstar since the engine, power brakes and steering all go at the same time. Any idea what needs to be fixed?
thanks for your help
After driving the car a longer distance of 7 miles to the nearest town the problem went away. The car started fine the next several times that I started it.
It also seems that when I put the car in the garage at night I don't seem to have a problem the next day.
I am concerned with the safety of my Windstar since the engine, power brakes and steering all go at the same time. Any idea what needs to be fixed?
thanks for your help
My ex-husband had the same problem with his Windstar and he told me things improved greatly when he added a container of 'fuel injection cleaner' to a FULL tank of gas.
Hope this helps.
Where is this fuel pump button you mention and what is it supposed to do (we have a '97 and I know nothing about this feature).
dose anyone have any ideas as to what to check ?
Thank you
The brake has been checked and replaced, the Gear-box too, the fuel line helped a little, but it is slow again. Any one knows how to sort out this. Any help will be appreicated.
We had it towed home and I went to work cleaning off the battery that was wet from something and cleaned off the corroded terminals and connectors with a wire brush until everything was bright, shinny and clean. I got in, turned the key and walla, she started as thought nothing was wrong.
yesterday we went out to get her a Christmas tree in the country and you got it, it wouldn't start when we wanted to come home, in fact its still out there. When we drove out there I did notice that there was a slight surging in the rpm at an idle. Not constant but about every 10-15 seconds. Any recommendations? Help!!!!
The symptom was similar to a very common problem with Volvo 740's fuel pump relay. So I was thinking it would be some kind of relay issue.
I fixed the problem today. It was PCM power relay. The toughest part was to figure out where the thing was located. Be warned this is different from PCM relay that is in the fuse box. On 3.8L engine, PCM power relay is located below the air filter box. Other models have it between the battery and fender. It is screwed on with four star shaped screws which separate the unit into two things; one side has some gears and coils, the other side has computer circuit. The one with the computer circuit is the PCM power relay. I picked one up at a junk yard for $12. It is around $150 new.
On pre-98 Windstar, it might be called CCRM (Constant Control Relay Module), and it looks different than the newer one. I am not 100% certain they serve the same purpose.
A mechanic at Ford dealer told me a simple way to diagnose this issue. When you turn the ignition to ON position (without turning the starter), "Service Engine Soon" light should illuminate. If that is in fact the case and the car does not start, there is something wrong with the fuel pump.
If "Service Engine Soon" light does not come on, but all other panel lights come on, then PCM is not sending power, and most likely PCM power relay is the problem.
I hope this helps someone having the same issue.
does the fuel safety switch have some wires going into it and about a 1/2 hose connected to it as well. how much does it cost and can i only get it from ford?
I need help. My van was running fine for a 13 year old car up to a week or so ago and then one morning I went out and it wouldn't start. It will turn over but it won't fire. The battery is fairly new. I had the alternator and the starter tested and they passed. I disconnected the fuel line and tested the fuel pump. It works. The fuel line is not blocked. I replaced the fuel filter. The fuel is getting to the injectors. I stuck a screw driver in the end of the spark plug cable and placed it close to the manifold, tried to start the car and there was a spark. I sprayed starter fluid into the air intake and tried to start it with no change. Take the spark plugs out and they are wet with gas. I changed the spark plugs, but it still wouldn't start. Oh the fuel pump and ignition fuses in the under the hood fuse panel are not burnt out.
Can anybody tell me what could make the van work one day and not the next day that I have not tested or replaced, yet? There were no indications of a problem that would have given me a heads up before this happened - no stalling or anything.
Is there a relay that I haven't considered or checked? Could the ignition coil cause this even though I'm getting spark to the spark plugs? Could it be the computer? If so where is the computer?
Fuel pump is little tricky to test because its in the gas tank. Usually, when you turn the key to ON, you can hear the fuel pump turn ON for a few seconds. You have to hang your head outside the van and listen in the direction of the gas tank. You are listening for a noise that only should last for a few seconds. Sounds like an electric motor turning on. Normally if you can hear it, you will have fuel pressure. If you can't hear it, you need a new fuel pump. Which means you have to drop your gas tank to replace it. I did an oldsombile alero in the driveway and it took about 3 hours star to finish.
An engine only needs 3 things to run....oxygen, gas, and spark. You've got spark. You got air. You may not have the gas pressure that you need. Sure hope this helps.
So, I went back to O'reilly's and talked with the counter guy. He came out and put a meter on the alternator and it was only putting out 69 Amps. It should have been 135 Amps. But it immediately went back up to 133 Amps. So, he replaced the alternator and it's now been about 3 weeks without any problems. So, I think the lesson is, the problems one person might be having, will not necessarily prove to be the problems you are experiencing. BUT, I suggest that you look at the electrical system, if your issues are like mine.
Good Luck!!
I have called the dealer and gthey don't know what I'm talking about. Please help.
See, I have been trying to check my fuses to see if one of them is draining my batter, but I can't get them all out (of course, I am very careful to replace them exactly where and how they came out), but it doesn't really matter at this point if my van won't start. The alternator is good, and I think the starter is good, as before we had the battery charged, my husband would jump the van, and it would run just fine, and when the battery charged enough from running, it would turn on just fine until it was drained again.
Any help would be highly appreciated to helping me with finding what I am doing wrong or not doing at all...or doing what shouldn't be done.
Thanks so much for your post a the procedure to change the sensor. I am based in Canada and have a 2003 Windstar with exactly the symptoms described in your post. Please let me know if "Crank Angle Sensor" is same as "Crank Sensor" ? Because when I called the dealer he was only aware of Crank Sensor and not the other.
my name id Manuel and had a problem with my 2003 windstar.
In respons to you question, I'm sorry but on't have any information to share with you. I had to take it to a mechanic and he took care of the problem.