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Hyundai Tiburon Electrical and Lighting Problems

defiant_1950defiant_1950 Member Posts: 1
edited July 2017 in Hyundai
I have a 2003 Tib with under 120000K on it an have just been told the main computer has an electrical short and needs to be replaced. It is causing the left side hazard lights to remain lit after the car is turned off. Has anyone heard of this before and does Hyundai have any secret or hidden warranties for such. This seems awfully early in the cars life for a computer failure doesnt it. Regular checks at dealer, well maintained????


  • joe97joe97 Member Posts: 2,248
    I am not certain about the extent of the issue other than what you described but 120,000K is so late in the car's life :P

    Of course, I think you meant 120,000 (or 120K). Still, it is not early in a car's life. The model year (2003) may be recent but 120,000 is not.

    It does sound like a legit issue and probably does need replacement. However, if you are uncertain, as your post reflects, I'd seek a second opinion from a local mechanic or something.
  • pheonix3pheonix3 Member Posts: 6
    I realize I'm a couple of months late, but If you havn't spanet the money on a new computer yet yours can be fixed pretty easly. It a relay in the BCM thats bad. The relay runs about $4.00. I just did one for one of my customers in November. I have the paperwork here somewere. If you still need it repost and let me know. It takes 2 or 3 days to order the relay and about 2.5 hours to install it.
  • mcilwainmcilwain Member Posts: 1
    we have to unhook the battery after shuting off the engine on our 2003 tiburon in order for the turnsignal to go off - it istay on steady not blimking- i saw where it could possible be a relay in the bcm - where can i get that relay???
  • pheonix3pheonix3 Member Posts: 6
    Here is a direct link to the MOUSER.COM product page,

    http://www.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?Ntt=*NEC*+*EP23N1ST*&N=1323038&Ntx=mode- %2bmatchall&Ns=P_SField&OriginalKeyword=NEC+EP2-3N1ST&Ntk=Mouser_Wildcards

    Her is a link to rapidshare.com free file server, this is a pdf file of the entire repair with pictures.


    if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  • ali74ali74 Member Posts: 1
    I'm having the same problem with my 2003 Tiburon. All the searching I've done online suggests that the whole BCM needs to be replaced, costing around $900. Your post has given me hope! In your opinion, is this a repair that most auto mechanics could successfully do or is it really complicated?
  • pheonix3pheonix3 Member Posts: 6
    It is not a hard repair at all. As to whether a mechanic can do it, it depends. All that is required is someone who is proficient with a soldering iron. Too much heat on the BCM's circuit board will ruin your whole day. Getting the BCM out is easy, if you or your mechanic don't feel secure enough to unsolder the relay and resolder the new one, you can run the BCM to any TV or radio repair shop who would be able to do it while you wait. It takes less than 10 minutes to replace the relay its self. This is really a simple procedure so don't feel apprehensive. By the way this type of procedure can be done for most cars. I started out in 2000 with the fords, they too thought it was a good idea to put the blinker control in the BCM. Good luck and if you need anything further please feel free to post a message.
  • 03tibby03tibby Member Posts: 1
    My car started doing this this morning, with no problems before now with lights. So is it for sure the relay, and if you take it to the dealer to fix it, how much does it cost, or can I take it to my local mechanic? I have spoke to my hyundai dealer and told them that this seems to be a common problem with these cars, and wanted to know if I could get it covered under my warranty even though it just expired. Hopefully they will be nice and cover it for me if this is the problem. Is there any way to just bypass this and not mess with it?
  • mpbrismpbris Member Posts: 1
    Yup, had the same problem, plus a million others. I am definetely not impressed with the 2003's. My son had one as well and ended up with pretty much the identical problem.

    Can anyone tell me how to replace a bulb for the break lights?
  • a000snakea000snake Member Posts: 3
  • a000snakea000snake Member Posts: 3
  • jackie288jackie288 Member Posts: 1
    How do you get the cover off to replace the interior dome lights on a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon?
  • a000snakea000snake Member Posts: 3
    be careful installing the relay in the bcm because i just burned mine up ... using the one that was listed on here ... i didn't look like i should have and it was a mistake ... so now i have to fine a body control module for my 03 tiburon ... it's over a grand at the dealers ... so if you take one out make sure to look at the part number on the relay ... it worked for a few minutes then blew my fuses ... the reason i was taking it out is because to the turn signal staying on ... so be careful
  • rackerleyrackerley Member Posts: 1
    Yes this is the relay. I let my son in law replace all three relays and it works fine. He tested the relays and I actually had two bad ones so he went ahead and replaced all three. The dealership just wants to replace the whole bcm and that is costly.
  • dalyndalyn Member Posts: 1
    I'm about to try this fix. My problem is both my left and right blinkers are frozen. It was just my right for a while, now it's both. I took it in and was told it was the module, and it would be 900 bucks for a new part. What I am wondering, having looked at the PDF file, on the board there are two relays. Is it one per blinker side, or do I just need to replace the one top relay to fix the whole thing? I just ordered one replacement relay. Just need to know if I need to order a second one.
  • pheonix3pheonix3 Member Posts: 6
    order 2 more relays and replace all 3 since you are already in there. one is turn signal,one is emergency signal and the other is brakes or a/c i don't remember off hand.they are all the same relay so do them all. The replacement relay will not be the same part number since the dealer uses in house part numbers. The replacement relay's are actualy higher wattage ratings so they will last forever. go slow to much heat will ruin your day the transistors the factory uses are not as tough as they should be. But, don't get worried it's not that difficult.
  • ratrodmodelaratrodmodela Member Posts: 3
    My wife has a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon and I have this same problem with the left blinker stuck on , which I have read is caused by the BCM. Can anyone tell me where you order the relays from, and what the part number is for them? or Does anyone have a good working BCM out of a 2003 tiburon that they want to sell at a decent price? Thankyou for any help you can give me.
  • matt_04tiburonmatt_04tiburon Member Posts: 1
    Hey pheonix3 Im having the same trouble with my 04 tiburon and was wondering if you know if im suppose to get the relay off the dealer or get it off line because im having a hard time finding one
  • ratrodmodelaratrodmodela Member Posts: 3
    I got mine off line. The company I got mine from made me buy six of them because I had to spend a minimum amount of money to order. Here is another company that sells them,
    The companies name is mouser electronics.
    I dont know if they have a minimum order when I called them back when I needed mine they were on back order so i went with a different company. I hope this helps.

    Here is the site that shows how to repair it also. It worked on my wifes car.
  • adamtomadamtom Member Posts: 1
    hello guys.
    i am adam from America.
    this is my first time to be here.but i need you help.
    I want to buy a new GPS Navigation.There are so many GPS navigationS in this website
    Eeveryone looks good,i don`t know which is better for my car(Hyundai IX35 ). Could you give me some advices.God bless u,thank u.
  • jse_gajse_ga Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2010
    I just bought my 04 tiburon in Jan. The only problems I noticed was the driver's window didn't work right and the next day my speedometer started messing up and I found out my cruise didn't work either. It would just randomly quit working or jump twenty or or thirty +/-. Then I started noticing my mpg started going down just a few less then it had been( reg oil change). The thing that worried me is it started to feel like it was shifting slightly harder then usual. My fiance thought I was just being over whatever about my car. Then I got pulled over cause a cop said my brake lights weren't working only the middle one on the hatch. I told him that they worked when we checked them and then went straight home and checked and they worked. A few days later my fiance noticed the same thing but it wasn't that they didn't work just way too dim to see in the day time. Now I notice that my headlights dim when it shifts and that the dash lights don't work right. The dim switch doesn't work and they come on dimmest and randomly turn to brightest at their convenience while driving and stay that way. I think it's electrical and he wants to replace the whole lamp housing and everything without getting it checked. Is their any way I can check simple stuff before taking it to be seen about? We do most simple repairs and up keeps at home to save money. Both my dad and step dad are mechanics but don't have much experience with hyundai and can't come check it out without taking a day off.
  • pheonix3pheonix3 Member Posts: 6
    Start by removing the battery cables and cleaning them and the battery post. If the cables have after market end on them replace them.Make sure the battery is full of fluids in all cells. Then put the cables back on the battery. Then get a voltage meter and check the dc voltage at the battery with the engine running(should be between 13.4 volts and 15 volts). Then switch the voltage meter to ac volts and check again with the engine running, if there is 50 or more ac volts showing you probably have a bad alternator. If after doing all this you still have the problems then temporarily connect a large gauge wire from a metal part of the engine (keep it away from moving parts) and connect the other end to the body somewhere that will make a good connection. Drive it for awhile to see if that helped. It sounds like a voltage fluctuation or a corroded ground wire. If these don't work then start looking at the BCM computer (but it doesn't sound like it). Good luck
  • jse_gajse_ga Member Posts: 2
    I took it to the shop to get them to look at it because the cables were fine and I don't have a voltmeter. When I checked the cables I found out my battery wasn't fastened down right so I got them to fix that too. They said that my alternator belt was loose and I had metal shavings on my speed sensor. How would metal shavings get on a speed sensor and how come when I looked under the hood I found a crack in my radiator they didn't even see when they checked everything out and topped my fluids off??
  • cortnicortni Member Posts: 1
    How do you replace the blower motor switch on a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon? My blower works on speeds one and two, but will not work on speeds three and four. I was told it was the resistor, but that was replaced and did not fix the problem. I was then told it was the switch. I'm going to do it myself to save some money, just have no idea how to replace it.
  • relsekrelsek Member Posts: 1
    I had a similar problem (mine worked on 3 and 4 but not 1 and 2) and did lots of research. Ended up learning that something in the electronics of the blower switch can cause the casing to melt a little so the clips don't work well or at all. This mean the potentiometer gets a bad connection, hence only working on a couple of the settings. You can do a temporary diy fix by glueing the back end to the cylinder, but that'll eventually fail and you'll need to just replace the whole thing. look for diy guides on newtiburon.com. I know there's one in there someone cause that's what I used to fix mine. Good luck!
  • musekenmuseken Member Posts: 2
    You can get the part at http://www.mouser.com/search/Refine....1ST+&N=1323038. That's were were you can order the relay from(sorry I don't have the order number off hand). I'm going to tell you prepare for a days work. You have to pull off the whole BCM, front panel and be a mental wizard to unplug a lot of the connections. Once you get it off You need an Temperature adjustable pen solderer (I used a HAKO Fx-888 soldering station), a solder sucker or copper flux solder absorber. You need lots of heat to melt this. I've worked on circuit boards before being an electronics technician in advance engineering and this stuff is tough to melt. You have to be careful when you remove it! DON'T! drop any solder on that circuit board or kiss the whole thing good bye(RIP). When you solder it make sure it beads and use a magnifying glass to make sure there are no cracks. The bead should look like a smooth silver mirror Hershey kiss. If the bead appears ruff, sullen, and not shiny you need to do it over. When done plug the cables in the best you can into the BCM without putting on the covers on let it hang there. Turn on the car and hope the blinker problem is gone. If you see smoke... or a poof ..You messed up big time. If it works put all the things back together. You just saved about $900.00 bucks. That's the good news. The bad news is the Tiburon 2003 gt has a massive electronic problem. I've changed both window motors and 1 regulator. I still have a problem with the door locks and the windows after I changed them. You may read on other sites to hit the door if the windows don't work then it's the motor. Well make sure you hit it by the speaker. If you hit it by the controls you will shatter the plastic inside the housing and non of your switches will work. I believe now , There has to be a universal chip that controls the voltages going to and from the doors, Windows, and sun roof. You need to have a schematic of this car which every electronics person needs to operate. A surgeon needs a map of the human body. If I had this map I could figure out the problem part causing the aggravation for so many people. I love my Tiburon and will never get rid of it. If your like me you want to fix it. So good luck. Hope this helps all Tiburon users.
  • shcrcshcrc Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2003 Tiburon. The tach is flipped all the way around, and the rest of the gauges flip back and fourth. When I take off all the gauges take and like shut off, like a loss of voltage.

    I have checked for a bad ground or frayed wires, also checked to see if the clutch pedal is rubbing anything.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  • djcusmc07djcusmc07 Member Posts: 1
    My battery had to be replaced the other day and now my radio, ac/heat, and cab lights don't work.I checked the fuses and the relays and they're good except for the 10A fuse for the radio under the dash. That one keeps blowing whenever I start the car. The power locks work, but only when the car is on; they don't work if the car isn't running. I'm trying to see if this is something I can maybe fix on my own or with the help of a friend, or if I need to take it to the dealer to fix. I don't have much experience with electrical work, but I have a brother who's a mechanic in the Marines to help me out. He thinks the body wiring harness is screwed, but I have no idea what that means other than sounding expensive. I appreciate any help on this matter.
  • musekenmuseken Member Posts: 2
    These cars have a massive problem with what I believe is the BCM(body, motor control). It happened to my 2003 GT and I am debating whether to by a new car or replace the BCM. The affects are Blinkers staying on(I Changed the relay in mine) auto doors not working, windows not working, (DON"T REPLACE THE WINDOW MOTOR THAT"S NOT THE PROBLEM), Radio sometimes turning on by its self or shutting off, alarm not working and key ring not allowing entry into vehicle.
    The problem is 2 fold, the chip starts to go bad and the wiring used in the 2003 Tiburons may not be up to code on the cars if there is one.
    Additional power sources can short the BCM. Once the BCM starts to short other components including the radio, GT, may start to go. You need to do something before this happens.
    Basically what I believe happens the BCM Chip(non fixable) get leakage and breaks down over time. This changes the current coming from the chip which results in the electrical failures the car is now facing.
    The thing that gets me fired up is the car has fuses that don't blow. When a short happens its suppose to blow a fuse. This does not happen from what I read from other post. Probably because the short is internal(can't get to the fuse). The other thing is removing the BCM is a project by itself. It took me half a day pulling it out and putting it back in just to replace the relay. A mechanic is going to charge you $800 in labor to do it.
    So let me say before I give you my opinion I love the 2003 Tiburon had lots of fun with it when it worked.
    Heres your choices 1 replace the BCM and wires that were damaged. A mechanic is going to charge about $1500 bucks. You could do it by buying the unit for $600 and installing it yourself. There's guides on the net how to remove it and Hope to heaven the other electronic components are not damaged. 2. Buy a new car 3. Find the voltages the failing components are running on if they all are 12 volts run a wire to the inputs from the battery with a switch in between and attach them to the dash or door. Good Luck. If I replace my BCM will update.
  • agentml99agentml99 Member Posts: 1
    I am having similar problems as to those mentioned and more. I have a 2007 and I have only had it for about 6 mos. it has a little over 60,000 miles on it. (of course this makes me past the warranty by about 1,000 mi./a few months) A few months ago my stereo started to turn off and on for no apparent reason. You would think if there was a short it would happen when you hit a bump or such. NOT!!! Then it started to do it when I would turn on a signal, or step on the brake, etc. Now understand it doesn't always happen. Sometimes it will go days without episode and then just start up again. It seems like the minute I tell someone about it and they get in my car of course I look like I am imagining it because it runs fine. Now recently it is affecting other things like I will be driving down the freeway when all of the sudden its like I lose power for a split second...all the dials on the gauges will drop and the car will jerk and then it is back to normal. The last few times I have put gas in it doesn't register until I drive it for a while and it now feels like it is hesitating...almost as if the e-brake is on. (but it is not) and at times it feels like the RPM's are running too high. So my question is could this be due to the BCM as well?
  • maegennicolemaegennicole Member Posts: 1
    I am having the same exact problem but, my car kills itself once turned off and then I have to keep trying and trying until it finally turns on, also whatever this electrical problem is, its killing the battery, autozone now hates me for all the free batteries I keep getting since my car kills it within a few weeks

    Have ypu figured out the issue!? I'm like so ready to throw in the towel and get a new car. I love my 2008 tiburon but this BS is getting ridiculous!!!!!!
  • jen718jen718 Member Posts: 1
    I just recently got a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon. I am noticing a lot of people are commenting about how their blinkers stay on or freeze; my problem though is that my blinkers and caution lights will not come on at all. there is no indication of them coming on on my dash as well as no actual lights on the outside. Do you think i just need to replace the relay like everyone else or is there a different problem? The last owner thinks it needs a new fuse but I assume those are more expensive and would hate to buy it if its not needed. Also, I noticed a "Ticking" sound when i turn my car on, we looked under the hood and noticed there was something sparking on the left side under the engine, any ideas?
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    If there's sparking under the hood, it sounds like you have some kind of short and that could definitely be associated with your lighting problem. Once you track that down and get it taken care of, you may find that will cure all your ills.

    If you do need to change a fuse, that will be cheaper than a relay. Fuses are on the the order of $5, relays will be in the range of $10 - $20.

    But first, find out what's sparking under the hood. It might be as simple as a wire that has rubbed raw and is now shorting to ground.
    jen718 said:

    I just recently got a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon. I am noticing a lot of people are commenting about how their blinkers stay on or freeze; my problem though is that my blinkers and caution lights will not come on at all. there is no indication of them coming on on my dash as well as no actual lights on the outside. Do you think i just need to replace the relay like everyone else or is there a different problem? The last owner thinks it needs a new fuse but I assume those are more expensive and would hate to buy it if its not needed. Also, I noticed a "Ticking" sound when i turn my car on, we looked under the hood and noticed there was something sparking on the left side under the engine, any ideas?

  • shark03shark03 Member Posts: 1
    I have the same problem with my 2003 Tiburon the hazard lights stay flashing. I took your advice and ordered 3 relays from mouser electronics. Had the TV repairman replace them for me. The car cranks over and wont start now and the hazard lights are still flashing. The car ran fine before i replaced the relays. Need help ASAP thanks. 
  • spuzz001spuzz001 Member Posts: 3
    My lights on the passager side stopped working bulbs n fuses r good any idea
  • spuzz001spuzz001 Member Posts: 3
    O yeah n the speedometer dash lights don't work
  • spuzz001spuzz001 Member Posts: 3
    2006 tiburon
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