Has any Ford sync owners had problems with the Ipod and sync usb? The problem i have is sync recoginizes the ipod then disconects the usb for some reason. When i try to re conect it look for Bt devices only.
I have disconnected bt and tried factory reset still has problem.
My daughter is looking to get a 2008 Focus SES to include Sync and other things. It's my understanding that 'upgrades' to Sync (such as the 911 function) will be available for older Sync systems, basically like a software upgrade (correct?). But what about Sirius? That's not an option she was considering before, but I do like the upcoming 'Travel' capabilities. Does anyone know if that will be a 'software upgrade' available to Sirius options purchased now, or more of a hard-wired component? Thanks!
Software upgrades to Sync can be downloaded from the syncmyride.com website to a usb flash drive, then inserted into the sync usb port and the software will upgrade itself. They've already provided one update for French users. I thought the travel upgrades were linked into the Nav system, but I'm not 100% sure. I think if you have Sync, Sirius and Navigation then you should be able to get the Travel features via upgrade later but again I'm not 100% sure.
You should absolutely order Sirius. I sold 111 new Ford Lincoln Mercurys and they all had Sirus on them with the possible except of a random factory order Truck.
If you decide you don't lke Sirius just let the subscription run out after 6 months. You'll still make up the $195 in resale value.
Incidently if you do let the Sirius run out, you'll be the first one I've heard of to do that.
If you want to go and ad the receiver after the fact, it will cost around $500!
A reporter seeks to interview buyers of models equipped with Ford Sync. Please respond to jfallon@edmunds.com no later than Friday, February 1 with your daytime contact information and a sentence or two about why you purchased Sync.
Well, as it turns out, we couldn't get Sirius with the other options she wanted on a car that we could 'take delivery by 1/31' for a rebate incentive. Figure it's easier down the road to install the Sirius rather than Ambient Lighting :-)
I had this problem as well the other day... I got around it by resetting the iPod by holding down the menu and center buttons until the apple logo appears, then re-connect the iPod. Hope that helps.
Yes my fusion is in for this same reason and they have no idea what is causing the issues.. The tech line is baffled. The usb worked for about 4 days after I bought it then stopped working all together. Stop charging, nothing is coming through
That's an incredibly stupid article. That's like saying Microsoft Office should only cost $1 because that's all it cost to burn the CD-ROM. They're totally ignoring software development and testing costs.
They only way it is making them significant money is if people buy the cars to get SYNC that wouldn't have bought the cars otherwise. SYNC is attractive, but I don't see any vehicle I'm ready to buy.
The Edge is a too much of a gas guzzler and too pricey for me, the Taurus and Sable are sad, poorly-styled vehicles (Ford admits this and plans a total restyle of the Taurus within a year or two since the current tepid styling update from Five Hundred to Taurus was inadequate), the Fusion needs stability control to be competitive with even a Chevy Malibu and the Focus is a very old design hidden under a restyled body and interior and still has no stability control. No one really wants a Focus except for price, so the resale when used will be atrocious. Nothing relevant to me.
SYNC still needs some tweaking to make it more elegant and seamless. The nav systems needs to be fully integrated with SYNC and not use a separate voice control system like they do now. Maybe they will take care of this when the next generation of factory nav comes out.
"Yes my fusion is in for this same reason and they have no idea what is causing the issues.. The tech line is baffled. The usb worked for about 4 days after I bought it then stopped working all together. Stop charging, nothing is coming through "
Hey there behrman, have you found a solution to your problem yet? I have the 2008 Ford Focus with sync and the last time I plugged in my mp3 player via the usb port it knocked out my voice commands. I did a factory reset and got it all back up and running again, only to add a sd card for more tunes and once again BAM out goes my voice commands. This time I did a factory reset with no luck and then a master reset with still no luck. I can still play the mp3 player thru the usb as long as I manually set it up using the dashboard controls, my bluetooth phone will also sync up being able to use the player it has on it and still talk on the phone through the radio but only if I set everything manually. I cannot access the actual voice commands off the steering wheel nor use the phone feature (little phone button) from there either. I called Ford customer service since I cannot get to the dealership til next wednesday, they tell me that they have had this happen at another dealership and turns out it was in the button, myself I am thinking something screwy is happenenin with the USB hookups being as that is where my trouble seems to be stemming from. :confuse:
Good luck to ya, hope you found some help. If I figure it out or find out from the delaership, I will pop back in and leave it on here.
Whelp I solved my problem. I decided to have a look at my fuses, removed the panel beneath the steering wheel and removed the fuse for my sync. I looked it over and saw that it did not look like it had blown but decided to check in the house for a new one anyway (thought I had a box of fives somewhere) turned out I could not find them, so back to the car I went and since the fuse did not look burnt I placed it back in and then checked all the rest finding that most were not fully seated in. I pushed all of them in secure, did a master reset on my sync controls and then fired it all back up again. Badda bing badda bang I have the lady in the dash back and all is well in my world.
LG Rumor phone does not work with Sync. Just talked to tech support and they confirmed it. I thought Bluetooth technology was standardized and everything is supposed to integrated seamlessly. So much for that. :sick:
The Bluetooth interface IS standardized, and Sync supports it fully. The problem is that each phone mfr and service provider implements their own version of the standard and in a lot of cases they only support a subset of the features or a lower version or they just have bugs.
If you notice the fix for all of these incompatibility issues is to upgrade the phone's firmware.
Bluetooth headsets are very rudimentary. When you get into downloading phone books and text messages and streaming audio it gets much more complicated.
Can you provide some details regarding how you were able to download contacts for a customer that had a new Treo. I have a Treo 700 series w/Palm OS and having been able to download my contacts list. The only thing that appears to download are numbers in the shortcuts (Voicemail #) and my call log list. thanks for your help. Paul
you need to access the phone menu by pressing the phone button, then use the left and right buttons on the steering wheel to get to phone settings then press the ok button then use left and right to get to auto download then press ok then press ok to select Y.
If you get a response that "auto download is not supported" then you need to see if you can get a software upgrade from your carrier. As a last resort, you can push contacts from the phone. This is also one of the selections in the phone settings menu.
I just bought a 2008 Ltd. FWD. It has everything on it, except the Sirius radio (although it has the nav/audiophile stereo). Can I add Sirius or XM, after the fact? I have XM on my other cars, so I'd prefer to go that route, if possible.
I have what I think is a glitch with my Edge's nav system. When I want to enter a destination by street address, the right half of the two columns on the Destination | Standard page is gray and I can't do it. Occasionally, it will either illuminate the four choices or when I switch to the Standard page, it will be usable, but not as a rule.
This situation makes me have to use the Sync system to enter a destination, and since the unit can't understand my (or my wife's accent) half the time, by the time I get the destination entered, I'm there.
I have used a bunch of other GPS units, vehicle and marine, and have never had any trouble figuring them out without the manual; I can't figure this one out with it.
Can anyone tell me how my 2010 Fusion Sync system needs to be set up to read text messages? I read in the owners manual something about the text message must come into your phone via bluetooth?
First go to the Syncmyride website and see if your phone is compatable with Sync to do text. As I recall, very few were capable. Maybe it's changed. I'm too old school, mine can't do it, so I'm sorry I can't help you from there.
I've done everything I could, created many background image under the required resolution size of 800 x 378, all files are only about 200k or less. Every time I try to upload the image in MyTouchFord, it gives me an error message: Import Fault, make sure your file is correctly formatted...
Could someone PLEASE Help?! I tried my files as jpg, and png...
The nav. sysytem is the worst I've experienced in owning 5 cars with OEM navigation.
Try replicating the TV commercial where the young lady says "Shoe Store". Or try "restaurants" & see how many times you have to read the screen. And wonder why that command assumes that I want to set a restaurant as a destination. I've already chosen a destination, I merely want to see my options for restaurants.
Climate Control: I've given up on voice commands due to poor voice recognition, the levels of commands, my inability to remember the precise command wording, and the painfully slow execution. For example, when I request temperature change, the lady says "72 degrees, is that right?" I then must respond with "Yes" (If she was correct). She then says "Setting temperature to 72 degrees". I'd much prefer "72, right?"
I prefer manual controls, but those on my 2011 Edge Limited are so poorly laid out that I'm can't believe that an engineer or serious driver had a say in the design. This is one of the best (worst?) examples of form beating function into submission. I think it's visually attractive and has great showroom appeal, but is so poorly done as to be a safety hazard. Examples: 1) Non-intuitive spacing and locations of of "buttons". 2) Indicator lights that require study in order to interpret what has been selected. 3) No tactile feedback, requiring eyes-off-the-road selections. 4) Shift lever location prevents direct access to some buttons.
Also: I don't understand why, when I have "Climate" selected on the right 4.2" screen, and I issue a Climate voice command, the system requires me to say "Climate" before it will recognize my request.
The system misses my needs by such a wide margin that I rate my Edge as a "2" on a 10 point scale, while the vehicle is otherwise a "9". The reason is that the system's deficiencies are inescapeable ... they're in my face every time I drive the vehicle. For the first time since my retirement from Ford, I'm ready to jump ship. Hyundai & Mazda are looking mighty good. But I'm waiting to see what the Vertrek has to offer. If it includes anything like this, I'm gone.
If you focused on telematics (Sync, OnStar, etc) or ignored it completely in your 2011 car-shopping experience, email pr@edmunds.com by Monday, October 17, 2011 and include your daytime contact information.
MODERATOR /ADMINISTRATOR Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name. 2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h) Review your vehicle
For all Ford owners such as myself who have been frustrated by countless issues related to MyTouch Sync, Ford claims that they will be sending out another software update that will address all of the current software glitches. Not sure about others but I have had the MyTouch software updated at least a half dozen times in the first year of owning my Edge and have not had any real improvements with reliability. In trying to work with a rep from Ford, I was told the MyTouch system was a luxury that when it was not working it did not prevent me from getting from Point A to Point B so they were not interested in any type of resolution. So I guess the message from Ford is, " as long as your Ford gets you from Point A to Point B, nothing else matters."
They're calling it an "update" but it's really a rewrite. The original developers screwed up so Ford brought in Microsoft to help with the rewrite. They're also performing beta testing as we type with employees. Current owners will get the update on a usb flash drive in the mail when it's ready later this month or early February. They know they screwed up and I don't believe they'll let that happen again. Also - it wasn't a case of poor testing - they knew it was flawed - but it was required for the new Edge and Explorer so they would have had to delay the new models indefinitely and that just wasn't a good option either, so they gambled they could get it stabilized within a month or two. Unfortunately it was way more difficult and they ended up rewriting it.
I have a 2011 Limited Edge, since the update 5-2012 it's worse than before. When leaving a parking garage it says I'm on a different road than I am on. So the Nav system is worthless. I had to pull into a parking lot and turn the car off and wait 1/2 a minute and restart the car for the nav. to work some what, but it hasn't worked right since the parking garage.
Bought a 2012 Edge May 18, 2012, which has 4k miles on it now. Two months ago the my touch screen blanked out and rebooted itself. A few days thereafeter, the same anomaly occurred, but has not occurred since. Also, the doppler radar will not display on the weather map. It went out in June and a master reset from Sirius seemed to fix it. It went out again 6 weeks ago and I gave up until today. Today's master reset from Sirius did not fix it and the tech said to take it to the dealer and have a new satellite module installed. Car has never been to the dealer yet. After reading the forums, I'm gun shy to take it to the dealer, for fear they'll really screw it up. Everyting else is curently working fine. I would assume the dealer loaded the latest My Touch S/W build before I bought it, but maybe not, since my unit crashed like others were doing in Jan 2012, that the S/W change was released to fix the issue. Any suggestions? Leave it alone or let them try & fix it? I'm probably not going to continue with Sirius when the plan expires anyway.
"Ford is extending the warranty and offering another upgrade that enhances the voice-recognition and navigation technology on its much-criticized MyFord Touch infotainment system, Mark Fields, soon to be the automaker's chief operating officer, told reporters Wednesday at the Los Angeles Auto Show.
The warranty on the MyFord Touch system will now last for five years, up from three years. MyLincoln Touch will carry a six-year warranty, said Ford spokesman Alan Hall."
On the SEL, the Voice Activated Nav looks to be a $795 option and it doesn't look like a dealer in my area sells a SEL w/o this option.
Reading the details about this option leads me to believe it works best with the Sirius' service which is only free for the first three months and then requires a subscription.
If I choose to not continue the Sirius, from what I gather reading the details, this becomes a very expensive and relatively useless option.
Am I missing something or is it fair to say that is the case?
Not correct. The $795 nav option is just like traditional navigation - totally self contained with a sd map data card. Operation is not affected by Sirius or Sirius services. You may get a few extra features with Sirius but all the normal Nav features still work without it.
Has any Ford sync owners had problems with the Ipod and sync usb?
The problem i have is sync recoginizes the ipod then disconects the usb for some reason. When i try to re conect it look for Bt devices only.
I have disconnected bt and tried factory reset still has problem.
It's been great reading the posts here
If you decide you don't lke Sirius just let the subscription run out after 6 months. You'll still make up the $195 in resale value.
Incidently if you do let the Sirius run out, you'll be the first one I've heard of to do that.
If you want to go and ad the receiver after the fact, it will cost around $500!
That should make it even more interesting.
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
Now starts the fun of 'training' with Sync!
Also, I was able pair and download contacts for a customer that had a new Treo. Previously Treos wouldn't even pair.
SYNC is attractive, but I don't see any vehicle I'm ready to buy.
The Edge is a too much of a gas guzzler and too pricey for me, the Taurus and Sable are sad, poorly-styled vehicles (Ford admits this and plans a total restyle of the Taurus within a year or two since the current tepid styling update from Five Hundred to Taurus was inadequate), the Fusion needs stability control to be competitive with even a Chevy Malibu and the Focus is a very old design hidden under a restyled body and interior and still has no stability control.
No one really wants a Focus except for price, so the resale when used will be atrocious.
Nothing relevant to me.
SYNC still needs some tweaking to make it more elegant and seamless. The nav systems needs to be fully integrated with SYNC and not use a separate voice control system like they do now.
Maybe they will take care of this when the next generation of factory nav comes out.
Hey there behrman, have you found a solution to your problem yet? I have the 2008 Ford Focus with sync and the last time I plugged in my mp3 player via the usb port it knocked out my voice commands. I did a factory reset and got it all back up and running again, only to add a sd card for more tunes and once again BAM out goes my voice commands. This time I did a factory reset with no luck and then a master reset with still no luck. I can still play the mp3 player thru the usb as long as I manually set it up using the dashboard controls, my bluetooth phone will also sync up being able to use the player it has on it and still talk on the phone through the radio but only if I set everything manually. I cannot access the actual voice commands off the steering wheel nor use the phone feature (little phone button) from there either.
I called Ford customer service since I cannot get to the dealership til next wednesday, they tell me that they have had this happen at another dealership and turns out it was in the button, myself I am thinking something screwy is happenenin with the USB hookups being as that is where my trouble seems to be stemming from. :confuse:
Good luck to ya, hope you found some help. If I figure it out or find out from the delaership, I will pop back in and leave it on here.
Have a good day all.
If you notice the fix for all of these incompatibility issues is to upgrade the phone's firmware.
Bluetooth headsets are very rudimentary. When you get into downloading phone books and text messages and streaming audio it gets much more complicated.
thanks for your help.
If you get a response that "auto download is not supported" then you need to see if you can get a software upgrade from your carrier. As a last resort, you can push contacts from the phone. This is also one of the selections in the phone settings menu.
This situation makes me have to use the Sync system to enter a destination, and since the unit can't understand my (or my wife's accent) half the time, by the time I get the destination entered, I'm there.
I have used a bunch of other GPS units, vehicle and marine, and have never had any trouble figuring them out without the manual; I can't figure this one out with it.
Any ideas??
It's still a poorly executed system design and interface.
The Nav. system is by far the worst I've experienced in the five cars I've owned with OEM Nav.
Could someone PLEASE Help?! I tried my files as jpg, and png...
"I'm in complete agreement with Lakerunner.
The nav. sysytem is the worst I've experienced in owning 5 cars with OEM navigation.
Try replicating the TV commercial where the young lady says "Shoe Store". Or try "restaurants" & see how many times you have to read the screen. And wonder why that command assumes that I want to set a restaurant as a destination. I've already chosen a destination, I merely want to see my options for restaurants.
Climate Control: I've given up on voice commands due to poor voice recognition, the levels of commands, my inability to remember the precise command wording, and the painfully slow execution. For example, when I request temperature change, the lady says "72 degrees, is that right?" I then must respond with "Yes" (If she was correct). She then says "Setting temperature to 72 degrees". I'd much prefer "72, right?"
I prefer manual controls, but those on my 2011 Edge Limited are so poorly laid out that I'm can't believe that an engineer or serious driver had a say in the design. This is one of the best (worst?) examples of form beating function into submission. I think it's visually attractive and has great showroom appeal, but is so poorly done as to be a safety hazard. Examples: 1) Non-intuitive spacing and locations of of "buttons". 2) Indicator lights that require study in order to interpret what has been selected. 3) No tactile feedback, requiring eyes-off-the-road selections. 4) Shift lever location prevents direct access to some buttons.
Also: I don't understand why, when I have "Climate" selected on the right 4.2" screen, and I issue a Climate voice command, the system requires me to say "Climate" before it will recognize my request.
The system misses my needs by such a wide margin that I rate my Edge as a "2" on a 10 point scale, while the vehicle is otherwise a "9". The reason is that the system's deficiencies are inescapeable ... they're in my face every time I drive the vehicle. For the first time since my retirement from Ford, I'm ready to jump ship. Hyundai & Mazda are looking mighty good. But I'm waiting to see what the Vertrek has to offer. If it includes anything like this, I'm gone.
Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
Review your vehicle
So I guess the message from Ford is, " as long as your Ford gets you from Point A to Point B, nothing else matters."
The warranty on the MyFord Touch system will now last for five years, up from three years. MyLincoln Touch will carry a six-year warranty, said Ford spokesman Alan Hall."
Ford to extend warranty, update software for MyFord Touch (Detroit Free Press)
Reading the details about this option leads me to believe it works best with the Sirius' service which is only free for the first three months and then requires a subscription.
If I choose to not continue the Sirius, from what I gather reading the details, this becomes a very expensive and relatively useless option.
Am I missing something or is it fair to say that is the case?