Hyundai Entourage Battery Drain

jimhubjimhub Member Posts: 2
I purchased a new 2007 Entourage in September 07. It has left
me stranded with a dead battery 5 times. The dealership and
another shop say my battery is good. I turned off the electric
doors, and the interior lights. My latest test seems to indicate
that if I leave the rear hatch open (all lights off) it drains the
battery in less than an hour.
Is anyone else having similar problems or found a solution?


  • lavrishevolavrishevo Member Posts: 312
    This may seem weird but there was a TSB on the ignition swich not being fully installed correctly causing some vans to drain the battery. Don't know how it would but you might want to ask.
  • coolrunercoolruner Member Posts: 1
    I am having the same problem with my 2007 Entourage. The dealership has replaced the battery 3 times now and they keep saying that they can not find anything wrong with the electrical system.
    It is getting very annoying....has anyone found a dealership or mechanic that can fix this???
  • blue17blue17 Member Posts: 5
    I had the same issue this winter. They replaced the battery and it has been working since. Although I have the feeling this problem will return next winter. I did find out that there is a TSB on the junction box/ fuse assembly. I would have the dealer address this TSB and see if that resolves the problem. I will most likely have to the same come the winter months. Good luck and let me know if this resolves your problem.
  • redshoe9redshoe9 Member Posts: 16
    My van has done this as well multiple both hot and cold weather. I've taken it to the shop so many times. They claim my van doesn't have the tsb issue. It's driving me nuts. I'm almost ready to chunk this thing even though I love almost everything else about the van.
  • redshoe9redshoe9 Member Posts: 16
    Well once again my car is dead. I drove it on Sunday and it seemed fine-- although I did notice last week that it seemed to struggle to start after being parked for two days. Now it's been parked for less than 72 hours and it won't turn over at all. Nothing-not even interior lights come on.

    I'm taking it in again tomorrow for the 4th time. I've told them there is a parasitic drain on this darn thing and they need to have it fixed. I love the van but I can't have a car that I cannot rely on, especially having a small child and another on the way.

    I'm frustrated that the service people at my local dealership seem to be unaware of all the tsb's out on this thing.

    Has anyone had any sort of resolution to this problem?
  • redshoe9redshoe9 Member Posts: 16
    Just call a call from hyundai servcie dept- they say battery is good- parasitic drain test can't find anything--they are going to keep the van overnight and do more diagnostics tomorrow--??? I'm about ready to pull my hair out over this stupid van.

    I should of towed it in dead instead of jumping it and driving it in.
  • lavrishevolavrishevo Member Posts: 312
    There was a TSB on the some early production Sedona's that mentioned a door lock improperly installed which could cause a slow drain. Might be worth mentioning.
  • redshoe9redshoe9 Member Posts: 16
    Yep--the dealership just called. Said they couldn't get the car started on Saturday--after swearing they couldn't replicate the dead battery issue. Sure enough-it was the door lock issue. Thank god that mystery is solved--I hope. Time will tell.

    They are also investigating the strut/creaking noise issue that occurs whenever you are not driving on a flat surface. They are going to keep working on the car and hopefully that will also be resolved soon. :sick:
  • cfranzincfranzin Member Posts: 14
    Hi there. I am new to this forum, but I think I've found a place for answers! I see others have had the same problem as mine, but I wonder if it will continue.

    We have a 2007 entourage..bought may 2006..currently 13900 miles. On Jan22, wouldn't start at the mall. Called Roadside assistance to jump start battery. THEN....Feb. 1st..wouldn't start at home. Called Roadside assistance to come have the battery started again. Drove it to my hyundai dealer (I go to Brad Benson in NJ) and they changed battery...the IPM (as per the TSB) and the junction box (is that the same thing as the IPM? I am car illiterate). Then..the other day..on June 25th...DIDN"T START!!! This time Roadside assistance charged me 59 dollars because apparently only 2 free services a year! I can't find that written anywhere. So..back to the dealer..very upset...because the other thing is ... the sliding doors on one side creak and cringe when trying to engage like they are misaligned. They couldn't find anything wrong with the battery but I was mad..I have two young kids and planning a trip to Toronto (an 8 hour drive) in 10 days. SO...they are willing to look at it thoroughly next week and give me a loaner.

    What should I get them to check? THe mechanic that jump started the vehicle the third time insisted that the battery wasn't looked like the manufacturer's battery. I don't want to think the dealer "lied" on the service forms. I never asked to see the old parts.

    I don't know if it is the same problem again..or if there is some kind of parasitic drain on the battery that perhaps is caused by my door problems (which is on and off since the time we got our van). I've read of a parasitic drain problem from someone else on here and in regards to the Sedona as well.

    I want to make sure they get to the bottom of this..and I might request my 59 dollars from the dealer as well.

    Has anyone had similar problems? THAT IS....the passenger door problem AND the battery not starting EVEN after changing the IPM ?

  • lavrishevolavrishevo Member Posts: 312
    Might be the same issue as the post above yours. Some vans have a door lock improperly installed that cause a slow drain. You could ask your dealer to examine this for you.

    You know this may sound a bit nutty but if worse comes to worse and you need to take your trip before they can figure it out bring a little socket with you, I believe 10mm but check, and if you need to park the car for a long while pop the hood and disconnect the negative. This will reset your radio stations but at least you can stop the parasitic drain until they figure it out. Hope this helps
  • cfranzincfranzin Member Posts: 14
    Well....we had the van thoroughly checked and it appears that there was also a TSB on the junction box under the that was replaced. This is separate from the TSB on the IPM (which we changed in February). As for the sliding door appears to be a common problem now with the 2007 Entourage and they suspect a recall soon to replace some part. They were awesome with us, and even gave us 2 free oil changes for paying the 59 dollars we had to give roadside assistance for starting our battery the THIRD time.

    The mechanic is waiting for Hyundai for the go ahead to fix what he thinks is the problem with the sliding doors often seen.
  • redshoe9redshoe9 Member Posts: 16
    Ok, well the last time we tuned it, the dealership thought they had "solved" the issue of the parasitic drain on the battery--they said it was the power button for the seats being left "pushed in "....this button is on the roof of the car near the rear view mirror. Wierd eh? Well on Saturday I went to a appointment and an hour later returned to a dead car. Only this time the battery was fully charged. Had it towed (which Hyundai wouldn't not cover because you are only allowed 2 tows a year despite their "best warranty" ....

    Dealership called and said it was the ICM junction box fuse. So now it's back on the road and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the answer this time. As much as I love the interior of the van and the features, this will be the last Hyundai that I ever buy. I just can't have a car that is not dependable especially when I have small children that I tote around.

    America's best warranty is needed for sure with this vehicle, too bad you can't have it towed more than twice with roadside assistance even when it's their vehicles problem again and again. :mad:
  • cfranzincfranzin Member Posts: 14
    Hopefully that is the last thing you will have to get changed. You can see from my post before yours that I got that changed too, after the TSB on the IPM module. So far so good for us, despite the sliding doors issue. LOL.

    I almost blew a gasket when Roadside Assistance told me they would only pay 2 tows in one year. I brought that up with my dealer and they too were they gave us a free oil change for our next visit.

    I like my dealer and I am trying not to blame them specifically for my issues.
  • redshoe9redshoe9 Member Posts: 16
    well, van was dead on Tuesday and on Thursday. My husband is sick of having to jump start it and the fact that the dealership can't find the issue so we are trading it in and going with a toyota or honda. It's too bad because I loved the van but I just can't deal with the headache anymore.
  • cfranzincfranzin Member Posts: 14
    You are kidding me? How many things have you had changed? I have to go back to your posts. I worry about this happening again to me. Anyone out there been smooth sailing since the TSB and/or junction box fix? I've had BOTH done...since our battery drain occured TWICE.
  • stushstush Member Posts: 62
    It has been about 15 months since our junction box has been replaced. No problem since. Also, we have not had any of the battery drain problems. Had van since 6/06 and 34,000 miles later.
  • cfranzincfranzin Member Posts: 14
    Thanks for posting! I just want hope that not all of our vans are doomed to more than 1 or 2 incidences of "battery drains". I really hope ours is fixed FOR GOOD. My husband is out of town...and I dread to think of being stranded somewhere, you know?
  • sam1011sam1011 Member Posts: 3
    I am going through much the same problem with 6 battery jumps one replaced battery and the claim of "I can't duplicate the problem" with sliding doors opening going down the road and not opening and opening while sitting at night and constant trips to service and a slew of replacement parts including, horn - windshield motor - A.C. parts - motor mounts -electric modules and on and one
  • robfromdcrobfromdc Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2012
    Just went through this on my 2008 model. It turns out the cause is my broken CD player. The drive for the multi-disk changer went bad causing the cd player to go into a diagnostic mode. The screen says "CD checking" when I try to select the player. Apparently, it never stops checking, even then the van is turned off. Unfortunately, I can no longer get the audio signal from the DVD player through the stereo either.

    When I pulled the fuse for the audio system, my battery stopped draining. MPG went back up too. I'm now researching a replacement . . .
  • robfromdcrobfromdc Member Posts: 2
    I also found out there's a TSB on this problem - TSB-09-01-02 - which states


    The energized IPM will drain the battery reasonably quickly - a couple of hours or overnight. This will also contribute to poor gas mileage because a lot of engine energy goes into recharging the battery. When it happens on my van, city mpg goes from 18 to 15.
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