Navigation System

30searay30searay Member Posts: 1
edited May 2014 in Ford
I was wondering is anyone else having problems with their Nav system. It seem as though the software I received with my 2007 Edge is at least 2 years old according to Nav Tec. The unit wants me to turn where there are no roads , has resturants that have been gone for over 10 years and stops navigating a block from the address entered. I'm begning to think the money could have been spent else where.


  • akirbyakirby Member Posts: 8,062
    Sounds like it needs to be calibrated. Check the OM.
  • mschmalmschmal Member Posts: 1,757
    Order a new DVD.

  • taylor69taylor69 Member Posts: 2
    I like the Ford Nav system, but I despise the "nanny" features that keep you from making changes while the car is in motion. Does anyone know of a way to disable the nanny system?
  • tim013tim013 Member Posts: 2
    Buy from a real car company like acura or honda that don't treat their owners like babies. They want to control people like the gov't. There is a reason why american car companies suck, they don't listen to their customers like this annoying feature. You can drive an enter stuff on honda/acura. And whats the bogus message to agree to traffic laws and not to use gps for accuracy. Some bs lawyer crap. Let me sign a release when I buy the car not to sue and disable that crap on my nav system. How hard would it be to put a weight sensor or seat belt sensor in the passenger seat so the nav is active while in motion, they put the annoying seatbelt reminder so its possible.
  • rangerjrangerj Member Posts: 2
    I have what I think is a glitch with my Edge's nav system. When I want to enter a destination by street address, the right half of the two columns on the Destination | Standard page is gray and I can't do it. Occasionally, it will either illuminate the four choices or when I switch to the Standard page, it will be usable, but not as a rule. I have used a bunch of other GPS units, vehicle and marine, and have never had any trouble figuring them out without the manual; I can't figure this one out with it.
  • mustang25mustang25 Member Posts: 2
    About the Navigation System, the DVD can be ordered every year. Some new information may be updated, some old information may be deleted. Remember Nav gives you references by GPS according to the the DVD disk. Some roads are new, some roads and locations are old so they might be deleted. :shades:
    Contact your Ford dealer for New DVD disk. Update costs about $150. dollars.
  • tim013tim013 Member Posts: 2
    Why pay 150-200 for a dvd, its cheaper to buy a new dvd system every year and or get real updates from a computer for such system that is far more accurate, nav systems in auto are a big ripoff. I have one that is awful in a lincoln aviator
  • solosolo Member Posts: 48
    Hi all you edge owners. Thinking about buying american again and looking at the
    edge and the forums. Can not beleive the comments on the navs! MY 04 honda Pilot has a nav that still works perfecly and is very up to date, easy to use and can be programed while driving. No dvd to update. No need to do so, after 6 years! and 110,000 miles. Plus I've done nothing to the car except beat it up and overload it and only changed the oil when the light comes on at 7500 miles. God I wish our coun try could build like this
  • beer4704beer4704 Member Posts: 46
    There is a DVD you can update on a 2004. Look under the passenger seat and you will see the Nav DVD player that contains it. Honda Nav is made by Alpine, good unit overall, Nav discs are a bit pricey to upgrade though. My '05 hasn't been upgraded yet but it is about time to do so if I am going to keep the car....

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