2000 Trans Am Ram Air problems

labomblabomb Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Pontiac
We have a 2000 Trans Am Ram (WS6) Air 6-speed with
2 problems.
First: When engine is cold (first starting), it
will backfire 3-5 times when shifting until it is
warmed up. Dealer service says this is normal?
Anybody have information or a fix to this?
Second: While full trottle accelerating -
shifting first to second is OK, second to third
requires letting off on the accelerator to shift
into third gear. Dealer claims there is some
emmisions control in place (governor?). Does
anyone know about this, and is there a way to
change it?
Additionally: if anyone has tried installing
after market pulleys, computer chip programmers (eg
hyperteck or jet), or the like, let me know how
they worked out.


  • oilcan2oilcan2 Member Posts: 120
    I have never used a aftermarket pulley but Iv'e
    come to this conclusion,if you absolutely need
    the extra hp gain over engine longevity than get
    the pulley,from the ones I have seen the stock
    ones provide better vibration dampening,how this
    will effect bearing life I'm not sure.
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